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Mr George Ritchie is gazetted as Viceconsul for/tho , Netherlands at Duncdin. Tho Minister of Lands noti6o3 in the Gazette that 16 perohes (moro or less) of section No.. 21a, block XXV, Clinton, have temporarily resoryed for railway furposes. The beat way to study siicli subjects as mining, engineering;, architecture, surveying, electricity, etc., is to take a course with the Scranton Schools, which are the most successful-sclioole in the world. Full information from Bray. Bros., Dunedin.... The Woodvillo.Bxaniinor states that an c\pert has been eent up to report on the possibilities of Iho district in regard to copper mining. ■ A happy thought leading to tho production of a new article has often yielded tho inventor'a competency. See pamphlet on "Patents" (free by post).—Baldwin and FUyword, patent •attorneys, Crawford street, Diincdin;, Mirams Bros., district managers.i.. . ■ Wellington youngsters ainuso themselves by running, liesido tho electric cars to Newtown, and on Friday a small boy who was thus entertaining himself fell doiyn and biolvO. his;.wrist...... ......' .-...:.-.■—■■■ ■ Imported Plough Snares "(llahsdmiis anil Hornsbyj, nrico ftpm 14s Bassett, tmaVo.,.. '• ■
The man Mahey, who foil off a drayload of sacks at Pahiatua on (ho 4tli inst., and suffered injury to his spine, died on Hie Bt!i inst. About a month ago ha had insured his Ufo fur £500. . ' What do strangers in Dunedin want to know?' Who is the best tailor? NowsonBro.wn, Swing's.... Owing to tho prevalence of scarlet fever tho school at Blnff will be dosed for (i week, when it is intended to disinfect tho school buildings and give thorn a thorough cleaning out. For children's hacking cough at night, Woods' Great Peppermint Cure; Is 6c1.... Without losing a singlo animal, seven shepherds recently drove a flock of U,OOO sheep from llamuga, in Queensland, , ta Narrabri, in New South Wales—a distance of 900 .miles. Gum Benthol, " Loasby's."—Tho best cough medicine made. Pleasant to take. Is 6d, everywhere.... Tasmanian papers state that the- Oceana's shipment of apples to London realised from 6s to 12s per case. On May 6 the Hobart Agent-general reported that tho prices ruling for fruit pulp were: £25 per ton; apricot, £18; black currant, £50. There were, however, very few buyers about. Gum Benthol, "Loasby's."—Stops coughine instantly. Children like it. Ono dose relieves.... An Order-in-Council in the Gazette under date June 8 alters tho rate, of duty on wrtain goods imported into the Cook and other islands as follows:—Claret, 2s per gallon (in lieu of 6s); horses, 10s each (in lieu of £1); and all drugs imported by missionary societies for dispensation among the natives to ho admitted free. The now duties and alterations tako effect from July 1 next. _ Tho fool says, "Put not all your egga in one'basket," which is but a manner of saying, "Scatter your money and your attention." But the wise man saith, "Put all your tggs in ono basket," and roakeyour purchases at Chcyno and C'o.'s, Mosgiel. ... By the fire at Riverton on Friday which destroyed the Commercial Hotel tho Bank of New Zealand's brick oflicea on the opposite side of tho street were scorched and the windows broken by tho groat heat. The hotel building, which consisted of 26' rooms, was huilt of Tasmanian timber, and although it had been ereoted about 40 years ago it was in a good state of preservation. . Gentlemen, how aro you fixed for Winter Underwear? Mow's the time to find all'tho good kinds nt Wallace's, tho Outfitter, Princes street.... • ■ ' ■ In connection with tho Hawora electric lighting installation, it is stated that it is intended to use the current at Normanby for the smelting of ironsand for the production of. , pure steel. The electrical power obtainable being very strong, it is reported that the projectors can turn out puro steel at £1 2s 3d por ton, after railing their sand from Patea. Men's covert coats, in fawn only; a splendid riding coat; only , 29s 6d; worth 425.— Brown, Ewing.... During: the hearing of the RotomaliaiißJossie Niccol collision case at Wellington Captain Manning was asked if he blew the slip's iriiistlo ivhon ho left Wellington wharf or before his steamer struck the schooner, and ho replied that it was forbidden to blow a whistle in Wellington Harbour. You'd feel at home in these Overcoats of ours. Nothing stiff about coats or price; 29s 6d upwards. Wallace, the Outfitter, Princes street.... During a vceont week 5600 pigs wero killed in Ireland, whereas formerly the number was 20,000 wookly. A writer in the Irish Times attributes the falling oft to the. competition of Denmark and Canada, whore the weekly kill has reached, he declares, 40,000 and 30.000 respectively. Gasfittmg at moderate prices executed by A. and I'. Burt (Limited) by competent men. Large stocks of gasfituugs, globes, Welsbach incandescent mantles Mid burners, and gas stoves and fires to choo.« from.... Private advices received in Wellington (says the Eltham Argus), state that several parties of English farmers in England, attracted by the cheap passage rates nowruling and the iand settlement conditions in New Zealand, contemplate making "their future homo in this colony. They have been advised to settle in tho Taranaki ana , Auckland province". A representative is now on his way to this colony to prosecuto inquiries in their interest. A sure and certain money-saving, investment would be a visit to T. Boss's annual ' winter sale of jackets, furs; umbrellas, children's coats, gloves, stockings, blouses, and tho numerous items that, with ordinary prices, encroach so heavily on a lady's purse. As the severity of winter is just making itself felt, tlie success of tho season should be this sale at T.Ross': l , direct importer.... At a lecture on Sunday evening last in Christchurch on the " Message of the Stars" Professor . Bickerton said tho number of stars in tho universe, was at least a thousand millions, amongst which tho sun,was an ■ insignificant member, and iho earth a mero speck. He did not think it conceivable that all this immensity had been arranged merely for the benefit of su>Ji a speck of cosmic dust as the earth, and whilo it was difficult to imagine what forms of life would exist elsewhere in the universe, ho was quite satisfied that everywhere there was life and joy and love. Furniture Removals.—Tho New Zealand Express Company (Limited) only employ compctont packers and vanmen, and are prepared to quote for packing and removing furniture and personal effects either locally or for delivery throughout the colony. Householders placing this in our hands are relieved from the trouble usually attending removals.... Some evilly-disposed person in Auckland recently deposited a , dead cat in a tank of drinking water at the residence of Mr C. M'Master. councillor of the Borough of Grey j Lynn. The word' "deposit^ , is used, as tho cat could not have fallen into tho tank during its nocturnal rambles, because there was a lid which had to be lifted to.enablo the body to bo placed in tho water. Under tho circumstances, Mr M'Master has offered a reward of £50 for tho discovery of the .culprit. At 2 o'elosk oo Sunday morning, whilo the steamer Himitangi was coming to a berth at- No. 2 wharf, Lyttelton, the Harbour Board night watchman, who was on tho wharf, heard cries for assistance, apparently from ■underneath the jetty. After a search ho found n man in the water, clinging to ono of the piles of the wharf. The man, who-had evidently fallen over tho.side in, , the darkness, was at once got out of tho y/atcr and handed over to the police, who took> him to the lock-up, where ho was attended to.—Christehiircli Press , . i" Royal Enfield, New Hudson, Boyal Speedwell cycles, British made, by first-class English manufacturers.—W. A. Scott, 155 George street, agent.... -. Hanjitsinhji has added to his fame as a cricketer the glory of a successful lion hunter (says the St. James's Budget). Hβ has been shooting m the Gir, the great forest in India, where the. lion is preserved and has an area of almost 200 square miles in which to disport himself. There was, consequently, no lack of "game" for tho Prince and his companions. His chance camo early one morning. A lion and a lioness, attracted by tho bleating of a goat, made their appearance suddenly. The lioness made off with the goat; but Ranjitsinhji Wiethe lion, which retreated, and was found dead some hours later. He measured 10ft from tip to tail. •Sale! Sale! Sale!—On account of extensive alterations Cqoke, Howlison, and Co. aro offering 50 good second-hand' bicycles at exceptionally low prices. Theso bicycles must be cleared before tho end of Slay. reasonable offer refused. Records, Jubilees, Humbers, Aldiys. Easy terms given. Also a splendid line of superior dcuble-barrelled breech-loading guns, just landed.—26, George street and 156, 158, and 162 Great King street, Dunedin.... An animated correspondence is going on in English agricultural journals on the subject of motors tuking the place of horses in general farm work, and bath sides of tho question are warmly defended. Mr John Scott (of Edinburgh) goes fully into figures, and makes tho first cost of plant for a. 400-acro farm under horses at £763, end under motive power at £565. He figures out tho cost pt-r acre at 7s for horso traction cultivation, with four men, and by motor, with ono man, 3s 4Jd per aero. Eight horses ar» supposed to cultivate four acres ' per day, and ono motor eight acres. The day wago of a man is put down at 5s each, and the cost of a binder at £35.
Relief Aftek Six Years.—Mrs Jf. A. Clark, of Timbeny Range, N.S.W., Australia, writes:—"l wish to of tho wonderful bonefit 1 havo received from your valuable medicines. I suffered from, a severe cough for six years, and obtained no relief until I took Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Ono bottle cured me, and lam thankful to say that I have never had- ilio cough since. Jfako any use of, this letter that you like for tho good of any other poor sufferers." For salo by all 'dealers,
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Otago Daily Times, Issue 12999, 14 June 1904, Page 12
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1,666OMNIUM GATHERUM. Otago Daily Times, Issue 12999, 14 June 1904, Page 12
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OMNIUM GATHERUM. Otago Daily Times, Issue 12999, 14 June 1904, Page 12
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