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•■■' : ..': '■■'■ ■■■•'■- ■•'. , AMUSEMENTS. . .; "• ' '• ■ • ■ O'LYMPIA ELITE -ROLLER RINK. V; : .' V " DUNEDIN PRIVATIO' RISKING.- CLUB. Members of above.Club Meet oh FRIDAY AIU'ERNQON, ,3.30 to 5.30. All lTcmber3 can ..:...■ ■ introduce a.Visitor. Foe..'ls'each.'A'dmisßion. .. ' " CHILDREN'S FANCY DRESS AND. 'POSTER 1 ' CARNIVAL! FRIDAY, SEPT. 29. At OLYMPIA RINK. ; ', SATURDAY, SEPT. 30. . HANDSOME PRIZES WILL BF, PRESENTED FOR VARIOUS POSTER COSTUMES. ', Drapers, Grocers, Butchers, Bakers, Tobacconists, Cycle Makers, Motor Makers, Tailors, , "Bootmakers, Saddlers, Ironmongers; Wine and Spirit Merchants, etc.; etc., will find this to be one of.the best advertising mediums ever brought before the notice of the public. Capable Children Skaters can be introduced to Business Firms desirous of being represented at this i Unique. Carnival for Advertising purposes. . •'.•.'■'' ... . . , , : I Parents who purpose permitting, their children to enjoy themselves atthia Carnival will be supplied with a Free Ticket for same on application at the Rink.. Children Must be in Costume. See your tradespeople and get them to advertise themselves thereat.' Prizes ! also given for Best Four-in-hand Team (Boys or Girls) in addition to tbp other prizes.

, FOR BALE. nnYPEWMTER.;— Blick Typewriter For. 1- SALE;.'legal size;--cost .WIOs, price £7.—Typiat, Times. Oflice. • 21s ROBERT MOSS, Tuner. Importer, 18 Albany street: Agent Hoelling-Spangen-berg'a- magnificent Pianos; ' bargains await i immediate inquirers. - : -. " 83 j '.'*BUY a White Sewing ! &e -MACHINE, .complete, with all the latest attachments-Melville's, fleorge street. TO SELL or .'LET, Modern G-roomcd [HOUSE! Rotlyn-,: splendid view.-Pram and Mitchell,_Water street, -O^ OR SiMjE (Black's road)', 4-rooincd vevan- .. dah COTTAGE; scullery, washhouse; i-acre; £200.—Httcdonald, TfiOß SALE (Mornington), Four BOOMS; JL 1 . Ecullcvy, bathroom; garden; 4-acr«; value'iuOO, take .fjgfr-Macdonald, Octagon. SALE, Very Choice Gentleman's i 1 RESIDENCES, in .Coversliara, Newingfon.'punidin, and Vnlley.-MMdonald, 13 Octagon. ; J HAVE a, Purchaa-r for .a 5-roomcd COTTAGB in Cargill or London street.—ilacdiinald, IS Octagon. PURA.iCANUI.-47 ACRES, closo station, Biitl 10-roomed HODSE; £800. Also, 20 ACRES, for i'gSO.-MacdonalcV 18 Octagon.__ SEGTIONP for, SALE Clyde street, Roslyn, iiaO; Kcwington-fIBO, £140, i2oo.—M>wlonald. 18 Ociagovh HOUSES in Newington-£SOO, £025, £650, -£1001), Kaikorai—Three Houses for £830.—Mncdonald, 18 Octagon. USSEIiBIIBGH"QUABTBB - ACRE, Main road; very cheap.—Macdonald, 18 Octagon.. FORTIi, STREET.-Six-roomcd HOUSE. ' all "iiinVenienccs;. easy payments; prieo £575.-Ma«lonald, 18 M~FsSELBURGH.-Ncw FOUR-. ROOMS (scullery), built of kauri; hot and cold water; £150.—Macdor.a-ld, 18 Octagon. IJISIIOPSCOURTr-liiT "roomed Now JO HOUSE, J-acro; near car line , ; coalliouse; £C25.-MACDONALD, 18 Octagon, AMERICAN Iteel Split Pnlleys.-This. Agency has been secured by John Chambers ninl Son (Limited). TIE Entiro. Stock Ims been taken over, and will bo largely added to at an early 'date. ... JOHN CHAMBERS <fc SON (LIMITED) have in stock Plummcr Blocks, Collars, Couplings, Shafting, etc., Hochinery", HoTsts, 'I Jacks. Every ,description Ennineers' Reqtiiaites.-JOHN CHAMBERS &° SOX (LIMITED), Cumberland street, Duncdin. TjlOR SALE, AT WELLINGTON. The CARRYING PLANT (now in full employmentj doing the work of one of tho Largest Ilcreantile Businesses in Wellington. The Sale of this Plant, with or without Premises, carries with it from the date of purehnso a Valuable, Contract for Two Years with the Firm in question*' Most satisfactory reasons for the sale of the business can bo given. Tenders will bo received until SEPTEMBER 25-foist,, addressed to "Carrying," Box 581, Wellington. A schedule of prices and conditions of contract, together with all particulars, can be seen on application at the Otago Daily Times Office . j, 9 ' TO LET. WO Dyers, Cleaners, and Pressors.—Splen■Ji- did opportunity for first-class man to step niU-uam-sly. a progressive established business at a-moderate .rent.-Apply at once tojl Tirnaru. £t 3 O F « IC -u- Colonial Mutual ** Bm'.diii;'. Prince street.—Apply W A » niton, Lower High ptres!. JU mO LBT (O>»iral), Tivo Unfurnished Front «. ROOMS, with firevlaoe;- good localitv; lowjenb-Couimorcial, Times Office. dls mO LET, Nics β-roomed HOUSE; bath siiid A all conveniences; Maori Hill.-Pilkin»-to«, Maori Hill. . of. 1 Hα Wβ LET. β-roomsd HOUSE- in Afhol place. ■it- Apply Mrs li'lannagan, Leith street. mO LET, 5-roomed HOUSE; scullery, tubs JL boiler, and bathroom. Also, Two Furnished Rooms; range, bathroom, etc.; hot and cold watcr.-Botling, Reid road, South Dim™ln - ' 21s. BOSLYN.-To LET or For SALE*, HOUSES of every descriptiou.-Washer, Roslyn. Telephone. mo LET, bFFlCES~in~Exchange "co'wt' JL lately occupied by Mitchell and Leslie. Apply Adams Bros., solicitors. I2an ("TO LET, Two Nice Unfurnished ROOMS, __Jil?!il!i™ a^l!l?i"i ul ancl Cavgi " slr eets. TO LET, 11-rooincd HOUSRTmoclern; good locality; snnny Eido of street.—Apply 81 Hjgli street. - ]g s TO LET, -1 ROOMS; servatory, garden; itockysidc; 113.— Apply Martin, Octagon. 20.1 TO LET-Fivo and Eight Rooms, Mornington; Seven Rooms,, St. Leonards.— Fea. aud Co. . ofi, TO LET, Three ROOMS and STRONGROOM; well lighted; entry from Princes street.—Box 26G. ■ 003 LEASE of. Dairy FARM, about 50 acres-: 5-rooined House; 20 Cows.—Dennisoii, 133 George street. ■ jrjs mo LET, OFFICES, High street (opposite A D.l.C.—Apply Jacobs, tobacconist. mo LET, .0-roomed Brick HOUSE; every A) convenience; Harbour terrace.—Apolv 113 'Albany' jtreet. J53 mo LET, HOUSE, Anderson's JL Bay, near tram;, all conveniences.— Apply W. Dickison, Anderson's Boy. 193 TO LET, 5-roouicd-HOUSE, Lower Stuart street.—Apply Miller, Arcade. ;Ds TO LET, 8-roomed HOUSE, Norfolk street, St. Clair; rent, ISs weekly.— Apply Sievwright and James, solicitors, ic 3 WO LET, Front OFFICE (one 100 m), next X Hi 3 Majesty's Theatre.—Apply H. Harraway, Crawford street. .. - 163 mO LET,'.-Laige SHOP and Workshop, 121*. JL- George street-Apply Otago Sports Depot,- Stock Exchange Buildings. IC3 TO LET, 5-roomed HOUSE, Town Belt, Bcllcknowcs.—Apply 35 Hopo strosf, Dnnedin. :..., .'■. -.. J53 .mO LET.' 4-roomcd COTTAGE, Heriot .-Jt row.—Apply Perpetual Trustees, Hat-tray-street./--....'.- . - - - lg 3 mO LET, β-roorncd HOUSE, Lcith street; A ■■■ ail.■. convenienccs.-Apply Perpetual Trustees, Battray-street. .-... ' 153 mo LET, 4-roomod ; HOUSE, King street; A. rent; 7s Cd.-Harty and Co., Bond street. mo LET on LEASE for Five Years or less • A,.-form ,aa lirtanged from about end of month," that New, Two-storeyed -DWELLINGHOUSE situated in.Cumberland street (opposito: Jlueeum reserve).' ,Tht; House is lathed and plastered, and 'contains -0. rooms—viz., drawing room;, breakfast tooui, kitchen, and scullery oh ground floor, m(L five r bedrooms: upstairs. Tho House has a large ;. yard'at buck, and is fitted with all the latest improvements and cbnyeuicnoea. Apply to, . : THE TRUSTEES..EXECUTORS, AND -AGENCY OOMPAM OF NEW ZEA-IjAND-(LIMITED), Russell's Bnildv ;. ing?, jWßt«rsstreett t Dunedin,' •; 21a ■

f 'MISCELLANEOUS WANTS, . CASH ADVEHTIsJBMKNTS under thi. heiabr not etceeiling Sixteen. Word! aro imerted for SIS- . PISSCE; or for Obi Week, 3s M; oT«r Siiteen WorJj, »nd not exceedirj(f Twenty-eight Wcrdi, ; One Slillllns; "C far On> Week, Si. II order* come or letter It muit ho uedcrttood tint double ' tlicto nlei will bo cbirjcd unlcn accompanied , bj" catb. imntementi, Meeting), Stent, and Similar Announcements are KOT Inserted l> thin ) '. cclucm at cheap ratca, but mutt be paid lor at ! i . crdinarj teal.. . . I MISSES COOMBS & LONGFORD, Type-' writing Office Crawford street, Prompt • and accurate work; competent operators, i Telephone 1112. 18my • ."PARTNER (with £200) required for Half . X Interest good paying speculation, and i draw salary of £o weekly, also halt sharo profits; under own management.—Address J Business, Timos Office. 20s WOPJiING Man wants BUY a SUIT ot CLOTHES; dark, in good order; pri- ; vats.—Address Price, Times Oflice. 21s WANTED to BUY or LEASE, about Six ACRES good ground; suitable run cow, with IiOUEO, etc.—Particulars to Clerk, Times [ Office. 21a DUNEDIN WINDOW-CLEANING- COHPAJCr.—Carpets Beaten, Chimneys Swopt'; moderate prices.—Address; 28 Bat- ' tray street. Telephone 493. ■ Cs \ WILSON &, WILSON. .12 St. Andrew TV street, Engineers afid Tool Makera.-. ; Tine Machinery our specialty. PRESSURE Gauges repaired; Lead-nail Moulding Machines, Sheet Metal, Dice, [ etc. Telephone 1803 ; _Gap MISS ABURN.-MoEt Reliable Dressmaker, Tailor-made Costumes; charges f uioderate.—B-1 St. Andrew street. 210 SEND for our REDUCED PRICE LIST of Furniture and Furnishings.-- Martin ■ (lalo Hooper ar.d Co.), Octagon. Is MISS BOYER (late of Jenkins's, medical electrician).—Superfluous Hairs, Moles • permanently removed.—C'omo' House, Moray place.. ■__ fflja 1 TTARTY \fc CO., Bond street,. Wine, Spirit, ■ JuL and Gouoral-Merchants, Commission, • Shipping, Insurance, and Gencfal- Agents. J TjiNIiATiGEMENT, wiih one dozen, Cabinets, Hi 13a ii\ -best value in Dunedin.—Gill, s Frederick street. Telephone 11W. P"~HOTOGRAPHio Materials, Printing, Retouching, Enlarging; all best quality, i at lowest prices.—Gill, Frederick street. [ Telephone 1144. PICTURE' Mouldings, Framing, Cardboards, Glass; wholesale, and retail; i largest stock, at lowest prices.—GllJj, Frcderick street llja npYPEWKITING, Copying, and Shcrtliand [ A Bureau.—Work by expert and qudified I operators.—Ressbo.tham's, 43 Dcwling slreet. Telephone 736. "" 4ap i ■ . i FOR 3ALE. . 1 OA3K ADVIiKTISIMByi'S tinder this inMtllng not •■•nrwdliij Siiteen Wotdj nro Inicrtcd for SIXVKNCK ucr imertiun; or for Oae Week, 2j Cd; ovrr Sixteen Words and not cicocdinj 'J'lrcnty- , tight. Words, One Shilling; or for One Week, 6i. if orders come by letter it miut bo understood tbat t double these rates will bs charged unlcis ORCHARD FOR SALE, finest in colony; 15 acres; no Irosts; greenhouses; 1300 trees.—Box 303, Christcburch. IBs \ TjASTß.YCOOlCs'awV'Confectionor'sßUsTi I NESS For SALE; old-established, ■ successful; owner leaving town.—Tucker and ■ Co., 22 Yogcl street. 21s COPYING PRESS and Stand For SALE, cheap; never been used.—Dawsoii and , Co., 2-1 George street. _Qls WANTED to SELL, VIOLIN; good tone; cheap.—-Apply 53 Grange street. FOR SALE (Centre ot Town), a Confectionery and Tea Rooms ESTABLISHi J[RNT, doing a good business; established 25 . years; cheap.—Apply to ]2ii George street. FOR SALE,. Gent's BICYCLE; in firstclass order; 22iu frame; bargain; £6.— , Address Roadster, Times 21s ' nwr DEEOSIT will Purchase G-rooinwl ; s&eO HOUSE; bath (hot water); large ' section; mnny situation.—Macassey and Co. OR SALE, 2000 Tons Green FLAX; good position; personal application necessary. ; Macassey and Co., Rattray street. 21s rTsALE, Good Drapery BUSINESS; owner leaving; stock at valuation.—Mrs Duke, 270 King 21s WANTED to SELL, Good Second-hand PIANO, iron 'GcorsejitrMt. E~OIt SALE, Two Good SHEEP DOGS.Address D. M., Clinton. 203 LIcTaTPEWRITER for SALE; legal size; in good order.—Typist, Times Office. ' ■ ' £0a BUSINESSES for SALE, City or Suburban; suit all classes; ingoing moderate. Fca and Co. ,' . ■jVr/EW and Up-to-date 4-roomed RESI1n DEXCE, north end; 'reasonable- price; terms arranged.—Fea and Co. 20.? SEVERAL Small BOATS suitable for oil engines (including yacht Auonyma) -for i SALE.—Wiseman, Port Chalmers. 20s HOTELS for SALE.-Several Leasehold and Freehold, town and country.— \ Particulars Samson and Co,, auctioneers, Dunedin. > , 10s • TOARGAIN. - Anglo-Special BICYCLE; ' -O free-wheel, two brakes, Dunlop tyres; cost f22; ridden about 100 miles; will accept i reasonable offer, having bought motor.—For further particulars address Anglo, Tinws • Office. , VSa ENGINEERS' and Blacksmiths' TOOLSLathes, .Chucks, Drilling, Screwing, Grinding, and' Woodworking Machines, Chain ' Blocks, Crab AViiicliee, Forgus, Vyces, FANS, Shafting, Pulleys, Belting, Steam Fittings, Waste, Gas Engines—all at reasonable prices.—Charles Black, Crawford street.. . . , ,■ Jos PUNCHING BALLS For SALE, platform coaibined; nVw style; best make.—On view Moody's, hairdre3Eer, Princes ctrcet. '■ ITIOR SALITPONTOONS, 94 x~2SJ x Cft; . A blue gnm and kauri; also Housing.--Apply F. Payne, Dmiedin. 15s BRIGHTON.-For SALE, good 4-rooined HOUSE, close to beach.-MDS Sneddon, : Saddle Hill P.O. ,__ 15s nn DEPOSIT and 3C Monthly Payments 3bi4l of £1, will Buy New English Model PlANO.—Howell's, Octagon. 15s FOR SALE (Cheap), 8-hofae Oil Engine,. 7-horse Steam Engine, 10-inch Centrifu- . gal Pump.—R. L. Christie, Gore... 10s PINE HILL KOAD.-For Sale or To Lot, Four ROOMS (scullery) and acre land. Sievwright and Jaine3, High street. 11s UAS. SAXBY !or Celebrated English BIKES. On 'SALE Sterliugs. Other . makes Overhauled >nd Repaircli—Pier Cycle i Works. ■ . . .. 20d STALLION for SALE (M'Callum), by"Lord Lion, dam Princess M'Corraick.—Apply James Sim, Purekireki. : . 2au I T ADIES , BICYaES; English fittings; [ JU free-wheel; two'brakes; £15 10s; built by Stokes and Errisgton, Princes street. OOD - .WpRKING, , MACHINERY.-Thres-sidpd j Planing land.' .Moulding i Machines, Saw Benches, Gas Engines, Banrlsa\ying Machines'; '/ • . '^; : • i'. ALSO,-"- Buzz "Planers, Knife-grinders, ', Sharpers', ;Lathe Heads, Oil'! Engines,' Saw Spindles, Band Saws,' Circular Sa-ws. I" ABGE Stock , of- the above;' ajab Belting, J Pulleya,. Shafting.-M PJJUMMOND' & REIC'S, {0 King -eti&i. ", t i ; 1.13

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13394, 21 September 1905, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 13394, 21 September 1905, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 13394, 21 September 1905, Page 1


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