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Racing at Wingatui continued to-day. • Tho winter show will be brought to a clos.> tlii? owning. Tin; 'Maoris 'at Poverty Bay are suffering from the influenza epidemic. • ■ 'Hie> amount paid out in ol;l-age pensions 'at Christchurch on Thursday was £&1 Os 2d. i The|co?U to tho Licensing' Committee in Mo" Nuw'town , licensing anixlal wise amount to £750. ' * Lovell's Flat Coal and Kuts; hums well, heats well, lasts well. Yujjol street.... In a South ('iwtcrbury school, owing lu lack of space, "a? many as 70 children have had to l>3 crowded into a loom 2Cft by. IW. It is st'ated that King Edward has started to piny -bowls, iiiid that lie is ,n■•frequent visitor, to, tho, green. Gum Be'ntlwl, "Loasby's."—Stops coughing; instantly. Oliildren 'like' it. One dose, relievos.... : New Zealand's consumption of-sugar last, year amounted Jo a little over 38,000 tons. What do strangers in Dnnedin'- want to know?.- Who is the best tailor? Newson— 'Brown, .Swing's.... ' ■ • Some of the business, promises in Gisborno aro.oyei'-fuii with rats. Kb less than 80 wore killed in one establishment last •week. ' ' Gentlemen, how arc you fixed /or Winter Underwear? Xo'w's tho time to-find all the gortl kinds at Wallace's, tho Outfitter, il'rinces street.... It is currently reported (says the Goro Standard) that several sly grog informers h'avo been spending the. past, week in Gore, and that one-.or,two prosecutions arc likely to' be the outcome, of tlioir visit. Try'Taratu upper scam coar'(lcavo3 light grey ash), 20s delivered.... Tho Bay of- Plenty Times says that Mr C. E. Ridley', late of Diirisdin, has .leaseo :the pilot house and rcscrvo oh Mount Mann■ganui, and intends going in for tho raisnig bfpoultry, etc 'Rum Bcnthol, " Loasby's. —Tho: best cough medicine. matte. Pleasant to take. Is M, everywhere.... Mrs W.'D. Soper. of Stony Creek, lias informed tho vicar of Wakatinu, the Rev. R. T. Mathows, that it is her wish and intention to build a church at Garaton, at her solo expense; in memory of,her husband, on tho. site given by\ him. Tho offer has been thankfully accepted. A,complete iset of BhiemelVcelluloid mudguards will cost'you only 7s 6d.—At the Speedwell Cycle' Works (W. A. Scott), 155 George street.,... .- It is stated that cocoamit planting is raking headway in.the Solomon , lslands,-'and tho Pacific Islands Company has taken up 250,000 acros of land for that purpose. For' children's hacking cough at night, Woods , Great Peppermint Cure; isM...' Tho. trial of the steaming qualities ol tho State coal to be made by H.M.S. Psycho will bo commenced on the Htli inst. The vessel will run out to sea from Wellington, return, ami then go up the coast to Auckland. ; Take lifo easy. Drive about im a colonial gig. Price, £13 10s.—Morrow, Bassott, and C0'.... ■■■■■■■_■■ A writer to a, Oliristchurch contemporarj states that when in Tasmania recently h( saw 46.000 cases of apples and pears being shipped by the Dorsc-t for England, ant thnt Victoria also sends largo quantities o: pears to England. From returns which 1;< K.iw of ono consignment pears brought 2!? i \xv case. He ■ says: " Wi> are 10 year: behind Canada or Tasmania, notwithstanding cur many expevts. The lattci; colony ha: shipped already this season nearly 600,C01 :ases." ■ . Ohemisbry reems likely to become ili< StbTh science of the future. Our free cir :ular tolls how you can quaiify for gooi josttions l)y homo study.'- Write for ono.tey Bros., 'Arppnlhicil'Hall.,.v

It is propose;] to reduce .iho; price of gas at tho Wanganui municipal gdsivorks. t0..03 6d net and 5s 6d', less 5 nor coilt'., for power. This rrorcsMifs i smljimr reduction in (ho two years sincethe-borough tool; over llio works. > ' ?.-'.. Coal.—L-ivell's Flat Coal; : price,' only 22s per ion, delivered in city. Order it..... Tho Stratford people'fays the Kltbam Argns) had to put .up with a deal nf , incoiirotiience fast week owing , to (lie vagaries of their electric lighting system. The recent; heavy rain,-, had done sonic damage to the power arrangements, and at times the town was in darkness. On Friday people were rushing about buying, begging, borrowing, or stealing kerosene lamps; ,. Parents- visiting show should' secure all requirements in- boys' winter clothing. ■ Special value in heavy colonial tweed suite, otW knickers, and overcoats, at lowest possible prices.—X.Z. Clothing Factory, Octagon.... Mr Bent, Premier of A'ietoria, in a recent speech said f tint when Mr Taverner went to England his instructions were explicit enough. "'You arc not going to Iμ Agcntgencral, but a agent, ,, Mr Jknt had -told him. "You are not going to have ii gold sword and a cocked bat, but. you are joins ■'" be something useful, • Yes, ' useful' is the word." For country riding and driving thero is n>i better waterproof coat {sewn throughout) than special make, 37s 6d, 455, 52s 6d; only at N.Z. Clothing Factory, Octagon.... Tho Hon. Mr Hills, when addressing hi 3 constituents a few days ago, stated that about 25 yean ago ho formed one of a, Iparty of • 14 • who had a mining claim at AVakamariua, and every friend to whom they showed the claim , pointed out the exact locality in it where, payable sold would bo found, and each one pointed to a different . place; but after nine months' work they abandoncd'thc claim, and each man's share from the proceeds of the claim amounted to 13 pennyweights! I'or wet weather try our Yarmouth oilskin coats; none better for rough work; 9i 6d, 10s 9d, at .N.Z. Clothing Factory, Octagon.... As a result of the recent gun accident in Aniseed Valley, Nelson, it has been found necessary to amputate Mr Arthur Heap's arm. The accident occurred when Mr Heaps and a companion (Mr C. Tatton) were- out shooting. 'After a rest, they were in the act of picking up the guns off the ground, when the- one Tattoti had \yont off, probably through a twig catching tho trigger, and Heaps received the charge in the right forearm. Farmers who appreciate comfort and durability should try the " Glovfitto hat, 9s 6d, 10s 6d; had only N.Z. Clothing Factory, . .Octagon.... '. ' Tho Minister in charge of the Tourist Department lias agreed to the request ot Dr E. Teiehfllmami for a first climlwj'e privilege in givng tho names of ."Newton's Pass" and "Pioneer Pass" to two pti3-e3 which Dr Teichclmann crossed on the eastern slope of Mount Coot in February last. Genuine Taratu coal leaves light grey ash. 20s per ton delivered • At tho Ohristchurch Police Court on .Thursday a solicftcr was x fined 10s and costs for taking a loose dog into Hugicy Park. Tho defendant pleaded that there were about 3000 sheep in tho park, which was in a filthy state; that Jhe domain' was for tho benefit of the people; that lie lived on the other side of tho domain, and ho would have to make a long detour if he could not take his pet dog, a spaniel, perfectly under control, across the nark; that, it was no amusement going across tho park with a dog pulling on a chain, etc. But tho bench was inexorable on tho point that tha mn', 0 '"espectablo members of the community should keep the law, and that defendant, having been previously warned, had no excuse for his action. You'd feel at home in these Overcoats of ours.' Nothing stiff about coats or price; 29s 6d upwards. "Wallace, tKo Outfitter, * Princes street.... The Grey ' Kivor Argus states that a serious accident happened on the 30th ult. to a young man named Fred Parker, employed ns a sawyer at Wilson and Giilies's sawmill, Kapitea Creek. Parker was standing behind a saw anil pulling it back in order to get tho belt on, when the water was turned on and set tho saw in motion, and Parker was drawn on to the revolving saw. An ugly wound, extending from the neck downwards over the left breast and on to the stomach, was inflicted, the lungs being exposed. Parker, who was in a critical condition, was removed to the hospital, where his injuries were attended' to. Parker has been singularly unfortunate, as he had previously lost, threo fingers of one hand and had the ofhor ornshed. Men's covert coats, in fawn only: a splen- (- did riding coat; only 29s 6d; worth 425.— Brown, Kwing.... There would appear at present to ,be no limit to the speed of motor cars, awl all last year's records are completely put in the shade.-by the times whicii have recently been accomplished in the United States. Harry Ford did a mile in 39 2-Skc, a'speed of 91 miles an hour. Later W. K. Yandcbilt travelled a mile in 59see, or at 92 miles an hour. He accomplished 10 miles in 6min SOsec, or at 88 miles per hour, and a-50-mile race in 40min 49see, or at 71 miles'per hour. Finally, in a private test over tho course lie did a mile in3ssec, or at. the extraordinary pace of 1021 miles an hour. Furnish your houso well. Buffalo Leather Suites and Carved Sideboards, our specialties.—C. and W. Hayward, 103' Gcorgo street.... The New York Critic says that Bulwer Lytton foreshadowed in his " Coming Race" the discovery of radium. Tho mysterious "vril" of tho novelist was, we are reminded, powerful enough to destroy cities, its subterranean users could light tlieir streets and houses by means of its rays, and they depended eirtircly on it for healing purposes. The coincidence is curious, but not. without parallel. ' . ' , Farmers and floxmiilers will l:e interested with the machinery exhibit by A. and T. Bint<fitd.) at I he. Winter Show of pulleys, \ belting, oils, pumps tor garden, farm, and ' fruit, trees. A 'call at our warehouse* and works will well repay y0u.... Pcuted in Swindon on April 16, 1872, a postcard has just reached its destination, whith is less than a mile from the place from which it was despatched. Fanners while visiting show should order special value tailor-made suits, by expert cutter, 85s, at' N.Z. Clothing 'Factory, Octagon.... ' • ■ Under the Motor Car Act 4294 cars and cycles have been registered in London, and it was , stated at the meeting of the uondoa County Council recently that applications now reach 35 a day. lii registration fees £5258 has been received. Shippers and traders will find Hie New Zealand Express Company (Limited) tha best means of forwarding consignments. Goods ami parcels collected and forwarded to, any address at through rates. With our complete organisation we are in a position to give despatch to all consignments.... The rate at which Zulus can travel in an emergency is astonishing. Some will cover as-much as 50 miles in six hours. Eight liiilce an hour is an ordinary pace. Taratu coal, only 20s , per ton delivered. Leaves light grey ash.... Throughout the townships of Mearley. Mitton, Henthorn, Coldcoates, Twiston, and 'Vorston, all in ' the vicinity of Clitheroe, not a-single individual has been convicted of drunkenness for 10 years. Sale! Sale! Sale'. —On account of extensive alterations Cooke, Hovrlison, and' Co. areoffering 50 good second-hand bicydes at exceptionally low prices. These bicycles* must be cleared before the end of May. No reasonable offer refused. Records, Jubilees, Humbew, Alctayp. Easy terms given. Also a splendid lino of superior dcublo-barrolled breech-loading guns, .just landed.—26. George street and 156,158, and 162 Great King street, Dunedin Sir Thomas Barlow, at the annual meet ng of tlio Coal-smoke Abatement Society, said thorc could be- no doubt that tho smokepolluted air was responsible for the marked deterioration among London-born people. • There is now on view a special line of 75 ladies' pretty grey mixture Jackets, bought at a, great discount, and worth 29s each, to .be sold at 15s 6d and 19s 6draise,'3B ladies' Guards Coats,' in heavy navy cloth, with , brass buttons, and green, red,, or-grey-fac-ings, 15s 6<l, 17s 6'J, and 21s; same goeds selling freely all over the colony at 25s to 42s each. To bo had only from T. Ross, direct importer, 130 Princes street, Duncdin.... At a meeting of the Ball Committee of the Dunedin Engineers the report.! received from the sub-committees showed that the tickets were selling freely, and a record attendance is expected. It is intended to decorate the stago as a drawing room. Tho decorations of the other narts of tho hall and the vestibule and the staircase promise to bo something out of the ordinary, and , tho craft of the company will bo in evidence in'various parts of tho building. Tho size of your head does not indicate tho size of your brain; but men know how to use their brains when they buy'a; hat from CheyiiD and Co. Hard and solft felt hats in great variety. Reliable goods at bed-rock prices. See them.... ■

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 12991, 4 June 1904, Page 16

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OMNIUM GATHERUM. Otago Daily Times, Issue 12991, 4 June 1904, Page 16

OMNIUM GATHERUM. Otago Daily Times, Issue 12991, 4 June 1904, Page 16


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