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Tlie ordinary monthly meeting of the Taieri County Council was held in the Council Chambers, Mosgiel, yesterday. The members present -were—Cm Gibson (chairman), Samson, Blair, Elliott, Doherty, Blackie, Stevenson, and Miller. The minutes, 011 the' motion of Cr Stevenson, were amended io insert words to the effect that Cr Blackie wits ruled out of order by the chairman when moving an amendment re a ditch through Charter's paddock. . FINANCE COMMITTEE'S REPORT. The Finance Committee recommended accounts amounting to £884 lis 9d for payment, and reported that the receipts for the past month amounted to £301 15s lid, and that the hank book showed u dr. balance of £26% 7s 2d.' The committee recommended that the clerk bp instructed to again write to the Treasury Department making application' for £50, additional 10 per cent, on West Taieri loan.— Adopted. ELECTRIC COMMITTEES REPORT. TIIO Electric Committee reported that after perusing a letter received from the town clerk, Duncdin, regarding (lie scalo of charges for the supply of electrical energy, it found that the letter did not furnish the information required, and recommended that- the committee, with (ho engineer, meet and discuss the matter with the city electrical engineer at tho time when the committee met him regarding damage to roads in Taieri County caused by City Corporation carters.--Approved. engineer's report.

Tlio county engineer's report was read and dealt with as follows:—, Contracts and , Work?.—The contracts completed during the month avo No. 24, West Taieri bridge; No. 49, delivery 500 tons metal, Slain South road; and No. 55, cartage of scrub for fascines, East Taieri Riding. The other contracts on the books are No. -34, formation, Lee Canal road; and No. 39, metal, South Taieri loan; which have been delayed on account of the condition of the roads.—Received. Tho works carried out by day labour are:—North and East Taieri: Formation of Owhiro-Gladfield road, repairs Duke's road, and regrading of Gladstone road. Kaikorai and Otokia: Maintenance metal Freeman's road, Huggins road, and streets of Abbotsford, scale for footways at Cattleyards, and schist metal and repairs Taieri Mouth road. Outram arfu Maungatua: Blasting of water tables, and re-formation of road Outram to tho Lee, insertion 18in pipe culvert on Dow'6 road, and pip© culvert aiul repairs Campbell's road. Deep Stream and Strath-Taieri: Completion of gravelling top road to Gladbrook Station, and formation, of road to Mitchell's section, Hindon.—Received. Roads and Bridges.—Allanton bridge: Iho boring rods belonging io tho Public Works Department are at present in use, and it will nrobably bo a month before tho necessary plant can be obtained to carry out boring operations.-Engineer to report as to tho advisability of erecting the new bridge at tho end of the embankment which forms tho continuation of tho Allanton-Outram embankment. Taicvi Mouth road: Have to report on cost of putting m repair that part of Greeu Island to Taieri Mouth road between \\ estwood s and Davey's. Tho road is miles ill length, and requires regr.nlinf? sand a light coat of gravel throughout. I estimate the cost of this work at £320 made up as follows :-Grading, £40; 280 chains gravel at. £1 a chain. £280;— total £320. Tho cutting below Brighton for a distance of about 20 chains could with advantage be metalled with rough conglomerate obtainable from paddock adjoining road, and this would increase tho abovo estimato by £50.—Engineer to 1m asked to modify the estimato for the ivorki ". ,

Mosgiel Quarry.—l have interviewed Mr Young regarding renewal of lease of Mosgiel quarry, and. am now in a position to submit the following proposals for your consideration:—(l) That at tho termination of present lease a renewal bo granted for a term of 15 years. (2) That the royalty bo 4d a yard for metal and • 2d a yard for spalls, with a guarantee of £40 a year. (S) That preference be given to Mosgiel quarry in obtaining supply; of county mefal, where this can be done without increaso of cost to the county. Should tho council consider th'cso terms satisfactory an interim agreement may bo entered into with Mr Young, and negotiations regarding, the siding to'tho quarry completed.—Resolved that- the chairman and engineer wait again on Mr Young and discuss with him the supply of metal.

Extraordinary Traffic and Otfences on Roads.—City Corporation: As Mr Goodman ha 3 been absent from Dunedin during tho past month I have deferred my report on tho damage sustained to county roads by carting of Wgipori poles till next meeting.—Received. Kepple Bros.: M'Laren's Gully road, Qtokia Riding, particularly between Speara's house and tlio flaxmill, has been damaged by reason of .the cartingdone in connection with the conveyance of coal to and flax from . Kepple Bros.' mill. The, repair of tho dariiage to the road is now in progress, this involves-the county;in extraordinary expenses, I have given notice to tho proprietors of the flaxmjll that they will bo held liable for fame. —Approved.. Sledging on Roads: A number of instances where sledges.,are being used oil. roads have come under my notice, and as. there is some ignorance regarding the nature of this offence, I recommend that publio notico bo given ofthe council's intention to take action against anyone sledging on county'roads.—Left to engineer to take any further action necessary. Road'- Deviations.—Road through Jeffeoate's: I have' 'completed arrangements with Mr Walter Ilislop and Mr Thomson for use of road through Jeffcoate's at Saddlo Hill, to avoid Hata'.ies's slip, for tho nominal rental_ of Is per. year. Tho road is being repaired and gate ereclcd.— Approved.

Mathcson's Road Exchaneo.—Mrs Paterson, Mrs Thompson, and Mrs D. Matheson have agreed to the completion of road exchange •at Bald Hill. Tho necessary plans in triplicate are before you to-day for signature, and the exchange of road's can now'be effected.—Approved^ 11.- E. Mitchell.—A start-was made by H. E. Mitchell to erect a flaxmillin? plant on that portion of tho Outram to Hindon road between the road formation and the Wharo Creek, eonscnt for which was refused at last council meeting. Mitchell has been served with notico to remove the plant and to make Rood any damage done to road by his operations.—Approved. A QUESTION OF .I'BIVILECB. A clause in tho engineer's report read as follows:—"With regard to the outlet ditch through Charters's paddock, I have now to report that this has been scoured and deepened, the work being carried out under instructions from, and at the expense of. the Taieri Land Association."

Cr Stevenson moved, and Or Samson seconded—" That the clause he adopted, and tho engineer's action approved."—ln support of the motion Cr Samson'said the council ouqht- to be very thankful that the work had been carried out as it had been.— Cr Blcckic: The statement is not correct that flic work has been carried out at the expense ol the Taieri Land Association.—Cr Hamson: I know of my own knowledge that what is stated in tho report is true. The money has been handed over by the Land Syndicate.—Cr lilaekio: I again shite that it is not correct. —Cr Stevenson: I rise to a point of order. It Cr Blackio is an interested person lie lias no rig-lit to speak or vote on this matter.—Cr Blackio: I was ruled out of order by the chairman at last meeting in an improper manner. If a letter.which I sent to the chairman had teen read at last meeting it would have put the matter before the council ill a proper light.—The Engineer here read a letter authorising the expenditure of up to £3 011 tho ditch by the Land Syndicate, and the clause was then adopted, and the engineer's action approved.

Cr Samson moved that the Standing Orders be suspended to allow him to refer to a matter which affected the council, j It had conic to his Knowledge during the month that, the chairman had received a letter from a member of the council which dealt with the business of the council, and which was marked "Private and confidential." He understood that all letters dealing with the business of the council should ho laid on ilia table, and that they could not Iks treated as private, and kept from tha knowledge of other members. The fulcs of the council provided that all correspondence belonged to the council. In connection with the lettev referred to, ho understood that it made a reflection on the chairman—that it was abusive, and that its effect on the chairman, who was ill at the time, was to retard his recovery. Under the circumstances, he thought if was the duty of the council to protect its chairman, and he moved—" That the letter be laid on the 'iable and read to the council." —The motion was seconded by Cr Doherty and carried, Cr Blackie remarking that he would wil'in?ly second the motion if the writer of the letter were allowed to reply to C'r Samson's remarks. The correspondence .referred to by Cr Samson, which was then laid 011 the table, referred to a letter written in August 4 by Cr Ulaikio to the chairman, in which the writer stated that he could not find any standing order justifying the action of tile chairman in qalling him to order at the previous meeting when referring to the ditch through Charter's paddock. The writer stated .that I if ho was called to order because 110 was

an interested party, that was a matter which was his own business, and if he trespassed on any of the council's rules councillors or ratepayers had redress by process of law. If the chairman was not sufficiently conversant with the rules of the council in such nutters lie should bo guided by other members who were. He therefore asked that the chairman make some amends for the insult offered to him at the meeting' referred to.—To this letter the chairman replied under data August 8 that the matter was disposed of at the. council meeting referred to, t and that the letter did not. call for. any reply.—On August. 9 Cr Blackie replied to the chairmail's loiter, pointing out that his question had not been answered—vi 2., what rule he had been called to order under. Cr Blackie, speaking after tho eorres-, pondenco had been read, said ho never expected thnti a private loiter—marked "Private and confidential"—would have been brought before open council in tho manner it had been. He was strongly of opinion that tho chairman had no right, however niuoli lie might bo personally interested, to call a member to order for speaking or voting upon a question before tho council. There was no authority for such action. Any member who was interested in a matter before the council took full responsibility for his own action, and was liable to a fine of £50 and the loss of his seat. It was entirely the member's own responsibility, and there was no right of interference on the part of the chair.

Some interruption here occurred on the part of Crs Samson and Stevenson, which caused Cr Blackie to remark that he was constantly being interrupted by the councillors referred to, and he peremptorily requested Cr Stevenson to hold his tongue. On the motion of Cr Samson, seconded by Cr Stevenson, it was then resolved that Id tor? bo received as the property oi the council, and the incident closed. THE 'SEDDON MEMORIAL. Correspondence was read from tho Mayor of Wellington re tho proposed Seddon memorial, and Cr Miller said members would probably be called upon to subscribe individually, and he did not think the council could do so, or make any recommendation.—The letter was received. j THE HARBOUR BOARD ENDOWMENTS. Correspondence from tho Harbour Board re the appropriation by the Government of its endowments for railway purposes wthout adequate compensation was read; also the action taken by tho board and citizens in 'relation thereto.—Tho Chairman said he thought the council should do all it could to assist . the Harbour Board in this important matter. It was a matter for tho council to consider as to whether it was advisable to send a special representative to Wellington to act on the proposed deputation. Personally, ho thought tho Otago Harbour Board bad been very unfairly and hardly dealt with by the Government, In addition to the correspondence read, a petition had been forwarded for signature, and he understood the Harbour Board was prepared to pay the costs incurred in sending tho petition round tho district for signature.— Cr Samson endorsed the..chairman's remark that tho council should assist the Harbour Board in every way it- could. No doubt the board had been lax in the past in allowing the Railwav Department to tako its land in the way it had. Tho land had been reclaimed from the sea by a corporate body, and it was a monstrous thing that tho.Government could step in and take such land at less than its value. Tho Railway Department had a right to land for railway purposes, but it had also a right to pay a fair price for it.—lt was resolved, on tho motion of Cr Stevenson— " That tho petition be sent round tho Taieri Plain for signature, and that tho

foreman of works be placed in charge of it." It was also resolved, on the motion of Cr /.BUckie—" That •Mr D. Reid, M.11.R. for Taiori, bo asked to represent the Taieri County on the deputation to the Government in Wellington/' The following resolution was also unanimously adopted, 011 ihe motion of Cr Samson—"That iliis council is of opinion that the Harbour Board has been subjected to an injustice by tho taking of its ondowraents for railway purposes; and heartily supports the in itq.. endeavours, to obtain redress.". • . Tho : petition' was then signed by every member of the council. >RMtOER'S HFJOKT. R. M'Kenzie, ranger, roporlod.that be had visited a good inaii t v of Ihe districts during the • month. 1 and found that Hie

roads wero fairly clear, of cattle, and there were not so many cat lie 011 the road us had heen'rcpq'rtoij Jo 'hini.. Some pigs on tho roatl'atrOtokia w'c'rq.iloing moro harm than cattle would do. *'On "speaking to (ho owner of tlio pigs lie 'was met with abuso. Tho rangeiv coiicluije.d his report by asking to be allowed'to resign his position.— Tho report was received, and tho resignation accepted. : J,. SANITARr .IXSPECTOR'S DEPORT. R. Bain, sanitary inspector, reported that the Kaikorni Stream continued to bo in very fair' condition; -that the manager of Bayley's works at. Burnsido had been cautioned re. pollution; that the, manager of tlje fat. and talloV. works at Burnsido - hail beeii summoned before the court for-the pollution, of tho slreain, and that tho "case ;\va.s. dismissed. Since', the latter case was before'tlie court, however, tho l'angor-sjatied ; that things-had improved very, mueli for the belter, at the! factory referred to; Complaint had' been .made that a large cjiianiity of ashes : and debris was being xlcjKjsitod 011 the roadside and causing » wiuisanco oil; Freeman's road, Abbotsford Hill. Tlio'.placo was-inspected on tho 15th ulf.j and fho inspcctor; found there was good cause for tlio complaint, and .the '-residents wore accordingly vis'jted andicautiohbd, •' with-tlio- result - thai; no further deposits, had. ;beon made, A defendant, had lleon'fmod 10s' and costs

for - allowing cattlc to', wander.—Tho Inspector roported- vjrbally that Dr Ogston had handed him a. letter from a settlor at Middleinarch complaining that drainage from a piggery (lowed into water which his dairy 'ca-ttlo used for'.drinking.—Tho report was approved, tlio council's' inspector to ho < asked to visit Middlomaroh and to caution tho owner of tho piggery complained of. KAIHORAI DRAINAGE COMMITTEE'S REPORT. The'committee appointed to deal with the proposed Kaikorai drainage reported that a letter on (he subject had been received from the District Health Officer, and a favourable report thereon would, it was hoped, bo submitted to next meeting of the council—Approved. MOTOR AND CVCIX TRAFFIC. The council met in Bjwoial meeting to. confirm tho by-law passed at the previous meeting in regard to motor and cycle traffic.—Mv Stark waited 011 tho council on behalf of motor cyclists, and presented petitions in favour of an alteration of tho by-law in tlio' direction of suspending its operation until an experiment had been tried to regulate tho running of motors on tho closed roads. Motorists recognised that tho roads closed wero dangerous. As a means of preventing tjic possibility of accident ho suggested that tlio motor associa-

tibn was willing to supply and put up notifications that motor vehicles, would give way to. liorso traffic. It that wero tried and it was not successful tlio association would willingly abide by tlio council's decision.—After discussion and consideration the council resolved to pass the by-law as published. GENERAL. The council desided to co-operate with Collingwood County Council re expenditure of Government, grants during winter months, and it. was decided to ask the member.for the district ,to co-operato in assisting in the matter.' It was resolved to give 2d a dozen for small birds' heads and eggs. It was resolved that the chairman and engineer bo empowered to call for applications for rangers for the various ridings in tho county, with the exception of Kaikorai riding. CORP.PSPONnP.XCE. Kenyon ami ITosking (Dunedin) wrote on behalf of D. Miller, forwarding for execution by tho council the deed of conveyance of port of section 51, blade 111, Muutigatua, district.—Seal of tho council to be attached.

H. S. Stephenson, Flagstaff Sanatorium, Dunedin, wrote drawing attention to the bad state of tho road above tho sanatorium in certain places.—Received.; no funds available.

Tho' Town Clerk, Dunedin, wrote requesting tho council to have the district road at "tVingatni repaired.—Resolved— ''That the council is'willing to gravel that portion of the road already formed, provided tho Citv Council subsidise pound for pound, the City Council to bo informed that tho balance of the roads have not been taken over by the County Council."

Irvino and Stevenson, Dunedin, wrote requesting that the Owhiro Creek at Wingattii bo cleaned out and restored to its former lied. On every occasion of rain their paddcolfs were flooded with water.— To be informed that the tenants have already been written to and seen in regard to tho matter.

Several ratepayers at Mossburn wrote drawing attention to tho bad state of Thames street during wot weather.—Resolved—" Tlmt the Mosgiel Borough Council be approached and asked to contribute half cost of gravelling of the street." _ Muir Brbs., Ardg'owan farm, wrote reqncstinc the. council to clean out ditch on Gladfield road, also ditch on railway road near Gladfield. as il was damming water on to Mr OrauiV; and their properties.—Resolved— " That 10 chain's be cleaned out, as recommended by the county engineer." John Campbell, Langlca, wroie drawing attention. to tho had state of the lower part of Duke's road, from corner of his house fo Gladfield road.—flatter already attended to.

Several' ratepayers at Mosgiel Junction wroto drawiftg attention to tho state of tho road loading to their properties.—lt was decided to authorise the expenditure of £10 on tho road, A. Houlston, Green Tslaml, wrote applying for a few loads of metal for the front of his house, nta the surface water lay there and formed a mud hole.—Matter already attended to. A. Lee Smith, Dunedin, wrote directing attention to the flooding of his land, with, a frontage to Harraway's road, adjoining Burnside-station, by reason of an old culvert which carried ilie water under the line from a drain that had no outlet to tho Kaikorai stream. Ho would bo glad to pay half of the small cost this would incur.— Engineer to act. J. Blair, Abbotsford, wroto asking permission to remove soil off the road opposite his property at Abbotsford. If permission were granted he would do it to the satisfaction of tlio inspector,—Left iu the hands of the engineer. Several ratepayers at Scrogg's hill wrote drawing attention to the impassable stale of tho road ndar J. L. Calendar's property. A deviation through R. Cullen's and .Tames Callendav, senr.'s, sections (2, 35, and 36), would make a great improvement.—Resolved—" That Messrs Callcnder and Cullen 1m asked to exchange a road for road at tho site of the proposed deviation, and alio whether tliev will shift, their fences back to tlio now line of road,"

11. Haslor, Alhmlon, wrolo drawing aliention to tho very bad state of the road in front of his premises.—To bo given one or two trucks of metal on paying half cost

and providing cartage. , J. F. M. Eraser, Dunedin, wrote on bohalf of Jlr Bruco re trespass on his land, stating that if pedestrians could not conduct themselves properly, and take trouble to shut tho gates behind them ho would padlock both Engineer empowered to consult solicitor on tho matter.

Henry ICiely, Otokia, wrole drawing attention to tho bad state ot the road in M'Laren's Gully.—Matter being attended to. John Gilliand, Hcnlev, wrote applying for the right to cut all flax growing on Taiori County roads for 4s per ton rnvaltv. —Application declined. Wm. Brown, Stratlinioro, Middlemareh, w;rote stating that. be decidedly objected to paying any more rates'until something was done with road leading to his house.— The Engineer reported having seen tho writer regarding tho road. He asked for two box culverts. Some years ago the. same application had been refused, as the'Middlemarch people considered a diversion of water was contemplated. This could bo got over by merely ditching the crossing or by inserting culverts at present surface level.—Received; no funds available. D. R. Grant, Middlemareh, wroto drawing attention to the water channels on roadside around tho land he now held in lease; also stating that- the culvert across road at his house could not run two-thirds of the water in any ordinary flood.—The Engineer reported this was an old trouble between two ratepayers. He had dealings previously with tho High School Board, but could , not get that body to approve of its own tenants' suggestions.—Received; no funds available. Several ratepayers at Middlemareh wrote requesting tho council to erect side-rail-ings on bridge near cemotery, Jennison's

Creek: also on bridge near Cotlisbrook Homestead, as both bridges were very narrow and dangerous.—Tho-Engineer reported tho tiinbeb of Jenuison's bridge to bo rot-, ten,, anil the bridge was not worth rail. He recommended that, pctitioncrs-be informed that a new.bridgo was in contemplation, .which would have a hand-rail. Cotlisbrook watercourse was littlomore than a. .culvert. The crook was largely used for watering slock. 1 and a guard fence to be erected would block entrance to the creek. —To he informed that the council is considering Iho erection of now bridges at the places indicated.

John Grant, Ontrsm, wrote stating- that 110 was instructed by (he West; Taieri Drainage Board to write lo Iho council re Ihe pipes put in through Hie road at Mickey's hut. Mr J. Bruce had agreed to allow tliolboard to cut a drain through bis properly'leading from the pipes across tlift road between Messrs Nichol's and Union's, Tho pipes had been put. in. and Air Bruce asked the board to complete the agreement.—Deceived.

J. and C. Campbell and .1 as Dirties, Allanloh, wrote applying for pipes to convoy the water across (lie road on the road leading from Campbell's to Nichol's,—Matter attended to.

J. B. Crossan, wrote stating flint lie thought ft. was tlie duly of tlie council to to Hho box 011 Henley road, as it was doing great, damage.— I To be informed that if tho Berwick Board carries out. (110 work the council will provide half cost.

C. Palerson, Gladsnmir, wrote asking the council (o alter its decision at previous meeting in regard to proposed road through Whit,ton's.—To be informed that there are no funds available for tlio work.

Tho Treasury, Wellington, -wrote, notifying the council that tlio sum of £4 Is, goldfields revenue, had been remitted to its credit.—deceived.

The Lands and Survey Department.. Dunedin wrote stating that tho sum of £155 15s 9d had been paid in for the credit, of tho council for ".thirds" and "fourths" land revenue.—Received.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13693, 8 September 1906, Page 7

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TAIERI COUNTY COUNCIL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13693, 8 September 1906, Page 7

TAIERI COUNTY COUNCIL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13693, 8 September 1906, Page 7


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