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Tenders will be received until Noon on SATURDAY, Juno 25, for the ERECTION of a SUNDAY SCHOOL HALL and CLASS KOOM for ihe Hanover Street Baptist Church. J. li. SALMOND, •Architect. Stock Exchange Buildings, Water street. OTAGO EDUCATION BOARD. TENDERS will ho received up till MONDAY, the 27th inst.', for the ERECTION oi e GYMNASIUM at the School, Hampden. Plans anil specifications may be seen at the school, or at this office. P. G. PEYDE, Secretary. Education Office, ' \ Dimcdin, 10th June, 1001. llju TENDERS will be received at the Board's Office (where conditions of tender may bo seen) until' THURSDAY, the 16th Inst., for RECEIVING and DELIVERING CARGO at Duncilm Wharves'. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. WILLIAM MIRAMS, 7iu Acting-Secretary. SENDEHS aie invited til! 2 p.m. on WED- _ XESDAY, 15th inst., for the ERECTION of TEA ROOMS at Wingatui for '.he Dunedin Jockey Club.-MASON k WALES, ' Meets, Rattoy street. 3ju exceeding Sixteen Words are inserted lor SIXPENCE per insertion; or for One Week, 3s Cd; over Sixteen Words and not exceeding Twcntyeijht Words, One Shilling; or for One Week, ss. mst be understood that .., v- * be charged unless accompanied bv cash. /CORNET, with Case and Tutor complete, a_- 503.—Mailed to any address from Holden's Musical Exchange, Dmiedin. 14ju BEESTON Humber BICYCLE, good as new; owner leaving colony; will accept £10 lOs.-Address Beeston, Times Office. [UMBER MOTOR CARS and Motor Cycles.—"By test the best."—General Motor Company, 14 High street. 14ju FOR SALE, 10 h.p. Portable ENGINE (Marshall), in perfect order.—Apply Macassey and Co. 13ju FOR SALE, Good Bakery BUSINESS, in splendid country town; doing large trade. Apply Mncassey and Co. 13ju [71011 SALE-AVhitc Wyandottcs, Cockerels, jD and Pckin Drakes.—Apply Fern Glen Poultry Farm, Abbotsford. lOiu &OULTRY FARM, GO acres and liuilc sheltered spot; su"" v nsnpct: hai ;y terms.—Bryant, Dov Ij\oß SALE-Packing Cases and Casks, .L cheap; also, Empty Oil Drums.—Smith and Smith (Ltd.), Octagon. llju VIOLIN (Superior Model), Bow, and Case mailrd to any address for 27s Cd.— Holden's Musical Exchange, Dunedin. •jtfOß SALE, BOARDING-HOUSE of 40 JL rooms, in the City; doing a first-class business.—Alex. Harris and Co. llju FOR SALE, Pointer PUPS, good .working , strain; also prize strain; cheap.—J. Newton, Helena street, South Dnnediu. }7OR SALE, NowJ-roomed HOUSE; City; . all latest improvements; iG2o, terms.— Mrs.Makay, Maclasgan alreel.. lOiu TOR SALE, 6-roomed Up-to-dato HOUSE J And SECTION;' easy'■forms'; £500.Atthnr Adams. ■ ajit HUMBRETTE CARS and Motor Cyoles . climb anv hill. —On view General Motor convenience, George,street North. TUTOR SALE, First-class Upstanding Carriage JD HOUSE; guaranteed sound; thoroughly reliable.—Pea and Co., auctioneers. 14ju FOR SALEi a Splendid Wood-turning LATHE; 6in centres, 4ft iron bed; planed all over; in first-class working order; ith 70 tools.-Address Alix, Times Office. FOR SALE, the GREYHOUND Fearless Footsteps, full sister to Lady Lightning; breeding, St. Cannon—Wildflower; trial given. Apply James Fraser, Peebles. llju TjlOR SALE, HOTELS, town ana country; 1 id freeholds; terms arranged; eiits.—Samsou and Co., aucTT7IOR SALE, Covert Gasoline iIOTOR CAR, .V seat Iwo; price, f 135 —Commercial Agency Co., 37 George streec. Slmv GUINEAS - " Hopkinson's " — Grand; wonderful value; to — suit—Howell und Co., agents, Octagon. WANPED to SELL (Cheap)-Several Single Buggies, Double Buggy, Phaeton, Station Waggon.—Mark Sinclair, coachbuilder, King street. 27ap BEST WAVERLEY PORT; 2a 6d per bottle.—At M'Parlane's, grocers, Princea and Maclaggan streets, Dunedin. j lGm ry Vr'ILL BUY a White Sewing MACHINE, wjl • complete with all the latest attachments.—Melville's, George street. 14»p A &D. MACPHERSON, Timber Me J\j chants, Moray place (corner Princes street).—N.Z. and Australian Timber moderate A& D. MACPHERSON, Estate Agents.- • Farms, Businesses, Houses, Sections for Sale or Purchased, above address. FOR SALE (St. Eilda, on tram line), FIVE ROOMS, just finished; well built; £500; terms.—Macphersons. IJTY-Fonr Roo KJ Rooms, Richardson street (good investment); Six Rooms, Union street; etc.—Mac-ÜBURBS-Nuinerous 4, 5, 6 BOOMS, in . St. Kilda, South Dunedin, Roslyli, N.F Valley, etc.-MACPHERSONS. 9 TflOR SALE-1G h.p. BOILER and 12 h.p. * ENGINE; Condenser and all Stem pipes and Fittings; nearly new.—Apply E. T. STEWART. Wood's Hotel, Dunedin. TjTOR SALE-Largo First-class BUTCHERY and POULTRY BUSINESS, with Shop and Dwelling, Smallgoods Shop, Yard, Stables, Smokehouse, Fowl Run; concrete floor and marble counter in shop. Also, 4 Horses and 3 Traps, Machinery (driven by water-power), etc. 13ju ALEX. HARRIS & CO. CASH-ADVERTISEMENTS umler this hi exceeding Sixteen Words nro inserted for SIXPENCE per insertion; or for One Week, Ss Cd; over Siitten Wotds and not eiccedinn Twentyeight Words, One Snflling; or for One Week, 03. If orders come by letter it must be understood that double these rates will be charged unless accompanied bv cash. nnO LET, Large Unfurnished ROOM; fire- . place, bath, range; references indisf .nsable.—Address Willow, Albany Street Post Office. 14ju fTO LET, HALF of HOUSE; references -i. indispensable—Address Leith, Albany Street Pot'. Office. Hju lished and Unfurn: -«.. ROOMS; moderate rent,-4 Cargill street (off Filleul street), City. !*]"«■ HjTO LET, Superior COTTAGE (plastered), ■»- 4 rooms; bathroom, washhouse; beautiful view.—Apply 10 Grant street. 14ju OFFICES and SHOPS to LET in Roberta's Buildings, Stuart street, - Apply E. Roberts, consultine engineer. . 14ju WO LET, 4 and 5-roomed HOUSES, Mam A. road, Caversham; close to trams—Apply ■MVs Rill ' 13ju OFFICES To LET, with strongroom, in Victoria. Chambers, ifonse streetApply Central Dining Rooms. 7ju rno LET (Manor place, Dunedin), 9-roomed A. HOUSE, with modern convemences-T-Apply 7C Manor place. 8 J»
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Otago Daily Times, Issue 12999, 14 June 1904, Page 1
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875Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 12999, 14 June 1904, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 12999, 14 June 1904, Page 1
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