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The Hon. .1. A. Millar, Minister of Labour and Marine, lias been confined to his room at the Grand Hotel for tho last two days consequent, upon an attack of bronchitis, (he result of his experiences at Vaikouaiti on Friday, and was not ablo to lcavo.for Invcrcargill yesterday, us previously arranged. 1I<! lias, however, sufficiently recovered to justify his leaving for the south by this morning's express. After bavin!; given consideration to matters connected -ivith reela.inat.ion at ]ilnff Harbour, Mr Millar will return to town on Thursday, and will go north by the second express on the samo day for Christchurcli.

At to-rnorrow night's meeting of the City Council Or Fiildis will move—"That in terms of the agreement made between the Dimedin City Council and tha lato South Dnnodin Borough Council upon amalgamation as per resolutions of tho former of December 17, 1904, and of tho latter of December 16, 1904—viz., that a poll of. tho citizens of tho increased area, with respect to fho widening of Hillside rqad (now King Edward street), be taken any tinic within a period of four years, ajid if decided in the affirmative the cost of such widening to be spread over tho amalgamated area; if resulting in a negative vote a subsequent poll bo taken within a, further period of four years, under similar conditions, this council do now proceed to take t|io poll as contemplated in tho foregoing resolution."

Tho dispute between tho Coalminers' Union of Workers and the Taratu Kaihvay and Coal Company, which was to havo been beard by tho Conciliation Eoard , to-morroiv, has now been referred direct to the Court of Arbitration {or eettlenient.

In the Supremo 1 Court yesterday the Crown -Prosecutor (Mr Fraser) directed the attention of tho court to tho practice of 6omo publicans of buying bottles of liquor from men of the labouring class at little more than half-cost. In ono case a publican had bought 9s worth of whisky for 5s and in another case 9s worth of whisky for 6s. Mr Justice -Wil'iams said that fact ought to be brought under the notice of the Licensing Committee. Ho did not understand how any honest publican could do such a thing.

Tlio quarterly criminal sidings of the Supremo Court wero concluded yesterday. Jano Dunsmuir. 17 years of age, charged with stealing a valuable brooch, was found not guilty, and Frederick St. Clair Sinclair, who was jointly charged with the girl for tho offeneo, having pleaded guilty last week to tho charge, was admitted to probation for 12 months, conditional on his paying certain costs and abstaining from liquor for that time. Nicholas Tressidcr, William Honr.y Raynor, and Henry I'oote, for breaking and entering a. store on tho Victoria wharf Tccpntly, were also admitted lo probation, being first offenders. It was made a. condition of their probation that they must pay tho costs of the prosecution and oilier eosts-ahaut £8 in nil,—and abstain from drinking intoxicants for tho year. Lee Sun was charged with selling a pak-a-poo tipket in a, Chinese lottery. This acciKQtl was before the court at tho criminal sittings in November for the eamo offence, and the jury disagreed. Yesterday's jury, after an hoiir'd retirement, found him "Ciuilly" of Iho minor offence—assisting in a.lottery,—and ho was fined £100. Ho was fined £100 for a similar offeneo in 1904.

At a sitting of the Juvenile Court yeelorday morning a small boy was fined 5s and Si costs for sotting firo to grass, in the Botanical liardeiifi op January 27.

Tlio Electric Power and Lighting Committee includes tho following clause, in ite report to 1-e presented at to-morrow evening's mooting of til!) City Council: " MessrsNnyos Bros, have been requested to advise when the £12,000 for reticulation, referred to in their agreement with the council, will be expended, and to furnish fortnightly repprts showing amount of this allocation that hae been spent, and, further, they havo been informed that no commission will lo paid on any work exceeding tho £12,000."

A Chambers sitting of the Supremo Courlj will bp held , thia morning «t li o'clock,

In consequonro of the wont rains residents of the city and suburb need have no anxiety in (ho meantime regarding, the voler supply. On Saturday morning tlio inflow was :il; (he rote of 7,958,000 trillions per (lay, and (ho gain ot stored water was 2,346,675 gallons per day. The total amount ntored m (ho northern reservoir was 35,252,604 gallons, while tho soiithei-ii reservoir contained 7,052,249 gallons.

The traffic returns for (In; City Corporation tramways for the fortnight ended the. 16th February, 1907, as compared with the corresponding period for last year, are as follow:-Uccenils: 1907, £2360 16? 8d; 19C6, £ ; ?.041 h 6:1; increase, £219 IJ 3 2,1.

Mileage: 1907, 41,515 miles 29 chains; 3906, 41,938 miles 38 chaiife; decrease, 323 miles 9 cliains.

The following acknowledgment of tlic excellence of the Christmas Annual of the Otago Daily Times and Witness, received by Mr T. E.- Donne, general manager of the Tourist Iteorfs of tho colony, from Mr TCdward M. Shepard, of Drury College, Sprinfffiold, Missouri, is an example of the handsome testimonials constantly being received from abroad to (ho enterprise of (he New Zealand illustrated press:-" I wish to thank you for the illustrated edition of the Times and Witness which you were so kind to semi me recently, and to tell you lion- much plramire we, as a family, liuvo derived from the same. Your country exefih in the portrayal of natural scenery, and I am constantly wishing that, our own great journals were- I'liierprisiim pikjhsjli Io isuo such editions as we arn frequently roM-ivinsf from your public (irr-ss. I j K ivc> many , Jhraiil. memories of New Zealand, and I •live in the. hope of :-oine iky Iwirijr able fo visit ihut iiiim-iinij (/niuiiy again, ami of lipiii-f able In lake my family iiloiig with me."

We underdund that the leases for the use of tin: frenaiiiir chainljfw at the I'ort (;lialnii'rs works were disposed of yesterday at, a satisfactory figure.

Spcnkiii S at Ilic nici'liiig of Dm Public Hatlis Committee last craning, Or .T. London fjiid 1!,!,t it W as evident tile early ])ionecrn of Diuiciliii appreciated tlm wisdom and necesailv »f liuviiii; public baths, liccaiiso in addition to selling aside hospital, museum, and murket re'crvcs, (hey l.;n! also set. aside a I>u!lh reserve. For Ilio past ten years that reserve had yielded vovcime to tho extent, of eiM2 10*. 'and was at Iho present tune producing £131 sfe per annum. That revenue had gone into the general coffers of tho municipality. "To my knowledge," said Mr Park, another member of the committee, "tho City Council lias Ix-cn collecting rovnnnft from 1h is reserve for tho past. 21 years." Tho reserve referred to, it mislit bo interesting to know, is, according fo a plan produced at the meeting by Mi llarclay, M.H.K., >i acres 3 roods 21 poles in area, and lies talwecn Lcilh street and the. Water ot Leitb, and is bounded at one end by Dumlas street and at the other by liroolc street. The wliolo reserve had linen fot aside specifically for purposes of public baths.

Tho liakitirn, which is lying at Willsher Bay, partly embedded in sand, has not altered her position to any extent, and when the spring tides warrant it an attempt is to bo made to float and fow her off. With this object, a largo number of empty en?ks have been taken to tho vessel, anil are licinj; fastened Io her to (15 to assist her buoyancy when another attempt, is made to tow her off. It is a | s o inionded to make us of water from Korero Creek to worn- away sand at the vessel's bow. Mr Bwidlo, Ihe agent, has Iwou at the scene of tho wreck during the past few days.

What is known as the punch ticket system has now teen introduced on the Duncdin City Corporation tramways, tho system being made universal on Sunday. With tho new system, which has been adopted on the recommendation of Mr Alexander, traffic Mipeiiniomleni, cadi conductor is provided will, a different punch, which means I hat overy punch m ll?n j,, Hie service has a different design. Willi the tiekold u-ed it is possible for a. passenger to board a car at Norinanby and hook liidit through to Ht. Clair or elsewhere on on<> payment. Further, a passenger knows, liy Ilio teetions punched, where, his or her journey terminate, as paid for. The conductors appreciate very much the introduction, as also do passMigors. The system is in cx(i!|isivc ueo ill London, Liverpool, Leeds, Chisgow, and Brisbane.

Wo understand that the valuations of the P.lackstone Hill run for purposes of rental have now been completed by Messrs D. JWrmi (Coniniitsipnor of Crown Lands). .J. Tough, and (,'. Livingstone. A special meeting of the Land Board will lie hold on Wednesday night to consider mid approve of Iho valuations, after which thoy will 1* forwarded to Wellington for pudting. 'J he run will be opened for selection early in April. ■ In connection with Ihe meeting of dalegales of local authorities hold last week to consider the relative contributions of different hodios, town and country, to Iho predion and support of an 'infectious diseases hospital in Dunediii, DrOgelon informs (hat, it is competent, for the Hr.spilul Board, under "The Public Health Act, 1900," ami its- amending net of 1903, to have erected in each country district cited ii small building, oilher permanent or temporary, which can bo used in liinu of an outbreak of infections disease. The met of the erection of such a buildinir, of its equipment with everything necDsssry for tlio proper earo of a patient, mid'of the providing of a. nurse connected with the central fever hospital, would bo 'derived from the general contribution, a tc.nbiive bcilo ol which was clrnivn up and Bubmitted I'.v »r Ogslon at k;t week's meeting. If siich were .nsri-ced upnii it would overcome the objections raised by some delogaicsi. <!., that it, is not permissible to convey poKons suffering from an infectious disease over railways or public conveyances.' There would then bo no occasion for that. 'j\he matter of where iho fever hospital is to be erected and what form it is to take rests entirely with the Hospital Hoard, with the approval of (ho Health Officer, but the Jibovi! should rommend itself favourably to country contributing bodies as a suggestion by themto the Hospital Hoard by' way of ;i possible, compromise.

A case arose in (lie, Magislwle , * Court yesterday morning in which applieaiion was made by t!\o owner of a houso for a rehcarinor of a case in which !m claimed £1 as (wo weeks' rent from a previous occupier of his chrellinir, but in which judgment had gono'against him. When the application was made by plaintiff yesterday (ho defendant produced Ills rout book, and plaintiff an extract from his. () n examination of defendant's rent hook the Magistrate fouml (hat three figures in it liad (lie appearance of Having been altered, lint both parties were positive as to having made no alterations ill the figures at any time. Tlio Jlaijietrale characterised tho affair as wniethlnp approaching a. "Chinee puzzle," and granted the rehearing, with an instruction to (ho plaintiff to produce his original rent book when iho'caso camo on for rehearing.

At Hip half-yearly mooting of ihe Cltago Typographical Union on Saturday night the -followhiir resolution was carried hy aeclamatioii on jhe motion of the president, (Mr if. Ferguson):-'• Thai this meeting Wiily ro-wnliilates JTr I T. Paul, a JiK'ml.vr of (hoi,- union, on lic.iny appointed *» a feat in i|,,. Legislative. Council, and ex-pre-«'i lh(. | !( .|i,.f i|, : ,| j| l 0 I)rilm oiion means an extended .spheVc of usefulness for him. which he will ink,, full advantage of, and which will at all linns Ixi used' to further the interests of the community as a ivliolc. with special watchfulness f or i\ ]n welfare of the workup classes, with ivhom h<. has been so closely connected for a number of years."

The municipal pint form of (h 0 Dunedili Unincli of the Political Labour League is as follows:-(!) A miniinuin wago of 8s per day for all unskilled labour; (2) establishment of municipal milk supply; p)

establishment of municipal markets (or sale of fruit, vegetables, fish, and othor necessaries of life; 14) all work undertaken by the municipalities to be executed by the council without Ihe intervention of the contractor, and trade union wages to bo paid; (5) all committee meetings to be held during the evening; (6) that the council set up a special committee to which any aggrieved employee shall have the right to "appeal; (7) that (he council frame a by-law instituting a syslematic official canvass of the whole city every six years; (8) that tho council establish piiWio baths in a central position; (9) fiic modernisation of public- fianitnry convenience; for both sexei; (10 that ail municipal positions bo publicly advertised lie to re appointments are made; (11) that councillors be paid for their services.

Thc_ annual meeting of tho Reserves Con-.-ervatinn Society will bo held in the City Council Chambers at 4 o'clock on Wednesdav. II all who apprecint: the society's work .ittoyd Lie room would bo too sural but, jnd-ing Iμ past experience, there will be amnio "accommodation for all, evon if (he public attends )ti larger numbers than usual. All interested urn invited -to attend, so that rot, being a rcnmW need debar no one from b»in» present. °

" Elizabeth," milliner. -12 Princes street (ove-r Braitlnvnrlc'n). h fhowing some orqui?ito autumn models, veils, hair nets (Gd), liMhn' collar supports; frill?, kilicd—Advl Tho potency of the " Lancer " cure in rases of Influenza is most remarkable. It seems io net lilto a charm in tho quickness with v-hicli it gives relief! "Wrr" Influenza Cure, 2s. All nhemists'.-Advt. Tourists desiring mementos o! New Zenlahd wnl find it In their advantage to inspect the magnificent se'ection of articles in genuine preenstone displayed at G. and T, Youh«'s 68 Princes street. ' ■ e i .

Mollifoiiß eml-of-seasrin sale positively closes , m .Saturday, March 2; and" for {Jib lemamnifr oays we intend offering some «ennatinnal bargains in all departments.-Moliisons Ltd.—Aclvt.

It is quite true that Dallas and Watt are tjoWinj a (Involution sale, and that their (lissolutmn prices will surprise you —Aclvt Who is Pbtkr Dick'.'—Tho most reliable JUtchmaKer and Jeweller, npppjit. Coffee Palnce. Moray plnce, Dtinedin. Olinrger strictly nioiiernte.—Advt.

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Bibliographic details

Otago Daily Times, Issue 13837, 26 February 1907, Page 4

Word Count

Untitled Otago Daily Times, Issue 13837, 26 February 1907, Page 4

Untitled Otago Daily Times, Issue 13837, 26 February 1907, Page 4


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