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A meeting of those who have offered to billet the Imperial troops was held at the Victoria Hall on Saturday night for the purpose of making final arrangements in connection with the reception of the men. The Mayor (Mr R. Cliisiiolm) occupied the chair, and the hall was packed.

The Mayor, in the course of a short speech, thanked the citizens for the hearty, willing manner in which they had replied to the request to accommodate the troopers. Quarters had now been found for the whole of the men, of whom there were supposed to be about 038. As a matter of fact, quarters had been found for moro than that number. The committee had had a great deal of detail work to do in the matter, and most willingly and cheerfully had a number of the business men of the city given up their time to the arranging of matters.—(Applause.) Even that day, which was a holiday, they iiad been at work from 6 o'clock in the morning till 6 o'clock in the evening.—(Applause.) The result of their labours was that they had succeeded in dividing tho troopers into companies, which were to be located in certain districts—districts that embraced as small an area as posnibln, consistent with the applications received. In all thcr6 were 31 districts. Members of the volunteer force would take the troopers to a certain rendezvous in each district, where the hosts, or a committee appointed by the hosts, would meet them and take charge of them. Other points in the way of direction to hosts would be advertised on Monday, and when certain further details had been arranged he had no doubt the scheme would work satisfactorily.—(Applause.) Colonel Webb came forward to make a personal explanation. He saw by the papers that lie had been unwarrantably assailed in connection with this question, but he desired to say that in whatever action he had taken he was prompted by a desire to work for the credit of the city and its people—(Applause.) In Ireland he had a deal to do in the troublous times with the billeting of troops, and when this proposal was sot before him, without consulting him in the slightest about it, ho said "There will bo a mess." He considered it absolutely necessary that, in view o[ the many difficulties attending the billeting of tile troops—tho weather, darkness, or other causes —there should be a scheme behind it which they might fall back on in case of accident, and it was with that object in view that a camp had been pitched that afternoon on the Caledonian ground. In making this explanation it was his wish to remove from the public mind any idea that the military authorities were not assisting the citizens in their efforts to hospitably entertain tho troops.— (Applanse.) Tho Mayor was glad to say that Colonel Webb had all along expressed his willingness to assist.—Applause.) It was Colonel Webb's idoa that a rendezvous should be appointed at which tho different hosts could meet their respective guests. In answer to a number of Questions, the Mayor paid the whole particulars as to boundaries of districts would be published. The troops would go straight from the station to the rendezvous. As so many applications had come to hand it was proposed to eliminate, first of all, the names of those at a distance, but, if possible, otfonce would be given to none. It was a matter, however, that could not bo settled till Monday, when the exact number of men would bo known. There might be so many t!mt they would have to fall back on some of those it was thought at present would have to bo disappointed. He would not promise that the citizens who had sent their names in first would get the preference. The Mayor said he would like Trooper Waldie. of the ?•• 1 contingent, if he was in the hall, to tell the audience something about the men whom we were going to entertain. Trooper Wahlie. who was at the rear of the hall, came forward amid hearty applause and cheers, and mounted the stage. He said lie i was proud to have the opportunity of Faying a few words for " Tommy."—(Applause.) To tho New Zealanders he had proved a friend from the time they reached South Africa till they left on the Harlech Castle.—(Applause.) He appeared to think he could not do enough for the Now Xealanders and the Australians who were fighting shoulder to shoulder with him in the Transvaal, and it was pleasing to a New Zealander who regarded him thus favourably to know that the citizens were (roing to entertain him and treat him kindly during his stay among them—(Applause.) If a lady or a gentleman would sing him a good patriotic sons, or play _ him _ a tune on the piano, he would sit smoking his pipe for hours enjoying the company.—(Applause.) While in Sydney the Now Zealanders were camped for five weeks beside the Imperial troops, and found them the best of fellows. Every one of them had three good-conduct badges on Jus arm.—(Applause.) A man with a single badge on his firm had not earned it for nothing, ancl a man with three badges was a man who knew what his work was—a, man who could be trusted.—(Applause.) In answer to questions, the Mayor said that in the event 'of the citizens' offer being declined the fact would be made known by means of extras on Monday morning. Immediately the troopship arrived at the Bluff the question would be submitted to Colonel Wyndhum. The suggestion that tho city firebell should be rung if the offer was accepted was <m» he would be pleased to adopt. The hosts would have the pleasure of entertaining troopers either on Tuesday morning or afternoon. The citizens would probably bo asked to observe Tuesday as a holiday. _ Mr .T A. Parle gave a short speech, explaining the committee's plan for dividing the troops into sections. Hearty votes of thanks were accorded the Mnvor and his committee and Colonel Webb and his committee for the work they had done.


In the event of the citizens' offer of entertainment not being accepted by Colonel Wymlliam, the Mayor Fays the following programme has been arranged:—On arrival the mon will be marched to the Agricultural Hall, whero thov will be provided with supper, after which thoy will be taken to Port Clmlmei'B if their ship, the Britannic, is thero. If tho ship is not at Port Chalmer/5— if tho bar at the heads has prevented her from coming in—they will bo marched to camp at the Caledonian gronnd. On Tuesday morning or afternoon —the time has not been fixed yet—the troops will parade the streets of the city, and in view of the large population resident north of the Octagon, the mayor promises that the march will be longer than usual in that end of the town. As many of the mon will be mounted as the military authorities can find horses for. A smoke concert will bo held at night, and the men leave for the north early on Wednesday morning— probably at 7 o'clock. Three hundred and fifty men wero engaged at the Caledonian ground on Saturday afternoon, under the direction of Colonel Webb, in erecting tents for the accommodation, if necessary, of tho Imperial troops. One hundred and ten tents were erccted, giving accommodation for 880 men.




As has been already intimated, the most complete arrangements have been made for the billeting of the Imperial troops aB guests among the citizens of Dunedin and greater Dunedin—that is, including the adjacent suburbs. Most of the facts connccted with this matter wero stated at the meeting held on Saturday evening, and the kind of welcome tho soldiers are certain to receive on all hands may well bo judged from the manner in which tho complimentary remarks were received that were made by Trooper Waldie, one of "our boys" returned from South Africa, regarding his association with and admiration for Tommy Atkins, who, as he said, is at tho call of duty, ever roady to face death and to think nothing of it, going to it " just as we would go to work of a mominpj."

The original scheme of his Worship tho Mayor, which has now received the approbation of the military authorities here, is to be gone on with, and, considering its completeness, there is every reason to anticipate success, since the active, cordial co-operation of all concerned is fully assured. The plan of operations is as follows: —

Immediately upon the arrival of tho trains the various companies will bo at once marched, in chargo of an officer and detachment of volunteers, to their respective rendezvous, which have been determined upon after the question, of billeting has received full consideration. The arrangement of the districts so as to suit the strength of the various companies, and to enable each company to be kept within a distinct and moderate must have involved no small amount, of labour; but it lias been done, and the result will be seen upon an inspection of the

list. At the rendezvous of each of the districts to which the companies have been allocated the men will be met by their hosts, and at once taken to the homes of the people, who will feel honoured to entertain them. There is to be no delay whatever after the arrival of. the trains, and the fact that the troops are to arrive in two with half an hour's interval, will tend to facilitate the work of the committees. As an additional precaution, and to avoid any possibility of doubt and confusion, every soldier when he lands in Dunedin will have in his pocket! a card giving his name,, the name of his regiment, and also the name and full address of his Therefore, should any soldier become detaohed from his company the nearest bystander would be able at once to take him where lie has to no. Should the night be very wet (and Mr Paulin lias undertaken to do his best to provide suitable weather), in order to prevent as far as possible the troops from suffering any discomfort, immediately upon their arrival at the Dunedin railway station they will be inarched to the Garrison Hall, whence they will be told off under cover to their various rendezvous; in the other event they will bo taken direct from the railway station. Should the weather be unfavourable, notwithstanding the temporary inconvenience this will cause it will obviously be of great benefit to the men to go to weatherproof comfortable homes where they will be well looked after and amply provided' for! It is suggested that on the following morning, while the troopers are all off duty, the hosts entertain them in various ways, as opportunity offers, such as by short excursions in and around the town, or drives, but giving the men ample time to get ready for the parade, whicli will probably be called at 11.30 a.m. It is anticipated that the troops will be dispersed again between naif-past 1 and 2 o'clock in the afternoon at the railway station, whence they will be taken by their hosts back to tlieii homes, and dined. Then in the afternoon the morning's programme may be repeated, with such variations as are agreeable,

In the evening the men arc (in the event of the programme thus far being carried out) to he entertained at a smoke concert in the Agricultural Hall. This is to be under the management of Sergeant-major M'Callnm and Quartermaster Sergeant Moncrief, who have had a .vide experience in these matters; and as, moreover, they are to be assisted by Mr N. Bell, of the Civilians' Committee, the entertainment will be good and appropriate in every way. The sergeants of the district will bo invited to wait upon and entertain the guests, and it should also be mentioned that as tho result of a conference it has been determined to follow in this respect the ordinary custom, so that in sending tickets to the hosts ladies will not be invited to the smoke concert.

With regard to Tuesday's proceedings, the Mayor has had to contemplate the possibility of Colonel Wyndham not falling in with the billeting scheme, and in that event the character of Tuesday night's entertainment will be changed. ' It will not in that case he a " smoke concert," but a " social," at which those who would have been their hosts will cater, and the gallery will be wholly reserved, so that the ladies and those connected with the households to which the soldiers were invited will bo cntitlod to attend, THE CITIZENS' LISTS. In the event of the principal programme being carried out the citizens' lists will be of interest and assistance to all concerned,. They show the suggested districts and rendezvous, and are as follows:— District No, 1. Rendezvous—Southern Market Reserve. Brew, Richard, 119 Maitland street 1 Barr, James, 29 Jones street 2 Wilkie, A., 35 Lees street 2 Reynolds, W. E., 47 Lees street „ 2 Cunningham, J. W., 3 Lees street .. .. 2 Denniston, G. L. 49 Lees street 2 Walmsley, Mrs, 45 Manor place ... 2 Major, Mrs J., 78 Manor place .. .. .. 2 Hay, Mrs, 2D Manor place .. 2 Moss, H., G Melville street .. .. .. 1 Watt, Newton, 11 Melville street 2 M'Lean, J., 13 Melville street 2 Fielden, W., 98 Maitland street « 2 21 District No. 2. Rendezvous—Corner Hope and Walker streets. Carroll, John, Gladstone Villa, 153 Walker street .. .. 3 Jeavons, W. H., 128 Walker street „ 2 Smith, Mrs G. P., Walker street 3 Beck, Joseph, 6 Walker avenue n 2 King, H., 11 Walker avenue 2 M'George, Mrs J.-, 161 Maitland street .. 1 Rodger, Thotnas, 12S Stafford street .. ..2 Crawford, A., Hope street, care Mrs Kemp 1 Deacon, A., 21 Hope street 2 Benfree, H. B'., 43 Manor place .. 2 Geddes, AV. G,, 19 Hope street „ £ '22 District No. 3. Rendezvous—St. Matthew's Church. Chapman, C. R., Empire Hotel, Princes street 4 Bell, N". H., 48 Stafford street 2 Etlmond, Mrs J., 77 Stafford street „ 2 Edroond, W. F., 79 Stafford street .. 2 Curzon-Siggers, Rev. W. f 22 Stafford street 2 Ritchie, George, SO Stafford street .. .. 2 Graham, R. G., Brooklyn House, 111 Stafford street .. 1 Black, Mrs M., 108 Stafford street ~ 2 Thomson, A., 110 Stafford street .. 2 Boyd, Mrs W. 8., 108 Maitland street 2 Kerr, C. W.,,197, Maitland street .. .. 2 Cook, Edmund, 39 Hope street 1 Mncdonnld, Dr, 59 High street n ~ 2 26 District No, 4. Rendezvous—Corner High and Graham streets. Esther, George, Montpellier .. ~ 2 Woodhouse, J. EV, Montpellier .. .. 1 Crust, Henry, Montpellier „ „ „ 2 Durie, A. 8., Montpellier .. ... .. .. 2 Wales, N. Y. A., 31 Alva street 2 Abbott, J., 65 Serpentine avenue, William street 2 Dickinson, J. H., 63 Sorpentine avenue ~ 1 Wishart, D., 3 Grant street 2 Taylor, W., Serpentine avenue 2 Lane, Mrs W;, 104 Maclaggan street „ 2 Lane, W., jun., 106 Maclaggan street 2 Mitchell, Mrs, 114 Maclaggan street .. 1 Finlayson, Mrs J., Maclaggan street .. 2 23 Bistbict No. 5. Rendezvous—Comer Manse and High streets. Stephenson, Dr, 33 High street .. 2 Prain, J. T., 4Ga, High street •> .. S Austin, Mrs, 37 High street 2 Wood, W., 47 High street .. ... „ .. 4 Colquhoun, Dr, 44 High street .. .. 3 Greenwood, H. J., 90 High street, care Mrs Kitching .. .. 1 Haggitt, W. C., 90 High street, care Mrs Kitching 1 Blnudford, Mrs, 88 High street 2 Jack, Mrs T,, 94 High street 2 Moller, Mrs A., 1 Clarke street ~ 2 Lean, S., 3 Grant street 2 ' 24 District No. G. Rendezvous—Scoullar and Chisholm's Corner, Cornish, Thomas, Terminus Hotel, Kattray street 2 Hardy, H. F., Crown Hotel, Rattray street 2 Martin, W., Supreme Court Buildings, Liverpool street .. 3 West, Thomas, Maclaggan street .. .. 2 Armstrong, J,, 70 Ra'Vay street .. .. 1 Oalteley House, Rattray street and Dowling street .. 2 Mercer, W., 89 Rattray street .. 2 Campbell, J. M., 103 Itattray street „ ~ 2 Bolt, Hon. W. M., 6 Duncan street ~ ~ 3 Talboya, W. T,, 2 Brown street ~ ~ 2 Alves, W., 77 Canongate strest .. ~ 2 Veitch, R. D., 46 Canongate street 2 Ibbotson, W., 56 Canongate street 2 Taylor, John, 32 Canongate street ~ 2 M'Parlane, John, 21 Clark street, Canongate 2 M'Arthur, Mrs H,, 11 Russell street .. 2 MTarlane, John, 21 Clarke street, Canongate 2 Gibson, J., 67 Duncan street .. ~ .. 2 Dawson, W., 61 Duncan street ~ „ „ 2 Bridger, A. H., 43 Duncan street .. .. 2 Dick.inson, Ti H., 68 Duncan street .. .. 2 Scott, W., 41 Elip row 2 Lilly, Alfred, 1 Elm row .. .. .. ~ l Mowftt, Andrei?. 39 Arthur street ~ 2 Spedding,- D. Mv, jun., corner Arthur street and ,York place 1 Denchrass, J0hn,.67 Arthur street .. 2 March,-C. 83 Artjiur street 1 Braithwaite, J., 199 York place 2 Gregg, William, 152 York place 2 ! ' 66 •District JCo. 7. Rendezvous—St. Joseph's Cathedral. Corliss, P., :140 York place 2 Chapman, J. 11., 181 York place 1 Dick, Peter, 125 York place 2 Wallace, John, 13 Arthur street 2 Tonkin, Joan, 16 Arthur street Sundstrom, Captain, 4 Arthur street „ 2 Boenicke, R., 90 Cargill street .. „ i Gascoigne,. A. E., 71 Cargill street.. .. 2 Moncrieff, J., 54 Cargill street 2 Adams, A. S., 42 Cargill street .. „ 2 Longford, Mrs, 14 Albert street „ .... 1 Eastabrook, C.', '2 Albert street 3 24 District No. 8. Rendezvous—Corner Pilleul and Cargill • ■ streets. Betts, Mrs, 100 Dowling street 1 Shepherd, T. K., Brandon Villa, Dowling street .. 2 Saunders, Rev. W., View street 1 Bcgg, M., 3 Smith street 2 Hamilton, E., Panama House, Stuart street 2 Bagley, A., 4 Cargill street .. .. .. .. 2 Spinks, Mrs, 99 York place .. . ... .. 2 Jones, Mrs M., 35 York place 2 Oliver, J., 33 York place 1 Smith, E. R., 75 London street , .. 2

Reynolds, E. C„ 77 London street.« .. .. 2 Brown, J., 70 London street „ 1 Mann, Jas., 88 London street 4 Dodds, H. H., 12 Scotland street 2 Mackenzie, A. 8., 15 Scotland street . .. 2 Bannatyne, W. L., i Royal terrace .. .... .. 2 Hudson, R, sen., 24 Royal terrace 5 Bartlcman, Mrs C., Boval terrace 1 Morrison,'John, 60 Boyal terrac© .« •• «• 2 Moore, F. Z., 55 Koyal terrace 1 Wood, George, 59 Koyal terrace .. ..., ... 2 Cioft, W. J., Eoyal terrace 2 Clark, P. L., 72 Koyal terrace 3 Torrance, I. A., 68 Royal terrace 2 Mollison, J, 12 Heriot tow .. .« •• 2 Anderson, George, 67 Heriot row .. .. ... 1 Jones, Fitz., 18 Constitution street .. 2 Fulton, Dr, 2 Pitt street 2 Israel, G. C., Pitt street (Bank JT.Z.) .« .. 2 : 56 District No. 9. Rendezvous—Moray Place Congregational Church. Macdonald, Mrs D., 45 Moray place .. .. 2 Young, William, 80 Moray place .. .. ..1 Fea, James, 53 Moray pfaco (Club House) 2 Wells, C., 47 and 49, Moray place (Gladstone Homo) 4 M'Kechnie," John, 93 Moray place .. .. 2 Adamson, E. L., 109 Moray place .. .. 2 Gibb", Rev. James (First Church) 2 Ackroyd, E., !7 Moray place .. .. .. ..1 M'Gill, James, 75 Moray place .* .. .. 1 Low, J., Town Hall, Octagon 2 Robin, J., 36 Octagon .. 1 Traynot, Mrs J., 15 Octagon (Ross's Buildings) 2 Gray, A,, Oban Hotel, 11 Ociagon 6 Criterion Hotel, Princes streit 15 Miller, Mrs A., 12 Pitt street 1 Wilkinson, J. A., 108 St. Andrew street .. 2 Bastings, W. F., Victoria Hotel, Cumtfiland street 4 Buchanan, Mrs, 41 George street 2 Waghorn, R., Stuart street .. ~ .. .. 2 U District No. 13. Rendezvous—Hanover street Baptist Church. Brown, 47 Hanover street 2 Ledge; wood, J., 30 Hanover j-treet .. .. 1 Willis, If. E., 2 Hanover stro;t .. .. .. 1 Bowers, Mrs J., 93 Frederick street .. .. i Carrington, J., 14 Filleul street 2 iiainton, C. 8., 64 Fille-al street 1 M'Pherson, A., 9 Filleul street 2 Riddell, W., 7 Great King street 1 Dryselale, 1)., 82 Great King street .. .. 2 EtUeridge, J., 96 Great King street .. .. 2 Johnson, Julius, 8G Great King street .. .. 2 Marshall, G. 11., 9 London street 2 20 District No. 31. Rendezvous—Knox Church. Harris, W. H., University 2 Wales, P. Y., 96 Queen street .. .. .. .. 1 Bowling J. It., 58 Queen street 1 Calvert, Fred, 1 Queen street 2 Hungerford, Mrs, 184 Queen street 1 Mackerras, J. 'I'., 35 Forth place 2 Stewart, Mrs M., 37 Forth place .. .. .. 2 Broad, A. C,, Cosy Dell 2 Bull, Walter, 193 George street 2 Russell, A., 205 George street 2 Wilson, F. J., 229 George street 2 Helmoro, P., 300 George street 2 Gruar, John, 308 George street 2 Wilkinson, Mrs H., 3&1 George, street .. .. 2Whitson, T. AY., 331 George street .. ..2 Manning, F. R., 360 George street 3 Spragg, S. t 364 George street 2 Neil, J., 296 George street 2 Angus, John, 4(J5 George street .. .. .. 2 Hutchison, J., 403 George street .. .. *. 1 Black, Mrs, 485 George street .. .. .. .. 2 King, Mrs, 477 George street 2 Brown, J. N., 144 George street .. .. .. 2 43 District. No. 12. Rendezvous—Albany street Post Office.. Summorcll, G., 71 Albany street, city ~ 2 Grindlcy, W., 55 Albany street, city .. ..2 Rosevear, E., 122 Albany street, city .. .. 2 Hutton, E. H., 74 Union street, city .. .. 2 Clark, J, J., 1 Union street, city 2 lies, E., 61 Union street, city 2 Good, AY., 147 Great King street, city .. .. 2 Yorston, A., 278 Great King street, city .. 2 Raynor, F. R., 233 Great King street, city.. 2 Duke, PJ,, 284 Great King street,' city .. 2 Fulton, E. H., Union street, city .. 1 ' 21 District No. 13. Rendezvous—Back of Hospital. Heenan, D., 225 Cumberland street , ..2 Crawford, W., 202 Cumberland Btreet- .. 2 Wallace, AV., 269 Cumberland street .. 2 Marshall, J., 273 Cumberland street .. 2 Russell, Mrs M. A., corner Frederick and Cumberland streets 2 Lyon, Richard, 177 Castle street .. .. 1 Gray, Mrs AV., 162 Castle street . r .. .. 1 Edgar, C. F., 256 Castle street 2 Abornnthy, J., 305 Castle street ........ 2 Wilkins, C. D., 37 Clarendon street .. .. 1 Newman, AV. A., 21 Hyde street .. 2 Aburn, S., 38 L'eith street .. .. .. .. 2 Brundell, C. E., 198 Castle street ... .. 1 Inglis, H. 11., 77 Castle street 1 23 District No. 14. Rendezvous—Comer Dundas and Cumberland streets. Greig, R., 141 Leith street ~.. ~ „ 2 Goldsmith, S!, 143 Leith street .. ~ .. 2 Short, J. C., 159 Leith street 2 Benfell, Mrs, 214 Leith street * 1 Corsaji. Mr, 216 Leith street .. 2 Bolt, W. M., jun., 224 Leith street 2 Bannister, S. S., 235 Leith street .. .. 2 Foster, John, 79 Albany street .. .. .. 2 M'Callum, J. 8,, 208 Leith street .. .. 2 Jago, J. W., 241 Leith street 2 Gibson, Mrs Margaret, 17 St. David street 2 Tilbury, Richard, 83 Dundas street .. ..2 23 , District No. 15. Rendezvous—Dundas street bridge. Oliver, J. H., 114 Dundas street 1 Russell, Mrs R., 108 Dundas street .. 2 Ross, C. D., 122 Dundas street .. .. 2 Paterson, Captain H., 180 Dundas street .. 1 AValton, T. E., 13 Clyde street 2 Butler, J. W., 14 Clyde street 2 Balaille, Captain J. D., 18 Clyde street .. 2 Paterson, Mrs J., 29 Clyde street .. .. 2 Treseder, Peter, 46 Clyde street 2 Allen, James, M.H.R., 90 Clyde street ... 3 Smith, C. S., 81 Clyde street 1 Duthie, John, 70 Clyde street .. .. .. 2 Smith, AY. R., 82 Forth street 1

District No. 16. Rendezvous—North Dnnedin Presbyterian Church. Barnes, Mrs M., 76 Forth street .. .. .. 1 Nugent, J. S., 2 Harbour terrace .. .. 1 Barth, A. J., 172 Queen street '~ .. 1 Stewart, T., 14 Duke street 2 Atchiey, E. W., 16 Duke street 2 Ultich, Mi's, 53 Duke street 3 Hmtgerford, J., 18t Queen street 1 Harvey, J. J., 14 Grange street 1 Moss, Mr, 22 Grange street 1 Brittendon, W., Dumfermlino road, Opoho 2 Driver, R., Pine Hill terrace 2 Calder, G., North-East Valley 1 Bradley, W. M., Calton, North-Bast Talley 1 Sims, J. J., Gladstone road, North-East Valley, at tram terminus .. .. 2 Begg, John, Selwyn road, North-East Valley 1 Balsille, Mrs G., Lauderdale, North-East Valley ■ 1 Cox, H., Normanby 1 23 District No, 17. Rendezvous—Corner Michia and Ross streets, Roslyn. Snowdon, G., Belleknowes .'2 Heatley, J., Granville terrace, Belleknowes 2 Smith, C. R., Michie street, Belleknowes.. 2 Tapper, A. E., Michie street, Belleknowes.. 4 Allan, Mr, Preston crescent, Belleknowes.. 1 M'George, A. C., Mrs, Michie street, Roslyn 1 Paterson, H., Michie street, Roslyn ~2 Duncan, J., Michie street, Roslyn .. .. 5 Chisholm, R., Mayor, Ross street, Roslyn.. 4 Macpherson, John, Michie street, Roslyn .. 2 Matthews, W. 8., Canadian House, High street, Roslyn „ 2 21 District No. 18. Rendezvous—Comer High and Ross streets, Roslyn. Chisholm, P., Bruce street, Hoslvn 3 Crawford, Mrs J., Bruce street, Roslyn .. 2 Howes, W., Hart street, Roslyn .. l Blackie, A., Ross street, Hoslyn .. .. 2 Todd, Mrs W., High street, Roslyn ~ ..2 Kemnitz, L., High street, Roslyn - .. .. 2 Gough, G. W., High etreet, Roslyn .. .. 2 Tait, J., Frederick street. Eoalyn ~ .. 2 Shaw, A., Frederick street, Hoslyn .. ;. 2 Stewart, E. C., Charlotte street, Roslyn, 08 High street ~ 2 Christie,.T.-8., Charlotte street, Roslyn, off High street 1 Howard, T., Alpha street, Roslyn, near Mr Callendor's .. .. 2 M'George, Mrs J., Alpha street, Roslyn ... 2 24 District No. 19. Roslyn Council Chambers. Olsen, R., City toad, Roslyn 3 Green, N., City road, Roslyn 3 Simpson, H., King street, Sunnyside, Roslyn .. .. 3 Dunbar, J., Swanson street, Roslyn 1 Fairbairn, T. 8., Town Belt, Roslyn .. 1 Armitage, H. W., Lower James Btreet, Roslyn 1 Scott, J. R., Main road, opposite Bishopscourt, Roslyn .. ~ n Thomson, J. N., Newington road, Nevada., 3 Proctor, F., Newington .. 2 Chisholm, H, M., Pacifio street, Nevada ~ 2 Wilkinson, F., Pacifio street, Nevada .. .. 2 Watson, M., Pacifio street, Nevada ~ i Ford, D. &., Waverley Btreet, Littlebouroe.. 2

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 11958, 4 February 1901, Page 5

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THE IMPERIAL TROOPS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 11958, 4 February 1901, Page 5

THE IMPERIAL TROOPS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 11958, 4 February 1901, Page 5


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