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[By 'I'klkghaph.] Wo are indebted to the Eight Hon. Mr Seddou for tho following particulars of tho Licensing Act Amendment Bill:—■ LICKXSIXC; ACT AMENDMENT. A bill entitled an act to' amend the Licensing Acts. Bo it enacted by tho General Assombly of New Zealand in Parliament assembled and by authority of tho stune as follows: Tho short title of this act is the Licensing Acts Amendment Act, 1903, and shall form part and bo read together with the Licensing Acts as defined by "The Alcoholic Liquors Sale Control Act Amendment Act, 1895." In this act,, if not inconsistent with the context, "Amendment Act" means "The Alcoholic Liquors Sale Control Act Amendment Act, 1895." Elector means a person entered on the roll of tho district, thereby entitled to vote at the parliamentary general election of that district.

Electoral Act means "Tho Electoral Act 1902." Electoral poll moans tho poll taken under "Tho Electoral Act, 1002," for the purposes of tho siirlinmentary general election. Licensing Acts include this act. Tho principal aot means "The Licensing Act, 1881."

At the licensing polls to bo taken next after tho passing of this act and at every subsequent licensing poll the question to be submitted to the determination of the electors shall he, Whether licenses shall lib granted in the district. The Minister shab provide tho returning officer of each licensing district with a sufficient quantity of uniform voting papers in tho form numbered (1) in the first schedule hereto of any colour than white in perforated books. Such voting papers shall he numbered conseeutivoly, commencing with number ono in each' district accord" ing to the approximate number of electors in tho district.

At tho close of the poll the returning officer shall, after rejectm* informal votes, count tho votes, and shall juul determine tho result of the licensing poll in tho manner provided by the act" provided that the voting paper shall not- he rejected as informal merely'on tho ground of tho imperfection of the mark of tho voter if ho lias made it obvious how ho intended to vote.

Where on tho taking of auy such licensing poll in a district where licenses then exist t|ie number of votes recorded in favour of licenses not being granted in the. district is not less than three-fifths of tho valid votes recorded, the proposal that licenses shall not bo granted in tho district shall bo deemed to be carried, but not otherwise. If such proposal is carried it shall not be necessity to elect a licensing commit.teo for the district. It shall not be lawful to grant a license therein. If the proposal is not carried, tho number of license's existing at the date of tho poll shall continue, subjeot to the. power of refusing to renew licenses objected to on auy grounds mentioned in subsections 1 to 4 of section 81 of tho principal act and tho provisions of the Licensing Acts relating to the forfeiture or increase of licenses.

Where on tho taking of any such licensing poll in a district 'whero no license.". Mion oxist tho number of vot-o.« rcocrde<.l favour liconses being granted in (ho district by no lew than thrco-iifths of all the valid votes recorded. tlio proposal that licenses bo granted in tliat distriot shall be deemed to be carried, and not otherwise.

If the proposal is carried, a licensing ccmniittM slmll ho elected in the manner and at tlio time prescribed by tlio Licensing Acts, and licenses shall bo granted (if applied for), not exceeding, in the case of publicans' licenses, one license to every thousand of population in the district at the then last preceding census, and in tlio case of each other description •of license as many lioenses as were in oxiVtpncc v.'lion licenses in tlio district were last If tho proposal is not carried it shall not bo necessary to elect a licensing' committeo for that district, and it shall not be lawful to irrant liconses therein.

The result of every licensing poll, whether now in force or taken under the net, shall have effect, until superseded by a subsequent valid licencing poll.

Where any licensing poll taken after tlio passing of this act is, on inquiry under' paragraph (_o), section 7, Amendment- Act, declared void, a fresh poll shall forthwith be taken in tlio manner prescribed in the amendment aet in the case of a licensing .poll district in which no electoral poll iras taken. Where the electors of any district hfivo duly determined in the manner prescribed by tlio Licensing Acts that 110 license shall be granted therein, and as long as pursuant to such determination 110 licenses are in force therein, it shall not be lawful, exespt as hereinafter provided, for any person tho district- to have liquor in his possession after one month from the date when such determination comes into force. Every pc-rson in whoso possession liquor is found contrary to this section shall bo ljablo to a- fine not exceeding £20. and tho liquor so found, together with the 1 receptacles wherein tho same is contained, shall be forfeited, and the Minister may direct cither that the limior so forfeited bo ha-nded to the hospital board or t-rusteos of tho hospital in the district where tho liquor was found, for tho uso or benefit of the patients, or that tho same be sold and tlio nrocecds paid to tlio hospital board or trustees. Nothing herein shall prevent any person having in his possession wino for religious purpose* or liquor for medicinal, scientific, or manufacturing purposes, provided that the sale and storage of such wine or other liquor ha subject to such conditions as the Governor by regulations thinks fit to impose, On the taking of a. licensing poll noxt after t.ho passing of tliis act there also shall bo submitted for tho determination of the electors the question whether a licensing poll shall bo taken every succeeding electoral poll or every alternate electoral poll. Tho voting paper on such question shall be in the form numbered (2) in tho first schedule hereto, and be different in colour to the voting paper for tho lieonsing poll and to tho ballot paper for the electoral poll. All the provisions of the Licensing Acts relating to a licensing poll shall, mutatis mutandis, apply to tlio poll taken under this section, save '-hat- such question bo determined by a majority of the valid votes recorded at t!» poll. The result of the poll taken under this section shall be publicly notified in the manner prescribed in the case of a licensing poll, and have effect according to the tenor of such notification. Where, bv reason of the abolition or alteration of an doctoral district after the pawing of this act, any arc-a in n licensing district (hereinafter called an original district) becomcs part of another licensing district. whether newly constituted or already existing (hereinafter callcd a new district), then, notwithstanding the abolition or alteration of such original district, the following provisions shall apply:—Such area shall for all purposes of 010 Licensing Acts (other than tho purposes of voting at the election of a .committee and the taking of the lieensim polls) be deemed not to form part of such new district, but shall continue to he comprised in such original district in like manner as if it were neither abolished nor altered until the result- of the second licensing poll thereafter taken in such now district is notified to the com-

mitteo thereof by tho returning officer, and upon jueh result being so notified such area shall bo subject thereto and ceaso to be deemed to bo comprised in such original district. If in any such case there is no cominittco in such original district, then until •such area ccases to be deemed to bo comprised therein the functions and jurisdiction of the committee shall be exercised in respect to tho said area by such stipendiary magistrate for the time being usually exercising jurisdiction within the. area or locality thereof as the Governor, by notice in the- Gazette, names in that- behalf; and such notice shall bo conclusive cvidcnco of all matters stated therein. Section 5 of "Tho Alccholio Liquors Sale Control Act, 1893," relating to tho granting of licenses when the population has suddenly increased shall bo construed subject to the following conditions:—The Governor's Ordor-in-Council not to bo mado unless ho is satisfied that the population of the riding or county to which the proposed Order-in-Council relates has increased by at least 700 persons, Tho Licensing Committee shall not grant a license unless a majority of tho adult residents within a radius of two miles from tho site of the premises proposed to bo licensed consent to the granting. Such consent may bo given either by petition in support of the license or by vote at a poll; the signatures to the petition to bo verified by statutory declaration, but tho declaration shall be exempt from stamp duty. A noil may bo taken in tho same manner as in tho ease of a proposal to raise a special loan. Sections 5, 6, 8. and 12 of tho amendment act aro hereby repealed. Part 1 of the • amendment act shall bo road subject to tho foregoing provisions of this act. MISCELLANEOUS AMENDMENTS OF THI'l LICENSING LAW. With respect to tho licensing committee for each district tho following provisions shall apply:—ln addition to tho magistrate and elected members of the committee, the mayor of every borough and chairman of every county within the licensing district shall be ex officio members of the committee, and whore any such borough or county is partly within ono and partly within another licensing district the mayor or chairman of such borough or county shall be, an ex officio member of such ono of the licensing districts as tho Governor determines, provided that where any such mayor or chairman is the holder of a publican's licenso the council of tho borough or county of which ho is mayor or chairman shall elect one or its members to be such ex officio member of tho conimittce in his stead.

Notwithstanding anything in section 6 of "The Aeoholio Liquors Sale Control' Act, 1833," any person disqualified by that section may be elected and act as a member of tho committee, but shall not act as such member on any question before the committee directly affceting himself. If a number of elective members of any committeo duly elected is less than the number required to be elected the Governor-in-G'ouncil may appoint such number of fit persona resident in tho district as will complete the required number. The elective members of the licensing Committeo for each licensing district shall be elected on tho second Monday in March, 1906, and the same day every third year thereafter, and it shall be the duty of the returning officer to give public notice of tho day for the election not later than the •third Monday in February next before every such election.

Subsection 1 of scction 19 of the amendment act is hereby repealed. Tho chairman shall appoint the ■place for each quarterly meeting of the committee. Subsection 6 of section 7 of "Tho Alcoholic Liquors Sale Control Act, 1893," shall be read accordingly. Section 20 of the amendment act is hereby amended by the addition of the following words: —Provided that it shall not bo necessary for the chairman and hvo members to be actually present together at- one time and place for the purpose of jointly exercising any such powers. All questions _Of lav/ arising out of any proceedings before a committee shall be determined by the magistrate. Subsection 2 of section 21 of the amendment act. is hereby repealed. . . Every applicant for a. liccnsc whoso name is not already in the- register of licenses as the holder of a license shall, with his application, deliver to tho clerk of the licensing committee testimonials as to his character and suitability, and such testimonials shall forthwith be forjvarded by tho clerk to tho inspector, who shall report thereon to tho committee.

In any licensed premises there may be the number of bars hereinafter mentioned and no more—that is_ to say: Where iho number of rooms available for public accommodation, exclusive of a billiard room (if any), does not exceed 12, one bar; where the number of suoli rooms exeeods 12 but does not exceed 30, two bars; where such number exceeds 30, three bars. For every such, bar exceeding one there shall be payable by the licensee an additional license foe of £5. For the purposes of this scction " bar " means any room, compartment, or place in any licensed premises wherein the public may, enter to purchase liquor. From and after the 30th day of June, 1904, no bottlo licenso shall be granted or renewed, and all existing bottlo licenses shall 1)0 cancelled.

With respect to the recording or endorsing of oonviotions on licenses, tho following provisions shall apply, anything in tho Licensing. Acts to the contrary notwithstanding:—ln every case where, under tho Licensing Aols, it is directed thai a conviction be recorded or endorsed on the license tho convicting court shall have discretion to record or endorse or not record or endorse convictions as the court thinks fit. Every record or endorsement made before tho passing of this act on any license shall lapse and be deemed to be cancelled if, at the expiration of 12 months from the date of conviction so recorded or endorsed, another conviction has not been recorded or endorsed on a licenso. Section 22 of "The Alcoholic Liquors Salo Control Act, 1833 " relating to the endorsement of licenses, is hereby repealed. Tho register of licenses required by the ■principal act to 1)3 kept shall bo kept in two parts as follows:—Part 1 shall be n register of licensed persons, and shall contain particulars of the names of persons to whom licenses are granted and tho promises in respect- to which each license is granted. Part 2 shall bo a register of lioensed premises, and shall contain particulars of tho promises in respcct of which licenses are granted, the namek of the owners of the premises, and the name of person for tho time being holding each license. Where the court under the Inst preceding section records or endorses any license, a corresponding record against the offender shall bo made in part I of the register, aud where a record of three convictions within three years is made in the register against the same person such person's license shall bo cancelled, and ho be disqualifiod from holding a license for a period of fivo years from the date of tho third such endorsement where such record or endorsement is in respect of any offenco mentioned in sections 192 or 206 of tho principal act or in section 23 of this act. A corresponding record against tho premises in which the offence was committed shall also be made in part 2 of the register, and where a record of three convictions within three years is made in the register against the same premises, whether the conviction was of the same person or not, the licenso in respcct to such premises shall bo forfeited, and no license shall thereafter be granted in respeet thereof for a- period of two years from the date of the third of such endorsement. Tho person who, on the passing of- this act, is entered on tho existing register of licenses as the holder of any license shall be entered in part 1 of the register kept tinder this section. Subsection 5 of section 2?. of the amendment aet is hereby amended by repealing the words "arriving from" and substituting in lieu thereof tho words "or at the end of," and by adding after the words "ten pounds" the words " and not less than one pound." A wholosale license shall authoriso the licensee to sell and deliver liquor at one place only, to bo specified in the license, in quantities of not less than two gallons of tho same description' of liquor to bo delivered at any one time, such liquor not to bo consumed in or upon the liconseo's house or premises, provided that nothing herein shall prevent tho holder of a wholesale license from . selling or delivering liquor from any bonded warehouse, for the purposes of this section, spirits, wines, and beer shall bo deemed to be different descriptions of liquor one from another.

Scctiiin'3s of tho principal act is hereby repealed. Whore a license lias lapsed or is refused renewal the original number of Licenses in a district, or any number short thereof, shall not bo -made up by granting a new licensc anywhere beyond the boundary of the (if undivided), or beyond the ward (if divided into wards), or the ridinj? of a coueiiv, as' the caw may be, -within which the licensed premises were situated: Pi'ovidrd that in r.o case shall any license that has 'Japfed or is refused renewal be granted i» a new licensc in any borough in respect of premises situate more than half n milo from the original licenwd premises, and in any county moro than one mile from suoh premises. Every lioensed porerm who supplies or a'lows to be supplied in his licensed premises by purchase or otherwise, to bo consumed on tho premises, any spirits, wine, ale, beer, or porter' to any person npnareiitly under i-ho ago of 18 years, not being resident on tho premises, or a bona fido

guest, lodger, or traveller, and every person who aotually gives or supplies any £" c " liquor is liable for cacli ofi'enee to a fime not exceeding £10. livery youth, who by falsely representing himself as being of the ago of 18 or upward?, cblair.s for consumption on the premises ar.y spirits, or ale, or beer, or porter is liable to a ihio not exceeding £10. Section 166 of the principal act is hereby repealed

Every .person who sends a. child under iJw age of 13 to a licensed house for liquo? shall bo liable 'to ci (j:io not exceeding £10. Every person found- on licMircd premises at any time when 'such, premise* are required by tho principal act or "The Alcoholio Liquors Sale Control Act. 1893." to bo ©loscd shall Un liable to a fino not exceeding £2, unless he satisfies the court- ho was an inmate, servant, or lodger on the promises, or a bona fide traveller, or otherwise that his' presenoo on the premises was mot in breach of tho provision of the Licensing Acts in respect to closing licensed premises. Any constable may demand tho name and address of any person so found, and if ho has reasonable, ground to suppose that the name or address given is false may require evidenoo of tho correctness thereof, amd may, if such person fails unon such demand to givo his namo and address, or such ovidrace, the constable shall caution liian, and if he still persists in such failure may apprehend him without warrant, and take him as soon as practicable before a justice, who, if the person gives his correot namo and address, may order him to be released on bail. Any person required bj a constable under this section io givo hi«namo and address who fails to pivo the same, or gives a false nam® or address, or gives fnlec evidence in respect- of s-uch nairo and address shall be liable to a- fine nob exceeding £5. In ally proceedings under the Licensing Acts against any licensee for selling liquor to a prohibited person it shall be sufficient defenes if tho defendant satisfies the court lie, or, the case may bo, his agent actually selling the liquor did not- know that tho person to whom tho liquor was sold v,T£ a prohibited person.

Section 13 of "The Alcoholic Liquors Sale Control Act, 1893," is hereby amended as follows:—By repealing tho worda " licensed person within nay district in which such prohibition order w in foroe," and substituting in lieu thereof tho words, "person whomsoever," and also by adding at the end of the section the word? " and tho faofc of 6iieli person drinking liquor, or having it in his .possession, stall bo suificiccifc ovidence of hi.- Having procured it in brrach of tills section." livery licc-nfec- who permits or connives at gambling or tho playing of any unlawful game on licensed premises is liablo to a fine not exceeding £10. Whore any person is found drunk in a public room in licensed premises tho licensee shall he presumed, until tho conttary is proved, to have permitted drunkenness on his premises and be liablo accordingly.

For tho purposes of seoton 191 ,of tho principal act relating to adulteration, tho Governor may from timo to time declare any ingredient or' material to be injurious to health, and in such ease any liquor with which such ingredient or material is mixed shall bo deemed to be adulterated. All prosecutions for the breach of any of the provisions of the Licensing Acts shall ho commenced within one month after the date of the breach and not later.

It shall not be lawful for the owner or landlord of licensed premise? to demand or receive any fine, payment, bonus, premium, or consideration for his consent <o any assignment, sub-lease, or transfei of licensed premises or license by the licensee. In any case whore any such fine, payment, bonus, premium, or consideration has been paid after the commencement of this act, then anv moneys so paid may bo recovered as a debt from the person receiving the samo by the person paying the same. The owner or landlord shall not refuse his consent as aforesaid <o any assignment, sub-lease, or transfer as aforesaid to any person who has a certificate of fitness to hold a publican's license signed by the magistrate anything to the contrary in any lease, deed, or document notwithstanding. All elnbs holding a charter under scction £29 of the principal act shall be subjcct to tho provisions of tho Licensing Acts relating "to inspection and illicit sales. Where any suoh club is situate in a licensing district in which for the time being no licenses exist, whether as a result of a licensing poll under the act or amendment act, the charter of such club shall be suspended for so long as tlio re suit of such poll continues.

The licensing connrittce may from tim« to timo by certificate authorise a licensee t< wholly or partially close his licensed preraises or suspend 'business as a license during any specified period of a year Where after the first diiy of June, 1903, any licensed premises have, been, or after may bo, ordered by the licensing oommittee as a condition to renewal of license to be' improved, either by rebuilding or extension, or repair, and tho cost of such improvements exceeds tho sum of £3000, and snch order is complied with to the satisfaction of the committee, Hip owner of such premises shall be entitled as'of right to a renewal of the license from time to time for a period of six years from the first day of July next after tho date of such order; and unless and until licenses are again granted pursuant to the licensing poll under the act no further license shall be granted in respect, of such premises; provided nothing herein slull entitle tho owner of any lioensed premises to a renewal under this section where under scction 19 hereof : license lias become liable to be forfeited.

In order to prevent any evasion or avoidance of the provision of section 35 of tlis Amendment Act relating to tied houses, it is -hereby.declared (hat in every ease where after the passing; of this act a rent is reserved under a lease of premises licensed, or to bo licensed, and the lessor in any way arranges or agrees to abate tho same, or refund any part thereof in consideration of the lessee purchasing any liquor or goods, clr., exclusively from the lessor or some person named l>v. tho lessor, then tho covenant or agreement to pay the rent shall, to the extent of such abatement'or refund, be deemed to be a covenant or agreement within the meaning of subsection 5 of section 35 of tho Amendment Act, and tho instrument of lease may bo rectified as provided in that subsection.

Section 4 of "The Alcoholic Liquors •Silo Control Aet, 1893," is hereby' repealed in so far as the samo relates to the striking off the roll of the name of any person not being prohibited by law from voting who did not vote. NATIVE DISTRICTS. With reepect to that part of New Zealand known as the Rohcpotae, and to tho Urewera district, and to any Native liccns-

ing area wherein prohibition is in force at the passing of this-act (all of which are hereinafter referred to as " Native licensing areas"), the following provisions shall apply:— (a). A commission shall be elected by the Hoiko of Representatives in the manner hereinafter mentioned, whoso duty it shall bo'to inspect the said Native liconsmg areas and to make inquiry and report to (he Governor in rcsncct of cach such Native licensing aT«i—(i) Whether licensing matters should remain as they are; or (ii) whether the salo of liquor to Europeans Only (meaning thereby all persons other thin Maoris) should bo permitted in such Native licensing area, or any defined part thereof, under Stato control. (b) The members of the commission shall t? C ns f°" ows: —I 111 ) Aiiy membor of the House of Representatives may nominate three fit persons to bo members of the commission, (iv) Such nominations shall bo delivered to tho clerk of the said House on or before the third Tuesday after the Address-in-Reply has been agreed to by that House in the first session of Parliament after the passing of this act. (v) The {aid clerk shall eauso to bo printed and delivered to. every member of tho said House who applies for tho same a voting paper containing tho names of ©very person go nominated as aforesaid, and on the fourth Tuesday after the said Address-in-Reply his been so agreed to an election of members of the commission shall be held as nearly as practicable in the manner provided by section 13 of the amondment act in the case of tho sale of liquor within the .precincts of Parliament Buildings, (vi) Tho three persons who receive the highest number of votes at such election shall be the members of tho commission : Provided that in the event of an equality of voting between the third and fourth _ highest tho Speaker of the House shall give a casting vote. (c) If the report of the commission is that licensing matters should remain as they are, such report shall bo deemed to be adopted by Parliament. (d) If such report is that liquor should be sold undor State control, the commission shall indicate in its report tho localities whero premises should "be established for such sale. (e) If the report of tho commission is that liquor should be sold, the question whether or not tho report shall- be adopted shall bo submitted to the vote" of European electors _ within tho area defined in the report, in the same manner as if it were a licensing poll; and if not less than threefifths of (he votes recorded are in favour of adoption of tho report, such report shall bo deemed to bo adopted, but not otherwise, and effect shall b& given thereto accordingly as if tho poll wero a licensing poll. (f) Pending the report of the commission or the taking of a poll of tho electors aa aforesaid, section 33 of the amendment act shall apply in tho said Native licensing areas, subject to tho next succeeding section. TOURIST RESORTS. 1. The Minister int charge of tits Tourist Department may from timo to timo appoint tho premises mentioned in tho second eehedulo hereto as places at which liquor may bo sold to persons travelling who aro holders of a' permit issued as hereinafter provided, but not to any other person. 2. The said Minister may either appoint o manager of any premises appointed under tho last preceding paragraph, or ho may grant a license to any person occupying any promises so appointed to sell liquor in either caso on suoh conditions as are not inconsistent with this sootion or with the Licensing Acts as he thinks fit. 3. Tho Governor may from time to time by Order-in-Couneil gazetted appoint one or moro persons to issue tourists' passes or permits, and may mate regulations for tho issue of passes or permits to persons travelling as aforesaid, and for the grant of licenses under this scotion, and for the management of premises and tho conduct of managers appointed under 'this section.

_ 4. So far as concerns the holder of evory Jiccnso granted under this section, and so far as eoncorns every other person within portion of a district situate within a Native licensing area, or defined part thereof, every Maori, whether male or female, within that area, or part shall bo a prohibited person, and tho provisions of tho Licensing Acts as to supplying liquor to prohibited persons shall apply accordingly, with this addition: That on a conviction under any 6ueh. provision tho penalty shall'be—(a) For a first not exceeding £20 and not less than £5; (n) for a sccond offcnce. mot exceeding £50 and not lets than £10: and (o) for a third and every subsequent offence, to ono month's imprisonment.

GENERAL 38. The Licensing Acts are hereby modified in so far as they are in conflict with this act. 39. The Governor may frcm time to time by Order-in Council gazetted mako regulations (a) for tho guidance of returning officers, deputy-returning officers, poll clerks, and scrutineers rcspectiug the conduct of licensing polls, or any poll under this act, and a copy of alt such regulations in force shall bo supplied freo of charge to all filio'i persons engaged at any such poll; (n) prescribing the forme and whatever clso ho thinks necessary in order to give effect to this act. SCHEDULES. Piiist Schedule. ' 1. Voting Paper on the Issue Wlicthc-r Lieenses are to be Granted.—Licensing distrfob of . The question is, Shall licenses bo granted jmi tho district? Yes. No. If tho voter desires that licenses shall 'bo granted he must strike out tho word " No." If lie desires that licenses shall not bo granted he must strike out tho word " Tcj." If tho voter strikes out botb, or fails to strike out ono of the proposals, the voting paper will ho void. The voting paper so marked is to bo dropped by tho voter into a separate, ballot box prepared for it, and not into*tho same box as that, in which !ia drops his electoral ballot paper, The voter is not allowed' to tako his voting paper out of the polling booth. 2. Voting Paper on a Poll (Cinder Section 9).—Licensing district of. —, The question is, Shall a licensing poll be taken, at every general election of members of Parliament, or at every general election only? Every election. Every second election. If tho. voter desires that a 'licensing .poll be tako at every general election he must strike out the line "Every sccond election." If ho desires that a licensing poll bo taken at every second general election only he must strike out the line "Every election." If tho voter'strikes out both, or fails to strike out cither line, his vote will not be counted. The voting paper/so marked is to be dropped by tho voter into a separate ballot box used for the licensing poll, and ■nob into tho 'box in which ho drops his electoral ballot paper. Tho voter is not allowed to take his voting paper out of the (polling booth.

Second Schedule. Waimangu House. 17 miles from Botorua; Lake House, Waikaremoana; Pipiriki House; Sna, Hanmer; Glade House, Lake To Anau,

—A decidedly original sentence wag given by a judgo in the- United States. A man who did not know liaw to Toad and wnto was sentenced, for a. minor offonoe, to be imprisoned until ho learned. Tho next prisoner could do both, and ho was sontonoed to stay in gaol until lie had taught hia pred'oessor in tho dock. After three weeks they were discharged, each having fulfilled his task to tho satisfaction of the judge.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 12799, 21 October 1903, Page 2

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LICENSING LEGISLATION Otago Daily Times, Issue 12799, 21 October 1903, Page 2

LICENSING LEGISLATION Otago Daily Times, Issue 12799, 21 October 1903, Page 2


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