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OTAGO RUGBY FOOTBALL UNION. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OP . MANAGEMENT. The committee, in presenting its annual roport, begs to congratulate delegates upon the very satisfactory result of the twentyseventh season's work. With excellent weather and a very.good display of football, both in representative and interclub fixtures, the interest of the players, as well as the publk, was well maintained throughout one of -the longest playing seasons on record. As long, as the game is played in the good spirit that prevailed throughout tho Mason'there will be no lack of support from the public, and your committee feols sure that it will ,bo the aim of both delegates and players toiniainlain the game at its present high'standard. During the season visits were paid to Otago by representative teams from Southland. Canterbury, Wellington, and Auokland, whilo a return match was played with Southland, as in former years. Of the five representative matches played, Otago won' two, lost two, and drew one, the following being the detailed results:—

v. Southland, at Irivarcargill: Southland won by 20 points to 5,.

v. Canterbury, at Duriedin: Canterbury won by 14 points to nil.

v. Auckland, at Dunedin: Drawn, G points each.

v. Southland, ot Dunedin: Otago won. by 11 points to nil.

v. Wellington, at Dunedin: Otago won by 9 points to 6.

'lire, annual interprovmcial schools match between Otago and Southland was played at Duueilm, victory resting with the locai boys uj a points to nil. U'hero was less indifference shown towards school lootbuil on the part'of teachers thou was the case in previous years, and ybur committee feete that there is every hope that tho encouragement given to this important part of its work will bear good fruit.

The flag matches in Dunedin last year were productive of a high standard of football. The intorest of the public in them was stimulated by the fact that the contests were fruitful of surprises, and that the issue,was doubtiul until the interclub season was nearly ended. The Senior 1 Flag was won for the second year in succession by the University Club, to which, as in the previous year, tho Alhambra Club wa3 the ruuner-up. The Second Grade Flag was -secured by the Dunedin Club, the Third Gwtde by the Alhambra Club, the Fourth Gfadc by tiio Southern Club's B team. A Fiith Grade competition for players under sixteen was inaugurated last season, and produced a very keen competition, the Union Club proving the winners. The Wednesday competition flag was won by tho Kailway Locomotive teani, and the primary schools flag by the Kensington School. The various flags that woro presented by tho union for competition in the country districts were won as follows:—Vincent County, Alexandra Club; Maniototo County; St. Bathans ClUb; Tuapeka County, Coal Creek Club; Waihemo County, Fe.l- - Club; South Otago, Owaka.

' An increased and more widespread interest on the. part of -the clubs in the different districts oi Otago and a keener interest on the '■ part of the Dunedin public marked the Country Week—a feature ot last soaßon which, the committee jb gratified to report, proved distinctly successful. Teams from the North Otogo, South Otago, and Vincent Subunions and from Maniotqto, Tuapeka, and Waihemo Counties wore engaged during the week, tjie two Ititter making their first appearance in Dunedin. As in the previous year, the Vincent team, which was a specially good combination, and provided an exhibition that was generally admitted to be exceedingly creditable, was too strong for its opponents. A .combined country team which was pitted against a team representative of the Dunedii: clubs gained a. meritorious victory by 11 points to 3, and the immediate outcome was the selection of several country players as members of the Otago team which visited InvercargilL The value of Country Week has, in tho opinion of the committee, been clearly demonstrated in the proof it has afforded of tho presence of a largo number of players of much more than average ability in the country districts.

touring the year a very important transaction on the part of tho union was the acquisition of the Carisbrook Ground from the Dunedin Amateur Ground Company. Though fhero has been considerable expense in order to make tho ground a really good one, your committee beliovos that the money lies been well applied, and that the ground will in a few years bo an ideal one from every point of view. Messrs Cavanagh, H&mol, and Harris are entitled to (ho thanks of tho delegates for the IrouWe they hav«

gone lo iu euiineoliou witu the improvements viiecled uu luv giouUU, *x*ue utgwiitUuUD lvf llio Uuasieicuw 01 luo ground ,-lu'Uie Uilluil weio WvlUUltd Dv lut, icgitUkllUu 01 \U$ union uuuu iu« t/.«uiuatiHcu Socieuta' ltej,ialiailon i\ct.

jcruiii lue balance sheet it will be Ken thai the aeuauu w*a oiwiui will) a dvuil ir*ltui« ui tula lis bet, uuu there is now u uebil b».«uc« oi *7oV 3» Wl. lo lucet tUld iwbluly ino couiuulleo is m'tanging a. loan ol iovu lium iihj i\fw ieaiauu Onion. Xhe astels amount lo iaiio uo Ud, snowing a balance t-ror liabiiiLea ol jeiblS: 15 8 o u.

Unco moro it is tho pioasing duty of the cowuiUttu to report that the owes ol may conduct by pikyeis whicli were brought uuuer 113 jiotlLo ueio not oi a grave deacripuon. In tins connection the couiiiutleo would, lake the opportunity ol again imprceaing; upon, those wuo «ic rcs-pouaibio lor tha management and training ol ciUb teams that they possess an influeiive, properly directed, way toil poworlully lor goud in convincing young players that a duty they owe to their clubo and to themselves is lo observe the laws, to respect tho decisions of the relere'e, and to exercise self-restraint even under stress of provocation.

'iho Accident Fund was, the committee learns, lairly well supported during 'the year, but' it is a matter ioj surprise thai thevo "are still so mauy players who do not seem sufficiently to realise the benefit of such a lund.

As in former years, tie Keferees' Association lent invaluable assistance last season in controlling matches, and the members of that body deserve the thanks of ail interested in football. The most sensible way o! expressing that thanks is for those of the delegates who are ab!o to do so to join tho ranKs of the association, and also to persuade others to assist. On nwny occasions, owing to the large number of teams engaged, the association was unable to appoint referees for all matches, and the committee would earnestly commend that organisation lo the active sympathy of old players and delegates.

Six Otago players—A. Eckhold, H. Paton, S. Casey, A., MDonald, E. Booth, and W. Johnston—were chosen us members of the New Zealand representative team which toured Australia. It is to bo regretted that the 'last-mentioned player broke the promise given by him to the Now Zealand Union that he would not join the professional team which visited Eng'.and last season.

The thanks of the union are due to Messrs W. T. Monkman and T. Chalmer, the hon. auditors, and to Messrs R. M. Isaacs, A. Laurenson, and E, ii. Falconer, the union's Wellington delegates to the New Zealand Union. *

During the season 33 meetings of committee were held, the attendance of members being as follows:—P. J. Priest 33, St. J. J. Dunne 33, E. A. Hamel 32, P. H. Campbell 31, V. G. ■ Cavanagh 30, G. W. C. Macdonald 29, J. DuDcan 29, H. Harris 27, A. Dey 26, D. M. Munro'2s, G. M'Laren 21, J. T. Lilburne 19\ W. T. Koss 19, W. J. Wilson 15, J. K. Ross 15, G. Thomson 9. Mr Thomson resigned during the season and Mr J, K, Rosa was appointed in his place, while Mr Lilburne resigned towards the end of tho season owing to his removal to Invercargill.

Tho fact that a. British team, organised under tho auspices of the Rugby Football Uniou of England, with which tho Welsh Union lias co-oporatcd in tho matter, will "play a scries of matches in New Zealand duiing tho ensuing season justifies the belief that the year will be an exceedingly important and attractive one. Another interesting feature of the season in Otago will attach to the circumstance that it will bo (he duty of the union to send a team to represont it on a northern tour. While .the futuro thus contains tho promise of much of iutercst in tho Hugby game, the committee is not insensible of the fact that the open introduction of profoflsioimliem into football in New /Zealand presents an element of danger lo which it will bo necessary for all who arc desirous of seeing the winter pastime conducted upon honourable and pure lines -to offer their strenuous resistance. The coumiilloo feels convinced that the game of Rugby football, so long as it is played, in a truly manly spirit, such as it is the aim of the. authorities of the game to encourage, will continue to receive the generous support of the public, and it trusts that its successors will employ their utmost efforts to secure that the'best traditions of the sport shall be maintained.

ALHAMBRA CLUB. ' ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting of the' Alhainbra liall Club was (held on Thursday evening at the Trades Hall.

The report, as published, with the balance sheet (showing cash in the bank at £17 4s Id), was read and adopted.' . The Chair-man (Mr A. Resticaux) said the time had /arrived for the club to adopt a proper method of keeping its accounts. In Lhc report the name of Mr D. Finncgan had been omitted. This was a nity, as that gentleman- ha<l been one of the club's staunchest supporters and one of tho whitest men that had ever been connected with it. Fifteen new members were elected.

The following- amendments in tho club's by-laws were made:—Rule 2 to read: "The office-bearers of the club shall be a president, vice-presidents (limited to eight), captain, and deputy-captain of the First Fifteen," etc. After (lie word " treasurer" tho words " lion, assistant and accident secretary" be added. Rule 4to read: "Tho annual general meeting of tho club for thu election of office-bearers, and for l.he transaction of any other business shjl be held not later than the first week in March, and the club's financial vear shall annually commence on February 21." Tlio words "and to receive all subscriptions due" be added to the clause m Rule 15, dealing with the duties of the lion., treasurer at each' committee meeting Rule 16 to bo Rule 17,- and a now rule: '' If any office become vacant, t.ho executive has at any time power to liii such vacancy," .to become Rule 16. Mr A.'E. Beissel was electod president, and on taking the chair thanked members for the' which they bad placed him. He intended to .merit their confidence and to conduct the business of tho club above board. He trusted to be able to give a,good account of tho year's transactions.

The election of the other office-bearers resulted as follows:—Vice-preside jts— Messrs James Allen, M.P., D-. I'mnegan, J. M'Donald, 0. Inverarity, A. Restieaux, A. Dcy, J. Mitchell, G. Phillips, and A Morgan; treasurer and delegate to the A.A.r. Association, Mv G. Nelson; secretary, Mr C. Young; auditors, Messrs J. T. Hamann and G. Davidson; delegates to O.R.V.U.— Messrs A. Dev, C. Young, and J. King; assistant secretary and accident secretary and delegate to the Footballers' Accident Fund, Mr E. M'Kenzie; Match Committee -Messrs Bennet, M'Kenzie, and Phillips; General Oommittec-Mcfsrs A. Morrison, Whyte, G. M'Kenzie, and J. King. Saturday week (March W) was faxed for the opening day.

UNION CLUB. The following report will be submitted at the annual meeting of the Union Football Uub, to be held on March lo:— In presenting the thirty-sixth annual report, your committee is pleased to commend members on the manner in wbioh thoy carried out iast season's engagements under adverse circumstances. , In other directions, however, the club is in a prosperous condition, the membership roll still totalling over 100. The committee would impress upon members the necessity of taking ii keener interest in the welfare of the club and of doing their utmost to raise the club to a position consonant with its traditions and past records. Financial.—From the balance sheet which will be presented at the .meeting it will be seen that there is a small credit "balance on the year's operations.

Matches.—Teams wore entered for the First, Second, and Third Grade competitions, and although not very successful they fulfilled their engagements throughout. Early in the season the O.R.F.U. instituted a Firth Grade conteat lor lads under 17. The team entered by out club had the honour ol being the first winners of this banner, with the fine record of played 11, won 10, drawn lj points for 91, against 0. Our annual match with the Lmwoocl Club was again played in Christchurch last season, the 'Linwood team kindly foregoing their trip to Dunedin to give our members an opportunity of seeing the Exhibition. The game resulted in a win for Linwood. Your committee has to thank the Linwood Club for the courtesy Bhown the team while in Christchuroh. Owing to the holiday in Oamaru not falling on a suitable date, the onnual fixture with the Oamatu Club was not played last year. Presentation.—The oaps donated by our worthy president (Hr I 2ope) for the two most deserving-players in the' First Fifteen wore awarded to A. M. Don (baolt) and E. Dry (forward).

Social.—The social side of the club was not neglected, A smoke concert promoted by the Second Fifteen was held in the middle of the season, and a ball, at the latter end, both of which were successful.

Genoral.-Tho Union Street School Hall was engaged for training purposes last seaßon, and was fairly well attended. At Easter we look forward to onr annual match with the Linwood Club, which will bo played in Dunedin. It is to be hoped that we will also be able to meet the Oamaru team this season,

Tho best thanks of the club are due to Messrs Wynn and Hope and Mr G. T. Eaoa for use of rooms for meeting purposes; the Referees' Association, the O:R.F.U., and also the press for the publicity it has given to the affairs of the club and to football in general.

In resigning office your committee wishes the club every success during the coming season, and trusts that the past good feeling among members may long continue.

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Bibliographic details

Otago Daily Times, Issue 14156, 7 March 1908, Page 3

Word Count

FOOTBALL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 14156, 7 March 1908, Page 3

FOOTBALL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 14156, 7 March 1908, Page 3


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