Lul Qnart«r 3 p.m. Kevr Moon 11 11.20 a.m. Tirst Quarter l'j 2,25 ~,,„. Sun rises 7.51, sets 4.23. THE WEATHKII. •Tune 11.—8 a.m.: Wind; misty to fine. Noon: Calm; fine. 5 p.m.: Calm; dull. Ba.m. Noon. 5 p.m. Barometer 30.1 20.1 JO ■ Thermometer 32 47 ft FOKECAST.-Mr Pauliii telephoned at 11 o'clock last evening:—"S.E. io S.W. winds and rain showers." WEATHER REPORTS. (Per Uxitkd Pkp.33 Association.) WIiLLINOTfIN. June 11. The following are the weatliev reports at 5 p.m.:— Mamikou Hca<l«.--\Vind N'.F.., brec/e; bar. 30.22. Iher. 54; doom.v: bar smooth. _ New Plymouth.—Wind S.E., light: bar. 30.10, tlier. s\\ overcast; sea smooth. Castlepoini.—Win<l N.N.W., breeze; bar, 30.06. ther. 53: rlond.v; sen, moderate. Wellington.—"Wind N.N.W., broew; bar. 30.05, ther. 53; eloudy. Wcstport.-Calm; bar. 30.07, ther. 50; fine; sea smooth. Kaikourii.—Calm; bar. 29.90, ther. 66; gloomy; sea. smooth. Bluff.-Wind N.W.. light: bar. 29.93; ther. 53; giooniy.—R..A. EnwJ.N. HIGH WATER. June 12— a.m. p.m. At Taiaroa Heads 3.?.6 3.44 At Port Chalmers 4.6 4.2* At Dunediu ... 4.51 5.9 ARRIVALS. t..».5., 3277 tons. Kevillc, from via Bluff. J. Mills, agent. Pa-swnffers: Hisses M'Corliindale and I.antftry, M*i>f!(l»incs liiin'er. M'CorHmlale, Bnrkeli, Jtesrs Forlity. Hunter, Strange, Stevenson. Bailey, liurkelt, Dc IVere; and 8 in the sleeia^'e. Storm, s.s., 185 tons, Wood's, from the Bluff. Tapley and Co., agentj. DEPARTURKS. A 7 ictoria., s.s',. 1870 lons, Waller, for Svdnoy, via Auclrlaml. Will and Co.. agents. Pnlssemrers: For Ijyttelton—Mr Marriner. For Wollingfon—Miss Walker, Mis Spier? and child.' Messrs Mills, Walker. For Naprnr—Mr M'ljachliw. Vor Auckland— Misses (iilmour, Milir, Honshton, Mts Liveraidno, Messrs Ponlov. For Sydncv-Mr and Mrs Saxliy; and 30 in the steerage. ' Invcrcarzill, s.s.. 123 fon.«. Uilliea, for Invorcargill. •'. Roadln. jun., agent. Storm, R.S., 185 ions, Woods, for Timani and Wanjiamii. Tapley and Co., agonls. KX"PECTBD ARRIVALS. From Liverpool.—lnvermark, «»i!ed April 6. From Hull.—Melville Island, «hip, etikd April ?..' From Maiden liliml.—lren*'. birque, enrly. From Sydney (ria Auckland),—Miowcra, June 16. From Sydney (via- We!lington).-Warri-'moo, .June 15. From Melbourne (via llltiff).— Wimmcra, June 23. ffrom Surprito Isl>nd.—lrene, birque. From Claronce Riur.—Hippolu, sailed April 4. From Auckland.—Talune, June 13. mO.IHCTED DEPARTURES. For Sydney (via Auckland).—Miowera, June IS." For Sydney (via Oook Strait).—Jlalicno, June 12. For Melbourno (via Bluff).—Warrimoo, June 16. I For Auckland.—Talune, ,Tune. 14. TO ARRIVE. AT AUCII.ASD. I/arffo Idff, left New York April 13; duo July 4. Kituni. left New York May 15; duo August 7. Indian Monarch, left New York May 11. Essex, l«ft Liverpool March XO. Kumars, left London April 23. Hawke's B»r, left Nen York A D ril 24. Exlcsia, >til«il May 8. Rippinghim Granfe, June. 26. Indralema, left London May 24. Govranburn, left. Nsw York ifay 24. Star of Australia, duo about Juno 25. AT WIUIKOTOK. Gothic, sailed May 7; duo about June 18. AT LTTTIt.TOIf. lBT«r«lyd», ltfk New York De««W k. Aotea, l«ft I/ondon April 23. Tonjariro, sailed Mn 18. lonic, sailed May 31. Drayton Grange, loff. Loiulon June 4. AT rOXT CIAI.UBU. Fifcshire. Juno 15. Mafatua, June 18. Kaipera, .lime 15. Indradevi, June 21. TO DEPART. VKOM AUCKLAND. Star of Japan, June 27. FSOU WIM.tXITOK. Fifeshire, July 10. Rippingliam Oranje, August 10. Waiweva, June 20. Delphic, Juno 10. Riinutaka. July 4. Tongariro, August 1. HOMKWARD EODND. Marere, left Wellington Marrh 14. Mimiro. left Wellington April ?,7. ' Aynhin. left Wellington April 30. 'WaiWtki, lift Lyttcllon May 6. Piptrei. left W.llinrton, 'M»y 10. Maori, left Blu/F Uxj 14. Arawi, left Wellin 7 ron M»y 14. Homihire, 'eft WelliiiEfon Mty 4. Corinthic, left Wellington May 24. " Kaikoum. left Lyttelton June 4. Suffolk, left Wellington June 5. Nomnni, loft BlulF June
IMPORTS. Vac Jliilienn, from Melbourne.—3s3 pk?3 ai:<l 437 chnsta lea. 60 cases sugar, 25 cases chirot. 1?6 cases fruil. 250 lwxcs sultana?, 100 sacks flour, 15 cases toliicco, 96 b:ws onions, 65 sucks ixitatoos, ?0 oasks soda, 29 drums wood ii.iptha. W casks earth colours, Z0 wses YiNuliilio, 120 ki<& asltcsto.* ooverinp, also a (|iiantit.y of timber and a largo Quantify of smiilrios. SHIPPING TKr,TORA3IS. AUCKLAND, .Inn,. 11.-Sailed: lliowcriu for the south.' Pass , liters for Uuucilin: Jliv liorraine. Mr Ijorraine. WHIJJ.XC'I'OX, June 11.-Arrived. l.« a.m., Olivia, barque, from Kdithburg: O.?.O p.m.. Helen Denny, harque, from Newcastle. —Skilled: Mamari, for (lisborne: Vifeshire. for liVtteiton; Whangapc, for Napier. Sailed: 7 p.m.. Talune. for I,yllellon and Dunedin. Passentrer.s: For Dum-din - MiR-ps .lones (2), Messrs SrafT. Korinston. — Sailed: 8 p.m.. Rotqiv.ahana. for l.ytiolton. Passi>ncere: Misses Kellow. Siniison (2), Ilawk«T. natntnond, Driscoll. Mr* Amos, Messrs Broriie, Kellov.-, Knsor, Humphries, Milne, Jones. .I'ifUl. Wilwn. (?.). Willis. Phillijts. M'Clanr. Fitaerald, Humphrey, Stone. LYTTF.r,TOX. June 11.—Arrivwl: 9.50 a.m., llakanoa. from Dunedin. Saihxl: Noon, Joseph Sims, schooner, for Wellington; 4.10 p.m.. Wciinina, for Timaru'; Mamma, for Wellington. m.VW. June 11.-Arrived: Koonya, from Wesfnort. NEWCASTLE, .liino 11. - Sailoil: lCainon.i, for Napier. MANNIXC niVKU. June 11.-Sailed: Whnni;aron. for Wellincton. M_HIiBOURXK. .Time' 11.—Arrive*!: Cape Antihiw. from Auckland. FRTOIAXTIiK, June 11.-Amon/? the passengers by (ho Mooltan for Now Zealand are:—Mr ami Mrs Clyno and child. Mr and Mrs Ropenburg, >Tr and Mrs hard. Mrs Hopo, Messrs Hislop, Belcher, and Fitchctt. THE DIRECT STEAMERS. BLUFF. Juno 11.-Sailed: 1.45 p.m., Niwaru. for London. CAPETOWN. Juno 9.-? ailed: Tongariro, for Wellington. The-Storm arrived from the Bluff at 8.30 .vestordnv morning to load general eareo for northern ports, and sailed again in tho afternoon for Wanpinui, via- way ports. Tho Tnverrarsrill sailed yesterday for Invcroareill and Waikawa. The Victoria sailed yesterday afternoon for Sydney, via Auckland and East. Coast poris.
\ vi'l 1 11 TV (rffx uvirr* taken down to the Jetty street wharf yctorday in readiness lor lifting- cut the old lioilor from tin. , trawler Napiw. Her new boiler is fo lx> put in forthwith. Mr 0. -T. Thomas, late chief otlieer in the Adelaide Steamship Company's service, arrived from Sydney by tlie Mokoia to join the Union Company's svervice. Mr Duncan, late of the Mntatua. has joined tJio roasUil steeiner Kcnnndy as .second mate, in place of Mr Holm, who has transferred to the scow Echo as lmie. V' Captain Gillespio, on behalf cf Mr E. G. / Pilchcr, owner of the Eimna, Sim-!, will Svl leave Wellington on Tuesday cr '1 day next, for Mxna Island fo suneriiitond W Ihe shipping of the oil gear, etc.. of the schooner, to Wellington. Oro of (lie coastal steamors will bo ongased to briiiß the salvaged material to Wellington. The Komala. is <o Ix> floated out of tlio dock at S a.m. to-day, and after bcinii swung for the adjustment of her compasses will discharge some She fails tl)is.AWPiflg for iWflSWit
Captain Kev.-ion. who has been on holiday leave, rojniiinj dm Miorcera- at Auckland on .Monday. C';ipt; Phillips, who lias had temporary command of die Miowera., ie jirococdini; 1o Sydney by iho Maheno to-day to join I lie Manuka.
The scow M:i;,'ie was fittrd willi heavy hoisting gear yesterday in load a boilrr and hiav/ machinery for :i sawmill at Tsiiiiuku.
Mr K. H. JoiK'S. ilw main of Hip ship (ilfitilui. will) was lost at ilnrir.j» o. sale, win formerly second male of the T.orfiniiioii. swond male oi the Xeuiune, an;l mate of the Knnicp. ll<' km ;i native of Walci, ami came out to tlio colony in the barque Hirotha.
Privato advice has bren received from Sydney thai an serwrnenf has Iwcn arrived at between tl'i" Merchant S"rvkn Guild of Australasia and the Burns, Philri Company, whereby the masters and mates in, tho employ of the company will receive the sanw rale of pay as stipulated in the Ariiit ration Court award.
Floating mines ;ne lyint; discovered almost daily olf the Japanese ccatt. where somo of llioni arc 'washer! ashore. An attempt, made by a parly of fishermen, who wore out in th«'ir boats, to svruvo one of these niinre. lc<l lo appallinsf results. Tho ir.iii<> exploded, and blew the bolt to pieces, no fewer llian 10 of Iho fishermen l>-olnj-T iistantly killed. ,l\;-<tt prior to the catnsIropho several fishing boa reroverod floating mints, some of ulrcli were nf Japanese end others of Russian design. Some time ago the Japanese authorities issued detailed instructions for handling I hew deadly derelicts when found, but. it would appear that it is a risky business for flio inexpert.
The Malirno arrived from Melbourne, via Ilobart and Iho liltlff, at 4.M p.m. yesforday. -She left Melbourne al 10 a.m. on the sth insf., ami cleared the heads at 2.30 p.m., arriving at Ilobart at 0 p.m. on the 7fh inst. Sailed at noon next day for the Bluff, was abeam of Puysesriir Point at 7.30 p.m. on the Ofli inst.. and arrived at tho Bluh" at 8 a.m. on fly. lOl.h inst., failing thomio at 8 a.m. on iho 111 li insf., arriving as above. Light westerly winda and smooth sea.s wero experienced to ihe lilufF, thence Jiqhl soiillici'ly wiiu's and smooth seas alon},' the coaM.
' The Federol-lloiilder liner Suffolk, which Killed from WellinuiM lasl week for Weft, of Knglaml ports, took the following cars;o from this colonv:—l'rom Waitara—2o9B rarrases lamb. 1163 ea.rcasc-i mutton. 2586 \-n\ea beef, lh boxes vea.l. £03 quarters Ih-o'. W packaqe.) sundries. From Pielon—77oo carcases lan'l>. From Lvltelton—so.ss7 eareases lamb. 3055 carenses multon. 1402 boxes lioef, 160Q o:\fj3 meal.i. 569 sacks was. 55 eases dip, 2 rases exhibit?. From Timani— 14,732 «irci--v.s l.imb. 1280 carcases mutton. From Dnnedin—s6l7 carcases lamb, 500 car-t-uses mutton. 53 C 6 lioxw lv-ef. 6001 crates rabbit?, 4 boxes buffer, 135 bales tow. 1?.5 tons scn.n sleol. From TMiifF—sl26 oaveases lomb. 52'9 eai-cises mutton, 5409 cratrs rahbils IH7 boxes beef. 150 raws meats. 219 bnles tow, 1 ca.=e, 20 casks ))eH=. From Auckland—lS94 boxes butter, 3579 bexe.s beef, 323 carcase'lnnib. 12 carcases mutton. 16 qunrtois lvef. 816 bule-s fax. 486 d\tmr<? toiv. 8 bales leather. 4 ton burls. 157,451 ft timber. From Wellington—7ls9 boxes butler, 150 enses kidneys. 5?.6 ca«es meatj. 2672 c.nsee boef, .159 bale* bomp. 9A2 <lnmiis tow. 20 bnge food, 7 cases (lip, 0910i"t timbev.
In dweussiner Ihe Rnevie disaster, and the suspension of Canta-in .Toies's certificate for three months. Lloyd's Shipoine Gazdtc ssye:—"The accident illustrate*! in most convincing skle the value of submarine =i<aiaJJinfr. TV st-eamors of tli" White. Star lino, emjased in the All.inl.ic trade, aro fitted with submarine s'tmai nn'inratua. .and have adv.''nfare of tho sa f "ty r<"=u|fing from Iliem when Ihov enter New Yo" , ': or Liverpool. Dnphtl"" the Suevio would lmvelwcn fitted with siirilar appamtns Jwl the LiTfl been erpiipped wii,h a eubmariiio liell. Then a l l 'ho nnferia'ntv n« to f-e wherea'wits of fh« Hdit. and all lU -lifTiciilty of hearing th" f'»sf si'mn's would have b"on obviated, and C'T'Hin Jrm"-- of to-ilay hrincr Ihe s"biecl of official vepro.ich. would have been enjoying tbn* reputation fo which a. Ion? co'irfe of careful na-vigaUon had entitled him."
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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13927, 12 June 1907, Page 4
Word Count
1,772SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13927, 12 June 1907, Page 4
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