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A collection box manipulated by a pretty woman is said to bo a more persuasive weapon than a highwayman's pistol, and on Saturday residents of Dnnodin had ample opportunity of judging' oi the truth of this adage. Hospital Saturday, its inception, ami splendid objective are too well and widely known to need further description here, and its annual appeal to the pocket of the publio has conic to bo vogardwl as an event, in tlio calendar. As early as 7 .i.iii. a battalion of ladies numbering 350, bearing red-cross badges and armed with collection boxes, had, under the generalship of Mr E. D. (iraoe, taken up strategical positions throughout tho city. There were outposts, pickets, and supports with tho main body in position at the Post Office. Sentries were posted at each corner, and it soon became apparent that with such masterly dispositions not one of the "cnomy" could enter or leave-the bub of tho city without being called upon to stand and deliver. 15ctweon eight and nine only a few skirmishes took place; more affaire of outposts and threepenny bits; but soon after that brigades of business men formed up in tho suburbs and entered, tho oity in force. Knowing tho folly of a frontal attack many of these changed direction right, or left, and avoided the outposts by turning down'by-ways and unfrequented thoroughfares. Shortly before 10 a determined attempt was made to cuter tho Exehango Buildings by a wido flanking movement. This was discovered in time by the rod-cross brigade, which, after a few determined oharges, succeeded in taking many "prisoners and putting tho remainder to flight. A fierce battle raged throughout tho day at the Post Office, which, having only one entrance, greatly simplified tactics. The ladies gave or accepted no quarter, and hour after hour could bo board tho rattle of collected coin. Tho light cavalry of tho publio represented by cyclists, who with bent bodies and set faces attempted to scoroh past the sentries, Princcs street, oil Saturday does not lend itself to scorching, and blocked by tho traffic tho ill-fated riders would find their machino handles seized by small but determined hands, /and a tcollootiou box rattling its contents threateningly beneath their noses. Tlio only branch (hat may bo said -to have scored systematically were tho people in motor-cars.

Tho red-cross sentries were thickest in GeoTgo and Princes streets, and many of the public soon became au'.vre of the fact. Unfrequented streets soon filled, and it was quito curious to note how fashionable they had suddenly become. To u Dunodin man a sixpence is n sixpenoo, but on the other hand ho hates lo bo thought ungenerous by a Wly who is not either his wife or his eistcr; and when this lady tlssconds from hor everyday pedestal of aloofness to outbeg the most unfortunate mendicant, at a street corner, in a good cause, for 12 wearyhours, his conscience asks him what ho is going to do about, it. 110 is, however, not only asked to give to one but to a hundred, on his way to his office, and ho rtuis tho same gauntlet on his return. He has therefor three altprnativee: io sneak round a back street, to luirdon his heart and look neither to right nor left, or to surrender at discretion, and, changing his gold into silver, to give cheerfully, and to console himself with the reflection that it is in a good cause.

Many people who took to the hack streets on Saturday were surprised at the number of friends there they had new.expected to see. Each knew the others wore (hero in subterfuge, when thny by rights should torn Princes street pouring coin into the collection Ijoxoß. ilioso who did not pretend that their acquaintances -were invisible bowed distantly and. tishamodly after the manner of co-culprits, and altogether formed an inleresting ami edifying; study. Tho majority of rtsidenta, however, gave gladly and with discretion, though from interviews with tho lady collectors it would appear that, money was much harder to get than last yca;r. It is ttnronianlic, but nevertheless true, that a man's gonercsity is affected by various thing?.. When the sun elu'nos in a sky of pellucid blue and tho summer zephyr whisper drowsily amid the foliiigo in the Octagon, ix'oplc think the millennium has arrived, ami open their hearls and ptirecs'; but Sat urday .somehow was suggestive of that rainy day that we are all told to lay by for; tho consequence being that when the multitude were invited prettily to confrilmlu .many straightway began to make excuses.

lor a knowlfilgo of excuses we are indebted to the nam fives of the Indie* aforosaii), who nftorllieirexjieriouco of Saturday in connection with purses left at home ''gave my Inst oent to the girl lower down," "saving up to get marmed," "a wife and 20 starving children at home," elc„ etc., might he expected to concur in the assertion made to the effect thai all men nre liars,

Uo novelty of begging by the wayside soon wears olf, and some "of these heroines were at it from 7 in the morning till 9 at night. A fow were relieved for an hour or two in the afternoon for a rest, and ollwvs managed to get away (o .snatch » hurried meal somewhere. t)r Batchelor, with his usual thougbtfulncss, placed his rooms in Stuart street at the disposal of the ladies for aftornoon lea, and those who understand ladies, and, incidentally, lea., will feel how Dr Balchclor's kindness must have been appreciated.

In addition to pickets and patrols wore the visiting rounds; this duty being performed by prominent citizens in divisions, who from time to time wont round collecting boxw heavy with coin, and distributing empty ones. The colleclore naturally lmd their little adventures, i>s l.hey hitd all sons and conditions of men to deal with. Good young men who had never spolton to a girl in Ibe streets before, when tliey found themselves addressed by a damsel with a. smile, either- bolted in a panic or else dropped a coin shakily into hnr l>ox with a blush. Then there was the audacious youth, with hat tiltid at a do'i.uit angle, the immaculate frock-coated person, and the boisterouslyaffectionate youth, who dropped in his contributions with gargantuan hilarity. An old woman from the Benevolent, stirred with tlio scene, rushed up to a lady collector, and confident of having found a sympathetic listener, seized lior by the wrist and poured into her ear t.lie story of her life and ailments, which included the interment of two husbands and chronic rheumatism and influenza.

Unfortunately, the adventures of tlicsc eelf-saorifieing ladies were, not al! of a mildly humourous nature, and one was the recipient of such a blackguardly insult as to eaufo Dunodin to blush for numbering tlio porpetrator among its residents. It was in the morning, and a lady by 13io City Hotel bold out her box to an individual with a polite, entreaty to put something in it for tJw Hospital. "I will," hoeaid: and with that ho dclilwratoly spat into it, adding, "Thatlg Jrat I'd treat tltoni ail if J bad my

way.' deeply offended the lady stopped forward and threatened to ix»]>ort him to tho policoman at tho cornov, \vhereupoiL lie humbled himself, and wiped his saliva off herbox-lid with his pcoket-liaiidkeiThiof. The majority of incidents were for tho credit of jDunnilin far more savoury and refreshing, and tlie spirit that really actuated tlie publio throughout the day may ho illustrated by the ease of a little boy. He was a hardworking little chap, ami though so absurdly young had people "depending" on hiin. Saturday was his uitrlit out. to Fpcnd ilio. filiin, small like himself, set. aside for dissipation. lie was wandering along rather disconslate in the evening, and when asked in jest what he bad donated to the Hospital Fund replied: "I gave 'em a brown: all I'd got; but" (after a pause) "I ain't sorry."' Surely his gift might alincMt. rank with the widow a mite. Soon ho discovered the pioturos thrown on a sheet in the Octagon, and apparently ho found .his reward.

11l tho evening an air of gaiety was lei>t to the proceedings by pipes and drums'at tlio monument, and a band at tho Octagon. Tlio St, John's Ambulance was repviHmlcd by a large sheet, and many -responded to the written and spoken invitation to have a shot with a shilling. The series of pictures thrown on tlio screen adjacent, judging by tlio admiring crowd, proved entertaining. Ladies at the outskirts gave up their boxes at. about 8 o'clock, nnd went homo tired out, but many kept plying their boxes busiiv near tho Pest Offico till nine. Hospital Saturday is vet another instance of the wondorful practical sympathy shown by woman towards the sick and sufrorin?, either in the wars of nations or in the battfc of life, who without her go uncared for to death. Hore aro two pictures: men 'sobbing oiit their life blood, tormented with thirst in tho barren and stricken places of tho earth; no gentle touch a» the soul slips its cable; no woman present to care; and tho distant thunder of artillery their only requiem. Men dying of in the dust of a lino of march; flios oovering their faces and blisted lips. Tliat is war without woman. With lier comes a changc. As tho spirit leaves tlio battered body tho trooper in the "sister" sees a vision of homo ero he departs. Wounds aro cleaned and healed, ami the man in his agony and delirium is soothed and tended. Tlio sick no longer scorch by day and shudder in tho dews of night; and as the woman with the red cross goes by it is 110 exaggeration t.o say that, some of her patients could worship .her shadow that, falls on them. It is tho same spirit of unflinching womanhood that boars tho red cross along the crimson path where steel and bullets aro reaping that stands hour after hours begging: in tho streets of Dunodin on behalf of suffering, EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Mr S. Solomon, K.C. (president), Mr G. C. Israel (vice-president), Mr E. D. Grace (lion, secretary), Mr 0. J. Ronaldson (lion, treasurer). Mcsdamcs Sale, 11. Driver, A. G. Fonwiok, Miss Eraser, Dr Will. Messrs C. R. Smith, C. Speight, D. H. Hastinps, E. A. Tapper, W. L. Logic, J. Loudon, R. I'arrant, J. E. Bone, Mayor of Port Chalmers, and suburban mayors. COMMITTEE FOR THE DAY, The Working Committee for the day was composed of members of the Executive, who were assisted by Messrs F, Cumming, 1 1 . X. Blandford, T. ,1. M'Kerrow, and tho Rov, Y. King. The members of tire Working Committee waited upon the lady collectors to collect and hank the takings and generally supervise the collection. THE BAROMETER. At half-past 10, when the first count was "'ado, £205 19.s 9|d had been collected; at half-past. 1 an national sum of £96 7s ljd was banked; and by 9 p.m. £292. 12s 4Jd more had been handed in. making a total of £595. To this have to be added 6ome amounts from other sources, which bring the total to about. £720, or £100 below last year's collection. HOW THE COLLECTION WAS MADE

The collection ill the city was made up as follows: —Hnlf-pcnnic-s, 4893; pennies, 22,081; threepenny pieces, 11,824; sixpences, 4785; shillings, 2242; florins, 285; half-crowns, 237; half-sovereigns, 23; sovereigns, 21: pound-notes, 10; cheques, stamps, eio., £8 4s 7d. PRKVIOUS COLLECTIONS. collected in aid of Hospital extension in 1905. £700; amount collected in aid of Hospital Saturday in 1906, £848 3s Id; amount collccted in aid of Hospital Saturday in 1907, £720. TIIK COLLECTION'S IN" THE CITY. I he following- are the details, of the collections in the citv throughout the day: — Manor phicr and J'rinecs street, Walker street, and Stafford street.—Mrs Kirkpatrick, i*lo 17s. Assistants: J. Falconer, C. Monsou, L. Kirkpatrick, M. Falconer, A. Falconer. Sawtcll, J. M'lnucs, Heatley and (lordon.

Manic street corner.—Mrs James Beadle £21 Gs Btl. Assistants: Miss E. Beadle Sister Eleanor, Mrs K. K. Brown, Mr« Withers, Misses Le Brim, Sutherland, Amy Don, Brown, Dugdalc, T'tuiiin. Post Office and Trams (one side) and Briscoe's cnrnrr.--.Vvs Withes, 124 15s lid Assistants: Misses "Withers, Irwin, W. Spedding, T. Wilkin, M'Plierson, lfarty, P. Lnin", J. Kieolson, V. M'Mnstcr. G. Sla'tlram. CUo X.sslier. Waters, P. .Waters, Taine, and J. Thomson.

Stock kxeliange.— IT. Driver and Mrs '}• (! - I'env.'ick, £H 7s ,ftl. Assistants: Mrs Clieeseman, Mi wo* TT.iggitt (i), Barron (2), Mftedonnld, 0. Webster, K. Biunolt, C. Burnett, D. Ifamillon, lioyse, Davidson, Mneassey, Maclean, Monson, (iow, ,T. {Jew, Holme*".

Jacobs corner.— Mrs Sale, ami Mr* -Ten(•him. £26 lis !)d. Assitants: Mrs E. C. lieynohls, Mr:' P. Marshall, Misses ilostchiui, Sale, Ulricli, liuisk, Chapman. Allen, Wim-I'-eris, E. Wiuiperis, Mrs F. ,T. Stilling. Mrs Colqidionn, -Mrs Martin. Miss Martin, Miss E. Jones, Mrs Theomiu. Misses Mount, Hutchison, M. Hutchison, Maedonald. N'eive, .Tacobs, Fergus, Ham-say, Muckerms, L. Machcrraa, Sinclair, C'arew, F. Sinclair, Tlieomin, Batchelor, Farquluir, Bowling, Kempthornc, L. llobertj, M. M'Kellar. Mrs Guilder. Miss Ackrovd, Mrs. Johnston Brown, Miss Wilson, Mrs Israel. Mrs O'Xeill.

Grand Hotel Corner.—Mrs E. A. Tapper, £32 Us M. Assistants: Mrs T. A. Fraser, Misses Tanner, M. Tapper, Inglis, llislcp, Borrie, Wilkie, Mncdonnld, If. Maedonald, Thompson. Ttoss, W. M'aelean, M'George, Sinclair. Hn.-lett, David son. Mirams. Jame=, Rita Morrison. Saxon Smith, Shiela M'Leod. Government. Life Insurance Cori-cr.—Hits Hooper, £28 .la Bd. Assistants: Mr Smith, Mrs Mi?<c.s TTopcraft, Bucld. Alexander. Hevnolds. M. Hooper. Purvis, Williams-, Low, Waters, Dippie. Milts, Gray, Black, Begg (0). Tallin, Pound. Hercus. Bank of Jicw Zealand Comer—Mrs V. Forrester, £17 19s 2d. Assistants: Mrs .T. Wilkinson, Mrs R. Mneu, Mi' Avdrew, Oliv Mercer. Connel'. Watson, .Tessie MeTcer, I. Xieolson, Mnriel Forrester.

»\v Zoi'aml Ji'.mirarrc Company's Corn»r. —Miss .Tunes, £40 10a lOd. Assistants: Misses Mill. 11. Bmike, Fercusou, K. .Tames, Harrison, M. Spruggon, J. Fish. Itailwuy Station.—Mrs Capstick. £05 Is ad. Assistants: Mts Crawley. Mis s es E. Bennett. X. Bennett, Marv Morrisoi, Wat.vni, Whinam, Mitchell. Maggie Morrison. Oooch, Smart.

Stewart Dawson's Corner.—Hisses Lain?. £17 Os lOd. Assistants: Mrs Dnrrand, Misses Scolon. Pork 1-2), Clara Low, Sawell. Paterson, Mrs 1.-ochhuad M'-'tsrs Kdmund Smith. Archd. Paterson. J. Dnnlop. A.M.P. Buildings—Mrs T<eCren, £R Hs Id. Assistants: Misses I', Hazlett, H. Ilar.lett. LoCrcn. Cecil Stock.

Arcndo Corner—Mrs Louis Mcrris and Miss Cohon, £21 7s lid. Assistants: Misses Gladys James. Maud Pinel, Is,i Hughes, Alice Smith. Bavev.

Rearle and Elwrhardt's Corner.—Mrs Will and Mrs Bone. £38 10s Id. Assistants: Mis= Will, Mrs Hcatler. Miss Dorothy Will, Mi«s Henderson. Mi": Micfie, Mrs Elliott, Miss Dawe, Xurte Hay, Xurss Barclay, Misses Barclay. Chrietie. H. Christie, Bone, Crow, E. Shaad, Magnus, Orkney. Maw Zetland Clothing Company's Corner.— Hospital Nurses, £31 7s. Assistants: Mies Fraser, Mi«> Veitf'i. Riaiors Nixon. Yoiuig. Grave, Lindsay. Xurws Brent, Tlioni'on, Biaek. Hnie, Grrnii. Torranee, Woraeraley, Il&od. Jctlro" f'-aok, Moore, Woodward, Ci ufSc, White.

Douglas Hole! Corner.—Mrs E. J. Reeves £12 Is 0(1. Assistants: Misses Harraway, j! Harraway, B. Campbell, S. Campbell, M. M'Lcan, Wylie, Caruie, C. M'Donakl, U M'Donald.

St. Andrew Street Corner.—Sister Evelyn, £21 14s. Assistants: Sisters Alire, Laiira, Mary, Mabel, Olive, Elinor, May, Marie. Mrs Axelson, Mrs Gordon, Misses Gordon, Talbays, Torrance, Srorgie, Stevenson, Simpson (2)j White, E. Kcam, Wright, Uoard&mii, Nurss M'Kiunoii.

Elder's Corner and Bank of Xew Zealand, North Dunedin.—Salvation Army, £» 3s sd, Assistants: Captain Anderson, Captain Xewtoii, Misses Pellowe, Wilkinson, . Scott, Fensorae, Muudell, W r arwood, Williamson. Scoullar and Cliisholm's Corner.' —Mrs J, Loudon, £21 17s ltd. Assistants: Misses C, • Lorio, Albert, K. Ixirie, M. Lorie, Jones, P. J, Itoss, D. Brown, N. G. Loudon, Coomba. OTIIEU COLLECTIONS. . Special collections (included in grand total): Otago Hngby Union, £'5 ss; Union Steam Ship Company, £5 ss; lieid and Gray, £5; employees Burnside Freezing Works, los; Christie's coal mine, Abbotsford, £3; employees Burnsidc Acid Works, £3 7s Cd; employees Jubi'.ee Coal Company. 19s; Sargood'a employees. £1 lis; Burnside and Green Island (per Mrs Beeves and Miss Harrawav), £12 2s 9d; Kempthorne. Prosser's -Is 6d; . Fnrra. Bros.' Factory, .£1 sa; VTuttersaUV Hotel (collected by Dorothy Peters), £1 Os Id; Wain's Hotel (Miss Watson). £1 ISs lid; Crown Hotel (Misses Tubman, Lawson. and Curran), £5 17s -td; Grand Hotel (Misses Mnnroe, Meyers, and Gcawell), £3 18s 2.k1: Provincial Hotel (.Misses Havdon and Xaismitli), £5 17s Id; Excelsior' Hotel (Misses Boyd and Davidson), £0 Is ad; collected at Portobello by Port Chalmers ladies, Jft); Princess Theatre, £,'! 7s Ed. Tho St. .loliu Ambulance Brigade collected £6 9s Ilk! in the Octagon. The Hospital patients fiul.wrilied £5. TUB SUBURBS. The results from the suburlw, as far as could be ascertained on Saturday evening, were as follow— St. Kilda, :C'2i) os Sd. South Dunedin, £37 lis Id. Morniugton, .118, and one collecting box to come in. Burnside, £12 4s ltd. Caversham, £23 Gs Id. Hoslyn, £10 15s 3d. Bavenabcurne, £2 10b. Port Chalmers, £52 13s lid. The collectors in South Dunedin wore stationed as under: —

Anderson's Bay Road.—Mrs D. Harris Hastings, Misses Hastings. A. Hastings, F. Hastings, A. Carson, E. Carson, F. Beviu, Ghapnian, M. Chapman, Gilchrist, He'ena Streot.—Mrs T. B. Leylaml, Mrs Sudden, Misses Ulackie, Leylaml, W. Chetwin, Sndclen.

Hayes's Corner.—Misses Peterson, Passmore, B. Peterson, L, Passmore, SI. Mitchell, M. Matthows.

Ogg's Corner.—Mrs Donovan, Ensign Robertson, Mrs M'Cullogli, Misses I. Lorne, J. 11. Lamb, M. A. Miller, 1!. Hose. Mrs P. Dwighl, Mrs R, M'Lean, Mrs M'Gill. Oggs' Comer (Ko. 2).—Mrs ',T. Ansel!, Miss Jlancll, Misses Holley, Mrs Panlin.

Macandrew Kond.—Mrs M. G. Thomson, Miss Dawson, Mrs A. T. Murray, Miss Roberts, Mrs H, Smith.

Names of collectors at Cavershani. organised by Messrs li. \\ r . Itntherford. Day, and Dempster:—Miss Doull, Miss Vi'.liams, Mrs E. Slnbbs, Mrs C. Adkins, Miss Wragge (2), Miss D. Thorn, "little Miss 'W'estlake." Mrs Jngo, Mrs C. Frye. Misses A. Fryc, M. Frye, Stewart. Dardswoll, Crossan, Cook, Berwick (2), Mrs Hannah, Mrs Rutherford. Miss Rnthorford, Jli3s Basket, Mrs It. j-lau-ningi Miss Annum!, Miss M'Kersey, Mr Thorn.

Mornington collectors: —Mesdamos Davidson, J. C. Stephens, Balmer, Misses Balmer Ada Taylor, Duke, Payne, Pbyl'.is Stephens, Mr Parry, Master LeCren. Mr 11. A. LoCren (Mayor) supervised tho collection. PORT CHALMERS. The rosidents of Port Chalmers evinced praiseworthy interest in the Hospital Saturday collection, and the ladies entrusted with tho collecting arrangements are to be congratulated upon t-lio success which attended their efforts. The Mayor (Mr T. Stevenson) and Dr Borrie wore indefatigable in assisting in tlie good work, and contributed in no small degree towards ensuring its success in Port Chalmers and tbo sourronuding district. In the evening the Port Chalmers Braes Band gave an onon-air eoucort in tho square, under the comhict ( orship of Bandmaster Sbhnaok, awl attractod a large audience. The Mayor desires (specially to thanfc tho lady oollectoi's and helpers in the various districts arul ail who contributed in rcsponso to their winsome appeals. Messrs Lunn and Leo kindly made some additional collecting boxes, and Mr P. Stewart (lion, treasurer) and Mr A. Lsck (hon, secretary) supervised the financial results, which are as follow: —

Dock Gates.—Misses Sharps, Jessie Cook, Wylie. ami Do Maus (£8 17s lOd). Mechanics'' Institute.—Mrs W. Mitchcll. Misses Menlaus. Bott, Borrie, and J. Stephens (f8 Is (Ud).

Corner of Magnetic and Bcrnicia Streets.— Misses Mnrrav and Isabella Watson (£2 5? 8d).

Masonic Hall.—Misses Stevenson (2), Bailchop, Gray, and Paton (£5 lis Id).

Municipal Buildings.—llesdainca Cuminghame, Cook, Do Maus, Misses M'Culluin, Allen, Platta. Pieknrd (£9 9s ljd). Sawyers' Bay.—Misses M, Davidson, JaoK, Marion Ko«, and 1?. Brown (,C5 9a B{d). Carey's Bay.—Misses Collier and Grant (£3 7s Id). Poriobello.—Misses Kidley (2), Darlnm, lUrasay, and Nelson (£9 lCs Id). Total, £52 13s ljd. R AV ENSBOU RN Ii Owing to iho fact that most of the adult, population of Rtivensbounio arc at business in the city, the residents of this ecusido suburb had to rim the gauntlet of the town collectors early in the morning', novertltolesa'Mm George 11. Hicks and her assistants, (Miss Lin<la Maodonald, Master l'eter lintton and Master Wcndoll liicks) helped in the Rood work by collecting £2 12s during tno day, 16s being collected at tho railway station, and the remainder being tho result of a house-to-house, canvass. AOKNOWLKDGM BNTS, .The assistance rendered by various friends was generous in the extreme. The committee expresses its indebtedness to tho army of ladv collectors, to the providers of refreshments, to the Tramways Commiileo for free transit for collectors, to tho city electrical engineer for lighting at tlio Octagon, to Messrs Cooke, Howlison, and Co. and the D.I.C. for use of motor ear and driver, to Mr dames Jefl's for use of horse and gig, to Mr Maxwell (registrar of electors) for use of boxes, to the lenders of chairs and tables, and to other helpers 100 numerous to mention but none the loss helpful and appreciated; to Mr Duncan (the railway station master) and bis staff, whoso courtesy and attention were of very great assistance; to .Mr 0. ,f. liomildson (of the National Rank), who, assisted by Messrs Tewslny. M'Callmn, Bcimell, Gordon, jun., ■Spedding, Tiirnlnill, Taylor, Cuufrol l , Morey, .Snow, NVale, Mazengarb, Ilainilton, Davidson, lied:, Tlashlt, and Downs, who received, counted, and recorded the collections; io the Dunedin Garrison and Dtmedin l'ijjo Bands for flioir music on ■Saturday night; to the St.John Ambulance Brigade, who collected within the Octagon enclosures til night; and to tho press for tho space il has so liberally given to show its interest in and further the association's work,

Refreshments were received from: — City. -Mrs Closs, .Mrs Israel. l)r liatehelor, Waratah Tea Horns, Mej>rs Uohukcy, Kroon, Drown, M'Adam, Howley, City Hotel, Railway Refreshment Rooms, Kia-Ora Tea. Rooms, Continental Cafe, Haeiemai Tea Rooms. Mi.-s Reynolds. Mecnrs Searle and Eberhardt, Wood, Gardhatn. Hopkins, Mrs Wright. South Dunedin. Me.-damcs lUaney and Ilefi eriian. Messrs Slenhouso, Cretan. I'uddy, Bruce, and Duckworth.

GENERAL NOTES. The St. John Ambulance Brigade had charge of the collecting sheets at the Octagon. Attracted by a good lantern display (by permission of Messrs Turntm!! and Jones, arid operated by .Mr Maitlam! Jones) large crowds assembled and excellent. results followed.

The president, Mr S. Solomon, K.C., was ab'-ent from town by reason of his professional calling, consequently he was unable to participate in tho day's proceedings. Mr Inglis (Mayor of Mosgiel) advised that, in response to a public meeting, it was decided to follow their last year's plan, when a collection was made after the holidays, resulting in over £20 being added to the total collected.

The proportion of the collection which is donated to the Hospital carries a subsidy from the Consolidated Fund of 24s for every pound. Then the Government his again promised to subsidise the remainder by £200. This is divided among the St. John Ambulance Association, the Patients and Prisoners' Aid Society, and the Victoria Convalescent, Fund.

A pre£tv incident is narrated by one of the Sisters of the Church. Two or three little children put tiicir contributions into one of Ihe boxes, arid with full hearts but empty purses went home again. There thov lillod in their timo for a while, by making Horal button-holes, which they sold on the street, anil thus further augmented the eollcciinns.

To show how the offortfi of the n.weiation nrc approcintfl it may be 6tateil that a, working nun yavo £1 to Miss Fraser,

matron of the Hospital, who was, with her nurses, at Iho Octagon. The donor said ho wanted to show in same measure how lie valued llio attention ami caro of Hid nurses bestowed upon his son, who is a patient in the Hospital.

Several cards have yet to come in from factories in citv and suburbs.

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Bibliographic details

Otago Daily Times, Issue 14087, 16 December 1907, Page 2

Word Count

HOSPITAL SATURDAY. Otago Daily Times, Issue 14087, 16 December 1907, Page 2

HOSPITAL SATURDAY. Otago Daily Times, Issue 14087, 16 December 1907, Page 2


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