10.THE EDITOB. Silt,—l wish to say a fen , words in support of the moderately written letter signed "St. Kilda" which anpoared in your issue of the. 9th inst.' '
Tho Tomahawk road was originally covered with acoating of metal of sufficient strength to carry the ordinary traffic of the district, which is principally light spring-cart traffic. The road has been maintained at that strength, and served its purppso well, till tho Drainage Board commoncod its operations in thai locality,' but soon tho board's heavy drays, filled to the brim with clay, stone, etc.". cut deep .gutters tight through the .metal/ with the result that now a comparatively few shovelfuls of earth, metal, or,other such material is a full load for a good heavy draught horse on the road in its present state, and it is daily getting worse. As a matter of fact, it is now, and is daily becoming more and more a field to which the' attention and energies of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.should bo directed. The ratepayers within.the drainage area can readily perceive that, if the horses employed to do their work cannot possibly take a full load on tho road owing to its present state, it is tho height- of cruelty to abuse the noblo nnimals in tlioir endeavours to haul a trifling load through the mire. It is also false economy, and tho work dono under such circumstances costs the ratepayers a great deal more to push on such heavy works on "an almost'impassable road, particularly when, as I understand, the Tomahawk RoadBoard is willing to allow the Drainage Board the use of its quarries to obtain tho necessary supplies of metal for the puprose of repairing the road.—l am, etc., June 10. St. Kilda No. 2.
Otago Daily Times, Issue 12999, 14 June 1904, Page 10
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