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SOOIAIi AT XORTH-EAST VALTjEY. The dirlv weather in no wise interfered with the attendance at the North-Esst Valley Hall last night 011 the occasion of tlie social tendered by the Vallev residents to the troopers recently returned from South Africa. The Mayor (Mr W. B. Anderson) presided, and seated 011 Ihe platform were Troopers H. M'Donald, E. Loar. 0. F. Smith, C. V. Wall, and W. N. Brown (fourth contingent), T. Butters (fifth contingent), and E. .1. West and W. M-Farqivliarsou (second contingent). Trooper Beath also occupied a seat 011 the platform. The Chairman read upologies (or non-attendance from Colonel C. S. Reeves and Trooper White, the latter 011 account of illness, after which the North-East Valley Band, tinder the conductorship of llr R. Cook, played " lied, white, and blue." The Chairman said that, o:i behalf of the residents of the North-East Valley, he had great pleasure in welcoming home the returned troopers. Since they had left the Valley their career had ben watched with interest, and every morning the papers had been eagerly scanned for news of their welfare. He was sure that Ihe commendation they had received from their officers foi their bravery and devotion hatl Iwen well merited. Despite the hardships they had undergone and the privations they had suffered he must compliment them 011 their appearance. He was sorry that they were not able to welcome all who had left the Valley for South Africa, for as they all knew young Sorrenson Imd been shot in action, and his bones were left on the veldt. They sympathised too with Troopers Brown and White, at. present in the hospital, but who were making good progress towards recovery. Trooper Ctawlord too h?.<! been taken ill that afternoon, and lie also hatl their sympathy. He (the chairman) hid much pleasure ill presenting each of the troopers, on behalf

0i the Valley residents, nitli » small memento as a token of tlieir appreciation of the splendid manner in which the troopers liatl Mnived. Although not of much intrinsic worth vet it would be treasured a* coming from the ri\«idents of the Valley, where most oi the returned troopers had been horn. The Chairman then handed to Tioopers H. M'Doiwld, E. Lear, W. X. Brown. T. Butters, C'. .T. West, \Y. H'Farqnliarson, (j. F. Smith, ami C. \V. Watt a haml'ome gold watch prndant, ill the shape of a Maltese cross, bearing the following inscription: " ['resented to Trooper (here followed the name in each inslairi?) from the residents of the North-East Valley on their return from the Transvaal war." In making the presentation, the Chairman said: I welcome yon home, and trust that yon have returned to lire amongst us again. You have had a tnsto of war such as fcv.cclonials can boast of. Krom what 1 have heard you say, I think you will be very willing to remain in the Valley, for often when sleeping on the veldt yon must have conic to the conclusion that the N'orlh-Kasl Valley was not such a bad place.—{Applause). The band having played the National Anthem, dancing was indulged in, and at intervals short, speeches of welcome were delivered by Messrs S. Cr. Smith, (1, Cnlder, J. (! rce'.i, and other gentlemen, and songs by Miss Brake, Miss Orange, and Messrs H. Drake, J. Oliver, li. Steele, Townscnd, and li. Wilson. A tasle-fully-ltiid supper, provided by Mrs Doyle, was imicli enjoyed, and under'the guidance of tlio M.C.'s—Messrs Doyle, Fraser. and !W----daucing was kept up with spirit until an early hour. WELCOME TO TIJOOPF.I! M'LF.XNAX. On Tuesday the people of Wedderbur'.i welcomed back Lieutenant M'Lciman, who joined the fourth contingent a trooper, but was subsequently transferred to the lifth contingent, and given the position of lieutenant, i On his arrival at Weddcrburn station. Lieutenant M'liCiman was met by the residents of the district, among whom were the school children carrying tings. Mr John M'Kay spoke a few words of welcome on behalf of tliose present. 11l the evening he was entertained at a dinner m (lie Weddeiburn Hotel. About 75 persons were present, including a number of residents of Naseby, and Troopers Ueaili and White. After the dinner it smoke concert was hold, and at this Mr liuler (the Mayor of Xascbvl'presented Lieutenant M'Leiman, on behalf of the residents of the district, with a gold medal. The ceremony of pinning it on was performed lw his own mother, and this little incident was very iifTcrting. Some excellent speeches were made during the evening, the speakers being Dr Church, Messrs A. L. Ilerdman, li. C. Cut-ten, (linsberg, F. Francis, and Captain Logan. Musical items were given by Messrs Vellia, Roberts, O'Driscoll, Tracers! and J. M'Kay, the first named gentleman also playing the Hccompaninients. SOCIAL AT OI'TKAM. A social was held in the Societies' Hall, Outrain, on Thursday evening to welcome back till! Tilieri returned troopers. Invitations were sent to IS. Ilnstie (Dunedin) wired that lie v,as unable to attend, and Btickland wired from inchester that he could not be present, but wished them a happy social. The following troopers were proicnl:—Orange, Millar, Williams, Smeaton, M'Kellor. Anderson, SmaiHie, hindlov, and Gibson. The hall was comfortably packed, and Mr W. Snow was in the chair. The speakers were the Chairman, Messrs Cliisholm and John White, who gave palriotic speeches, and heartily welcomed "our bovs," or rather brave men, not forgetting a word of ssmpathy for the friends of those who are sick and the friends of those who will ne'er return. The singers were Miss Bathgate and Miss Cuthbert, Messrs M'Kellor, Cliisholm, and Wildey. Miss M'Kellor plavcd Ihe accompaniment to Mr M'Kellor, aiid Miss F. Cliisholm comment ?d the programme with a solo, and played he accompaniment for the rest of the singers. P.O. P.K. Low gave the Oddfellows' welcome to ret imed brothers. Trooper Millar heartily replied to the palriolie addresses given by the various speakers on behalf of the relumed troopers for Ihe very cordial welcome extended to them. An abundance of lea and cake of the best was then handed round by the voung ladies and young men, and everyone seemed to thoroughly enjoy themselves. After tea was over " Auld lang syne " was snug, which brought a most enjoyable social to a close a few niinults before 10 o'clock. Iu a short time the hall, which was gaily decorated W'itli flags and bniiling, was ciearcd for dancing. RECEPTION' AT OTEPOPO. A \ ery enthusiastic welcome was accorded to Lieutenant Marshall, of the fifth contingent, on Thursday in the Atlicnsum Hall, Otcpopo. The welcome look the form of a social and banquet, and Mr A. Paterson presided. Tea was served at 6 p.m., and alterv.ards a programme of toasts and musical items was proceeded with. Besides Lieutenant Marshall the following troopers were present, belonging to the fourth or fifth contingents: — Sergeant Duffy, Troopers -M'Kerrow, White, Ilodgkinson (Hampden), and Stock (Kakanui). fhe Chairman, after welcoming Lieutenant Maishall and his comrades, proposed the toast of ' The King," which was honoured by everyone present standing and singing one verse of "Clod save the King." Mr T. Paterson proposed the health of the " Upturned Troopers," to which Lieutenant Marshall responded iu an interesting speech, Sergeant Duffy also responding. . Other toastß were " The New Zealand Parliament," proposed by Mr fieorge Ledinglinm, and. responded to by Messrs J. Sim and J. Frame; "The Army, Navv, and Volunteers," proposed by Mr J. Reid, and responded to by Mcssu George Paterson, D. tiiomas, and Sergeant-major Ure; "Tho Ladies, proposed by Mr H. Beckingsale, and responded to by Mr A. Budge. Musical items were rendered by Hiss Thomas, .Miss Reid, and Mr Thomas. The meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the chairman, proposed by Mr J. Reid, and Ihe singing of the National Anthem. After the social the hull was cleared for dancing, which was carried on with great spirit for several hours. The hall was beautifully decorated for the occasion, and the whole function was voted a complete success, and the best of its kind ever held iu Otepopo. IiECEPTIOK AT CROMWELL. (From Our Own Correspondent.! July 19. The record crowd fnr Cromwell assembled yesterday afternoon to welcome home our relumed troopers—Lieutenant Jolly, Corporal Mason, and Bonib.idier Eadv. The men were met outside the town liv the volunteers, Oddfellows, and school children, and a band, aud escorted to flic Council Chambers, where they were officially received by the Mavor. After ii thanksgiving prayer addresses were given by Messrs Tuit and Hosking. The greatest enthusiasm prevailed. In the evening the town was illuminated, and a quantity of fireworks let off. A social is to be held to-night, and a smoke concert by the Rifles next Tuesday. At Havensbonrne on Wednesday evening tho local boating and football clubs gave a reception to Corporal James Low, of tho fourth contingent. Ihe boalshed, iu which the returned soldier was asked to met his friends, was tastefully decorated, and there was a large assemblage to do honour to the guest. During an interval iu the dancing programme the President of the Boating Club (Mr T. Ross), after reading a letter from the Rev. Dr N'icholsoii apologising for his absence, in a happy speech welcomed Corporal Low, and on behalf of the Boating and Football Clubs, presented him with a gold Maltese cross, suitably inscribed. Corporal Low, having suitably replied, refreshments were handed round, and dancing was then resumed, and kept up with vigour into ' the wee sma' hours." The function was most successful, all present vicing With each other in showing attention to Corneal Low and iiis returned comrades, who wore at the gathering. Among the comnanv was Lieutenant G. W. C. M'Donald, to whom Hip members of the contingent became greatly attached wliile thev were camped at Forhnry. Trooper Jiobert Crawford, of tiie fourth Xew Zealand contingent, was accorded a hearty welcome home by his old comrades in the Globe Hotel on Thursday evening. There was about 40 persons present, who sat down to a sumptuous repast provided by Host J. M'Kwan. After justice had been done to tiie gocc! things

provided a lon- tujdl listens -tone through,' pleasantly interspersed with songs and recitalions, Mr Du«J»ld Patersoii orcupied the ch:iir. Corporal Goodman, o( the, fifth, and Troopers Burgess and Sanderson, <■; (he fourth, wove a!?o present. Ouriiiß the cv? n i„u'Mr Mullov, on behalf of those present, in a neat and laudatory speech, presented Crawford with a silver-mounted pipe a: stick, suitably inscribed. Mr P \\\ IVter-on replied to the presentation on .>hnlf of Trooper Crawford. The following toasts were then given and duly honoured: -"lhe Kins;. Queen, and Ko-nt Family"; "Trooper Crawford,"'proposed by the Chairman: "Tiie Visitors." proposed by Mr D. M. Campbell, and responded to b; Troopers Burgess and Sanderson, and Mr K. Vivian (on behalf of the other visitors!; The Host and Hostess." proposed by Mr A. Hodge. A lengthy programme of patriotic senga and recitations -was through by the Vivian brothers (four, who are a host within themselves), and Messrs I). M. Campbell, J. Jack, J. O'Connor. C. Besan, J). Hill (two ituns). Macdonald, W. Skerry (encored), and 1). Paterson. Great credit is due to Messrs Vivian, D. \\\ lMerson. ami J. O'Connor for the maimer in which the dinner was arranged. The sinking of "Auld lang svue" brought to a close » most successful function. A ■number of tiie friends of Mr and Mrs K. G. Smith assembled in the North Dunedin Drills-bed on 'lliursday evening for the purpose of giving a welcome home to their son. Trooper (> 11.I 1 . Smith, just returned from the Transvaal. Bi\°i'J«s Trooper Smith, who was the special guest of the evening, there were present Corporals S. L. Jones and J. M'Lean, and Troopers li. Simmers, West, and Monk, who shared with their comrade Smith the heaity greetings and warm congratulations of the assembled friends on thrir safe return to their homes. A meeting of the residents of Smith Dunedin and St. Kilda was held iu the South Dunedin Council Chambers last evening, his Worship the Mayor (Mr Todd) in the chair, to take steps to entertain the returned troopers residing in huth boroughs. On the motion of. Mi* Cuttle, it was resolved that the returned troopers belonging to tbe boroughs of South Dunedin and St. Kilda be entertained ai an earlv date. The Mayors of the two boroughs, and Messrs Osmond and Cuttle, of South Dunedin. together with two residents of St. Kilda. were appointed it committee to carry out tho necessary details. The town clerk of St. Kilda and Mr S. J. Lyon were appointed hon. secretaries of the committee. Mr Lister kindly oftered to do the printing to tho amount of £1 gratis. On the motion of Mr Hodges (Mayor of St. Kildn) it was resolved that a committee of lad'es be appointed to ba j associated with the General Committee. ! A large number of people assembled on the ! wharf at Greymouth yesterday to give the re- ' turned troopers a hearty welcome. The town I is gay with bunting. The troopers wete ban--1 quoted in the evening. The Westport returned hooper? were taken i on an excursion to Cape Foulwind, and after a procession in the evening were entertained at a social, the proceedings ?t which were of a most enthusiastic character.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 12100, 20 July 1901, Page 7

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BACK FROM THE WAR. Otago Daily Times, Issue 12100, 20 July 1901, Page 7

BACK FROM THE WAR. Otago Daily Times, Issue 12100, 20 July 1901, Page 7


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