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Japan is 59,561 square miles larger than England, Scotland, and Wales. Gentlemen, how aro you fixed for Winter Underwear? Now's the' time to find all the good. hinds at Wallace's, tho Outfitter, Princes street.... At Taihapc, a small new settlement in the North Island, 89 offences have been dealt with in tha local court since tho beginning of tho ycav. All-woo! colonial underwear, vesfe or pants, 4s 5d each.—Brown, Ewing.... At Oamaru on Tuesday a young man named William Kilgour, employed at tho Woollen Factory, had his leg fractured during the dinner hour while practising football Latest cultivators, ploughs, barrows, and Bray's patent open-run turnip sower. See Reid and Gray's exhibit at Winter Show.... Of 15,454 children on the rolls of Wellington schools 2653, or nearly one-fifth, are absent from school every day. What do strangers in Dunedin want to know? Who is tho best tailor? Newson— Brown, Swing's.... Every male 'in R-usia is liable to servo in the army after attaining his twenty-first •yoar. Gum Benthol, " Loasby's."—Tho test cough modicino made. Pleasant to take. Is M, everywhere.... During the past financial year the oxport of butter from Auckland was 40,000 packages greater than in the previous 12 months.

Among the attractions to farmers at the Winter Show is Gray's patent open-run turnip sower. See Reid and Gray's stand at show....

Mr A. W. Rutherford, M.H.R.: "Mv Seddon has all the powers of th? Sultan of Turkey, bar. that of cutting off your heads!"

For children's hacking cough at night, Woods' Great Peppermint Cure; 15'6d.... Denmark holds tho world's record of having £137 per head of population invested in agriculture. Farmers should inspect Reid and Gray's exhibit at tho Winter Shon-._ Latest cultivator, disc harrow, turnip thinner and digger plough.... A London correspondent informs the Wairarapa Times that " it seems-now to be the rule that the San Francisco mail should bo at least four days late at tlw London end."

Improve the value of your hotee l>y driving it- in a daisy cart. Price, £12 10s.— Morrow, Bassett, and C 0....

There were no cases of drunkenness before tho CiirUlchurcli Magistrate's Court on Tuesday. Tin's was tho first occasion sineo Now Year on -which there was a clean .sheet.

Chemistry focim likely to become tho greVtk science of the future. Our freo oircular tolls how you can qualify for good, positions by homo study. Write- for one.— .Bra-y Bros., Annculturnl' Ha 11....

The Kowai Road Board has arranged to have a. bird-poisoning day on June 9 throughout the district, when poisoned grain will >l» delivered to ever)- house. This systematic plan of dealing with the small birds is said to havo been very effective last year.

Keitl and Gray imvito all fanners inspect their works, Princes street South, ami .Winter Show exhibit.'...

The only blot on tho Companies Act, in the opinion of Mr A. \Y. Rutherford, M.H.R., i≤ that no provision is made for hanging some company promoteis for aggravated Nothing resist? the cold better than our colonial heavy knit men's underpants and singlets, 4s 6d enoh.—xvZ. Clothing Factory, 'Octagon. Try erne. set....

At a conferenco of local bodies at Rangiora on Wednesday, during a. discussion on the small-bird pest, one , member stated that a boy had boen caught selling eggs made of clay to, a nonr-sightod member of a Road Board.

Gum Benthol, "Loasby's."—Stops coughinstantly. Children'like it. Onodose relieves....

Rotorua. se-veu years ago had only 97 houses; mow them are ; over four times that number. Seven years ago the number of bathers was 32,000; the number now is 95.000. ;

Parents visiting show should secure all requirements in boys' winter clothing. Special value in heavy coloniaHwcod suits, odd knickers, and overooatej at lowest possible -prices.—N.Z, Clothing Factory, Octagon..., A Wanganui citizen, who has recently returned from Tuamaranui, saya that the , sly grog-solliiiß there is deplorable. Tho place is full of grog shous, which unblushingly expose bottleii and "other liquor stock for sale. When a police raid is made only a small portion of tho stock-in-trade is seized, the-remainder being carefully inutien out of reach. . . Wo give repairs of every description our careful attention. Fust-class work iu firstclass manner.-W. A. Scott, Speedwell Cyclo Works, 155 George street. .. Quite the most remarkablo of Ireland a many centonariatis is Bridget Somers, an inmato of Sligo Workhonse.. A native oE Sovey. in County Sligo, she is reported to bo 114-' years old. Sho is in possession of all her facilities, and can dance a jig or hornpipo still. For country riding and dnvmsr there is no better waterproof coat (sewn throughout) than special make, 37s 6d, 455, 52s 6d; only at N.Z. Clothjng Factory, Octagon.... For tlic third time.tho hugo clapper of tlie famous bell in the Cathedral of Florence has broken off, the mass of metal, weighing nearly 9cwt, falling on tlie floor of Giotto's Campaaile.

For wot weather try our Yarmouth oilskin cotfs; none hot tot for rough work; 9; 6d, 103 9d, at N.Z. Clclhimg Factory, Octagon....

A negro of Philadelphia, U.S.A., after being stabbed, was* taken to the hospital. The surgeons put him under ether, took out his heart, and stitched it up. Ho is expected to live.

Men's dark grey Chesterfield overcoats, Jlength) with velvet collar, English tailormade; well worth 455; a grand-warm coat; special price, 35s 6d.—Only of Brown, Kwing's.... The doubling of the hands on Hie Toko line has caused an influx of labour into the town of Stratford. The Stratford labour agent says that the oponing for employment is not eufOcient to- attract outside labour, as tho local unemployed is more I ban sufficient to fulfil any want, and men coming to Stratford wi'.'. most probably be disappointed. The fashionable rainproof coats for men, in dark grey, from 39s 6d.—Brown, Swing.... It is a mistake to suppose that nighl air in towns is unhealthy. In most cases it is purer between 10 nt night and 6 in the morning than at any other part of the 24hoursr

Come and inspect our genuine Irish tweed suiting, 955, la.ilor-a^e..—BroCT, Ewinff...,

Farmers who appreciate comfort and durability should try the " Glovfitte hat, 9s 6d, .10s 6d; had only N.Z. Clothing Factory OcUgon.... Divers" in the British navy, before being passed as proficient in thoir craft, lia,ve to •be able to work in 12 fathoms of water for an hour and,in 20 fathoms sfor a-quarfer of an hour. Tho sisro of your head does not indicate tho sizo of your brain; hut men know llO»V .to use their brains when they buy a hat .from Chcync and Co. Hard and s'olft felt hafs m great variety. Reliable goods at -bed-rock prices. See thorn.... Mr Andrew Rutherford, M.H.E., informed one'of his constituents on Monday evening , that, tho Government was tho stumbling block in tho way of the teachers' superannuation scheme. " Tho Premier does not want to take it up," bo said, "and such a bill has uo chance at all unless it emanates from the Government." Ho promised that, if tho matter did not come before' the House during tho coming session, he would ask a question regarding it.

farmers while visiting show should order special -value tailor-made suite, by expert cutter, 85s, at N.JC, Clothing Factory, Octagon....

Mr Samuel Anderson, of Wetherstones, while'stepping into his dray on Thursday last, slipped, and foil beneath tho wheel, which went .over his sido and shoulder, breaking some of his ribs. Ho afterwards rose and entered his dray, but "tho jolting .'caused him considorablo pain, and ho is at present under medical treatment at his home. His son was in the Duncdin Hospital, last week, suffering from tho effects .■of a fall on his shoulder, and arrived homo 'on Friday night, when he heard of the accident to his father.

You'd feel at home in these Overcoats of ours. Nothing stiff about coafs or price; 29s 6d upwards. Wallace, tho Outfitter, Princes street.... , The Rev. F. W. Isitt, secretary of tho Now Zealand Alliance, is now on a tour collecting subscriptions to defray the cost of tho Newtown licensing appeal case, which is estimated to bo not far short of £1000. It is understood (says a contemporary) that two amounts of £50 each in aid of this fund have already been received from sympathisers in Auckland. Men's covert coats, in fawn only; a splendid riding coat; only 29s 6d; worth 425.— Bromn, Bwing..,.

Tho dangerous practice of firing pea* nfles is very prevalent amongst boys in, Mastcrton. A lady resident of Villa "street was standing in her backyard the other day When two bullets whiazed past her head, and a resident of Colo street', whilo cutting firewood recently, was startled 1)y a bullet fntcrjng the piece of wood he-was chopping. Farmers and flaxmillers will be interested with the machinery exhibit by A. and T. t ßurt (Ltd.) at the Winter Show of pulleys, 'belting, oils, pumps for garden, farm, and fruit trees. A call at our warehouse and works will well repay y0u.... At Dannovirko last week a resident was fined £20 and costs (£10) for cruelty to a lad whom defendant had obtained from a Nelson institute. The .ill-treatment consisted of severe thrashings'(mostly with a stick) all over the lad's body. I'he caee excited considerable interest, the csourt being crowded with spectators, who hooted! the defendant and applauled the magistrates decision. •

Distribution of Consignments.—The New Zealand Express Company (Limited).are pr&- ■ pared to receive consignments in jbulk and undertake distribution of same to various consignees, collecting their charges ;either 'from consignor or consignee, at client's option.... ; * . The Tuapeka Times says that a serlois accident befell Mr John Stewart, of Tuapeka West, on Friday night last. He was driving has waggon homo from Lawrence, and when crossing the small bridge just bolow the Tuapeka Hotel one of the wheels went over the side, with the result 'that the waggon capsized. Mr Stewart being thrown into tho channel with several bags of coal on top of him. M-istance was promptly at hand, and Mr Stewart released from his dangerous position, otherwise ho would havo been drowned. Hβ was severely injured, and was conveyed to the hospital, where it was found that a number of his ribs .had boon fractured.

Sale! Sale! Sale!—On accountof.extonsivo alterations Cookc, Howlison, and Go. aro offering 50 good second-hand bicycles -at exceptionally low prices. These bicycles .must bo cleared before tho end of May, No reasonable offer refused. Records, Jubilees, Humbers, Ajdays. Easy terms given, Also a splendid lino of superior double-barrelled breech-loading guns, just landed.—26, George street and 156, 158, and 162 Great King street, Dunedin.... A practical joker in Oamaru tcok off his boots and stockings tho other night, and, painting the soles of his foot a vivid red, started off down the pavement from tho doorstep of the business premises of a wellknown citizen to the doorstep of a. wellknown hostelry. The trail of tho feet were distinctly visible on the pavement, but tho sensation intended to lie created (lid nob arise, as tho colour was too vivid to be mistaken for what wa6 intended. There is now on. view a special line of 75 ladies' pretty grey mixture Jackets, bought at a.great discount, and worth 29s each, to be'sold at 15s 6d and 19s 6d; also, 38 ladies' Gimrds Coate, in heavy- navy cloth, with brass buttons, and green, red, or grey fac'ings, 15s sd, 17s 6d, and 21s; same goeds selling freely all over the colony at 25s to 42s each.: To be had only from T. Ross, direct importer, 130 Princes street, Dunedin.... The ,Now Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company have sent us a copy of an illustrated pamphlet just issued by them, .in which, the merits of Maiden Island guano an a turnip fertiliser are set out with considerable.effect. The illustrations of turnip crops grown in various parts o£ Otago are attractive as pictures,' and appear to give convincing testimony of the valuo of the manure in question. The pamphlet also deals with other matters of interest to farmers, and particularises agricultural machinery, otc, for which flio company aro agents. The Winter Show is not complete without implements, and Reid and Gray are to tVo fore again with their popular harrows, ploughs, and cultivators. Seo Reid and Gray's exhibit at show.... At a lecture' in the Mastorton Town Hall on May 24, Mr J. 0, Coopor stated that under the Lands for Settlement Act the London money-lender was becoming tho .freeholder of largo portions of lauds. This was landlordism in its very worst form—the very thing that Ireland had been groaning under for centuries past Lancaster Park, which yesterday became the property of the Canterbury Cricket Association (Limited), will in future bo under the absolute control of that body. Tho board of tho association contemplates a number of improvements, including tho formation of an up-to-date cycling track that will he fit for motor racing. The increased stand accommodation will bo completed in readiness for the English football match in September.'•Surplus Stocks to Clear.—Corrugated iron, per shoot— 6ft, 2s 2d; 7ft, 2s 6d; Bft, 2s 11 d; Sft, 3s 6d. Kidging, 6ft lengthsKin, Is 4d; lGin, Is 6d; 18in, Is Bd. Spouting, 6ft lengths—4in, Is 2d; 4iin, Is 4d; sin, Is 6d. Hay rakos, Is 9d; hay and strawforks—two prongs, Is 3d; throo prongs, Is 6d; four prongs, Is 8d; Ames's long-handle •shovels—No. 2, 4s; No. 3, 4s 3d; Naylor's Jong-handle shovels. 3s:. platelayers' shovols, No. 3, 3s 6d; coal shovols, No. 5, 5s 6d; eluice forks, 8 prongs, ss; rifles —22, 10s 6d; Remington rifles, 20s; StovenVs Favourite, 27s 6d; cartridf>es-22 short, 12s; 22 long, 15s; por 1000 Club cartridges, No. 12, 1. to 5 shot, 9s per 100. Fire brasses, lamps, toilet sets, mats, hearthrugs, barb wire, wire netting, ZOO-gallon iron tanks, and a large assortment of sundries to clear under wholcsalo prices.—Mutual Co-operative Stores, Maclnggan street.... ■ . Major Keddell, at the close of the business in the Oamaru Magistrate's Court on Tuesday, stated that some pcrsou had written to him with the intention of influencing lu's decision in ,a case before tho court. The practice, ho said/ was seriously objectionable, but iii thie case tho letter was more in the nature of an impertinent piece of folly than an attempt to interfere with the course ofjustice. Visitors to Dunedin will find many changes in it since the last agricultural show. Tho electric cars, alterations to public buildings, and improvements to tho city goa<H'ally are very noticeable. A marked eh»n<(o will also Iμ found at tho corner cf the Octagon and Princes street, where tho ofdeetablishcd and popular firm of Hallcnstem Bros.' New Zealand Clothing Factory ha.: gone through quite a transformation. Instead of tho one corner shop, it has been extended by taking in the adjoining promises, making tho largest andl most modem outfitting premises in the colony. Judpng. bf tho display in tho hat, mercery, tailorin'"-, and readv-to-wcar clothing departments, and tho moderate prices marked for their superior goods, it will repay visitors to make a call of inspection during show week....

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 12989, 2 June 1904, Page 16

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OMNIUM GATHERUM. Otago Daily Times, Issue 12989, 2 June 1904, Page 16

OMNIUM GATHERUM. Otago Daily Times, Issue 12989, 2 June 1904, Page 16


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