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An official return shows that during 1907 the quantity of timber foiled in the United States amounted to a total of no l«s than 40,000,000,000 ft. 1-low would you like a holiday at tho licvd of Lake A\akatipu? Beautiful drives lovoly scenery. Star at Groves's Earnslaw Hotel, Glonorolij*.- Tariff, 30s weekly, 6s daily. Write to-da.y for accommodation.... Messrs Nelson Bros, tried an interesting experiment recently. They kept 200lquarof beef iit 34d<?£ for four to five cloys prior to freezing to mature the meat. The bcof lias been highly reported on, and sold at. top market prices. 1 latn quilts, rugs, inverted gas fittings, copper oto„ wonderfully cheap and excellent quality at Lochhead's (Ltd.), corner Hope and Walker sts. See for yourselves. During a coroner's inquest at Llanolly it t r,inspired that., by a mistake, tho jury and witnesses had been sworn on a hymn-bcok, and they hail to bo resworn.

I shall uso "Wyandotte" as Ion? as I clean....

ITta Canadian Band, known as the "Kilties," which will shortly tour the Dominion, contains two very good specimens of Scotch manhcod, one fft 3jin, the other /ft 2£ie «n height. They malic a fine pair of drum-majors. "Top-notch" qualities in men's boois are Specialties at Ccokham House. Wo saw 10-day two lines that wore remarkably faultless in appearance, individual in style, and perfect-fitting. They both have tho new "Yale' or "Duckbill" square toes, and are really most handsome and graceful-looking. The one is in tan willow calf, with Derby front and leather-lined, at 28s 6<l; the other is in box calf, wholo golofhed, with patent, baclt straps and watertight fronts. Both boots are made with extra wide weits and double soles. Tho price of the lastmentioned is 27s 6d a pair, and—well, they look worth every penny of it! For highelaes footwear, Cookham House, Trinces street, are undoubtedly leaders!... Some hundred tone of cliff fell a t Bournemonth recently and buried the clothes of several bathers. Tho embarrassed swimmers were taken to their homes in cabs. Whitebaiting is a very popular pastime now (says a. Blenheim exchange). At almost every hour of the day one can seo men and boys with,their whitebait nets up and down along the river-Hank, endeavouring to make a. haul of the diminutive fish.

Our new goods are really far and away (lie most taking we have ever seen—not the kind which is loud in pattern and extrenio in shapo that you want to admire at a distance, but pretty, taking novelties that you .have a hankering after, and that your purse can well afford to let you possess. Lovely floral cambric belts at Is lid ; rich silver-plated holts from Is lid to 10s (xl; thousands of'dainty shades in washing Lisle gloves, 10{d, Is 6d, Is lid; kid gloves galore, & 6d upwards. Our blouses are a dream—in embroidered muslin, lace printed delaine, hand-sewn cambric, and washing silk—prices from 2& lid.—At T. Ross's, 130 Princes street.... > .

During the last half-year 39,000 persons have migrated from tho United States to Canada. They are mostlv the families of farmers who have disposed of their American holdings M a profit. "Gem" inmps possess high efficiency. They give more light, with less current eoncumption, than ordinary lamps. Sole agents, the National Electrical and Engineering Company (Limited), 47 Crawford street.... In the hope of puiting an end to the dog nuisau.'e, the Gisborna Borough Council has established a dog pound. A scale of fres has been arranged, and dogs unclaimed within seven days of being pounded are to he sold or dfstroved.

A quarter of a pound of '• Wyandotte" in a kercseno iin of wctor is tin cheapestand test egg preservative you can get.... Baker, ladies' and genls' tailor, awarded first class diploma by the Loudon Cutting Academy for special proficiency cutting ladios' and gents' garments; trial order solicited.—A. Baker, 59 Princes street (upstairs; south end Mutual Stores), Dunedin....

It takes four years to train a lion for exhibition work, and only one lion in four is fit for training. A well-irained lion is five limes as valuable as an untrained lien.

Wo recommend the use of "Wyandotte" wherever one is desirous of keeping things sweet- and clean....

Thirty years ago Mr Benjamin Landis, of Middlctown. Now York, was jilted. He took a vow never to speak to anyone again, and he has not. spoken since.

A lady writes: "Wyandotte" is t-lio finest thing that wo have found yet. Wo use it. when washing, and the clothes wash ever so much easier, qu : oker, and whiter."... A report received by the Xcw South Wales Teachers' Association on the child labour queßt-ion shows that- out-_ of £55 scholars in 20 schools, 503 assitcd in dairy work. One country teacher says:—"Tho worst oases are these of State hojs and families engaged on shares or wages. In those cases i-he evil amounts to worse than slavery."

What! a-tailor-made s uit- or costume for 655? Quito true.—Jim. Densem, 23 George street....

A man who was remanded at the Ciuildhall Police Court was said to have kept a pursuing crowd at, bay for somo time by levelling 'a pipc-c-asc at them as if it, were a revolver.

Thomson and Co-., .Moray place, opposite First Church, have the largest and cheapest stock or loadstones, etc., iu DunQ#- to iclcct from, Telcphono 2256.,,,

Fifly-twr. compeliiors in Hip English am;liii;{ tontcsl. which u'as Mil m 'I'yild, in tho Foil'!, only isucccodoi] in p,-itching three small lish between them in live hours.

All outside photographic work of the lifst. quality undertaken; portraiture ci|ucllinr; tlio best studio work; home group.! a specialty.—(!uy. Witness Uflico. Tel. 805....

On 111? afternoon train from Wa.itara, (s:iys Iho Tarnnaki Daily News] was n Maori iiyan ilnv-ed in true Iliehlund garb, with Kili.'i, .stocking, etc.- Jn iJic same a Maori vrahino was resplendent in a cosunne () f srerlil, aiul black tartan. Jfc only needed a piper with his bagpipes to striko Tip a. pibroch lo make a Gaelic scenc complete for mo and oar. irapwoll and llolgalo, monumental sculpIrmcos Mroot South. draw public attention to their new stock of monuments JU? I arrived; now offered at unequalled pntvs. Grave railings and concrete work \ui C . ompplcnt workmen. Tel 2342.... melron $ 'r O , .' |lo l) l ' lalioll of l-oftllon'a metropolitan dislria is 2,000.030 larger than ot °rl; die latter city docs a -«»

tant^'"m'inl'r 'iH a " r cellcnt 'I'sinfecTim ''P in M e ""bout drains and sinks, (onto . llrllln n oflicor of tho Oroua electo..ito issued an advertisement in the local papers a n 1W m T«ly returning officers to meet him n tho evening f or "instructional" p„rpo=cSo " nl '" ri ; nssm «'t awl delay frequentl;,' kow wnf £" T f a " S " dc P u,i « do "ot « what to do. when puzzling questions

National Fleetrieai and Engincerhif Com JKie ZIOR^ 1, " CrafffoKl fitreot: Tcl «- Ihe last of a remarkable family of conon.".ians lia s tiictl at Willsnrovy, JJallin.' tol.ei County, Roscommon, in the ncr«on vear f "° I , lui ' ley - Sho lived 1o he 101 whiuf a S«, her father lived 103 y,.ai«. ToZ T° r at tho W" litis in 25 vonr-s washed iwiv 419 acres from tho British lelos hut, lm adiicd more than 30,000 acres lncstlv

preciably in t ho tot 10 wan. j£? sf» year ending March, 1900, tho nioneS ,5 amounted to £10,138 14s 2d; in 1904 U AVrilo to Brown, Ewing, and Co. Dim." fasLns-p'io'i.^^ lo2 '' o ° f S " ramcr PUr ° if? mm U Kh7'n-? nd 0110 , ot thc known J»dgo Kimball, of tho pfi Cfartf by on anolS 01 0 " ° f n °, co . unt a » ( l ® SES' «otS* jSWSWttittU*s®w*aM£r J. Waters, Chemist, Jus Wa(or fttn™ r Itfff preserving. 8d a tin 0r t°Z c] ™%° { tenantry 5 icnt._ umlor notice at last, meeting Ino fate of a horse, which it k allnrmj ™ ™»n«y turned adrift'by s S for anybody to pick up." to, report™ t tiio Grey L ynn jjorou h Council In t ponndkccpor at the last m£ ' Th« ■torso had been impounded, and W,n ftfem&niEif 8 3^^#$sr i Af w a proservinff JSpm tint; PxT Wilson's Jblt SLh ' Mi *" "tired fco 1» f5 b T-' 11 cm '° that •similar trofe. °6d ?!„ »'! Sprosen's, chemist, Octagon....' John Williams, who is 85 years of iw r,5 r . ln Jlio be.'.t manner possible In. view of the increased east of livi n „ °» tiio ix)ocmm«ndatio!i of the enm raf4l & l^ almal » .foimly Council lf M lai.ed tho uag« 0 f its road men by 6d wB, a day, 0 f flicso fflio liavo to Tday ° U °" «oiiniry roads, by 1 9

Jo keen school children's heads absoIntel? clean, vsc Marshall's Nursery Hair Lotion. A suro eradieator. 6d and Is at Marshall a Pharmacy.... 1 Tfcero saeras hardly any limit to tho aco ot fish of many kinds. In tho Royal Aquarium,of St. Petersburg there are fish to-day that are known to have been there au least. 150 years. Some of -thorn arc fi vo times as big as when first captured; othera nave not. grown an inch. The high standard of quality, fit, excclent finish, and reasonable prices arguo for the supremacy of our made-to-measure suits.-Herbert, Ilavnes, and Co. (Ltd t Dunedin.... "

Pans Jws a shop devoted, solely to fto sale of (bo hair of celebrities, every lock being guaranteed.

1 rank IT. Ulakeloy. surgeon dentist, 174Princes street HoirtJi (over KiLroy and Sutherland's). Teieohone 1483....

A yottnjf man who left Invcreargill for the north somo time ago lias been going •in for a system of "raising the wind" which has ianitoit him jn trouble. Ho recently telegraphed to Mr W. B. Scandwtt' (I he Mayor) to send him £6, signing tho telegram with the name ofi Mr Seandretit's son Arthur, who was at tho Thames. Mr Scandreit made inquiries,- and discovering thai, his son's name had beeoi used without his knowledge or authority, placed the matter in the hands of the police. A. and T. Burl's cast iron enamel baths combine three very desirable features. They are particularly strong, most cleanly and moderately priced. Householders should certainly visit Hurt's for all bathroom and lavatory requirements.... '

What, is probably the oldest organ in the world has been found, on Hie island of Gothland, in tho Baltic Sea. It datesjrom about; 1240 a.I).

Tho new electrically-driven machinery and pneumaiio plant installed by Rogcn and Clarkson for dressing stone is itow completed. This firm can now supply all kinds of monuments and headstones in anv design, cheaper than tlic imported article. Call and inspect at liogen and Clarkson (late, (i. Munro and Son), monumental sculplor.s Moray place....

A young homo mission agent, speaking at. the Baptist Assembly in Sydney, referral lo ihe difficulties which beset liini in his work. He had attempted to cover the country cn. a bicycle, but this ivas no good in wet weather. He wished he had a hoise. When ho sat down tho Rev. W. 31. Cart-wright jumped up, and asked what.

a horse woidd cost. The speaker replied that he had been olforoil a nice little horso for £10. "Well." said 3lr Carlwright,

"I'll start with a pound." People got up in different parts of the hall, and in about fivo minutes enough money was raised to buy a. horso, Kiddle, and bridle. _ Hums lose their sting immedjately Hod Cross Ointment is applied. Keep it on hand; The Chinese of Wellington have been engaged for some weeks in collecting funds for the Wellington Hospital, and tho Government is likely to bo called upon shortly to subsidise by pound for pound donations amounting to over £100 collected by and among Chinese alone. Tho gift is spontaneous, and will bo made uncon-

dit ionally. . Chamberlain's Stomach and Livor Tablets are purelv vegetable, and contain no ingredient that can in any way bo injurious to the most delicate person. Their action is mild and gentle without any of tho painful sensations experienced by tho use of Pills. Chamberlain's Stomach and

Liver Tablets act as a tonic, strengthen the system, and assist, tho natural movement of tho bowels. For sale everywhere.

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Bibliographic details

Otago Daily Times, Issue 14359, 31 October 1908, Page 16

Word Count

OMNIUM GATHERUM Otago Daily Times, Issue 14359, 31 October 1908, Page 16

OMNIUM GATHERUM Otago Daily Times, Issue 14359, 31 October 1908, Page 16


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