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limes Oftico, Friday evening.

• BREADSTUPFS. According- to lafo London advices the wheat markets .arc dqll, buyers' awaitin'tlm final forecast of the wovltl's w | lo aL harand expecting- to bo able to'buy"on • bettor forms than present rutin? rales uP n -;i' lM ''avc bcci, cabled during the week. ')<i U - M ,'' er ( ! aI P. London, Jiijv 27 ; Bcorpohm reports:-- ' * ' ' „ 1,10 ro.-rket may be dcFeiibed as bein" in LnTi ' m ! s L ettM 1 offers • for shipwLV r ? .t ? lom b " n 50 sclm(! at this flr yeor ' mt I,le lla ™ st >» England Germany, and the North of France avoid-J?" bnyers ' as » E 'ia!. prcfor to old .(l o outcome of the same. ' Stocks j„ l»"f mi a " d in ninlers ' bl ™ ( ls w»st' now to SI r' f-™'!. 111 "'' ip 110 encouragement to bo,(l n , tbo condition of the flour ffirt'S f ecu ! alion »> { °r the moment, finest doimant as far as English buyers are r wUior during t-lic' next ihaL ?l - "''l'- "° dol,bt; effcct » "Pid S• bp l sen!lrac » t of Ihe market, but ° „"l e *y •* luisser fair; ob' Uw b *??">"">* evidently is prevalent 111 America, judging from ilie evfrathat^6,,W 0P n tinia H ? latoly " Ceive * from tote* oi ,hesQ esti,raie3 «•» ivn '&mU that America (no doubt inctud10D nn'lin | W °i i ?. V ° a leCOril Sl,r l llus of I- »''! j)ti#s!s, the previous largest exPort froii; the "fJiiited States and Canada being about 200 million bushe'.s in 1901-1902 » eh a surplus as 300 million bushels > l.po»es ai) Anioncap crop of at lea?! 800 milbon bushels, au4 a crop of over 100 milbqns in (he tanadian North-West. Wewou'.d tfTM H, Ir# 9W bo jviEs to ignore §uch ,«l«ich probably. have a f urj.9.B ■ m Iheir inception. According to tie aZ ' C OV ° t0 ?■ nio! ' e reliable sources, the American crop, if all g, weir with 'the crop, may reach 700 of 725" milliJn 6'd ! ihr ' J v v n 8 "' 0 ■ sur R ; » 8 '-apv't' from s'll, , tp 175 mim °" 'rashels. S.a?- a T°k ,n . vlw of «* »rcb>Vte shortage in .the Russian supplies, for |ho past three-years havo averaged ifcnt 20 nrdhon quarters per annum, would iiot be Jjxcessive, a.though it would exceed the average American exports during the past thrco qensons by nine to 10 million quarters ancf would no doubt bo an important •'factor'in any upward ; movement in prices normal circumstances; In point of i" sumcienft 0f l" la ' rgq i S,lrll!llS 111 A >ne«ca m pflipnt to depress the market, perhaps Viifliqut justification.: ' ' '.^!®,p o n»no'!lVea!lb market, aro sloivly nviffW? ""^ r C'f i"ilqpnco~ of London. JJ 4,1 JWfIP ty'-l «?w "receded to , 1 H J quoting '3s 2(1 ? * ? 1 -' will proJffite **!?;■ wmlc rnarket from now on I 1! ?]!» f.n«l of tJjP • year, when (lib new mi w b ° aval 'able. 'J!?! jn'f«r!»ip?!>t.. in comiiiff to a dociaion upon (bp Reciprocity Treaty is IfJr" i* J" 051, 1 Ja !" ll ?!l | S of pot hppii the local Jyljoat niarkpt, as lip business will L\> done until the quest ion of the remissipn of . ® <l ut v y °» ,Ip"r is definitely settled in 01)0 way or the other. . iSToniiiially, qi lo tat 1 ? ? j l ' retpain" at from h t,u-ji " • 011 1 V'! c ' fcs ; "prihern stations, 'lit there 13 no market in the/incanlime..

~?.! lp oi)lv demand for chick wheat, is for filling small local orders on the basis of h Jd to 3s l 2 d, cx stoi-e, for good whole

I lie demand for flour is very small—indeed, to use a miller's phrase', it is beinz Snn !" bllv f ro ?' !oUl !?' H'> """ourcrl Hut SOO Jons of Australian flour is on the water for Wellington, |)iit tho reoort lacks confirmation. Hconld be landed in iVcllingtoji at £7 17s Gd net in bond, or £B'l7s 6d nee-duty paid, as against flio association s prtco £8 17s 6d, lnss'2' per cent, discount., .Thus, in the event of reeiprocilv' being rejected (lie speculators ■ will conie. out about square, and if flip dulv were iemoted there would bo a good inaruin of- profit-. ■' " ■"■■■■• " Thelocal flour iiiills are onlv running qne shift, and one, at. least-,'of'the mills will next .week'temporarily close down aivoiimfr devoipinents. ' The New Zealand Jilourimllcrs' Association's tariff stands'- as follows:—Sacks. £9 per ton; 100's. £9 10s• - 255. £10. The shipping price is 10s per Jon f.o.b. There is no change in the offal market. 1 he tariff for bran stands al £5 lbs per lon f.0.b., for shipment: pollard at £5 'per ton for local orders ajid sliinment. Pollard is exceedingly slow nit sale. , There is po sign'of any revival' jn the oat marker. and the demand from Outside souvecs is practically nil.' Offers lb the North Island of 2s 3d. f.o.b.s.i,' f:ii|otl to spcuro business. liluff merchants are shippm» from 12.000 to 15,000 sinks of A grade to London, preferrinir to risk tho T.pndon lparket rather than keep the grain in store awaiting: orders. As they are shipping the • of their oafs, and thov liavn secured a verV'low rate (if freight, it is possible lbat they may conic oirt sqiiare. Holders gopor>l.ll;.would be willing lo sell qui at under cost. but. there are no buyers. "X small Ipcal trado is doing on the" basis of 2s 2d to 2s 2jd, ex store, for B gratle. Oatmeal is still quoted at'£l2-per ton, and pearl barley at. £14 10s. >

■ PRODUCE MARKET. Tlio potato market is a shade easier qwipg tq heavier dolivorios from north and south. Oanjaru Denvents arc quoted at up to £11 per tan, niu| Victorians from £9 10s to £10. Tim American potatoes landed jn Auckjaiuj are si(i(l to have arrived in indifferent condition, lx;ing, for the most Hart, unfit for consumption. The chief excitement in thp dairy produce iparket "is tho keen competition for the chp'eso outpuis. Two more sales are rpporte(|—Kdeiplalo and Omimi, each at 63d qn. I nicks, 'equal to 6 3-lGd, f.0.1i. It is anticipated that even higher prices wjll lie paid for that of fbjiie qf the, ojher factories, and 6id,"f.0'.1>., is mehiiohed as ,a-probable figured It remains to bo seen whether •buyers' wilj venture an advance on the present reford figure. A sign of the strength of the butter market is seen in the fad that a buyer, who scoured the output of a large 'factory at 10Jd, has,bpen able 10 resell (he season's outpiit, at ati advance to the represents: tive of a London house. Pales of Nnfth Island stored butter have "been made at lljd' f.0.1i. In *1) local butler market first-grade factory .butter .13 Is I'd (booked) and Is lii] (cash). Farmers' sepm-tov in pats is quoted jit. Is. and fanners' dairy pats at 9{d to lQd; dairy bulk, lid; choice milled, lHd. .

The lopal cheese njarkpt keeps very firm, anil -63d to 7d is the. price'for factory lplimns, Thp price for fresh eggs has firmed slightly,'aiid tlie current quotation is to lpd pe'r tlozpp. I ' Current quotations for poultry are as follow; -"Hens. 2s to 2s 9(1; roosters—old 2s S(| to 2s 6(1, youiiij Is to is 6d; ilucks) ss;;gcese, to ss; turkeys (scarce)— henvM tq ptj per Jb, gobblers 7d to Bd. ' Pigs-are very gciutce, iiiut the market is

nufuin higher. Hacaners. 4£d to sd: porkers, 4<l- Hams ai'i- df-arer ;lf Bd.and liiicon at 7Jd. with'-prospect of a- further advance. ' ' '-.... C'half is steady. The pricn for prime new oaten sheaf i-i £3 17f 6(1 ifc '£4 2s 6il; medium. and inferior. £3 10* to £3 15=.' FRUIT AND VKIUiTARIiKS. The arrivals for the wool: include 800 caspj from ,Sydney, 350 rases from Melbourne ami Ilpbart, and 2230 ■ chsos from Iturotori^a; also.' small consignments of between 150 to 200 cases -from Canterbury, linsinoi's durinij'the wok hits been good. C.'urrent quotations are'as, follow: — Oranges.—Karotongan: 9ii|. choice, f?s 6i| to 10s; medium, 6s to 7s 6d • • 6in.' 5s r<S 5s 9d. Sydney. 4s 6d to 6?. Mandarins, 4s to 6< 6:1. Seville*. 4s'-M to ss. Poorman's, Milduras. Bs. . Lemons.—Choice Svdiiey, 7s to 9s; Mildura, 0s 6d to 10s 6d. liananas.—Repacks; ripe, .2d (o-2]<l per lb._ Rarotoi>r»an: Shipment arrived'in ii)difl'ereni order, and sold at from 4s {o 6s pOj* cafcC. Pines.—MavUot hnrcly Choice bright- fruit— Houghs, up to 12s; Queens, tip to 10.s'; inferior, 7s to 9.». Passion fruit.—Xone offering.. Apples.—Canterbury Lord Wolseley's 9s; Stunners, 6s to 9s: oilier varieties', 5f to 7s. Medium and inferior have Utile attention, at 2= (jd to 4s fid. 'lynianiims— S.P.M. and N.J.P., nn to 15s; v F.C.. 8s 6d to lis; Russet t, 10s; Stone Pippins Ismail variety), 7s; S.T.P., -7s ,9d to lis 6d. ~

Pears.—A few cookcrs from Christchurch. 2Jd per lb; a few half cases from Ilobart ss. Tomatoes.—New season's from Auckland, Is 9d to Is lid per lb. . ' " per lb. t Clover Honey.—Scarre good inquiry. Now season's—\qrthern 4id, isoutherri. 3id to 4d (in bulk). PeanuK—Sma'l Fijian. 2|d; Jananeso (large), 3d. Cocoanuts.' 9s 'to 10s per sack. Brazil nuts, lOi'd; \yalnuts, 7d trf' 7Jdj)er lb. . Vegetables.—Cauliflowers, olioiee, 5s to 6s per Back; ethers, 3s to 4s 6d; Savoys, Is to 2s. . Onion?.—Canterbury ebeicc. none offering; soft. 6s fo tfs: inferior. 3s to 4s; Melbonrno, 10s 6d per cwt. Wh are requested tn'slate tliat the above quotations for produce, fruit, and vegetable's current wholesale prices between agents and distributors. .'

SYDNEY ■WOOL SALES. SYDNEY. September 7. (Receiveil Sept.. 7. at 11.5,1 p.m.) There was keen com<i;lition at ■ the wool palrrs. Tjvelve thousaiid liales were catalogued, and during the week. 0800 hqve been sold. Prices are on a par wjth last Edison's opening rates, but at limes' they exceeded them. —><s THE OHTiTiTOHUJIffi MARTfETS, (Per Unitzd Pbkss Association.) JpHIUSTCHUUCJti.. Septenilier 7. ; The irr.ccvtainly with regard to the 1 Reciprocal Treaty with the .Commonwealth has put .almost an entire stop' to any businesp being done ill the grain market." Kobqrly is buying wheat; and oats are easier. There is no' outfticje demand for ontfj. ■ and continued fine weather lias limited local' coastal dehiand for feed lines. A parcel oi milling Canadians lias l»en bought at 2s at country station, and prices offered for other descriptions are also tower. It is reported that a. quantity of Australian flour is beiii" shipped to Wellington. Local buyers do not care to import flour, for in the event of the treaty not being passed the duty would have to be paid. There is a brisk demand for seeds, as sowing opcraliiigs aro being carried on', without'interruption. Seed potatoes are maintaining their values, but Derwent table potatoes are easier on account of Auckland buyers not requiring supplies as the boat from San Francisco to arrive next week is bringing a large quantity.' '

•' PROPERpr SALE. Messrs' D. it. Fca and Co. report having sold by auolion oil account' of ■ Mr Hugh Cameron, freehold farm, consisting of 58 acres 2 roods, being sections 54 and 55, b'ock IV, Korth Harborir' niid piueskin district. There was a large attendance' of the 'public, and the bidding, which started at fa per acre, rose to £7 per. acre, at which price llr John Campbell became the purchaser. CLEARING SALE" AT MIHIWAKA. Messrs D. M. Fea and Co. report having held a most- snccesslnl clearing' sale oil account of Jlr Hugh' Cameron. : The stock, although in very poor condition, were well competed for. every lot fetching full market values. They sold cows, to calve in September and November, from £1 15s to £5 17s Gd; two-year-old heifers up to £3 lOs; horses from £3 10s to £15. The imp'.cments, which were in first-class ordci, were eagerly.competed for s|t prices very satisfactory to the vendor. 1 r- ' ..HIpE SALES. - The ■ National Mortgage ami Agency Pompany of New Zealand (Ltd.) report as iolloivs: AVo held onr usual fortnightly fn!c, of. hitjes at our stores, Cumberland street, on Thursday, when we submitted an average catalogue. There was a large attendance of buyers, and competition for all classes ivas very keen. Jn consequence we had an excellent sale, and prices alt tonnd showed a l-ise ot Jtl tp \t\ pfilb. Included in our catalogue vore several lots ot well got-up lines, and these elicited spirited bidding. .■ We quote: Prime stout heavy ox, Gjjd to 7]d; good hpavv, aid'to ti]d; medium weight, Sjld to GJd; light .weight," s|d to sjd; inferior and staggy, <ld to -tjd; prime heavy cow, 5Jd to GJdj medium. 53d to 5Jd; I'sht, 5Sd to sjd; inferior, 4Jd to od per lb; v calfskins, Is fid to 5s each. '• Messrs A. Moritzson and 1 Co.'report having held their fortnightly, bide sale to a' full attendance of buyers. All grades showed a considerable rise. and.every lot was eagerly competed for. The riso constituted 2d to Jd per lb, and for some extra choice heavy stout ox the rise was fully Id per lb. We otlore'd a large catalogue, and cleared every lot at satisfactory prices, We quote'as follows:— Ox: Heavy extra stout, from 7d to 7jd; heavy, GJd to 7d; medium, CJd to Gld; light, 5Jd tq GJd. Onws: Heavy, 5Jd to Gjd; nietlinm, 5Jd to #14; light, pjil to GJd; stags and bipls, 4d to s:|; yearlings, 5Jd to 53d per lb; horse hides, 7s Gd to 10s Gtl; ealfsjtins, Is Gd to 5s each.' We have got a good demand for all classes, and should, advise our friends tp consign. Messrs Dalgcly and Co. (Ltd.) report as follows:—Wq held oui fortnightly sale of hides at our stores on Friday morning, when we submitted a large catalogue to tlie usual attendance of buyers. Competition ivas again exceptionally spirited, and fjie market showed a further rise of from'Jd to td per ib nil round. Vendors can count upon securing fid per lb for almost any well-flayed, hid'o in good condition. We would strongly recommend consignments to this market. The following are a few extracts from our-catalogue, which show actual prices realised at our sale: — Ox hides: One Golb, 7Jd; two 711b, 7d; two "(lib, 7d; six Glib. GJd; two '(U';b, GJd; three sGlb, GJd; three averaging from 751b to EGlb. GUI; lour averaging from Gfllb to 631b, bid; 50 averaging from 551b to Gslb, Gd to Gjjd. Cowhides: One 721b GJd; ope 501b, GJd; three Ml'). GJd; four 191b, GJd; five 411b. Gid. The following are some of the actual net money values realised sil ciir solo:—Ox! 'One'SGlb, £2 Is 3:1; one 821b, £2 3s -id; one 6711).' £1 10s Id; two 70lb. £1 ISs Gd; one 751b. 1 £1 18s 3d; six GOlb, £1 13s Od each. -CoW: One j 721b, £1 15s Gd; three 631b, £1 lfls "id.eacb. Quotations: Prime stout heavy' ox, GM to 7Jd; ii)cdium, G',d to 63d; medium substance heavy ox, Gtl to Gld; light, siid to GJd; stout heavy cow, Gd to GJd; mediiun substance heavy cow. sjd tc Gd; medium, 5Jd to G{4; light', 5-,' d to GJd; yearlings, SUI to oijd per lb; caliskins, 2s -to os Od; horse hides, to Os Gd each.

Tlio Otagu Fanners' Co-operative Association of Xciv Zealand (Limited) .report;—Wo held our usual fortnightly sale ot hides at onr stares, Crawford mid Vogcl streets, on Thursday, when wo presented it" catalogue of 200 ox, cow, and bull hides, yearlings, and calfskins to a full attendance of. buyers. This week's miction was one of the most successful we have ever had, every lot offered being sold under the hammer at very satisfactory prices. The hulk of- our consignments caine from local-butcbers ami up-country.clients, and, taken 011 a whole, wero in fairly good condition. As compared with last sale, heavy ox advanced from id to Jd, medium hides Jd. light from Jd to ill per lb. Several lots sold as under:—One "(ill) ox, Gjd; 'one Glib ox. (ijd; two GOlb ox, tid; one JGlb cow, Gd;' seven 501b cow, Gd; six 441b ox, GJd; five 501b cow, Gd; five 411b cow, Gd.' We quote; Heavy ox, Gd to GJd; medium', sJil to Gil; light, 5Jd Id 5Jd; heavy cow hides, 5Jd io.tid; medium, sjd to s;d; bull and stag hides, to -lid; yearlings, old to 5Jd; calfskins, Is Sd to 5s Id each; horse hides, 7s Gd. ' Messrs Waters, Ritchie, and Co. report having held their usual fortnightly 'sale, of hides at their stores, Crawford street, on Friday morning. There was a good attendance of buyers present, and competition was the keenest that has been, experienced'in the Dunedin market. Prices, as compared with the previous sale, showed an advance of j(l to Jd per lb on all descriptions. We topped the market, securing 7i(d for an ox hide belonging to Messrs Peebles and llalligan. butchers, South Duuediu..' In money vfhip this hide realised XZ ,'ls 4d, which is a r?cord tor Dunedin.- We also sold two ox at 75d apil tlirpe at 7Jd, and four at 7Jc] per lb. For cow hides we abtaiued 35s 2d, 32s Sd, and 31s Id, these being tlie top, prices. Our catalogue was made up of 402 hides and calfskins, and we cleared the lot at prices which must be very satisfactory to owners. The following wero-pur best prices:—Ono'at 7Jd, iwo at 7Jd, three at 7gd, four at 7id, four at GJd, •three at Gjd, fourteen at GJd,• twenty-eight at

6Jd, twenty-seven at Gjd, fifty at Gjd, fiftyfour at Gjd, fifly-sevpn ai Cel. W'j quote: Extra 'tout ox, Gjd to 7i/d; heavy, OJd to .Old; medium. ojd to Gjd; light, sid to Gjd, heavy cow, 5Jd to Gjjd; medium. 5Sd to Cd; light, s;d to Gjd; yearlings,* s?d to oJd per lb; calfskins. Is fid to 5s (3d each- { Messrs Dioinld Reid aiicj Co. (Limited) re- j port as follows:—Wo. held our usual fort- 1 nightly salo at. •our. stoics, Cumberland and! Yogel streets, on Frith)-, when we offered n ! medium-sized catalogue lo the usual attendance of the trade. Competition was very keen and prices all round showed an advance of !d to Ad per Ibstlie most noticeable rise being in stout, heavy, both ox'and cow hides, which sold at .U1 per .lb above last sale's quotations. Onr top price for ox was Gjd, and for cow 6jjd, at which latter price several lines of cow bides were sold. Some of the actual prices obtained weie as follows:—Ox: One G!)lb, Gijd; four Gslb, Gjd; three G2lb, OJd; three 581b, fi!d; two COlb, 6jjd; four 501b, 63(1; and three 5711), Gjd. Cow: Four Glib, Gjd; seven GOlb. G2d; three 511b, Gjjtl; ( ilireo s:Jlb, one GGlb, Gjd; and two 4911), Gjd. AVo quote: Prime stout,-heavy ox, Gjd to 7}d; extra, to 7id; heavy, Old to Gid; mediuni, SUI to OJd; light, sid to Gjd; stout heavy cow, s£d lo Gad; medium, sjd fo Gd; light, 5Jd to'G'd; stag and bull, 3d to 4Jd; yearlings. 3d iu calfskins, Is Gd to 4s 3d cacli.

Tlio directors of (ho Bank,of Australasia have declared u lialf-yonrly dividend of £2 8s per sharp, being; at tiie rate of 12 pel' conl. per annum. ,T'|P dividend is payalili; on .October 5. Tlio spm of £30,000 has been transferred ;to the reserve fund, £12,000 lias been devoted to the reduction of bank preinises account, and £17,350 ha.s boon carried forward. The Coomb Ilav Estate, Milton, comprising 2000 acres ifreohold, and 3000 acres leasehold, lately owned by Messrs Cadwallader Bros., of fiinaru, has (says tlio Timaru Herald) been sold to a. Christchurcli buyer at a satisfactory figure." .

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13693, 8 September 1906, Page 8

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COMMERCIAL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13693, 8 September 1906, Page 8

COMMERCIAL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13693, 8 September 1906, Page 8


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