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Properties For Sale snd To Let. G- ABit O W & gTE W a jTr. T ~,„ . OF NEW 7.EAL4XU BUILDINOS, ' LANB AM) ESPAIE AGENTS, ACCOUNTAirXS, AUDITORS, FOll S\I«ES"vTyr?nv al r 0?i i U ?' Gowl IHOUSE;1HOUSE; very suitable for boarding-house. torn '°° m 1 lirge rooms; sardcni to U °° md *° VSFl > b l a «. 8" I 'Plendid view; goodgarde.,; ROSLYN.—CIose to main tram line, Very Comfortable s.roomed HOUSU, with >- acre garden. * BELLEKNOWES.—SpIendid Suwiy SECTIONS, on easy terms. PROPERTIES WANTED' . CITV.-Subtahtial 8-roomed HOUSE (nearly nCTr) , with good garden; wit),in 10 mimilcs oi Uclagon. • . CITY.—We have Caeh Purchasers of Good HOUSES, 5, G, ? rooms- on bill HOSLYN.—Good 5-roomed,HOUSES. ' ' ' ' " WANTED TO RENTPURNTSHED HOUSE;; 5. or 6 rooms, n u o n o of the hill tram routes Good'HOUSE,'B or 9 rooms; the hill. Good 4 and 6-roqm'ed HOUSES. LEITH STREET.—Excellent HOUSE of s rooms; h.p. lxiiler, bath, gas, anil fine lar»e garden. ® ST. CLAIR.-9 and both provided with every convenience. Also, 10 ROOMS, furnished. KAIKORAI.-1 ROOMS; -Kew,. 7.. ROOMS. We can provide very gnod tenants for Houses, 5 to 7 rooms, in City, Melrose or Xevada. We require V or 8-roomed House. ' MONJSY TO LEND ON APPROVED SECURITIES 3PB-A.GENTS OF OCEAN'ACCIDENT INSURANCE CORPORATION. & E. S. PA T . EES ON, — '■ '73-iPRINCES STREET—73, SURVEYORS, LAND it HOUSE AGENTS, VALUATORS, & FINANCIAL AGENTS FOR SALE: QUEEN'S DRIVE (near Ocoan Beach).—Superior New 8-roomed Brick HOUSE; bathroom (hot and cold' water); "all'other modern conveniences; conservatory; three bay windows; Tvashhousc, jritli copper and tubs built' in; a real good property. OFF HIGH STREET.—Nine-Tocmed RESIDENCE for SALE; convenient house; beautiful view; £950. Cards to view pnly from us. ' CLYDE STREET—Nice HOUSE of 7 Tooms; bath, scullery, verandah and bay window electric bells, gas laid on,' copper and tubs; house on nice terrace; 5-acro Sw! tion, £900. . . ' 4 ow ROSLYN, HIGH STREET.—Gentleman's RESIDENCE, containing 8 rooms, scullery, etc.' beautiful situation; J-acre.Section, nicely laid out; electric car passes the gate; XBSO ROSLYN, CITY ROAD.—Nice HOUSE of G rooms; bathroom, scullery, washhouse with copper and'tubs built-'iii, bay'window and verandah: £525, ROSLYK, LITTLEBOUBHE.-Gentlcman's RESIDENCE of 8 rooms; bath, scullery, hot and cold water, and all. otlier modern conveniences;" J-acre Section; leasehold, £6 per annum; good view and sunny aspect; £675. STAFFORD STREET.—An Up-to-date HOUSE, containing 1G rooms, with all modern conveniences; .ground rent, £10, per' annum; 42 years to run. UNION STREET.—Nice HOUSE of G rooma; bathroom, eculjcry, waEhhouse. copper and tubs built in, hot and cold water, gas laid on; nearly J-acre Section; £Gsft. • TO LET: ROSLYN, High street.—HOUSE; of 9ix rooms; all conveniences. I LITTLEBOURNE;—Nice HOUSE Of 8 rooms; all conveniences. ' ST. KILDA.—HOUSE of-5 T,ooms; all conveniences. I DOWLING STREET (ncar.-Princea- street).—To LET. on Building Lease, 39>ft x 30ft. _ WANTED TO PURCHASE: We have a GENUINE BUYER for the GOODWILL of a BOARDING-HOUSE, containmg over 10 rooms. Also, a First-clas3 TENANT for one; north end preferred. g 0 vcf T T & CO.' : (Establiahacl 1888), 40 DOWLING STREET, DUNEDIN', " HOUSE, LAND, ESTATE, AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS, SIIAREBROKERS .. AND FINANCIAL AGENTS. We have Business Connections with some of tho 'Largest Commercial Houses 111 South Africa, and shall be pleased to give information, We have a Large Number of PROPERTIES FOR SALE, a few of wbi.-Ji w# mention:— ''' :' CITY, £1500.—One of.tho Best PROPERTIES in the City for investment. Forth street: Eight Well-built HOUSES; 'always well let'at.good rentals; not far from railwsv station and near soko of nrincipjul factories iu city; pay to tho investor 12). per cent. not. £395.—EDEN STREET (near 1 Union street): Nice Well-built, Up-to-date <t-roomed HOUSE; scullerv, bathroom, outliolisea, etc. 1 £198 to £230.-111 City: 'o.Firbt-class BUILDING SECTIONS; good frnntcßO. Can arrange with to build good up-to-date houses at fair price; low rate of interest. , f KENSINGTON. £325.—New 4-roomed HOUSE; -scullery,.etc.; cheap property, NORTH-EAST VALLEY. £175.—Four-roomed HOUSE and scullery; bay window: boiler and tubs built in; water laid on from two ,tanks; J-acre; three sections: orchard and Kitchen garden; fowlhouse and run; live hedge all.round;'essv terms of payment. , FOE SALE, Several COUNTRY-STORES; prices, from £300 to £800. • k> ve Purchasers for. Houses from 4to 6 rooms in city, and from sto 8 room's 111 ltoslyn. Wo advertise 'Properties in this column Free of Charge, and only charge Commission on actual business doiie."' • ■ ■ ■ SCOTT It CO., 40 DOWLING STREET. gie v w.R.[a ftt ! b¥oT I cai AUCTIONEERS, HOTEL BROKERS, AND- GENERAL AGENTS, 14 High street, Dunedin. BOARDING-HOUSES. 1 in the Goldfields, and is furnished throu™bout HIGH STREET.-LEASE; rent, 35s per | >» wd affords a really .splendid ■ week; high-class Boarding Establish- c ' ,a " c ® & pushing and enorjjetic mnn. Tho ment; well furnished; throughout; tariff, 25s . ° lvn9t nil ! s t l lnvo a first-class tenant, and only to 30s per week j'.price for everything, £390, i " l ° se can produce undoubted references ifkFF RATTRAY STREET. of 1 co " sl,lere d-' t U fjcod BOARDING'HOUSE; at Present ; DUNEDIN.-LEASE of HOTEL: full of boarders; lirico for furniture and lease, splendid summer trade: ingoing £450; etc., £225; really good chancei' ,• . .ow rent; excellently furnished throughout. fptRANT STREET.-LEASE.' BOARDING . J EASE of Good HOTEL, Duiedin"; 18 years VJT HOUSE; rent, 27s,per week; 'average, nul ! splendid trade; r.arlimilars on about 12 boarders; tariff, 20s; price everything, application; business averages £80 per week. £300. . STORES. ' " ' Also, KAITANGATA; - Splendid -. GENERAL : TTOTEIjS in Dunedin. Invereateill. Ot nll . STORE, doing turnover'- of £GQO per -? ;°u o'" ,n, '!town. Lnwronce. Waipnri, mouth; suva fortune to.a man with means. Alexandra. South, Cromwell, Christciiurch, etc.', NEAR OAMARUI-Eirst-class COUNTRY _ grocery, drapery, boots, iron- (City\—Gon:l HOTEL: mongei-v. oils, fancy goods, stationery, etc., etc. yours' lease; rent, £7 10s; nvernge Also, including Largo Bakery. Bnaiiuas; easy tnsiness, £70 per week; goodwill of lease and ingoing, about £GOO in cash only'.required; fIW: sto<-V »t valuation early application.; ■. "TkUNEDIN SUBURBS.-Pp'e-d-'d PA'RAfQ ttop QAt"i? ooiisi'sUn?: of TFoM "Build--W ~- — i" g3 ' Bs " iw ' l Koom. Stab'n. • CoiiehlintLos, T7TARMS 111 ilift followiug Diaincts:—Pur?- * 4-roo?nrd Coltage. and nil ooiwmchcw JL lcanui, Otago Peninsula, Clinton, Wyntl- , doing a very lnr;p beer trade; Minga rnn from ham, Balclutha, Gleuke.nich, liiverada'.o. and . SK to SfO per week stoa/ly;' (h» isnfl is sahib various parts-of Southland. For sale on j divided into three sections; price iaioo- the easy, terms. stack and furniture to be taken at valuation. Fvonlionnl opporfunitv, HOTELS FOR RALE. . TP you want to Buy an Hotel Call and In TTIXCEPTIONAL • OPPORnWTV. - W-' 1 spect ou- Repisler. at>£s Kh y °" WMlt 10 SoM au Ho H with mM>rPROTAL HOTET.S nil the GOT.D FIETjDS : doing a busm"fl» of from £0)0 to £f>l \!%[ ® Guarantee to do the Business with the ner week, steady. . The bil'iartl room i- worth * * 'east delay and on the best terms pos--303 per week rroit. which would msk" the actual s '' e ' rent of the Hoto!'£4 per week. Uroderrte in- TXOTEL VALI)A TTDX't; „ going This Hotel is without a doubt the finest H VALOAJIOaS a Specialty. STRVWRTGHT RROS. k HO; NO SALE NO CHARGES WHATS OEVER. ADVERTISING FREE J0 H -N.. iR EID & SONS ' ESTATE AGENTS, 5 VALUATORS, ARIVrVftATOftS, fiHARKBKOKET?S, SURVEYORS Lenses. Mortgages, and Transfers Prepared. ' '' of 200 acres, four and a : halr mi es from Clyde streets; must be sold; great bargain; G-ore, in Severn J nnaponks,, 4-roomca £CSO • house, g-sbi'l 'stable, barn. etc. _ A great 219. DU^EM.TN.—Russell street: 2 eood , of G and 3 rooms respeetivelv: 3-147. nlJNEf)T><.(fnod HOuRF. 0f..4 rooms preufc hnrjranj *450 and scullery, washliouse. copper."Sbae-Voek 3.128. Splendid Freehold PROranpe: mot drain?, ? e; north end: £.3RO, PERTY, centre of town, with Dwc'Hnes 3-148. MOERAKT. - Two-rnome.d COTTAGE £i n 8 „ v.eelt: a b,rgai- fS and three-onart»rs of an «cre, adjoining 3.124 MUSSELBURGH—Choice SECTION tho nroperti'ps nf J. R. Sinclair, Esq., and in Princes street: £30. Mrs Murintt: bnrsain. . BEL I .UKKOWES ESTATE.—Some Splendid 144. T> n RT C.HAT/VERS—Superior FARM SECTIONS in this favourite suburb; the of acres: liandv tp Port 'CbiOmejs; i" ' pick of pliee. three "ad'locks; well fenced and 'ir good 3-134. DIJNEDTN.—SunerIor HOUSE of 13 or gruss. BnPdings co"!T\ri=e 7-i-ooined Tfnuse, 14 rooms, Heriot row; a charming resirow bvre. ba*M.'.s(pble. m'l imnlement shed. deuce. Full particulars on npp!icat ; on. Fpi' «art«enl"ri> w cP-» 3-133. wnmwroj?, - VACANT ALT.OT--0.1..0 RTTMWWTn — MENTS, IB and.lß. Longwood avenne Nice SEfTTONfI two f r ontns»s. and 3.93. TOWN OF ARDEN.—SECTIONS 10 and pond 4-i*poTned pon^iry: :n Block VT.' fifoj-Mooa copper, tuba, etc.: !<md 3.40. MORNTNGTON.—Good 4-roomed' COTwe" hedged; fowlhouse and ran. Pric.\ TAGE, with i-acro orchard: for sale # £i? 0. lini-Tsin «8S .11". T? rt ST<VV —LovV Ouerler-acre SEC- . 3-135. PERSEVERANCE COT,T,TERV, ALEXW.»b frood PUSH nf R »ijnm«. in ANDRA SOUTH, for SALE, on'account lv>«i m> r * of Urni 1 " 9t"»?t: a 'i-rpn'n ejpo. 0 { ijl.healtli of owner. A splendid rro--3-140. STANT.EV ESTATE -AT.LOTMTOTS perlv. work-d by main dip drive, and h.ul<l. 6. 24. and !>s of this Estate, 9'." 0' 9n>\ i»g done by steam. Full particulars from li»in<? nf P""tinn :in "R'nck V, us. D, a«d F T.'TVetrict: tile. Land Transfer: TO LET. 1.30 nsT?'nT?.wff!R nTTTRRR —EOTTR Several FARMS, from 40 to 1250 acrcs. Full AORFS Vo-Vrf n 'rd Nursery Garden fell particulars and conditions of lease from *<&«• ?«■»'«» and mat-er'i 1 on ground, iofiflthoT ■ peP -^ e | £ scullery, rent, witli new G-roo^VHouse. wiMi hot P.nd CITY —SHOP qiul TiWVT,T TVP c* k~i cold water, etc Great bargain. 1850. ° IT J, Grapes and omatoes bn VR in ,mo a year. Broa , J lro ' U3h ;; oxf a liMiPfllWi only reason 'or Felune. • stable. p uau 3-117. KEW._romfort»ble of 1- KORMANBY, NORTH-EAST VALLEYrooms on splendid- Seet-on. eommandin- Dlljiy ' FARM of 03 acres; all in grassa perfect all-round view, which cannot be ■ Rood dwc!linj; and , Jbs ' ,AK» of 230 aeres. with comfortable buildings; price, (plastered); besides sculle?y and bathroom, 70s per acre .also 300 Acres without build-, vi th hot and cold water: asphalt foot- „ „ S'l'TV v4 , AP-fr a Tico first-class stabling and coachhouse; 3.119. BRTGHTOV-Splend'd PARjI of 160 f out acr(!S of-land; fruit, vegetable, and acres, in good heart; superior buddings; flower'garden, and witliin a few minutes' suit retired parly or practical farmer. wa ii, 0 f ik,,, 3.130. WAIKAKA.-200-ACRE FARM.- in 3 paddocks; 3-roomed Cottage; plantations, KONEY tr I/END on FREEHOLD etc.; £400; a bargain. SECURITY at 5 per cent. JOHN 11E1J) & SONS, - CORNER BOND AND LIVERPOOL STREETS. .I".!" 'iri'Vl'i-'B,! /lljyi r"i In II "* 'iT-irrii i| im \ , || |V )|l'»|| |>|,\W The new yo'rk I 'life .insurance company.. THE LARGEST INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY IN THE WORLD, Annuities granted on the most favourable terms possible payable in any part of the world. Endowment, Ordinary, Life, and Limited Payment Policies issued at lowest rates and on the most liberal form of policy. , Lives oi Children Insured. All Policies are absolutely incontestable irom date cf issue. ,T. P. PURVES, General Manager Department of Australasia, L. GRANT. Resident Secretary for New Zealand. SIEVWRIGHT BROS. & CO., DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENTS -'UGO AND SOUTHLAND. KEW ZEALAND. (QTAGO DAILY TIMES AND WITNESS. i ' WELLINGTON BRANCH OFFICE SOUTHLAND OFFICE. ' - OTAGO DAILY TIMES 0 . £ ™ ne! ' office th ° , , , Otago Daily Times and Witness Newspapers Company (Limited) has been REMOVED to OTAGO WITNESS, the New Zealand Pino Company's Building, 13 CUS'IOM HOUSE QUAY, Near G.P.0., Invercargill, nea tho-Railway Station. ( Where Files can be referred to, Copies obtained, Orders for ADVERTISEMENTS in Times, and where Advertisaments, Subscriptions, Witness, and Outlook, and other Southland i and Accounts will be received by Business, will be attended to by tho Company's i MR J. ILOT'i', Agent 'or Southend, Mr JAMKS HUNTER. ' Utuiagiiu; AgMil tor Kotth ItUnd. . " mHE FARMERS' PAl'Kß,—The Agriqu! WORMS Undermine Children's Constitu- .1. turai WeparUßent of the Otago WSiuess tion«, Use WADE'S WORM.FIGS; acknowledged to be unequailed by that el la boxes. lap other weekly in the Colony.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 12394, 2 July 1902, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 12394, 2 July 1902, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 12394, 2 July 1902, Page 8