Prouerties Tor Sale and To Leta A RII O \Y~~~k, S~T E WA R T bank of new Zealand buildings, land and estate agents, kccnuntak'i's,.auditors, FOR 4 ALE: NEWINGTON.-Gcntleman's RESIDENCE cf 3 rooms; on rlivtric line ami near "olf links; large garden, well laid out; sminv, shrliercd. ° EOSLYN, nenr SI. John's Church.~Ooo;l G-roomed HOUSE and '.-acre WAIWERA.—First-class FARM of -ISO acres; 7-rocraed House, and farm buildiii"slarge gnrden. " ' SOUTH DUNEDIN.-Very ComioiUblc 3-roomcd HOUSE, nose tu Irani; bath, washhouse, gas. MUSSELBURCIL-Good G-roomod HOUSE, near Queen's drive; price moderate. MORNING TO X.—Good J-roouied HOUSE; large rooms; garden; -J-acrc; handy to ; tram. ROSLYX.—CIose to main tram line, Very Comfortable G-roomed HOUSE, with >.. acre garden. PROPERTIES WANTED: Sunny SECTIONS. Roslyn, Anderaon'3 Day, and Cay. CJTY.-Sublanlial 8-roonied HOUSE (nearly new), with good garden; within 10 minutes of Octagon. N CITY.—Wo have Cash Purchasers of Good HOUSES, 5, C, 7 rooms; on lull. ROSLYN.—Good 5-roomed HOUSES. WANTED TO RENT: Good HOUSE, 8 or 9 rooms; preferably on the hill. Good -I and C-roomed HOUSES. TO LET: KAIKORAI.-Good HOUSE, 4 large rooms, J fireplaces, bath, scullers-, vashhouse (with. Ihed tubs). LEITH STREET.-Excelleut HOUSE of 8 rooms; h.p. boiler, bath, gas, and fine large garden. ST. CLAIR.—9 and 11-roomed HOUSES; both provided with every convenience Al=n 10 ROOMS, furnished. ' MONEY TO LEND ON APPROVED SECURITIES SUB-AGENTS OP OCEAN ACCIDENT INSURANCE CORPORATION. Jf. & E. S. PA TEES ON, „ T „ 73-PRINCES STREET-73, SURVEYORS, LAND & HOUSE AGENTS. VALUATORS, & FINANCIAL AGENTS. FOR SALE; MAORI HILL.-Drh-er's road, GENTLEMAN'S RESIDENCE, containing 12 rooms, etc.; stables, coachhouse, vineries, with about 3* acres of ground; two minutes' walk from electric car. UNION STREET.-For immediate SALE, Nico HOUSE of G rooms; bathroom, scullery, large pantry, washhouse with copper and tubs built in; h. and c water, gas laid onlargoSection; a bargain, £625. EOSLYN.-Nesvinglon, Superior Brick HOUSE of 8 rooms; bathroom, scullery; over J-acrc of ground, nicely laid out; fronting electric car lino: £1100. FREDERICK STREET,-Two SHOPS and DWELLINGS, and good Freehold SECTION, 39 by GG; near George street: a. rare chance; £850. ROSLYN.-Michie street, Good HOUSE ol G rooms; bath, scullery, h. and c. water, h.p. boiler: }-acre Section; nice situation; .-EG7S. We have TWO CITY PROPERTIES for immediate SALE; good sound investment, showing 8 per cent, and 10 per cent. net. TO LET. o'nAT^n^S'^ Go .° a J 3 ; 1 ' 001 ™ 1 HOUSE : all conveniences; £60 per annum. STAFFORD STREET.-An Up-to-date BOARDING-HOUSE of 17 rooms. ST. CLAIR.-Nine-roomcd FURNISHED BOARDING-HOUSE. K™?L) VALKEB s TKEET.~Superior 9-roomcd FURNISHED HOUSE. DOWLING STREET (near Princes street).-TO LET, oa Building Lease, 391 ft x 50ft. We have a number of BUYERS wiitiwr for Suitable CITY and SUBURBAN PROPERTIES.
S C 0 T .T & C 01 , '(Established 1888), 40 DOWLIKG STREET, DUNEDIN, HOUSE, LAND, ESTATE, ANT) GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS SHAREBROKFRS AND FINANCIAL AGQNTS. " . ijUB ' Wo Busings Connections with some of the Largest Commercial Houses m South Africa, and shall he pleased to sivo information. We have a Large Number of PROPERTIES FOR SALE, a few of übinh va uimilim,.-. CITY. £SOO.-CUMBERLAND STREET NORTH: A coed investment-" Troll-built HOUSES of 6 and 7 rooms, scullery, etc. This property brings in a rental paying 8 per cent net' Thu is a chance for someone. ' ' £1200-SERPE\TU'E AVENUE (Lwet): Another good investments /our and ' oM,t. roomed HOUSES nearly new. This property brings in n rental of £IGG per annum. Wi<l, all charges oif. will ray 1(1 ner cent, clear. Another good rhnno to secure ritv nronm-h. ' £GOO.~MACLAGGAN STREET (ton or.(l): 2 boomed HOUSES (N^)l w tl,room P every convenience; bringing in rental of £73 per annum; '-acre laud. Bargain. ' BELLEKNOWES. £800—A First-class New, Up-to-date HOUSE, of 7 rooms; bathroom, sculler.-, etc ct" • i-acre land; garden, etc., etc. ' •> -> KENSINGTON. £125.r-Nc\v 4-roomed HOUSE; scullery, etc.; cheap property. FORSALE, Several COUNTRY STORES; prices, from £300 to .£BOO. ,-n i?n i° *l m *J" Mrs *!* fro "' 4 tO J? rc <"» 3 '" w>. «•* from 6to S rooms in Kosljn. iVe advertise Properties m this column Freo of Charge, and only charge Commission on actual business done.. ' ° , SCOTT & CO., •« DOTTING STREET.
gIEVWR [GH T. BROS. k C 0., AUCTIONEERS, HOTEL BROKERS, AND GENERAL AGENTS, H High street, Dune Sin. SMALL SHEEP RUN. KELSO DISTRICT.-2200 ACRES, subdivided into 12 paddocks; fully 0000 acres plenri. able; 100 acres ploughed for oats; 100 acres being ploughed for turnips- 70 acres m young grass for seed; splendid Dwelling, 7-stallcd stable, and all necessary'buildings _ on concrete foundations; 3000 to 4000 sheep carried, Price, JB3 per acre, of which SSGOO can remain for five years at 5 per cent. Goiden opportunity for a man with a little capital. FARMS FOR SALE. . HOTELS FOR SALE. pALMERSTON.-EARM of 257 acres, sub- TUEAR GORE.-Good LEASE of First-class -H- -divided into six paddocks; House of S HOTEL; low rent; inborn" -"MOOrooms, byre, stable, etc. This is one of the finest business, £50 to £60 per week farms in the district. Price, £S per acre, and ■ easy terms - . ' TNVERCARGILL.-FR.TJEHOLD of Excel-BEAUHONT.-210 ACRES, with 7-roomed A ] ? M H OTEL in the City; splendid bu~iHoii3,i, cowsheds, stables, etc.; also men's I,JSS donc; P nco for everything as a going conhut and butcher's shop. The Farm is in excel- COT " - 4000 - lent condition; well' fenced and watered. The „.„. T land is nrinciotiHy river fiat;, one of the finest LEASE of Leadin the district. • -*-£ ln S HO t.EL in Princes street; low rent; W&TTdTT p n „;ii?iTjM tec i J'/cII finished and appointed throughout; two AITAfI.-Goofl FARM ol 55 acres, close bars; trade averages £05 to £70; £1000 cash to railway station; £10 per acre; Dwel- required, balance arranged ling, etc. ■ . NEAR LAWRENCE.-Oue of the Finest pHRISTCHURCH (Citv).-Good HOTELFARMS in Otsigo; 200 acres freehold; 5| years' lease; rent, £7 10s; average first-class wheat land; subdivided into eight business, £70 per week; goodwill of lease and paddocks, all well watered; boundaries netted furniture, £1750; stock at valuation, with rabbit-proof netting; Dwelling 7 rooms (recently erected); garden, good orchard in TWEDIN SUBURBS.-Spleiflid HOTEL full bearing; stables, implement shed, and all 3J (Freehold), cons'stiu-r of Eote' Build necessary farm buildings. The Farm is in ings, Billiard Room. Stables. Cwiihi™, good heart and nearly all in -English grass; large 4-roomed Cottage, and ail r-onvenieuecs •' threshed up o si> bushels of wheat and 70 doing a very large beer trade; Mings mn'fron bushels of oats to the acre; owner retiring. £35 to £40 per week steady; the land is sub--1 rice, ill) per acre, terms: Half or one-third in divided into three sections; price £-i3!)0- the cash, bamncc for seven years at 5 per cent. A stock and furniture to be taken at valuation golden opportunity for a good man. , Exceptional opportunity. STTCVWRTGHT BROS. .& 00. NO SALE NO CHARGES WHATSOEVER. ADVERTISING FREE.
JOHN RE ] D & "So' NS, ESTATE AGENTS, VALUATORS, ARBITRATORS. SHAREBROICERS, SURVEYORS. Leases. Mortgages, and Transfers Prepared. HAVE FDR. SALK ARUNDER:- 3130 W\IK\KA-W-ACRE FARM in 1 3-145. HOKONUI DISTRICT-Good FARM 3 . ro(mml Cott j p,^"' of 200 acres, four and a-half miles from c t c . ; ; gtoo-, a bargain. Gore, in several Haddocks, with 4-roomcd 21!). DUNkniN.—Rusmll ' street- 2 good house. S-stall stable, barn, etc. A great HOUSES of 0 anil 3 rooms respectively barron, £600; and terms if desired. ercat lwrsain 5.(50 3-117. PUNEDIN.-Good HOUSE of 4 rooms 3,103. DUNEDIN.-Splendid Freehold PROand scullery, ivashhonse. coiner. Slinckloc!: PF.RTY, centre of town, with Dwelling range: wod drainage; north end; «l). retlimiiis; .CI lis a week; a bargain; £im 3-148. MOFRAICI. - Two-vcomed COTTAOB 3.124. MUSSELBURGH.-Choico SECTION and three-ouavters of an acre, adjoining ; n p r j nc „, <-( m ,f,. j\so the mooortics of ,T. R. Sinclair, Esq., and BELLEKNWES ESTATE.-Some Splendid FARM ' M ° S fh < of 301 acres: handy Jo Port Chalmers: i» 3-131. PUNETHN.-SuiierJor HOUSE of 13 or three '"ddochs; well fenced nr.d in jood 5t rooaiS| fT eriot my . a cliprmill"- rcsigvas?. Bin dings comprisel7-momecl Hon?*, ~],n ce. t? h ]l m a , lp i ica t; on . row byre ban,. st-ble. ai>£ miruemc-nt shed. 3.93. TOWN OF ARDEN.-SECTIONS 10 and Full hu'Wiilim fit our oFRre. 11 Block VI 8 -"'v. F:™*™:-™": WO..MOHNIKfITO».-Goofl 4-roomed COT- *,~ tofro,i;w-. an-l TAO-E, wkl, Vacre orchard; for sale, a .rood ■l-roomed HOUSE, wilh spti'lwy: m hirrnin- mr,. fir-t-class K-osr--; cooper, tubs, etc.: land 3.135. PERSEVERANCE COLLIERY ALEX well hedged; fowlhcnse and run. Price. ANTIRA SOUTH, for SALE, on'account »,„ £, Tin. em ■ of ill - htmltll ot owner. A splendid proM4 Vrnv -n tT° '' povlj ' work ™ '">' IMm tlin *'w, ™d haulTW. willi rood HOUR.', of 8 room? m sn| , done by siram . Fl , n part iculars from b?st nart of TJmce 'to**', a Inrerrn. ' e 'no. , t3 , 3-HO. STANLEY FSTATF.-A.LLOTMV,\-TS ' Tn J ; ],'T 4. C, W. and 85 of ibii Estate, ftfs 0v OfR ?l3 Acns 1 Rood 4 Poles', 'with Farm Buildbeing wiWWw of 80. P. rcV V, j Eg!i a{ Som]lS . tKm[l OCCtmkA h U. and E. T. Di?tnct; tile, Land Transfer; Clisrlw Bond. l)l«-n"'. «' an acre. FURNISHED HOUSE; clmrmin<* Residence Ml .S7f i ( J™*™--™™ ■ »f B wo™, will, all modern ACRES. Market md nursery Garden a 1 : ;„ tho , )fst . , )nrt o( Dmirfin: five minut" lie drained!, with 2 lsvtEß viepws. m ful, I r lom t> os i Office; to Let from October for bearing. 3 arge tomato Iwes. eueumiv.-r , lwo mollths; )ovo!v gromi(l lier f ect out . house ana frames. 3-sla)i stable. loo»e-bra, ' look. cart shod, cow byre, windmill, nvd nil tools, Severn]' FARMS, from 40 to 1050 nr .re= FuH plant, slid mnleriM nn ground, together particulars and conditions" of' lease from \vuti new G-roomed House, witb hot anu ; ls . cold water, etc. Great hnrjain, .*foo. . CITY.-SIIOP and DWELLIXCr. St Andrew f.rancs and tomatoes briiig in ;£550 a year. | street; recently occupied by Cnixford 111-liesltlt .only rrason for Felling. Bros., plumbers; large workshop ami 3-117. KEW.-Comforiablo DWELLING ot 7 I stable. P rooms on splendid Section, commandi'i-; NORMAXBY. NORTH-EAST VALLEY.— a. perfect all-round view, which cannot be i Dairv FARM of G1 acres: all in grab's • shut out: £150. \ good'dwelliii'.-and large nvre. '" 3-34. HILLENO.-Ber.ily Good FARM of 230 1 ANDERSON'S ' JUY.-Clinrmiii» Suburban acres, with cdinfortable buildings; pric, RESIDENCE, containing G"large rooms 70s per acre._ also 300 Acres without build- fplivstered); besides sculler: and bathroom, iiigs: in "ooddieart; price. 4."s i-er acre. | vith hot mid cold water; asnhalt foot' 3.119. BRIGHTON.-Splcndid FARM of 100J jwilis; firsi-class sfabling and coachhouse: acres, in good heart: suoerior buildings; fnur acres of land; fruit, vegetable, and suit retired party or practical fanner. flower garden, and williiu a few minutes' 3-114. DUNEDTN.—Suocrior New Eav "Window walk of 'bus. Verandah HOUSE, corner Duiidas and . Clyde streets; must be sold; great bargain; MONEY tr LEND on FREEHOLD i<SO. SECURITY at C per cent. JOHN It Ell) & PONS. CORNER BOND AND LIVERPOOL STREETS.
Public Notices!J\ H K X EIT YOU LIFE IXSUKAXCE COIIPA XY. A THE LARGEST INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY IN THE WORLD, innnitics granted on the most favourable terms possible, parable! in auy part oi Vitc world, Liulowmsill, Ordinary, Life, and Limited Payment Policies issued at lowest rates ami on tin most liberr.' form o! policy. Lives ,-.'. Children Insured. All Policies arc absolutely incontestable from (late or issue. T, I'. HJRYES, G Mitral Manager Department of Australasia. L. GRANT, Resident Secretary for New Zealand. SIEYWBIRHT BROS. & CO., DISTRICT SUPERIivTEXDKNTS F"R ' xOO AND SOUTHLAND. ■ ■ffl/fR F. J. BIDMEADE, Canterburj <f\F all the remedies ever invented for AstlivP matical troubles, Evans's MOUNTAIN Agent for the Otago Daily Times and KJI » T& ASTHMA POWDER surpasses everything. 21jy Otago Witness and for the Mining Investors' PT Tt A 1 PTTT^! Guide. Orders for Advertisements and Sub- Are warranted to cure Gravel, ... ~ ~' , , ~, Pains in the back, and all kindred complaints, •actions promptly attended to. Address Fw> fnm . Ummy _ Established upwards of SM ST. ALBANS, CHBISTCHUBCH. 3 ° J""" ?\JT? '* " T h ' °! *" ; ; aud Patent Medicine vendors throughout the WAUE'S WORM FIGS-the Wonderful Worß -Proprietors, the Lincoln and MidWorm Worriers—arc a safe aud suro l an d Counties Drug Company, Lincoln, Engrcmedy; in h boxes; sold everywhere. lap land, 6au
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Otago Daily Times, Issue 12414, 25 July 1902, Page 8
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1,976Page 8 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 12414, 25 July 1902, Page 8
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