The twentieth-annual show of the Peninsula A. and P. Society was held on the show ground at PortobeHo on Saturday. Following arc the office-bearers: — President, Mr David Young; vice-presi-dents-Messrs J. M'Cartney and D. Hughes; secretary and treasurer, Mr S. Hinkley; auditors, Messrs J. Macandrew and J. M'Cartney; Managing Commutes—Messrs 11. Cowan. AV. Robertson, R, AVeir, A. Porterfield, AV. Cowan,. AV. Gill, D. D. Senton, F. Hellyer, D. Taylor, J. AVeir, ,T. Landrelh. A. Dickson, T. Aliau, and J. MTainsh; Ground Committee—Major M'O.irtney, Messrs' J. G. Lewis, T. Allan, D. Hughes, A. Porterfield, and A. Dickson. Kain fell at intervals all the afternoon and the clay was nlso inclined to bo coUJ. The attendance was much smaller than usual, tho sum of £19 2s 6d only being taken nfc the gate, and a small deficit is expected as a result. A fair number from town visited the stow ground during the day, the Moorangi and Tarcwai running from Dunedin and Port Chalmers respectively for the convenience of patrons. It is to bo regretted that the local band could not bo prevailed u,pon to attend tho gathering, their place, however, being taken with conspicuous success by pipers il'Keohnie and IPDoiiald, who regaled those present, and, for the matter of thut, tho community at large, with war-like and inspiriting bagpipe selections. The fat children wore on exhibition and were well supported,, this, together with several individuals with doubtful games of skill, comprising tho outside attractions. This year's entrios show a (alling-off in nearly every section, sheep being the most important exception. There was a total absence of pigs, ami but a single entry of poultry. One thing noticeable about the Peninsula, shows of recent years has been the improved quality of tho draughts on exhibition, and this year the improved standard Ims been worthily upheld by the district. Tho rings were fairly munorous, tho spring-carters especially making a brave show. Mr W. Cowan's Springfield, sire Pride's Fancy, alid dam by Lord Lyon, was tho winner in the aged stallion class, and frill bo remembered as winner at the Taieri this year. The cla?s was only fair. In the two-year-olds there was one entry, a promising youngster. The winning brood mare was rather a fine animal, ami was conspicuous throughout the prize-list. There were no less tihnu three chifscs for foals, ouo of these inducing a big ring. Tlio placed foals promise most, favourably. The colts' mid iillicE , classes were alra well supported, and on the whole would compare well with other show rings. No little diversion was ocKi.sioiifd when the judges made their awards in. tihe light spring-cart claee. Olio. of the exhibitors took it upon himself to dilFer from the judges' verdict, and expressed hhnsolf most forcibly, greatly to the amusement of the spectators. The spriiig-cart and van -horses were the biggest rings on the ground, ami tho plnuod horses would call forth attention anywhere, though many of the entries were wrongly classed—a. frequent complaint. Hackneys wei'e not as good a section as tho draughts ihu weight-carrying hacks being the host feature, and the 14 stone class coming in for special comment b/ the judges. The stallions were fair only, but the brood marcs, on the contrary, were, a well-bred, nice oven lot. In tiilies and geldings tho latter were t-lw more numerous, and constituted a good clats for this show. The deg-cart and buggy class were all good and hard to place. There were two separate classes for ladies' hacks, one for all-coiners and tho other local, the open class proving the hest, and in this cla-ss tho winning lady treated thp spectators to an excellent exhibition of horscwoniansliip. Tho cobs and ponies wore fair on the whole. Peninsula, showis about tho strongest in cattle of any of the country shows, but this year,, in common with the ol her sections, tho entries n-urc weaker numerically than usual. It would kippear that the shorthorn ia .going to usurp the place of the Ayrshire in this district for practical purpo-es, but Alderneys continue to held their bwu. The winning .and champion shorthorn bull showed niupli breeding, and was much superior to tho others. The. cow.? were a good typo of the breed, but a number of tho heifors, though very fair specimens, were .not shorthorns. The dairy, cows appear to bo first-class milkers. Altogether the section was not first cki.=s, and the judges fittgge-sfc that breeders should obtain tetter sires to cross their herds—for instance, such as the champion lull. In addition to proving- beneficial for dairying purposes, this gives ,ii lwtter proportioned animal when till! butcher is to he considered. In Ayrshires, as s,tatod, there'was a disappointing deficiency this year; and the'exhibition on the whole cannot-bo commended. The yearling bull was an jvcnly-balaiiced.speci-men of- hie kind, and probably, the best exhibit in the section. A number of tlw best breeders did not show at nil for some reason. The AloWncys and Jerseys were a guod, useful peotioii, and in s»o'od condition. The bulls, with the exception of the ohampion, were not all tlrat could bfl desired, and were tlu> poorest exhibits of Uio section. The champion-'cow' wag a fine type of the breed, and a hotter specimen than any shown at. Dunedin., The heifer rings were well contested, and tho exhibits of good: quality. The winning tliree-year-old heifer was highly!", creditable, and the judges expressed'themselves highly gratified with the section. Sheep comprised Bcrdor Leicester for the most
part, and were somewhat low in condition. Of the rams the two-tooths were the best shown, unci the hoggets were good all through. The won! was good. Most of the dogs shown wore in too poor condition to bring out their best qualities. As mire! the show of dairy produce, bread, 0k , ., w9s of exceptional merit. Following is the prize-list: — HORSES. Draught. Judges: Messrs R Gnwn unci AV. Charters (Mosgiol). Clydesdale stallion, any iige. Three .anWμ—W. Cowan 1, J. Henderson 2, J. Landrelli 3. Stallion, two years old. One entry— J. Lan-ckc-th. Brood move, in foal or with foal at loot. Tom- entries—A. Korth 1, T. Allan 2, Janus He-ndcrson 3. Foal. Seven entries—A. North 1, J. Duckwanton 2, AV, Rogers 3. Dry mure. Throe entries—AV. Oowan 1, D. Young 2. D. Tnylor 3. Filly, ilirre years old. Four entries—S. Townley 1, I). Taylor 2, Jsmca Henderson 3. Gelding, three years old or upwards, oix entries—l/inghnn Bros. 1, D. and J. M'Donald 2, Saunders Bros. 3. Filly, two yews old. Four entries—D. Tnylor 1, T. Allan 2. W. Dick 3. Colt, gelding, or filly, one year old. Seven entries— J. l>»elnnaiilon 1. D. Young 2, A. North 3. Light spring-cart horso, up to 7cwt. Bight entries— AV. Stewart 1, J. ll'Tainch 2, J. Black 3. Medium epring-cart horso. up to lOowt. Five onirics— D. Taylor 1 imcl 2, Hull Bros. 3. Heavy spring-cart horse, up to laewt. Seven entries—AV. Cowan 1, D. Taylor 2, John Blown 3. Spring-van horse, up to ono ton. Eight entries—AV. Cowan 1, Langhiim Bros. 3, D. and J. M'Donald 3. Pair of horses, most suitable lor Peninsula work. Four nnttice—W. Cowan 1, D. Taylor 2. D. Young 3. Best loiil by Lord Roberts. One entry—T. Allan. Bwl foal by Clear the Way. Five entries— A. North 1, J. Dueknmnton 2, AV. Eogere 3. Beit fnruiDv's horee. Three entries— AV. 1. Hacks. Judges: Messrs AVm.. Argue (Goodwood and Win. Dickson (Duiiedin). Tlondslcr stallion. Two entries—Josep'l Brown 1, M. Robert-win 2. Brood mure, in fo:il or with foal at foot. Four crtricf— l). D. Seaton 1, D. liuthcriovd 2, J. M'Cartney 3. Foul. Four ciitries-D. D. Seaton 1, J. M'Cartney 2, D. Rutherford 3. Colt, gelding, or filly, one year old. Three onirics— l). D. Seaton 1, J, Duckmanlon 2, W. Kogera 3. Filly, two years old. Two entries—A." 1, Wm. BriHilon 2. ' Geldmg, two years old. One ontry—M. Robwtson 1, Gelding, three years old. Two entries— J. GWwaler 1, JI. liobert-on 2. AVeighl-carryirg hack, up to 14&t, to be ahowu in saddle. Four entries—lnrrio and Giant 1, J. M'Cartiiey 2, AV. Proctor 3. Weight-carrying hack, up to list, lo be ■■I own in saddle.' Nine entries— Joseph Brown 1, J. MT.iinsli 2, AV. Collie 3. • horte, lo be shown in harness. Five entries—lmrio tuid Grant 1, and Son 2, J. M'Ca.rtney 3. BijßEy hor?e, lo bo shown in harness. Six c:ilrifw--Tiwie .'■net Grunt 1, J. C'lainvntcr 2, W. Collie 3. Lady's" hack, to be ridden by n lady (open). Pour entries—A. Frf.neis 1, Imrio mid Grant 2, J. Cleanvfiter 3. Ivr.dy's lwclt (locul horse and rider). Four onirics— A. Francis 1, J. Clcanvntor 2. Cob, M 5 hands or wider. Four entries— Joseph Brown 1, James Alexander 2, W. Ivusscl! !i.
Pony, 13 hands or under, lo ho ridden by a hoy. Three entries—Fitzgerald and Son 1, W. A. Owen 2.
Best lumllo jumper, over throo flights of liisrrllcs. Four entries—A. North 1, A. M'Tainsh 2.
KeM hurdle jumper (local). Five entries— \. North 1. T. Geary 2.
High jump. Three entries—l , . Geary 1. A, North 2.
CATTLE. SnonTironx
.fudges: Jfcsnrs John Clark (Waiteti) and W. M'Bridc (Wnikoiiaili). Bull, one year. One entry—W. Townley. Bull, two year. One entry— J. Bacon. Bull, any age. One entry— J. Bacon. Cow, in milk. One entry—AV. Townsley. Heifer, (liroo years. One entry—P. Hellyer. Heifer, two years. Ono entry—P. Hellyer. Heifer, ono year. Two entries—W. Townloy 1 and 2. Champion bull— J. Bacon. Halfbrkd SHonraoßNs. Cow, in milk. One entry—P. Hellyer. Heifer, three years. One ontry—F: Hellyer. Heifer, two jears. Two cntnes-F. Helly.r 1, J. S. Shaw 2. Tlciter, one year. Three entries—AV. Townley 1 and 2.
AvnsiHRES. Judges: Messrs P. Ireland (Goodwood), R. iSproll (Green Island), and T. Lewis (Upper Jmrftion). Bull, cue year. Three entries—Hall Broa 1, D. Young 2, Hall Bros. !!. Bull, any age. Two cntries--D. Arnott 1, J. Holme? 2. Dry cow. One entry—AV. Tovnley. Cow, in milk. Two entries—D. Young 1, AV. Townley 2. Heifer, dry, two years old. Two entries— H. Dick 1, AV. Townley 2. Iltv.fcr, one year. Two entries—D. Arnott 1 and 2. Heifer, ono year (liilfbred). One entry—AV. Barr.
Clinmnion bnil—D. ArnoU. Champion cow—D. Young. Alderxev or Jersey. Judges: Mewsrs D. SMherlnncl (Tnieri) ami W. B. Anderson (North-East Ynlley). #ull, one year. Two entries—F. Hel'lyer 1, W. Tmvnioy 2. Bull, two years. One entry—H. Evans. Bull, any nyo. Three entries—F. Hellyer 1, H Shaw 2. Cow, in mill;. Four entries—F. Hellyer 1, W. But 2, J. S. Shaw 3. Dry r<nv. Two entriee-S. W. Hull 1, W. Wilson 2. Heilet tlireo yrata old. in milk. Two entr«7_F. Hellyer 1, \V. Wilson 0. Hcifpr. two years oW, drv. Two entries— F Hcllver 1, W. Wilson 2. Heifer, tro yeara old, in nnlk. Three en-trie.=-S. W. Hal! 1, W. Wilson 2. Keifcr, one ye;r old. Three entries—F. Hellyer 1, A, Xorfh 2. Champion bull—P. Hellyor. HaLPERED AI.DERNF,y OR JERSEY. Cov/. in millf. Three entries—AV. Dick 1, J. S. Shaw 2. S. W. Hall 3. Dry cow. Two entries—S. W. Hall 1, W. Dick 2. Heifor, three jreaie old. One entry—B. SeatonHeifer, two yeara old One entry—S. W Hull. Heifer, one year old. Three entries— J Black 1, W. Bwr 2, J. S. Shaw 3. GEKERAt. Cow, in milk. Three entries—F. Hellyer 1 W. Ton-nley 2. W. G«ry 3. Dry cow. Tlirec ratries— J. S. Shaw 1, W. Townley 2. ■ sheep. : . Judge: Mi J. Wyllie (Taien). Leicester. Eim, tv.-o-toolh. Two entries— A. Norlh 1 and 2.
. Rato, any age. Threo ontriesr-A. North 1, 2, and 3. Two ewes, uny age, with lambs at foot. Threo entries—A. North 1, 2, and 3. Two ewes, two-tooth. Three oatrios—A. North 1,2, and 3. GSXERAL. Pen of fivo fat sheep, adapted for" freezing, weight not to exceed 65!b. Two entries—A. North 1 and 2. Pen of five fat lambs. Two entries—A. North 1 and 2. DOGS. 'Judge: Mr J. Wyllie. Smooth collie. Four entries—A. Franci9 1, A. Porterfield 2. Hough, collie. Three entries—W. Robertson 1, A. Porferfield 2. Boarded collie. One entry— J. Holmes, POULTRY. Judge: MrW. J. Waters (Duiieclin). Minorca cock and hen. One entry— J. Cross. DAIRY PRODUCE, ETC. Judges: Miss Kcmpshell (Taieri) and Mrs ■ Thornton (Milton). Birfter. without salt, in Jib rolls. Three mtm-s-D. Young 1, Miss A. Porterfield 2, Mrs Hinkley 3, Butter, without suit, in J'b rolls, one week old. Three entries—D. Yoiui" ] Miss A Porterfield 2, Mrs Hinkley 3. Powdered gutter, in Jib rolls, one week old Three entrie?-D. Young 1, Miss A. Porte--field 2, Mrs Hinkley 3. Fancy btrttor, for the table, qualify n.nd design,to be considered ; One entry—Hiss A Portorfield. Ono dozen hen's eggs, judged by weight Five (intrios-J. Cross 1, - Dougal"! D.°D Smton 3.' . . Six girdle ccoites, no ywsi fo be nml (nrovinciol flour). Twelve cntws—Mi's J Chrli 1 end % Mrs R. Senton 3, D. Yonn" h c Six ovon scones, Twelvo wilrio-Miss J Ciatk 1 Miss A. Srakm 2, Mrs M'Cartney 3, Mips M. Porterfield he. -Six plain oatmeal rake*. Seven ontric'Mrs M'Cartey 1 and 2, Jliss XT. Porlerfield 3 and h c. Best collection small cakes, 10 varieties Four M'G'artnoy 1 and 2, d! BOOTS AND VEGETABLES. Early polai-oea, kidney variety. TW en-bies-S. Hinkley 1, AV. D. AViigh* 2. F/irly v.otntofs, round varieties. One enirv -J. S. Shmv. ' Lnte notatof.s, any variety. Two ontriesW. D. Wright 1 and 2.
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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13469, 18 December 1905, Page 2
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2,223PENINSULA SHOW. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13469, 18 December 1905, Page 2
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