JOHN HID & SONS, CORNER: BOND AND LIVERPOOL STREETS, > ESTATE AGENTS VALUATORS, ARBITRATORS, SHAREBROKESS. SURVEYORS. Lenses, Mortgages, and Transfers Prepared. . '- A Few of Our i PROPERTIES FOR SALE: KURI BUSH,—A Really Good 10-acre SECTION,, all in grass except small patch ol.bush; land level mid wollfonccd; 8-roomed HOUSE,'etc.; MUST BE SOLD; i'lGO will bo accepted, and easy teinia of payment given. WAIKOUAITI DISTRICT.-TWO FARMS, one of 80S ACRES and other 37J ACRES, adjoining; will sell in sepainto lots. Buildings on the 89J-acre Farm comprise 5-rootried HOUSE, byre, fowlhouse, piggery, etc.; and on tho, 375-acro 3-roonied COTTAGE, bam, cow byre, piggery, etc. There are few such farms on tlio market, and these aro well worth inspection." Send or call for full particulars, £8 an acre. Easy terms of payment. BLUESKIN,—EIeven-rftomed Two-storey DWELLING and 3 ACRES Land, £300 ; 20 ACRES Land, £250; 25 ACRES Land, £300; 47 ACRES and 11-roomed HOUSE, £800; CO ACRES (part in grass and crop, creck, running through -'section), Cottage of 4 rooms, and cow byre, £5 an acre; 105 ACRES, half in grass, balniicd heavy hush, strong grazing land, excellent 5-roomed Dwelling, • etc., £700. RATANUI.—222-ACRE FARM, 2J miles from factory, i miles from railway; school .'.cross tho road; 60 acres in grass, balance bush; good house of 0 rooms, scullery, and dairy; all well finished; stable, byre, pigsty, etc.; occupation withright of purchase; annual rent, £2 15s 6d; capital value, 5s on acre. Price for nil improvements, only £210, and at this price it is a gift, Call or send for particulars. WAITAKI BRIDGE.—SECTION U mid 18, Block VIII,. Township of Wnifaki Bridge; 9J ncrss; alt lint laud; water by sinking 12ft. For prompt sale. RAILWAY HOTEL at OWAKA, Catlin'a River, to LET for a term of years at £2 a week; 19 rooms and all eoiivfiiionees; outho'iscs, gas, etc; 2 acres land, nil level. This is tho best establishment of its kind in tho district. Illness eompols proprietor to give up active business. Furniture to be taken nt valuntion. A raro clumco; thero is money to bo inado here. T CITY.—Four Rooms and scullery. No. 02 Russell street; 13s a week. Eight T O Rooms and all conveniences, in Leitli street; £80 per annum. EGLINTON—Nine O Rooms, now house; thoroughly up to date; most charming view and elite locality; L G1 HIGH STREET.—Residence of 8 rooms, lately occupied by Dr Smith; rent £120 L E a year; in perfect order. ROSLYN.—Six Rooms, in Bruce street. MORNINGTON. E T —Six ltooms, in James place, newly done up; only 13s week. Also, Seven T Rooms, in Elgin road; largo section; £50 year, ST. CLAIR.—Two lovely 7-roomed T Houses and one of Eight Rooms; nil modern conveniences; rents, £12, £52, and T 0 £52 a year. ABBOTSFORI).— Six-roomed Cottage, only Gs Gd week. GEORGE. O STREET.—Nice Shop and Six Living Rooms, near Hanover street; 30s week. L OFFICES in Bank of Australasia- Buildings, and elsewhere. Two Large Roohra in L E Criterion Buildings, Moray placo; 28s week. FREDERICK STREET—Six Rooms, E T bathroom, washhouso (with copper and tubs); ISs Od week. T J). 'M. FEA & C 0., AUCTIONEERS, LAND, ESTATE, AND COMMISSION AGENTS, VALUATORS, Etc. 28 RATTRAY STREET, DUNEDIN. Five-roomed RESIDENCE, corner of Brunswick street and Macandrew road; new and up-to-date; high pressure, boiler; hot and cold water; hoi and cold shower and plunge 1 bath; largo scullery; built-in tubs mid boiler; gas, ctc., otc.; over one-eighth acre; £600. Five-roomed RESIDENCE, Helena street, South Dunedin; nice situation; widest street in the borough (running from Cargill road to the Macandrew Road School); £370. Four-roomed RESIDENCE,'Kaikorai; new and up-to-date; high-pressure; hot and cold; plunge and shower bath; built-in wardrobes, chiffonier, etc.; bow'window, verandah, outhouses, etc.; a mo3t compact little property; £4GO. Six-roomed RESIDEDCIS, Newington, Roslyn; new and up to date; large section; highpressure boiler; hot and cold watcr r ; plunge and shower bath; all modern conveniences; £G25. IiALMORE (North Dunedin).—This New Township is beautifully situated. It commands an unsurpassable view of the City, Harbour, Peninsula, and Ocean, also Woodhaugh and Botanical Gardens. The streets,-which aro now nearing completion, aro formed GGIt iri width, with sido walks. The Properly is only two minutes' easy walk from the electric car; stopping place, George street Bridge. A number of Sections have been disposed of at prices ranging from £50 to £225. Those about to build should make their selections at Dalmore, tho most charming suburb surrounding Dunedin. Terms to suit all buyers, D. M. FEA & CO., .Auctioneers, 23 Rattray street. sIEVf RIG H T BRO S. & C 0., GENERAL AUCTIONEERS AND FARM AGENTS, 14 HIGH STREET, DUNEDIN. IF ' YOU WANT to SELL your FARM send us particulars. We oan offer: FARMS. /ThTIAKE (Near Onmaru).—2l9 Acres FREEHOLD; sub- FARMS. FARMS. U' divided into G paddocks; well fenced and watered; 5- FARMS. FARMS. roomed Dwelling and all necessary farm buildings; grand FARMS. FARMS. wheat-growing land; price, £2000, on extremely easy terms— FARMS. FARMS. viz.; £390 on completion of tho purchase, £300 in two years, FARMS. FARMS. £300 in four years, £300 in six years, £300 in eight years, and FARMS. FARMS. the balance in 10 years, with interest at 5 per cent, per FARMS. FARMS. annum. FARMS. FARMS. FARMS. FARMS. ftSiJ INDSOR (Near Oamaru; half-mile from Railway Sta- FARMS. FARMS. YY tion).—l3o ACRES of very ■, excellent land, together FARMS. FARMS. with 4-roomed Dwelling, l-stalled stable, chaffhouso, etc., etc. FARMS. FARMS. , Price, £15 per acre; large portion may Tcmain on mortgage at FARMS. FARMS. 5 per cent, FARMS. FARMS. FARMS. FARMS. (TV-VMARU (12 miles from Camaru).—Excellent FARM of 170 FARMS. FARMS. " / acres, with G-roomed Dwelling, G-stalled stable, barn,.etc. FARMS. FARMS. Well fonced; 100 acres at present in crop. Price for farm, FARMS. FARMS. including crop, £15 per acre. FARMS. FARMS. FARMS. FARMS. pLUTHA DISTRICT.-A really First-class FARM of 98 FARMS. FARMS. v . acres, subdivided into 10 paddocks, all well and sub- FARMS. FARMS. stantially fenced; superior Dwelling of 7 rooms, dairy, barn, FARMS. FARMS. byre, stable, implement sheds, etc., etc.; concrete tank and FARMS. FARMS. concrete paths around the house; good orchard; within one FARMS. FARMS. mile of a dairy factory and close to a railway siding. Price, FARIfS. FARMS. £1500. Highly recommended. FARMS. FARMS. ' FARMS. FARMS. "RTEAR PALMERSTON.—Fine FARM of 223 acres; well FARMS. FARMS. . J.™ fenced and subdivi3ed; 5-roomed Dwelling, and all neccs- FARMS. FARMS sary farm buildings; a great bargain at £6 per acre. FARMS. FARMS. FARMS. FARMS. |Tk AMARU DISTRICT (U miles from Ngapara).-345 ACRES. FARMS. FARMS. xs subdivided into six paddocks; 100 acres rich flat; 6-rooiued FARMS. FARMS. Dwelling; byre. 8-stalled stable, and all necessary farm build- FARMS. FARMS. ings; one mile from dairy factory; railway siding adjoins. A FARMS. FARMS. magnificent property jit a reasonable price—viz., £14 10s per FARMS. FARMS. auto; £800 to £1000 in cash, and the balance oh easy terms FARMS. FARMS. at 5 per cent, interest. FARMS. FARMS. , _ FARMS. FARMS. savAIMATUK.U FLAT (Southland). —A very fine FARM of FARMS. FARMS. YV 481 acres,'situated close to school, factory, and railway; FARMS. FARMS. 9-roomsd Dwelling; byre (concrete floor). 7-stalled stable, FARMS. FARMS. workshop, dairy, etc., implement sheds, and all necessary FAMRS. FARMS. farm buildings. This Property is one that can be highly FARMS. FARMS. recorpmended. Tne Waimatukit Flat is known throughout FARMS. FARMS. Southland to be most fertile. Price, £14 per acre. . FARMS. . FARMS. FARMS.' FARMS. TVTEAR ROMAHAPA.—SG2 ACRES, with 4-roomed Dwelling FARMS. FARMS. Xx and outbuildings; close to dairy factory; genuine bar- FARMS. FARMS. gain—£7so; any roasonablo terms. FARMS. Telephone 1469. OO T T & CO. Telephone 14G9. (Established 1888), ' 10 DOWLING STREET, DUNEDIN. HOUSE, LAND, ESTATE, AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS, SHAREUROH.EII.S . AND FINANCIAL AGENTS. HOUSE, LAND, and ESTATE BUSINESS now under the Supervision and Management of Mr LEONARD HAGGITT. Clients and Patrons will find Mr Haggitt Up-to-date . in all matters connected with the Business. CITY (Rattray street).-£SO PURCHASES FURNITURE, GOODWILL, Etc., of Up-to-date BOARDING-HOUSE, central position; undoubted bargain. CITY (King street; £075).—Six-roomed HOUSE; bathroom, washliouse, etc.; ground 44ft by 163 ft; nico large section; cheap properly; handy situation. CITY (Athol place; £800). —Good INVESTMENT x'KOPERTY, showing 9 per cent, clear profit: THREE HOUSES, always let. Cards to view on application to us only. CITY (Russell street; £415).—Tw0 HOUSES; 5 and 3 rooms; washliouse, etc.; J-acro; houses well let; good investment and cheap CITY (George street).—£l3o purchases Shelves, Fittings, etc., of draper's shop; great bargain. CITY (Opposito University).—Splendid Investment PROPERTY, showing 11 per cent, clear profit; Brick Houses. Full particulars on application to us. ANDERSON'S BAY (Tainui road).—Six-roomed HOUSE (New); bathroom (h. and c. water),, washliouse (tubs and copper), etc.; full J-acre; comfortablo home; terms arranged to suit genuine buyer. £615.—Five-roomed HOUSE; bathroom (hot and cold water, hot and cold shower bath), washliouse (tubs and copper); every convenience; gas throughout; over J-acre; nico garden; asphalt paths; corner section; compact property, and cheap. Cards to view on application. CAVERSHAM (Sydney street; £415),—Tw0 4-roomed COTTAGES, conveniences; gas, water, etc.; over J-acre; bringing in 17s iv week; houses always let; good investment and cheap. ' TO LET. CITY (Smith street; Central Position).—Nine-roomed HOUSE; bathroom (h. and c. water), every possible convenience; charming view; sunny spot; good locality. We have £10,000 for IMMEDIATE LOAN on Good FREEHOLD SECURITY at Lowest Current Rate of Interest. N. PAT-ERSON, q PAT E' S. PATKItSON, Subtbyor and $ • " ' $ h FIIMNC* A ohm Civir.Esoi- STAFFORD CHAMBERS, £ "brohkk! neer. 73 Piii.vcns SmERT, q + LAND AND FINANOB AB?Sr3, LICENSED SURVEYORS, . ARE OFFERING FOR IMMEDIATE SALE THE FOLLOWING PROPERTIES:— CITY (North End, on Car Line).-Vcry Attractive G-roomed RESIDENCE, in perfect order, tt-it.i all up-to-dato conveniences; asphalt paths and yard; largo section, 45ft frontagevery good value; for immediate sale. ■ MAORI HILL (Close Electric Car).—Very Attractive VILLA, almost new, six rooms • bath (hoi and cold water);.scullery; copper aud tubs built-in; fino outlook; sunny positionmust sell immediately; £50 deposit, balanoe on terms. ' ROSLYN (Bishopsconrt, Close Electric Oar).-Two Splendid BUILDING SITES, 41ft frontage; good positions;.£Bs each. ' ' , MUSSELBURGH (Queen's drive). —Choice VILLA of six rooms; all conveniences; section 50ft x 132 ft; £675. ■ . HOWE STREET.—Modorn VILLA of G rooms; bathroom, scullery, h. and c. water 2 bay windows;and portico; freehold section.. ■ ' LEITu STREET,—Splendid RESIDENCE of 7 rooms; bath (h. and c. water), gas, electric bells, copper and tubs, etc,; fires in all tho rooms; large garden#well laid out; £630, ON RISE (Close Canongate).—Choice 7 T roomed Plastered VILLA; h. jnd c. water gas electric bells, cupboards, wardrobes, Venetian blinds, etc.; 2 bay windows; concrete walh) and foundations; fine view of ocean and City; freehold; a really fino property; CUMBERLAND STREET.—Choice -RESIDENCE of 7 rooms; bath, gas, h. and c. water* electric bells; bay window and portico: very sunny section; £975. ' MORNINGION (Hawthorn cvenue), —Good-HOUSE; 4 rooms, bath, scullery, copper and tubs, bay window; fires in nil the rooms; land well fenced and planted; £410. Also. several-Choice SECTIONS in Earao locality, £75 and £100; nearly }-acrfe; small deposits! - MAORI HUjL (Drivers road, Adjoining Belt).—Splendid Building SITE; £120. ROSLYN (Near Michie street).—Almost New HOUSE of Grooms;" 8 hay windows; commanding fine view.of-harbour, etc.;-nice garden; price, £700; a'real good property at the ■ Price TO LET: ' BELLEKNOWEo.—Superior Six Rooms,,2.'s. MORNINCTON.—Five Rooms, 12s Gd. ' KAIKORAI —Fivo Rooms, tubs' .and copper, etc., 12s Gd. ROSLYN.—Shop and Five Rooms, conveniences, 103. 'ROSLYN.—Superior Eight Rooms, 245. CITY.-Six Rooms, scullery,' etc.,' 15s .NORTH-EAST. Rooms, all conveniences, Ss. CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS WANTED, THEATRICAL MANAGERS i-.V ' n i -and .Others to know that the Otaeo Are warranted ,to . cure Gravel, D ai |y Times undertakes the. POSTING of Pains in the Backhand all kindred complaints.' WOODCUTS (any.size), STREAMERS, POSFree from 'Mercury/ Established upwards ol J n 4.* T f , y description of Printing in 'A, : : ''" ■'»' the (most .prominent'positions m the Cit7 op • 30 years. Sold by all Chemists and Patent the shortest notice Medicine'Vendors'throughout, the World.-' Pro- 1,,-v. ll' _ — — I —■ —-—• T . ..; ~ „ . TkTOTES ON RURAL TOPICS, by Agricola, pnetors,:The Lincoln and. Midland, Counties Xt". weekly in tho Otago'/Witness, dealing Drug.Company,'Lincoln, England;.'4jj . with subjects,of current int;-.est to farmers.
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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13386, 12 September 1905, Page 8
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1,976Page 8 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 13386, 12 September 1905, Page 8
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