PORT CHALMERS. Tiu* Bam. at Pout Chalmers. The Now Zealand mean time at noon, gilculnted for tin) meridian of longitude, in time 11 hours 30 minutes oast of Greenwich, will bo signalled onco a week by a time ball dropping at lire instant of mean noon. ■A blue flag will be hoisted at the masthead, I'ort Chalmers signal station, on the fornnooii of the day when the time eignal it {mil. Vhjsks of thk Moos, feiikiiaky. New Moon * W. 36 P-m First Quarter 13 5.30 a.m Full Moon 20 6.20 a.m Last Quarter 26 9.54- p.m Apogee 9. 7.30 a.m Perigee .:. 21 H-° a - m Sun rises today 5.22, sets 7.22. Sun rises to-morrow 5.24, seta 7.20. THK WKATHKR. February 10.-8 a.m.: Wind N.E.; weather fine. Noon: Wind N.K.; weathe fine. 5 p.m.: Wind N.K.; weather fine. 8 a.m. Noon. 5 p.rn Barometer 30.44 30.48 30.52 Thermometer ■•• •56 78 °2 FORECAST—Mr I'aulin telephoned a 10.30 last night:-"E. to N.K. wind; fine.' WEATHER REPORTS. (Per United Prbss Association.) WELLINGTON, February 10. Tho following are the weather reports a 6 p.m. : — Maiiukau Heaik—Wind S., light; bar 30.23, ther. 69; fine; bar smooth. New Plymouth—Wind S.E., fresh; bar 30.17, titer. 63; fine; sea smooth. Cast'lcpoint—Wind S.S.W., light; bar 30.34, titer. 63; fine; sea moderate. Wo!lington.-\7ind 8., light; bar. 30.20 fine. Wralport.-"vVinil S'AV., light; bar. 30.16 ther. 65: fine: sea smooth. Kaikoiira.—Calm; bar. 30.21, ther. 69 fine; sea smooth. Bluff.-Wind S.W., fresh; bar. 30.30, ther 62; fine. Moderat to strong easterly winds; glas . riso; tides moderate—K. A. EIWIX. HIGH WATER. February 11— a.m. p.m At Taiaroa Heads 6.37 6.5 At Port Chalmers 7.17 7.3 At Dimedhi 8.2 8.2 February 12— At Taiaroa I\mh ... 7.15 7.3 At Port Chalmers 7.55 . 8.1 At Diuiedin 8.40 9.1 ARRIVALS. AT Till', HKADi. Fiiryalus, H.M.S., 12,000 tons, 17 gum Flag-captain Napier, from Ilobart, via th coast. IN POUT. Psyche. U.M.S.. 2135 tons, 8 guns Com niiindor Foote, from Stewart Island. Challenger, H.M.8., SEOO (on?, 10 gnus F. C. T. Tudor, from Ilobart, via th coast. Kiimona, s.s., 903 tons, Robinson, fror tho West Coast, via Uamartt. .1. Mill: agent. Kaipara, s.s., 4741 tons, Kiddle, fror Lyttelton. Ifata, barque. 927 tons, Eslfonr. fror Liverpool, via Wellington. Noill and Co, limits. DEPARTURE. Tarawera, us.. 1269 tons, Rolls,-for Aiicl land, via East Coast. .1. Mills, agent. Pai sengcrs: For Lyttelton—Misses l'atcrsou Berrv, MesdamesPatcrson. Mttgridgo. Year ing, "Messrs M'Calluni, Yeaning, Levinsor Captain Willis. For Wellington-Misse Minuelt, Moore. Mr Manson. For Napior-Mir-s Fuller, Mrs Fuller,. Mr Fuller. Fo Gisborne—Miss Horn. For AueklandAiesdames Swan. Wright and ohild Stewart and child, Messrs Fauntleroj Grecnhelgh. IWPEOTED ARIUYALS. From New York.—Anna, ship, sailed Oc tobcr 31. „ _ t . From Glttsgow.-BoDa (Into Polly Wooc iide). barque, loft October 28. From Liverpool.—ltato, barque, lei October 7; left Wellington February 4 duo here, abrnit February 7. Jnvergarrj barque, left December 2. From Marseilles-Andaman, barque, saile November 11. ■■ •• From Sydney (via AucklandJ.-Manuka February 12. . ■• From Sydney (via Wellington).—A\ tm ini'ra. February 11. From Melbourne—Mocraki, February 11 From Port Espcrancc—Onyx, bartjue Eailed February 4. From Auckland.—Taliino, February 16. From Nelson and Now PlymouthCorimia, February 18. From Rroymottth.—Koonya, Februai7 12 PISO.IKCTIT.D DEPARTURES. For Sydney (via Aucklaml).—Mnniika February 14. For Sydney (via Cook Strait). Moernki February 10. For Melbourne.—Wimmcra, February 12. For Auckland.—Talune, February 17. For Nelson and New Plymouth.—Corimia February 20 For (irpymoiith.—Koonya, February 14. MOVEMENTS OF OCEAN-GOING STEAMKR9. TO ARIIIVE. At Auckland.—Buteshire, left New Yor' November 23; due March 3. Oakb'uui left New York December 9; due Februar 12. Star of Ireland, left Nov York Decembe 13; due February 15. Fifeshirc, left Londo; DeceihlKT 15: due February 17. Somoiwt left Liverpool December 23; due Fnbruar, 25. Indradevi, loft London December 27 due March 1. Rakaia, left London .Tanuar I; due about February 24. Whakatano, lei London January 12; duo March 18. Sta of New Zealand, left New York .lauuar; 11: due March 10. At , Wellington. — Rirmttaka, left Fly mouth'. December 31: due February 14 Delphic, left London January 10; du February 25. Fazilka, left Calcutta .Tanuar; 6; duo February 10. ntlicnic, left Londoi January 14; duo February 27. Tongariro left. Plymouth January 28; due March 14. At Port Clialmers'.-Star of Scotland now at AVellitiffton; due about February 13 Morayshire, left New York December 20 due February 24. Rarojatira, now at Audi land; due here about. February 22. • TO lIKI'AIIT. From Auckland—Essex, March 4. From AVoliinsrron.— Papoimi, February 1C Morayshire, February 28. lonic, March 2 jtiimilako. March 16. From Port. Chalmers.—Rangatira, Feb fliary 28. From the Bluff—Maori, February 15. IIOMHWMII) Ht'IINII. Oswestry Grange, left Timarn November 25.' Ayrshire, left AVellingtoi Docombcr 16. Tokomani, left the.' Bluf December 30. Gothic, left Wellingtor January 5. Waimate. left AVellington Janu ary 6.. Waiwera, left Wellington Januari 10. Niwarti, left Wellington January 10 Ruapelvn, left Wellington January 17. Suf folk, left Wellington January 20. Karamea left Wellington January 29. Tomoana, lof Wellington .lanuary3o.' Kaikoiira. left Wcl lington February 1. Perthshire, left Auckland February 2. Matatua. left Welhhgtoi February 3. Aotea, left Auckland Febmarj
AUCKLAND, February 10.-Arrivod: FazilU from Calcutta and Australia; Y?abe! three-masted schooner, from Vavaui. KAH'ARA, February 10.—Arrived: Eliza Firth, schooner, and Jost-ph Sirns, schooner, from Lvttelton. WELLINGTON. February 10.—Sailed': *■*> 5.20 p.m., Manuka, for Lyttclton and Dunedin. Passengers: For Lyttelton— Misses Hollev. Bosworth, Stewart 1 , Evans (?.), 'Cohen. M<wtomes Doe and .Parker. Sir Joseph Ward. Bishops Dunn and Rcvell, Archdeacon Devoy, Dean M'Kenna. Revs. M'Carthy and M'Kenha, Captain Knox. Messrs Mott, Morton, Passmore, F/jlinion, Dean. For Duuodin— Misses Fergusson. Mack. Holley, Nickel, Marks, and Gilchrist, Mesdames Coakley, Shallcrass, James. Swann (2), M'Donnld, Drs Shaml (2), Hon. Mr Baldey, Messrs Coat lev. Abcrerombie. Taplin, Tymons, Macpherson. Shallcrass, Stewart, (Jordan, fiundelev, Bernard. Woodman, Bernard and child.—Sailed: Mararoa, for Lyttelton. Passengers: Misses Abbott, Harding:, Crfrnmcr. Kenuedv, Laing, Malcolm. Ponnlnwell, Vinoonf. Tavlor. Honor, ' Sullivan. Cole. Hartwll. Sim. Spddon. Warren. Mesdnmes BraiW and child, .Tnllvmnii. Temple. Clark. FHier, Holmes, Williams, Honor. R<vd. Taylor. Bruce, Di*on, Seddon. Pt-nndeHf. Leary, LiP", Stevens and. three children. Kennedy. Taylor, RMit- Hon, R. J. Seddon, Colonel Hartwell. Rev. Fathers Ainsworth and O'Shea. Jellymau, Duncan, Aitkinson, Berliner, M'Adam, Temple Stevenson. Clark. Lee. Garritv, James, Runnidge,'Crow, Abbott (?), Ashkm, Rlick. Be Hans, firoom. Campbell. Collins, Rutherford, Thomson. Hill. Head. Smith, Chevers. Sporrov. Ward. Finlay, Stevens, Mnrt in. Kennedy. _ LYTTKIiTON. February 10.—Arrived: Warrimoo, From Port Chalmers. 9nil?d:. 4.40 p.m.,. Wimpiera. for Melbourne, via' southern ;v?rts. Pasfciigers: For Duiiedin —Misses White (?,\, Campbell, • Mcsdaws Kinffston. Camnbell. For Bluff—Mr Kcelinc. 'For Melbourne—Miss Leach. Moslamcs Chnnnin®, Denton, Johnston, Stone, .. le=srs Cliannin?, Denton. Johnston, Stone, incesby, Kelk-tt, Hays, Webb.
TIMARTJ, February 10.—Sailed: 7 p.m., Maori, for Port Chalmers. SYDNEY, February 10.—Arrived: 3 p.m., Mokoia, from New Zealand.
The l'arawera sai'.ed yesterday afternoon' for Lyttcltoifand northern ports. The* Harbour Board's Plucky was busily engaged yesterday as a tender to the flagship JEuryahis. ! l'he Union Company's fine steamer Manuka, is due hero on- Sunday morning about; 8 from Sydney and East Coast ports. The Ship Andora lias left Melbourne for Hull with' the following valuable cargo i— 3852 ba'cs wool, 12,953 bags wheat, 205J tons old railway iron and i 34£ tons scrap steel.
The tonnage of vessels of all classes for 1904 onteringthc port of Napier was '714,673, which is a record, the next best being 709,578 tons in the year 1903.
The barque Itata, with cargo from Liverpool, via Wellington, reached the Heads yesterday, and was towed up to Dunedin. She brings soino 680 tons of genornl cargo, which is con-igncd to Neill and Co., of tliis ci
The Wimmera, from Sydney, due here this morning, sails for Melbourne, via Bluff and Hoba'rt, 10-inorrow afternoon. Passengers will rr-qtiiro to lake tlio 2.30 train to Port- Chalmers at latest.
The Now .Zealand Shipping Company's cargo steamer Kaipara, from Lyttelton, arrived at Port Chalmers yesterday afternoon, and was berthed at the north fide of the Ceorge street pier to take in cargo, a large quantity of which was waiting her arrival. The s.s. Kamona, from the west Const ports, via Oamarti, arrived at Part Chalmers yesterday, and went _ alongside the Boweii pier to land a quantity of wool for transhipment to the s.s. Kaipara and the Straw- Savill, anil Albion Company's Maori.* She brought 1000 bales for the Kaipara and 500 for the Maori. The.s,!. Manuka, of 4400 tons gross register, is the largest vessel .so far berthed at the Napier breakwater harbour, and she was berthed on various occasions last, year without any trouble. The chairman of the Napier Harbour Board, in his annual statement. savs tlio fact of these large vessels visiting the port—and the tendency a.l the time is to increase the size—made it apparent that increased wharfage accommodation must be provided at the breakwater, and, with that object in view, provision has been made in the estimates for 1905. Arrangements are now in progress [or refloating the Irarquentine Addenda (which went ashore in I'allisor Bay on October 14) by Mr .1. D. M'Dougall, of Pirinoa, who purchased the vessel some few months ago. The stranded vessel is now lying in an upright position (until lately she was leaning towards the Spit) parallel with the Spit, but some 12 vards further from the water's edge than when first deposited upon the i»hore. There is a well-defined dip from the, vessel to the sea. and there seems tittle doubt, as to the ultimate success of the undertaking now in progress. To the inexperienced eye the Addenda does not appear to lie greatly damaged. It is expected arrangements for refloating the vessel will be completed in the course of the next few weeks.
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Bibliographic details
Otago Daily Times, Issue 13205, 11 February 1905, Page 6
Word Count
1,578SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13205, 11 February 1905, Page 6
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