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The Telegraph Department is advised that the Teheran route- is now restored.

The Mill.uru Jjinie and Cement Company claim to lie participator.-! in Ihe results .-f ihe recent discovery of phosphate rock to a considerable extent. Tho Dunedin Ntoel; Exchange received the following letter yesterday afternoon from Mr .1. White (i)hairinan of direcloi's of the company) on the subject:—" In the interests of our shareholders I think it right thai the Kwhange should know that the deposit of phosphate rock referred to in this morning's paper as existing ou the Horseshoe lieml estate has also lieen located on the freehold property of this company, and that six tons of such rock are now at the cement works, being crushed for analysis iu bulk, the only certain method of fixing the value of the discovery. All analyses heretofore have been made of small specimens only, but thepc nlTord 110 true test of tho quality of the deposit as 11 whole. I may add that the analyses of samples of the rock taken from our property are extreme";- satisfactory. From the report appearing in the Otago Daily Times it might be supposed iliat Messrs Kwing and other.; have acquired this company's property, and all the phosphato rock in that district. We hold, I believe, .over 100 acres of the best of the deposit, but, as I say, the value has yet to lie proved." •

Mr ,T. B. Lindsay, inspector of factories for the Dunedin district, has entered upon the duties of his office. During the past week 110 has been engaged in visiting tho different factories in town and suburbs with a view to getting acquainted with the principals, the naturo of tho buildings asd workrooms, and the sanitary conditions.

The case of diphtheria which has paused the Ho-lyn liorongh Council so much trouble recently in regard to the payment of the accounts in connection therewith crapped up again at iho council meeting last evening, when Mrs H. Bennett, in whose house iho patient had been treated, wrote demanding settlement nf her account, and stating that, ill default of payment, she would sue the council for the amount. The Mayor said he had just received a conv of the regulations under the I'ublie Health Act, and l e would liko io look through I hem with a view to seeing what the council's position was. Cr Kemnitz said the feeling of the council had been that the charge was excessive, and he would move—"That tlio communication be received, ami that Mrs l)einctt be allowed to do as iho pleases." He thought that if the case were taken into court Mrs liennet would not receive half the amount. The Mayor said Mrs liennctt's bouse hail practically been established as a hospital in the district, and be thought that was contrary to the regulations, lie wai going to look through the act to see if it was allowable for anyone, to establish what was practically :i hospital within the borough. Cr Dawson seconded the motion. Ik l thought the ease should be fought out iii court. Tlio iwiliou was carried unanimously,

The following programme In connection with the opening of the new Law Courts 011 Monday was drafted by the Dunedin Law Society and approved by the Minister of Justice:—Members of the bar assemble at the old court at 10.30 a.m. next Monday, robe, and walk to the nciv courts. The judges and members of the liar enter the court room at 11 a.m., taking up positions on the floor, waiting the arrival of Out Minister of Justice, who is to be pre.-anted by the contractor at Ihe door with a silver key, and then escorted, with other Mini--ten, to the umrt room by the sheriff. The Acting-l'remier is then to address tlie judges and the bur, and present the court keys to the senior judge. The Minister of Justice next addresses the judges and the bar, and the senior judge will reply, after which the judges retire, returning, preceded by the sheriff, and taking their seats <m the bench. The usher having proclaimed silence, Mr Justice Wdiam? will address the bar, and Mr Hanlon, as president of the Law Society, is to reply. The bar wiil then bo asked if anyone has a motion to make, and Mr T\ 1!. Chapman will move in a matter which will probably be adjourned. The court will then lie adjourned, and thus terminate the proceeding* at about, mmn. A bar dinner is to lis held in the evening at, the flraud Hotel.

Koslyn, as a borough, is put to great expense owing to its large "back blocks ' area, and at every council meeting innumerable requests for footpaths and repairs to footpaths come up. At the meeting last evening Cr Sutherland threatened to resign. and join a movement in bis ward to i\-fju f, ?t that that district should he included within Ihe city boundary if Kiomrhtun street and other streets in Linden Ward were not repaired. Or Shuttlcwortb said: "You can get up to Ihe knees in it i! yon like; it is a regular sea of mud." The Mayor saiil -the back districts required road works very urgently, but as regards Cr Sutherland's threat of resignation, he (the Mayor) could not sec why, in (hp name of common sen ! e, Or Sutherland could not join in the movement to raise a loan for ihesc and similar woia?. If councillors would not support the movement to raise money then they must be content with tile roads.

In sentencing a prisoner to six months' hard labour for stealing a bicycle, Mr (iraham, S.M.. remarked at; the l'olico Court yesterday that bicycle-stealing must be [nit down with a firm hand. There werp very many bicycles iu use in the city, and an owner could not keep bis eye 011 I;is machine 'all the time. Oil the previous day another man was i-enjcnced to *ix weeks' imprisonment for iboft of a bicycle, and it might he reinaikcd thai, while a man who steals a horse valued at £10, gets fiom two to three years' impiisounienr, the theft of a bicycle valued at £20 only brings from six weeks to six month* as puui.-hment, while a horse is imv-h easier of identification end tracing than a bicycle.

A meeting of (ho Maungatua lJrainicro Hoard was held on Monday hit. the members present lieins Messrs .Stevenson (chairman), Block, Lyall, ilnddinoll, and Kempfliall. Mr lloddinott moved and Mr Lvill seconded, and it was carried unanimously —"That n rale of fix in the pound on thn capital rateable value lie now .struck for the year ending March 31, 1903, line liciiifo having been ;• iven in terms of the net of the board's intentions of levying said rate.' 1

Mr James Msiedotiakl, for some years traffic inspector for the Itailway Department in Dunedin, and latterly connected with the traffic: fupcrintcudent'.-i office, been promoted to Iho position of chief traffic clerk at Invcrcargill. He will he succeeded here by Mr W. I*. Williams, of ihe Auckland office.

The Mayor of Jtoslyn, -Mr T. Mackenzie, stated at last, night's meeting of tho council that lie intended leaving for Wellington in a few days, but expected to return in August for a short time. lie bade farewell to the councillors, and thanked them lor the support they had alivays cccorded him in the work of the borough.

Our Wellington correspondent telegraphs that 90 applications have been received lor the position of town clerk of Wellington.

Mr A. J. Bartli, secretary of the local centre, bis forwarded to headquarters 169 applications for examination by the Trinity College this year. These are made up as fellow-:— Higher examination, 12; senior, 29; intermediate, 37; junior, 45; and preparatory, 46.

We are permitted to make tho following extract- from a private letter received from Tiinnit, Xew South Wales:--" Over nearly the whole of Xew South Wales and Queenshind the pastoral, anil to a large extent the agricultural, industry is 011 the verge of ruin. Tins is the tifib or sixth year of drought, and the present year is by fur the worst. On one station I heard it ii costing them £2000 a week to feed their sheep; on another £200 a day for bay. One squatter here bought up all the avai'.abV stacks of grain (oats uud wheal) to feed 50,000 sheep be was taking down from the mountains to Ihe riverside. Hnrscfml has doubled in price during the last month, and will probably be three times the price within a fortnight or so'."-

Tim immense fortune of the lute Mr •Tames Tyson, the Australian millionaire, has (says the Argus) brought forth many strange claimants, but. since (he death rf the famous millionaire there has been none sn original as Mr .luhu William de Browne, whose demand hns just lieen received at the Law Courts. Where Mr de lirowne resides is a little problematical, for, after dating his letter " firoomborry Farm, Ayr, Scotland," he afterwards refers to himself variously as a citizen of Tlicssalonica, Jerusalem, and Xazareth, Ilia request for Mr Tyson's property is wholly disinterested, for Mr de Hiowne asks for nothing for himself—not even the customary 2], per cent. All he does is to point but that, according to Hiblical revelation, it was long ago predestined that the proceeds of Mr Tyson's properly should he applied to rebuilding Solomon's Templo at Jerusalem. Mr cio Browne arrives at this coiii'nsion by a process of reasoning too subtle for the uninspired reader, but apparently lie proves 1 is case to bis own satisfaction, backing up his arguments by as many allegations and figures ami appeals to defunct person* as ever graced a Protectionist speech, and witli equal relevancy. In legal circles it is considered that Mr de Browne would not be able to prove his rase with the witnesses available. 1

At what point cloos life begin? So f;ir as regards space or time, (lie question is unanswerable. Only a few years ago it would have been faid that, in regard to Hint seemingly essential condition of lifo tomperatiii'o, wo did know pretty nearly a superior nnd inferior limit. Little of life is there below the freezing nr above the boiling point of water, and far above or below these critical points we should expect even germ life to lie destroyed. When our greatest physicist in 1871 suggested that seeds of plants might have been home to this world in a far-distant ago, the hypothesis. seemed incredible, because the temperature of space, being at least as low as minus 140i'tcg Centigrade, would bo fatal to life in any form. This is not so. l!e----cently at the Jenner Institute bacteria have been frozen in liquid'air, and even in liquid hydrogen, and on the application of heat and placed in proper media lm\v germinated. The processes of life were arrested, but the ii:t.froi>t life energy was not destroyed at ?.00dog say 260deg F., of frost. Kvperiments are now being made to find whether long continuance for months or years in such cold takes away the vitali-'in of these lowest forms of life.

Tim twenty-fifth annual mooting of Ihe Olago K<liica!ioii:il Institute will lie hold in tin; Xorinal School on .Monday evening, at 8 o'clock. Mr W. (iroy, M.A., IS.Se., president o[ ilio institute, and now resident in I'almcrMon Xorih, lia = forwarded an address on "Kdueatirm 23 an Economic and Social Force," The public are cordially invited to attend. After the presidential address the oliicen for the ensuing year will le elected, Country teachers are reminded that excursion tickols arc to he issued to Dunedin 011 Monday, Jut:e 23.

A grand Ma«nnic ball was held in 1 lie Agricultural Hall lant nijnt. under the auspices of ihe combined lodges. The function was the first of the kind that ha* hec-n held here for some years, and was Mich 11 decided suceess that probably it will be made en annua! a flair. The gallery v.:i - thrown open to the public, and ipiite a large number of people availed themselves of this opportunity of witnes-ing the brilliant !:rene en the iloor of Ihe building, The grand inarch started at 8.45 p.m, led by members of the committee, members of the llraud Lodge, and brethren In regalia. Altogether there were about 110 couples present. The music was supplied by Ticid's Hand, and dancing was kept up I ill an early hour ■■hi) morning. Supper was laid in the Victoria Hall by the .Misses Murray, caterers. The. following gentlemen filled ihe position of M.C.'s:• -Messrs C. ltitchie, i). Cooke, 0. C.'roiv, I'. A. I'lillon, R. Wilkinson, \V. (\, SnmerviHe, T. ]!o;s. J. T. I/iing, 11. Moss, I'. J. Wohlmann, and R. Jay.

The military carnival which commences next Tuesday will probably bi* the biggest affair of the kind ever held in New Zealand. Kach company of the battalion is

represented by a well-stocked stall, which will he artistically fitted up, and at which goods are lo bo sold at very low prices. There will lie a refreshment stall (Mrs.l. 0. t'los.-), a flower and fern stall (Mrs K. U. Smith), a doll and toy stall (MissKobin), and a large number of side shows and novelties whereby the promoters hope to cxtract the small silver coin ffom Iheir patrons. The big at tract ion, however, will be the display which Signor Uorzoni, after 'many rehearsals, has perfected. There are to bp many nations, all appropriately costumed, paying their homage at the coronation of the King and Que. n, also Court dances and minuets performed for Ihe edification of their Majesties, who will be represented by Mrs Lindo Ferguson and Lieutenant Lacey. The lime and coloured lights and mechanical clfccls are in good hands. Although the cost of this production has been large, 1 lie management, nave decided to keep to the usual price for admission, which also gives a chance in an art union.

Mi- Many RukunU's Xo. 1 Company o[ vaudeville star?, consisting o[ the faniou:i juggler Paul Cinquevalli, Mdme. Lydia Ycamaus Titus,. Collev and Way, thn Diamond Htr\ Profo-m- Charles Wrigley, Mips Nita Look', Mr Jim Opie, Charles AValUor. and Tila May, open their ftunctlin feasou nil Muiniay cvoninu, •limo 30. Mr M. Mnnii', tiiin d[ Mr Rickards's Australian inanagf-ri. arrived in Dnnrdin on Thtir-'diy evening to make arrangements {or the opening.


St. Paul's Cathedral.—Fourth Sunday utter Trinity. Holy communion, 8 a.m.; matins, 11 (preacher, Rev. IF. Jones); evensong, G.JIO li.m. (preacher, Archdeacon Itohinson). St. Matthew's Church,—Holy communion, S a.m.; choral celebration, II; evensong, ti.'iiJ p.m. Preacher, llev. \Y. Cury.oi'.-Sijj^crs. All hints' Church.—S a.m., II a.m., and 0.30 p.m. Preacher, Dean Pitchett. First Church.-11 a.m. and 6.110 Preacher, liev. .1. Clihli. Trinity Vesleyan Church.-11 a.m. and G.:tii p.m. Preuclier, li°v. P. V.'. l''.iirclou«h. Ht. Andrew's Church.—ll a.m., liev. E. J. Carter; U.'Jil i>.;n., IJev. W. llcwitsc:'., B.A. Wesley Clinri'l!. Curiiill road.—ll a.m., IJ' J. tiny; o.;w p.m., liev. Jos. Ward,

Xorlli-Eust Volley Presbyterian Church.— 11 a.m., liev. .1. Waters; G. 311 p.m., Mr Donald M' Ivor.

Methodist Cli;;r<:liP3.—Ji'nriiinslon: n, Rev. . £lade; G. 3", It?v. T. (i. Broo];t\ Ituslvu: 11, liov. T. (1. Bl'noiii; li,'l!l, llev. Oscar Midicv scn (of the Now Hebrides Mission). Belleknowes: 11, Mr ('orkill; G. 31), Jlr Amo!'J. Maori Hill: 11, Rev, It. W'ilson. Jlofgicl: 11, liev. .loh. Wind; fi.39, Mr A. Hopper. Methodist Centra! Minion, (Inrriron Hall.— 11 a.m., ]{ev. \V. A. Sinclair; 0.30, iicv. W. Slade (of Fiji). Albany street llall.-C.31), Dr t'ommiiis, Messrs Park, Reynolds, and Co, will sell at their rooms on Tuesday next, 2Uh inst,, water coimirs, signed proof e'.cliinfl', etc. Messrs (!. \\\ Ilinncy mid Sou, Auckland, will, on Wi'dncsdi'y, lit); irnix., soil Hie s .s. Icna, as. she now lies in the Auckland Harbour. The Xcw Zeahml Farmers' Co-operative Association will ffll Oil Friday next, 'J7th inst,, Mr David Andrew's Feviihill I'arm, Chain Hills, 'i'aieri.

Tenders are invited for additions and alterations to the Alexandra Hotel, Shag Valley. Messrs .1. und W. Faulkner notify that thrv have severed all councctiou with iho linn oi J. \V. Faulki'cr and Kunrf (Limited). and have commcnccd business at the corner of Castle and St. Andrew .street--, The Manuka dredge and claim, Waitaliuna, are advertised for sr.le by teidcr. In our .'.Overtiming column* M,- T. P. Ciibbs, Fillcul -street, notilie; tint every child, who rolls at his place at .1.3') p.m. oil Coronation Bay v.-ill receive a medal. 't he I'.ev. Kiade is announced <« isreaeh at flu* (lavrism Hall to-morrow cvci:ii;«. Miss iio{k;e will sill;? "The iv.iy of p\jcc " during the service. ° The Kcvc-nth Oily Advniiifl Cliinui fcnducl it service this ami ui.-ii tri-inoriow evening.

The Psychological Soei'lv's weekly meeting Will be held td-inoir )iv ia their looms, .Moray p'-acc.

The following fir.-,! grade liugbv football mulches will be played liiis aftmic.on:- Duncum v. Alhambv.i, e:i Ihe "oucu; Pirates v. Cniversitv, on tbe C'.'.risbrcoi; ground; und Kaikorai v. S'ouiheni, nt lii.-ho;-,:)-cotll't, In this issue appear particulars of the alirvalious fo be made in the ordinary train services ill connection with tin CoMKliun itlitalions and the Dimedin Winter show. The Theo-ophieal Society hold llieir weekly nit cling in the bourd rooni, Agricultural Hull", to-morrow evening al G.3U. To-morrow Jlr Currio Johnston will colio net services al 3 and 8 p.pi. in the Alhambra 'theatre, the subjects fc.- which appear el.-.<-where. On Monday, Wednesday. Tlntrsdjv, and Friday evenings of next week meelings will be held in tho Trades Hall. A conference of (emnerane? workers will be held in the Y.M.C'.A. I'ooius, Moray place, uu Friday next, 27th ins!., at 7,3(1 p.m. The annual meeting of the Dunedin StarrBowkett Society is lo take place in the 'Oddfollows' Ilall on Tuesday next.

A paragraph stating Urn! his Worship tins Mayor would probably reply to the circular from Lord linmurly calling n meeting of citicens lo consider tii« proposal to establish a homo lor veterans was inadvertently misplaced in yi's'erdny's issue, instead o[ appearing alter the text of the circular from his Excellency. Owing to the 20th being Coronation Day,"the sale of Mr 1). Andrew's Fcrnhill farm at Chain Hill, Tuieri, by the Olago 'Farmers' Co-operativo Association has heen postponed from the 20th, the day originally agreed on, to the following day, the -7:h. The Kev. Jos. Ward will deliver a special address to young women to-morrow evening in "Wesley Church. Cargill road, on "A AVoman's KesoK'e." The liev. J. Guy will preach in the morning. The liev. Oscar Michelren, of Tongon, X'ew Hebrides Mission, will preach at the lioslyn Methodist Church to-morrow evening. On Sunday morning, at the Central Mission rervice in the Garrison Hall, the I'ev, W. A. Sinclair will give an account of the recent simultaneous mission in Melbourne am! tlio nmm liable meetings held in connection therewith. In the evening the service will be eonducled by the Rev. ty. Slade, of Fiji, who will take as his subject "The Dividing Line." Mr Siade is a master of South Sea Island missionary questions, mid his address will be ono of exceptional interest. Ledies' hair carefully trimmed or singed, Is; shampooing, hairdrcssiug, waving, etc., socially at Honuy's lmirdressing rooms.— Add. Having just completed stocktaking, we are now opening out our new goods, which are, as usual, the very latest iu design, and moderate in price. Inspection invited. CI, and T. Young, jewellers and watchmakers, 8S Princes street.—A'lvt. Who ib Peter J)ickV—The most reliable Watchmaker am 1 . Jewelle- opposite Coflcc Palace, Moray place, Dmied'\ Charges strict moderate.—Advt. Don't be humbugged by the offer of Guinea Prizes with your Tea. How many of yon could obtain these Golden Guineas? Only a few out of thousands. Save yourself disappointment by using " Bcok Gift" 'Ten! with every Gib of which you can choose a. boot; from our extensive catalogue free, and thus obtain wisdom, beside which gold is dross. Ask your grocer for catalogue.—Advi.

11 is about time that people awolte io the fret that a B ood Disinfectant is a household necessity. "K.P." Fluid is lccoi-msed bv authorities as tlio best Disinfectant for limiseliokl and general use. Sold by all chcmista and Ijrueers.—Advt.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 12385, 21 June 1902, Page 7

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Untitled Otago Daily Times, Issue 12385, 21 June 1902, Page 7

Untitled Otago Daily Times, Issue 12385, 21 June 1902, Page 7


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