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The Waipori wate. rights so long in oyiilcnoe in connection with the City Council's scheme for electric power for the tramways, hnvo changed hands this week. It ii -.mrlprptoofl thai Mr Richardson, well known in connection with the suecpwful introduction of electric power and light at Outrara, h interested in the pureha«o.

.Our Wakstipu correspondent telegraphs: T,y the drag accident which occurred on Thursday when returning from t!;e races, \V. Unvis, a dipger at Maori Point, had one of his coTlar-honw shattered. Tho accident occurred through one of the hoiws shying The drair foil over the bank. Several others received :i slight slinking, but ■with the exception of Davit, none were seriously hart.

Our (,'oro correspondent telegraphs that. an extnordinary meeting jf the Southland l-'armcrs' Co-operativ« Asmioiation was held in Gore yesterday, when it was decided to the capital of (Ho company to fSO.OCO. The present capital is £10,000. is compospil nlinofl entirely of Soutbland farmers, and is reported to be tiling an extensive uhmupfp. It was decided <<> limit the number of .hares held hy nnc indindual to 200. Above 1030 share, (of £5 each) of the. new issue are to k> placet! orr the market immediately.

The lißiml monthly meeting ol the Qncen'« Jubilee Convalescent.Fund Was held'in '(.|, e Town HMI yesterday, :nd attended by Jleedames Tsrasl (in the chair), Martin, Snlc, Aciame, C'allnii, Colqidioun, .Morris, and ."Johnston Brown, [t was reported that a,,, plication had lieun made to the (Jovermnent ii) grant free, passes on the railway to ecnvalient patients, and the committee were liopcful that the .'onccMion would he granted. Arrangements wore mado for providuig sundry cases with changes of nir. Various subscriptions were reported as haviiig been received.

The woman M'Kny a«d nei companion, a- dontnl student fiem hivercirgill named Simon, whoso case was referred to in these columns on Thursday morning, were rearrested in Timaiti yesterday on a charge of obtaining goods by false prolencos in Dramlin. They will appear at the Police Court on .Monday.

Mr Kilgonr, of Baleluthn, owner (if the liouso in Canongate street which was partially destroyed by fire yesterday morning, was insured in the Standard office for £2Oo', whilo the furniture if Jlr Bracegirdlo was insured for £350 in the Australian Alliance office.

Evidently Dr Mason, head or the Health Department, is not prepared to recommend Xiwuby as a Bite for a sanatorium for consumptives. Sneaking to a representative of tho Lyttelton Times, Dr Mason paid: The first essential o! n sanatorium is acceeibility. it is absolutely useless to start" an institution of this nature in a place which takes a journey of two or throe days to reach. The second essential is that the foil must he good, and tho other essentials are sunshine, n slight rainfall, and, if possible, a good ultitude. Wo have so many really excellent sites in the colony that the difficulty is in cliuonng not a good site, but the Desc etit. .11 wo can rid the colony of thm disease wo will have accomplished a rtcrv thing. Already there is a Hinrvpllou3 improvement in anitary conditions hero. We find tliiu' the people are very anxious to nelp u«. Occasionally, however, we have to iiirshcath the sword, and show some individual that though ii is covered with velvet, ii is made oi steel Practically tho only cry :n this, direction k thai the local authorities have jo money. But I point oiu to them that the best asset the country lias is its population. The capitalised value of tho people i« much more than tho capital-ised-value of the land. A farnici loses a horse valued at £12, and his neighbours sympathise with him on account of his finnn cial loss. He loses his son through disease, disseminated through rorelepsne?s, but his loss in tins caso is thought to be of only a sentimental value, whereas he, together with the country, loses £l?, 0. 1 am giving this illustration merely to show how great a loser tho country is when steps nre not taken to check the ravages of this frightful disease, which we should all bo fighting with tho utmost determination."

The City Council invites tenders for the purchase of 41 debentures of £100 each for tho purpose of repaying so much of the loans of £11.100 and £2000. mnluring on February 1 end .March 1 respectively, as is not provided for by the accumulated sinking fund

Tho monthly mooting of the Union street School Committee was held last night; present—Messrs 0. C. Israel (chairman), T. Ireland, .7. Watson, E. Stration, P. Aitken, and R. M'Kinlay. -\lr Mark Cohen wrote forwarding his resignaion as a member of the committee in consequence of leaving tho district, and the secretary was instructed to reply, expressing the committee's regret »t losing Mr Cohen's valuable services. The chairman mis authorised to write to Mr Stewart, head master, now lying in Auckland Hospital, tendering the sincere sympathy of the committee with him in his TDccnt infliction nml their regret that his woll-dcsorved holiday should have been so sadly interfered with, together with the hope that ho would soon be able to resume his accustomed duties.

Tho monthly meeting of the Macandrcw road School Committee, held on Thursday evening, was attended by Messrs Chetwin (chairman), Milburn. Diifriiid, Hurd, Dodds, l'atcreon, and M'lndo?. Mr Hurd reported that the work at the gymnasium was progressing favourably, and it was decided to have the building lined, at nn additional cost of £20. The Chairman and Secretary reported on the recent conceit, which was a great success. It was decided to bold the annual picnic early in March at Wingatui, if possible. A vote of thanks was passed to Mr Kiddle for his donation o[ a special prize, also to Mrs Dodds and Mr Peterson for their donation of lollies for tho break-up. The thanks of the committee are a!so due to tho head master and stuff for the way they worked up the concert.

At the Port Chalmers Police Court yestcrday, before the sitting magistrate (Mr A. Thomson, J.P.), n first offender who pleaded guilty to .1 raarsc of drunkenness was fined ss, with the alternative of 24 hours' imprisonment. The tine was paid.

It is n very rare thing to discover enncer in poultry, but Inspector Wright (says the Bruce Herald) recently sent away for analysis two growths, discovered in a pair of ducks, and has now received wont that they were of a cancerous nature.

The excellence of the streets rnd footpath? in Napier is noted by every visitor to tho town. The borough authorities (says a contemporary) pay special attention to the preparation of tho asphalting iiialoriul. and the result* are most Mtijfsctor.v. IV tar is put into retorts in the boii?rs and "listillod by tlip ordinary proves;. The evaporation is rarricd away through fold pipes and distilled into receiving Kits. Spirits and ammonia are taken away from the tar, and thus, by the distillinjr process, all the heating and burning properties which dry and burn up the tar too much are taken away, die clastic properties remaining. The tai is time rendered more durable. The spirits and ammonia distilled from the tar arc used as dbinfectanU for sanitary purposes,

Great Britain spcmls the enormous eum of £22,000,000 a year on the purchase of timber, the ;;reatcr part of which ha« hitherto been obtained from Scandinavia, Austria, Canada mid the United States. A3 the supply fi'Oni cue!) of these countries has been (Inclining of late, it ie suggested (write? tho Melbourne Age) Hint Australia, New Zealand, am , otlicr places within tlie Empire mijflit now ho able to o*tab!i?h .1 satisfactory permanent trade in limber with the Knglifli market. This, however, cnnid only 1)0 done by Ihe development of scientific forestry, such ae lias been successfully! eftablifhod in (mlin. Ruwn, which i<, taid to have vast timber resources, lias decided to greatly improve the management of its forests with a view to supplying Great Hritain. i

Mr Eugene Tarnsworth, evangelist, boa arrived in Duneilin, and will deliver his opening lecture in the Agricultural hall on Sunday evp.nin<r. Mr Farnsworth nas the reputation of being a Rood platform speaker, and his subjectß ar.i always worthily treated. « „ TO-MOIUtOW'S CHUKCH SERVICES. St. Puul's Cathedra!.—B a.m., liolv communion; 11 a.m., matins anil litany.-Arcii-floacon Robinson. (Subjccl: "Tho Movr.! lnUuoncp of the Diama."). Kvensoii", C.:10._ \ery Rev. Dimii Filched, D.I). St. Jfattlisw'a Church.—Uo!v comnniuion, 8 n-lii.; matins, 11 n.m.-Hev. W. Curion-Sig-gers, w.A. (morning and evening. I^SIS , *^ ,111 ' , ' ~1 St. Andrew's Chiirch.-Servicos lnorniiiE and evening. D iletliotlfst Central Mission, Oarri-ou Hall--1 a.m., Mr A. K. Sieves; 0.30 p.m., Kev.K. Wesley Clmtfli, Cargil! road.-ll a.m Rev Hr A. Hopper. Trinity Wcsleyan Church. Stuart slreet.-ll T m ci 3,,110 " (slm,t '" t); G ' M I , '" 1 - My.

Agviviillnral Unit 18 p.n:.).-Mr Eugene W

Albany street HalL-Kveniug, Dr Commins.

Messrs Part, Reynold*, and Co. sell at their looms to-dny the balance of a stock of saddlery. Hie Diincdin Woolbro&era , Association announce n sale of ba s wool, to be held in the Hoard Room, Agricultural Hall, on Turs.lav Messrs Dalgely and Co. and Stronach Bros, and Iform will hold the i.anal stock sale at ho WoikouaiU yards on the lGth inst. The latter firm will al»o sell »l the same time and two allotments of laud and 14 years' of the Wnikonaiti Library Endowme t

Messrs Bruce, Christie, and Co. sell at the arm, near Awamoko, on the 17th inst., drouejit horses, hacks, cattle, implements, traction e> gine, and thrcr,liji!</ m j\l. The annual meeting in connection with tho grocers picnic will he held in the Trades Hull Moray pliico, at 3 p.m. on Monday. The tow clerk notifies that, the City Council will, at its meeting on February 5, confirm a special resolution in accordance with "The Municipal Corporations Act, 1!)00," re raisin* n loan of £4100.

At tho 1 licosophical Society's meeting in the Agricultural Hull (Board Koom) to-morrow CVBllin-r Mr W. F. Bennett will lecture on ' The Light of the World." _D. Keild, pnslor o! thi- Church of God, will speak at tho Fountain tor.iglit and to-morrow. He pleads (or a complete, return to Apoatolic Christianity The time-table for the Portobello and Broad ■uay ferry service appears elsewhere. A notice under "The Hating Act, 1894," in connection with the recover)' of rates by the Morningtoii Borough Council will be found elsewhere in this issue.

The annual meeting of the New Zealand Commercial Travellers' Association will be held in the Club Hooms, Dowling street, to-night. The do? tax in the Borough of P.oslyn has been fixed at 10s. Dogn may be registered at tho Council Chambers.

Tho adjourned half-yearly meeting of (ho Hand and Heart Lodge, M.U.1.0.0.F., will be held on Tuesday, at 7.30 p.m. Income tax duties will l>3 payable- at the office of the Commissioner of Taxes, Wellington, on Jinuary 20 In the description of the oiirn to be erected to Hie memory of the late Sir John M'Kenzit>, recently published,"it was slated that the cross on the cairn was ifaltes?. This was incorrect, ns the design is a Celtic cros?. Tourists for Scnncta can procure sandfly veils ond gloves at Hendy's Hairdrcssing IJooniß, Princes street.—Advt.

Christina.! and New Year Presents.-Tht shoe to purchase the above is undoubtedly 0. and T. Young's. 88 Princes street. Why? " Because they show the largest stock, the newest patterns, and give (he best value.—Advt.

Who is Piter Dick"—The most reliable Watch maker and Jeweller, opposite Coffee Palace, Moray piece, Dnnedin. Charges utrictlj moderate.—Advt.

Mollison's ars now showing a lot of useful goods suitable for Christmas pifts; also a lot of toys for the children.—Advt.

Carter Mid Co. have just purchased Fairlpy and Co.'s drapery and underclothing stock, Gccrge street, Dunedin, at 10s in the £1. Great Sale. Bargains nil round at Carter's.-AcM.

Christmas is Coming! I! you use "Book Gift" Tea you can have for nothing your choice of 500 books to give your girls Rml boys a Christmas present. This is our simple way of advertising, and you get all the bpnofit. Send to W. Secular and Co. for catalogue of books. All grocers sell the tta,-Advt.

A Friend in Need i? a Friend Indeed.—So don't pass by Senior's Linoleum Eevivcr. It will Ret you through your work twice as quickly; make your floors bright and glossy, and save your strength— Advt. Mapsage, Klectnciiy, ami Tpllerman's hot dry air. .For rheumatism, paralysis, nerve and joint trouble?, etc.—Mr and Mrs Edwin Booth, Stuart streel, Dunedin. Telephone eOO.-Advt.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 12248, 11 January 1902, Page 7

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Untitled Otago Daily Times, Issue 12248, 11 January 1902, Page 7

Untitled Otago Daily Times, Issue 12248, 11 January 1902, Page 7


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