Bullooky Bi|l had a cold so bad' Tliat, though his language was very sad, His team stood placidly chewing the cud, While the. wheels sank deeper into tho mud. Woods' Peppermint Core his voice brought back, When of classical speeoh there was no lack, And his cattle took to their work with a will ' ' ••■■ 'Neath tho lurid'appeals of'Bullccky Bill. SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENTS. HD."* B It E W E H, • SURGEON 13ENTIST, 08 PRINCES STItEET, DUNEDIN (Opposite Bank of New Zealand). Telephone.No. 1835.,. ORDER YOUR NKXT SUIT FBOSI J. A. KIRBY, TAILOR .....' STAFFORD St Fit, Qimutv, and Mathuiai. Good, GOLD MEDAL AWAKDKD to J. A. KIRBY For SHIRT CUTTING aud MAKING. Order direct from tho maker. MADE TO FIT. There's a difference l)ctWoen<"mKde to onlor" and "made to fit." Jlade-to-order Shirts don't always fit. KIKBY'S. SHIRTS Am made to fit; made to last, too. fllado just as well aß.tlio best Enßlish shittruakurs know how. None better at any price, (l large assortment to choo3e from—White, Uoloureu, Oxford, and I'hnntlSi also Workins Hlou's Coloured Shirtings Wo i cud Hhirta (rum Auckland to the Blulf, which fpeaks (or itself. Note tho Address-> '' ,J. A/KIKBY, TAILOR AND SHIRTMAKER, YOUE HEALTH In FERGUSON'S "i J . & 0." WHISKY Points the compliment. At the War Banquet at Farnham, November 5, tho loyal and patriotic toasts wore duly pledged in FEBGUSOK'S "P. & 0." WHISKY. The merits of this 10-year-old Whißky are icionl to justify its exclusive use in tho King's Navy and Array Jlesscs throughout jTAGO WITNESS.-Ncff Stories. A large ' Amount of Reading Matter. Price Gd.
Page 6 Advertisements Column 1
Otago Daily Times, Issue 12999, 14 June 1904, Page 6
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