Sin,—While one can appreciate the Kev. Wm. Hewitaon. for his work's sake, yet he seems to act the part of a special pleader when dealing with the ■ question, of erecting a new cathedral here. Seeing that tho Presbyterians' special committee has formulated u new creed so as to embracetho Wosleyans and Congregationalisms, an active workman like the Jlev. Win.' Hewitson should do his best to anticipate the timo when ho can embrace tho Mother Church of England. Either the strict Baptists will have to fall from their base of immersion before they can join tho great United Church, or convert the ancient Greek, Roman, and English branches of tho,Catholic Church. Having regnrd .to the thousands of loyal clergy of the Church of England, one. cannot agree with tho special pleader when he says there is a ■trend in the Anglican Church towards tho Church of Rome. Legislation is promiEed so that bishops will have power to deal righteously with the fow Jesuitical clergy whose pride and senseless displays bring a scandal on the; Church of 'England. Whether we appreciate- 'tho evidence or not, .Iho union of tho churches is rapidly coining. Music is a great, lovely leveller. Let us compare tho elaborate services of Knox Church with her beautiful organ' and tho singing in the old wooden church undei , the prosidoney of (ho lato Rev. Br Sttiari. As every man approaches his century ho naturally prefers the eyes of charity to those of scorn. Seeing that tho Primate has a groat burden in tho erection of a new cathedral; besides feeding the 70 or '80 churches which ho has built in this diocese, I hope- that every friend of unity will pray and work for Jiis success in the Almighty Saviour's vineyard.—l am, etc., .W. A. W. W.VTJIEN. Dunedin, June 11.
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Otago Daily Times, Issue 12999, 14 June 1904, Page 10
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Otago Daily Times, Issue 12999, 14 June 1904, Page 10
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