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As l was anticipated, , the parliamentary session' was brought to a close 111 timo for breakfast yesterday morning.

The Supreme Court waa occupied yojturfluy 'v/itli th6'cases against Peter Grant and Benjamin Curtis ot committing Dreunhes of *'Tho Gamiiis and Lottenw A»f, IRH,*' by ■ being hie occupiers of promises, iiscd Vor the purpose of- betting with parsons liesortnig -' thereto, Tho charge against tho former was taken hv-ij -i nd tiio tri'il excited a good ucal o[ iiitevc?r Xhe Crown Prosecute «nd counsel for the prisoner freely tvurrised tiioii light of challenge, 'aricl cach rcqiicsced jurors to stbiid aside. Curiously enough, the firjc fivo immcs wildil were afi blmJleiigod. The jury, after a retirement of i. little over half .'in hour, 'brough-, in » .verdict as;;.*' Not guilty.": against . Curtis was shorter thun int« oiho;*, and the Jiiry .'topt about, half ah liour to decide that ho was "Not guiliy," ' . :

' During lx'ceni; years, and cfpccially in connection with prosecutions for breaches of tho Licensing Act in 110-license districts, there liavo been frequent instances where jjcrsons. have been paid by the police to -procure evidence of ,'qffeiices against \ the law.; A great deal of forensic cloquenco • been expended, and" a slill; greater

amount of ink spilt in justification and in condemnation of 'tho praotieo of obtaining evidence in this way. Mr' Justice Williams; in placing the issues before the jury in the prosecution of a bookmakoryest-erday,. i|calfc with the matter in the following terms; "Now,, the evidence in tiho present viae depends on the evidence of tho witnesses Barclay and Macmilla!].' As has .'been said 'by counsel for the defence, and-practically; admitted, their evidence wants very careful investigation. It would be very proper to 'require corroboration of such evidence, livery responsible person, howevei, must

a(W that it is oven necessary and proper for tliepolice'to employ spies and informers ih order to discover breaches of the law. We may have our own opinion of the character of the spies and informers, and, having that opinion, would think it proper to watch their evidonco with the greatest care. But it must be admitted on all hands that it is sometimes an unfortunate necessity that their services should be required. "It

h admitted that the witnesses in tho present caso were employed by the police to catch

these bookmakers,, and wore supplied, with money for tho purpose."

Tho Clutha anil Alatau Agricultural aridPastoral Society's show was hold' yesterday at Baicfuttui, and proved a most successful' exhibition, tho stock generally being of it high standard of quality and an improve-, inent on that shown last y-edr. Tho liorse sections were especially strong numerically, and shorthorns and crossbred cattle wcro very well represented; but the same cannot "be said l of the sheep classes, and' thero might have been fuller entries of- merino, Border- and. English Leicester?, and balfbred or inbred halfbrecf sheep. Downs and Lincolns werb conspicuous by their absence. In the dairy produce classes there were keen contests. Great interest was taken in the competition for the prize of £6 63 offered for tho closest

judging by points to tho judgo's decision in respect to the stallion Glenleary. The result, however, will not he known for &me

time. The various officials "connected with tho show worked with a will, .and- to the secretary (Mr T. Macdonald) credit was duo ■for the working of tho manifold matters connected with his department. Tho sheep live-weight guessing competition induced 93 entries, and correct gucssos—viz., 63jilb— were given 'by Miss Bcgg and Messrs A. Bain, T, Little, and W. Wripi The takings at the gates totalled -BSKL "Ss 61

A prisoner named Otto Herdeegan, sentenced by the Chief Justice some; months ago to two and a-hnlf years' imprisonment on a number of charges of breaking and ent-er- . ing, escaped from the heads yesterday afternoon. Evidently he has secured a change of clothes, 'becauso his gaol clothes woro found in the -bush on the Peninsula.- Search parties were out yesterday afternoon, but were unsuccessful. Jt is believed the man is in hiding 111 tho bush near Capo Saunders.

A district ortfei' issued from (lie local Militia and Volunteer Oflico notifies tho death of Private E. ('. Cutis, lato of tho Eighth 2S r ew Zealand Contingent. The iicceased will b» accorded i» military funeral, which will loavo Filleitl street this afternoon. Tho B Battor/iwill • furnish .'tho' gun carriage, and the No. 1 Battalion,'.Otago Rifle Volunteers, wiil furnish f'l;e tiling party, The Garrison Band' will ho mfjjtttondance. 'Volunteers and-returned troopers are invited to attend.

The feature ot this west's illustrations in the Witness is a ycally 'excellent-bird's-eye view of the Korth-East Valley from the Queen's drive, showing tfiu Gardens, Opoijo, and the greater port of fho Valley, with the nowGeorgo street-tramway bridge over the Leitli. Tito two picture, by Mr 0. j. Goldie, ot Auckland, "Darby and Joan" and ''Tho Widuw," fa. tlie Countess of Kanfuriy .prior to her departure from the colony, nro reproduced by permission of the artist, and there' if another page of tho pictures, a~ tho Otago Art Society's exhibition, Tha progress, being made in preparing tho line for '.ho electric cars'in tlto Valley is shown by it group, of the men at wort; tho aiicl • Oamaru shows are well illustrated; tho Girls' High School, with the pupils aAd staff, has a, page devoted to it; and.there pictures of interest. The cartoon ("Jim") deals with tho union of the churches, the Rov. Dr Gibb pronouncing the benediction.

During tlie month of- October tho arrivals in New Zealand numbered 2711" antl the departures 1253, as against 299+ arrivals'and 1152 departures for the corresponding month last yea; : .

Sitting at -t'lio Magistrate's Court yesterday, Mr E. H. Carew, S.M., granted seven renewals of the old-age nonsion at 518 and one at £17. One application for a-renewal wfc adjourned for further inquiry. Mr Carew alro granted fivo new claims at £18 and one at £12, three fredi applications for the pension 'being adjourned tor further proof ot age. The pensions granted represent, £245.

At a meeting of the Eavensboumo School Committee it was decided to close the school on tho 23rd December, and to hold the concert for the school prize fund 011 the 18th December. The Head Master reported that the school cadets had •been inspected by Colonel Lovoday, whose report was as follows:—"Although this corps is newly formed, the drill is excellent; the sergeants aro very good, and show great promise.' The numbers on the school roll fo? the ■month of October were as follow:— Boys, 107; girls, '115;-total, 222. The average attendance for t'lie month was:—Boys, !M| girls, 103 [—total, 197.

Candour, honour, lovo of home, forgiveness and forbearance, peace, duty, accuracy and painstaking, contentment, ■ benevolence or humanity, cheerfulness, self-reliance,' selfrespect, modesty, courage, prudence, zeal and energy, justice, loyalty and patriotism, respect for law, magnanimity, integrity of purpose, precept and example, formation of character, and tho Golden Rule are among the subjects of instruction under the new school syllabus. It is expected . that the experience of teachers will guide them as to fhe best time and manner in which to' impart these lessons. It is recognised Mat abstract moral teaching fails lo excito any interest in the minds of children generally, and that it is best to enforce the principles or moral conduct by examples taken from history, biography, poetry and fiction, aild' by anecdote, allegory, and fable.

The evangelical at' !he young Men's Christian Association..'Rooms .last evening; was conducted by Mr Hvcry,. who gavo an interesting address uu "What Shall I do then with Jesus, V'h'h is called Christ?" (.Matthew xxvii, /i2).'X which;,lie spoke of tlm possible ways of answering the question, and appealed to all in- answer it by personal acceptance! Miss Dunloparid Mr Cook contributed solos, and a number remained after the mectim; personal conversation. There was no sitting oi rim Pity 2'olic;o Court yesterday, tlioro being a oleau charge sheei. , Aciviec lias been received from rim Education Department of the following additional ■prizei gained by students of the TJiinadin School of Art and Design in connection with the national competition,-South Kensington, London, 2903.—Alfrid Dunrfan, riudy of models in light and shade (prize): Aletta 06 Britain, atudy'of ornament in light'and shade, from tho cast, (prize). The Otago Art Society's exhibition was well patronised yesterday, both in the afternoon and evening. The new purchases were:—No. 215, "The Beehives' Corner,' by Hanson; "Oattield" (No. 21), i>y Miss J. Wimperis: "Zug, Switzerland'* (No. 43), by Worsley; "Near Mihiwaka" (No. 19). by Mrs Ogston; and "'Sunset., Diamond Lake" (No. Ill), by Oeorge iiutle,'; During the evening Mrs Montague presided at. filie piano with her usual skill. andiMv. ,l: Hartley played with great verve Jiaif's "Polka de la Reine;" Mr Tom Wadic played a violin solo.

1 T lie regularity with wnicli tin? yirMic attonds tho Alhambra Theatre is a proof of Mr Fuller's ability to please the popular taste. The audienoe was quite dcmbnslra:. tivo last, wening in its' rewytiori of. tho various performers, the tasteful' singing of

Miss Annie Ennaird being singled out for special recognition. 'I'll© same programmo I will 'be repeated this evening;.

iters Wright, .Stephenson, and Co. will offer 'or sale at their yards to-morrow a dog-cart horse.

Messrs Pars, Keynolds, and Co. will hold & sale of Harbour board, leases at their rooni3 on Monday, 21st December. Messrs James Samson and Co. will hold a. sale of household furniture, etc.,- at thcir.rooms to-morrow.

Messrs Sievwright Bros, and Co. »vill hold a clearing sale at their rooms to-morrow of household furniture, buggy, phaeton, pianos, _ etc.; also, grates, mantelpie:e, office fittings, window and door frames, sashes, etc. Applications are invited for the position of dredgemastei and engineer of tho Sullivan's Lead Gold Dredging Company's dredge.^ The annual general meeting of the l'orbury Park llacing Club will be lield in the Sloclt Exchange Buildings this evening. The Dunedin Drainage and Sewerage Board's cxamina.tio.ns for licensed plumbers will be held during the second week of December. Applications should be handed in before the Ist December.

Tho Jlorlh-East Valley Borough Council inserts a noticc in our advertising columns with respect to unpaid rates His Worship the Mayor lequests the citizens of Duneuiu to observe the Afternoon of Friday, 'the 27th inst. (People's Show Day), as a holiday from 12 o'clock noon. Applications are invited for the position of lecturer in mental science and economy at tho Victoria College, Wellington. Members of Mr Sidney "Wolf's choir and orchestra are reminded that !he final rehearsal will take placo at His Majesty's Theatre this evening. It is notified that at the Otago A. and r. Society's show Eobsrts's patent window ivill be on exhibition. The Dunedin City Corporation offices will bs closed on Monday, 30th inst. (.St. Andrew's Day). Tenders are invited for the lease of the Fort Chalmers Hotel. The Moerangi's time-table has been altered specially far show week to suit I'oi'tabello and Brosd Bay residents, and is advertised elsewhere. A special trip will also be run from Dunedin at 10.30 on Friday night. ]?ree and premium loan appropriations in the Mutual Help Terminating Building Society will be held at the office of the society, Princes street, on Tuesday, Ist December. Attention is drawn to rule 41, having reference to arrears. Tenders are invited for the supply of meat and forage at a number of stations in Cape Colony, Natal, Transvuul, arid Orange River Colony, for ft period of 12 months from April 1. mm. We have to acknowledge rcceipt from Messrs Brace, Windlc, Blyth, and Co. of a handsomely got tip calendar for 1901. £5! .-Co! £5! Three first prizes of £5 each, la other cash prizes from £S to ss, given to consumers of Kozie tea at socond distribution. Send in coupons before December 7.—-Advt. Remember the second half-yearly distribution of cash bonuses to consumers of Kozio tea tal:es place first week in December. Be sure and send in your coupons. First three prizes £5 .each.—Advt. , r Mr Hendy, hair specialist, invites ladies visiting town to inspect his stock latest toiiet goods. Address, 104 Princes street—Advt. Wo have to announce that Messrs G. and 1. Young, of 88 Princes street, are now opening «p a large shipment of Christmas Goods, Jewellery, Silver and Silver-plated, Bronze, and I'':mcy Goods, etc.—Advt. Crash jackets, skirls, and crash costumcs in great variety and at low prices—Dallas and Watt, GO and © George street.—Advt. Tailoring Department at Mollison's.—' We beg to advise you that our summer shipment of new tweeds are now to hand, while for extent and variety our stock will be found to contain all that is fashionable. All garments are produced 011 file premises, under the supervision of our cutter (Mr* Fred Smith, jun.). Tho prices charged are the lowest possible consistent with good material and workmanship. Mollison's, George and Frederick streets, Dunedin.—Advt. From a scientific point, Dontol is si poriect liquid dentifrice. It is thoroughly antiseptic, and cleanses both teeth and mouth. Bott.cs, 2s each; all chemists'.—Xdvt. Who is Peter Dick?— The most reliable Watchmaker and Jeweller, opposite Cofiee Palace, Moray p'.ace, Dunedin. Charges strictly moderate.—Advt.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 12829, 25 November 1903, Page 5

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Untitled Otago Daily Times, Issue 12829, 25 November 1903, Page 5

Untitled Otago Daily Times, Issue 12829, 25 November 1903, Page 5


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