The disfiguration caused by skin disease more than the tormenting irritation which is so commonly associated with it.
The uso of Dγ Morse"s Indian Root Fills generally results in a complete cure (>f Eczema, l'imples, Eruptions, and other forms of disease that have their cause in an impure condition of tho blood. Dr Morse's Indian Root Pills purge the blood of all humours and poisons, thereby curing humiliating disfigurements of the skin, which bad blood breeds and' feeds. This remedy contains no poisonous mineral:), but is it purely vegetublo preparation. They cleanse the Stomach, put the Liver and KidneyH in proper working order, at the same Lime driving out idl impurities from the blood. They are a positive and per- ; nuinent cure for Biliousness, Indigestion, i Constitution, Siqk Hciidaehes, Sallow Cam- j plosion, Liver nnd Kidney Troubles, Piles, ' I'imples, Boils and Blotches, and for Female Ailments. Packed in amber bottles and sold throughout Australasia. I
Otago Daily Times, Issue 12999, 14 June 1904, Page 2
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