PORT CHALMERS. Time Bill .yr Pobt Chalmers. Now Zealand mean time at noon, calculated for the moru'ia" of longitude, in time 11 Ijaiira 30 minutes east of (ircemyiph; y,iU , be "signalled once a week by a. lime ball ! dropping rat the instant of moan noon. Ablusflag will be hoiked at the mast-head. Port Chalmers signnl station, on the forenoon , of the day when tho time signal is, to be given. '■ i ...... PHASES OI? THE Mm». , , FEDRUAIiY. First quarter ... ... 7th, 3.53 a.m. ■ Full moon .15th 1.20 a.m. Last quarter... ... ...23rd 4.10 a.m. Sun rises 5.29 a.m., sets 7.15 p.m. "■'. ; ;,; THE , ■ ■ • February.-o.t-8 a.m.: .Wind, N.E.; weather"'fair.'. Noon: Wvnd,.N.E.; weatherfine. 5 p.m.: Wind, N,.8.; weatherfine. '■■' . 3 a.m. Hopn. .5 n.m. Barometer .;: ... 30.20 30126 30.24 Tljeymometer ,: ; . ;, rl 46.0 62.0 . FORECAST.—Mr Paulin's report at 9.30 last night ran as follows:—'-N.'E. to N.W. '■■■winds. Fine for about 24 hours, and barometer falling." INTERCOLONIAL. AND COLONIAL REPORTS. (Peb United Piikss .Association.) , ■'-■■ WELLINGTON, February 15.The following are the 9 a.m. weather reports from "■■ Australian stations: —Albany, February 14:. Calm; bar., 30.0; gloomy. Hb- , bart,- February 14: Wind, N.; bar.', 29.90 ; light rain. Sydney, February i 5: '! Wind, Nfi'tja*., 29,.gQ;.fine, . : ... , ■' The.following- are the weather rppprts| from New .Zealand stations at .5 p.m.:—Manukan Heads:;AVind,S:, breeze: bar., 30.11; ther., 72; fine: sea, smooth. New Plymouth: Wind, S,W., Jiglit; : bar., '29.99; ther., 63 ; fine; .seji, smogtlj.: Caetje'ppint: Wind, S-W., . light j bar.; 30.14; ther., 68; fine; sea, moderate. Wellington: Wjnd, S., jjg!)t; bar., j 30.10;, ther., lO'.fef; finel AVestport: Wind, NJKf.vlightVftir;,: 30;i0;'-ther:, r67;' "fine; -sea, ' smooth. Kaikoura: . Wind, N. 13., light; bar., 30.10; ther.,' 65; cloudy; sea, smooth. Oamaru: Wind, N.E., ljg))!;j hay., 30.13; ther.,.57; fine; se.a, emooth. Bluff: Wind, E., light; bar., 29.95; ther., §9; fine. There, is;slowlyiincreasing pressure at, 4Jbaiiy, but at both Sydney and Hobart it has decreased steadily.. Low pressure from the west yrill pass eastward of the ltieridinn of South' Cape on the 18th, and there is evidence of ipdication ]that there is low pr.essure jn the Tasmaa Seaii} about lat.3i 5.,:.10ng. 157 E. ' ■■■■;: <\'■■■. ■■:';::".,;t: higjh!water.;, ;."'""' ■..■'...' February 16—>' a.m. p.m. , ■■■' At" the' Heads , w, .... ,3.52 4.8 i! At Port. Chalmers _ ■'»..• 4.32 4.4g vAt Dunedin ... w 'J. 5.17 5.33
'.■..' Indralefna.j |.s.,'. 3159 tone,. Baker, from New Ybrki via Melbourne, Sydney, and northern ports. Hicks, Swift, and Co., agents." ..;■, -. ; , .. ~. '■.■.'.■. ' .'.■" ■.■ ■:■■ ■ ■': ■ Undaunted, s.s., 3159 tons, S.'Elcoate, from ',' 'Japan, via Newcastle and the. Bluff. A. S. i Eaterson and Co., agents. f Flora, s.r, 838 tons, Beaumont, from Aucki land, via East. Coaflfc. \; Passengers: Mes- ; dames Humber and 2 children, Hall, Brown, i Pollock, .Pardy, Siaeey,. IJeijry, v Edie, Ryan, : Brfiomfield, Hunter, Misses Brown, Pollock, jHercus (2), Purdie; Messrs Columb', Humbe,r, Hall, .Spencer, .Ooutts,- Wo'odhill, Pardy, . Stacey, Henry, Broomfield,; Welsh, Hunter,. Hutchison, Shanks, and Master,' ../■'■'-:,: DEPARTURES. .. .» Annie Hill, schooner, 121 tons, Hansen, for Stewart Island. H. (Jijthrie, agent, Talune, 8.5., 1370' tons; Spinks. for. Sydney, via- Wellington. Passengers: MeSdames Halj.eiis|ein;«'■ lilprpeth, Flptejjer, Hart; Dickel,;'FotlieringKain, ,' Ipgjis, is'Pougall ; Shjffß}1,'1 Xor/^ief) FDtliergill.Wurn.s and . infant, De Beer, . Fels, Smithsoh, Brownlie, Berry, Scott, Burnett- (2), Jackson, Misses Buttervrorth, Buchanan (2)'' and 2 children, Duffy, Jack,. Lattan, Cameron j Cannon, Burns, Berry. Read, Vipert, Curtis, Bariiett/'Fietdher, Wilkinson, Taylor (2), Swan*(2), Messrs J.. Houston, G. Harris, -Hallensteiri; Fels,' M'Ddugali; Shiffer. Cocksley, Connelly.; Fletcher,- Reynolds, Slattery, Faulkner.I''.Ross, Dallas, Mitchell, Hodge, ■ Young, Swari;'Scott, Burnett (2), !' Inglis, Williamson, Milligan, Kennway, Middleton, Berry; and 17.steerage. '!V . . : ;!:-^t;BXPECTED^ARRivALs. '-. From! Glasgow.—Aberfoyle, ship, left Lon^ don January ' 2. - ■ ■■'■■' ' ■ '.. . From Liverpool.—Nelscn, ship (Neill and Co.), sailed7 October if); nosy at Wei-' lington. .'.. "iOrari, barque' (Neill arid Co.), sailed'December-3;. due "March 5.., 'From '■'.■ Sydney.—Mokbia, February 17. Maraioa,. February. 18. ';' - ; ' '' ' ■ • . Frorai: Melbburne.'=-rjilonowai, February 20.: From -Auckland,-^Te "Anau, February. 22. Aratapu, brigantine,: left: January 11, '■ ' j From" Eaipara.—Sarah and Mary, early. Enterprise, early. -.•• .'. . . "■' j ;" From'vWestport.-^Corinna,. February, 16.' .'I From Greymouth.—Taupo, February 19,' ' PRp.TEqTED DKPARTURKS. , j . Fqr Melbounie.—MpkpkVi February 18. F6i: ;^y^ney,—Mararoa] February 20. Monowaiv*,Fel>ruary22.."''..".,.,-,■... '■■; ■; . ; '/For: Auckland.—F]ora,\February! 16. .', : ■ Fbr" : Greymouth,r-7Ta.(ipp,.February 21, ; For " Westport.—Odrinna, 'February, 18. | MOVEMENTS OF DiRECT STEAMERS. '.■'■■■. ''''>'.:"''^l'y.}/''i'Tp: 'AimWß: ',",'. ~..'■■■.; At. 'Auckland,—Waimate, left ' Plymouth, Januaiy^ll^'left.CapeJsown.F^brijary 3. ;. ■'. At Port Chairiiers'.-—Karainea (N.M. and A. Co.);.left Natil January 8; due February>2o. Rangatira (M.R.'and Co.), left London January 10;.' diie1 March 6. , •;.. ~,,.. ~...,,.. y --■ At ' Wellington.'^Maori, left Plymouth January 22. ', ,\ '~' [,[.', ..'■...■.'.-'..:' At. ":L,jrttelton,rr=Whakatane,, left ; London- ; February 9,: .:'";', . ;,'. ..'.. ■~ ~~. ~ ,;, ... "'■"';■' ''''' ■". '""'. ■'■:'".'';j TO DEfABT. ■'■. ''' ' A: :' •■•' From Wnllington.—Papanui, February 24-. > Bakeha,■■'Mft»h. X- ,;Kar.iHnea,! Mnroh 8, ■,-.. . ■; Frqm Ijyttelton.—Ruahine, .February - 24. ( lonic, March 1. . . .■■.■'.." From; Port,' Chalmers.—lndralemaj about ' February 16;! '. ;.; ,'':.."■..',. ' ; \ , :.. ', From tlie Bluff.^Banffßhire,: February 20, : ' '; • ; HOMEWAED' BOUND. ..';...'.:' ; '.. Nairnshire, from Wellington, Degember 27. M^tatu^^fram'iPort'.Olialmers, December 30. Waikato, from Wellington,. January 2. Ra.■iaiajvfrom* Wellington, January 3.- Delphic, from Wellington, January 10... Star of Australia,, from Wellington, January 22. . Guirloch, from Lyttelton, January ,36, . Star, of . Victoria, from Wellington, ; January. 27/ . Paparoa,.'from Wellington, January,2B. Ota- '; rama;' from Lyttelton, January 31.
;/■ SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. AUOEIjANO,; February 15.—Sailed: Mftpqurikfi,* for New Plymouth and Wellington. ' Passengers: Misses Waltham, Kerr, Hodgson, j Goodwin, -; Mesdamee,' : Wakerley, Irtglis, M'Aufllie am] .child,' Fletcher, Hojt,".Knight"' and 2 Williams, Somerville, Mor- ■; rison,', Moginie, Jackson .and... maid, Boss, .' Messra,L. Benjamin, M. Hayinan, Summer, A. IJ. :Entrican,' Moginie, . Rasso, Copk, Roskridge, Jameson, F. Hobson, Cameron, W. Tay--; lor, Gray, Inglis, J. A. Grant, H. Holt, J. leaser, Murgatroyd, R. G. Iversley D .Slo'ane, R: M'Vigh, F. Wells, Somerville, Dr j Scott; 15 steerage.——The" barque Asterion ! whicb"is-now-under, the Norwegian flag, has: arrived from Baker Island, via Apia. She, proceeded frqniNelson to Baker Island to! load guano,ib'ut finding several vessels'there. waiting to' load, came on to Auckland for NEW ; JPLYMOUTH, February 15:—Arrived :'■ Gairloch, from Onehunga, with the in-. ward San Francisco mail, which connected with a special train. NAPIER. February 15.—Arrived: Papanui, from Timaru. . ;." " ' WELLINGTON. February 15.—Arrived: Elingamito and Takapuna, from the south. Sailed: Lady St. Anbyn, schooner.- for Kaipara; Elingamite; for Sydney, via Auckland and tho East Coast:——Sailed: Mokoia, for the south, -with 163 excursionists. . T.W-CELTQN, February, iS.-Arrived: Jerfalcon,*barq"uentiue. from Maiden It-land; Rosamond, from Greyrnoutb.——Sailed:, Hinemoa, for- Wellington; Hemitangi, for Wellington and Wa'nganvti; Tutanekai, for Akaroa, with the Governor and party; Rotomahana, for Wellington. ■'■' ' BLUFF, Febmary 15.—Sailed: Wanaka, for A Tevvca.9tle: Puliaki, for Oamaru. SYDNEY, Febrviary 15.—Arrived::. Zealandia, from Wpllitiqton. MELBOURNE, February 15.-Sailed (yesterday) : Monowai, for. the Bluff. THE FIRE ON THE AOTEA. WELLINGTON, February 15.—A further inspection sliows that all tho casing of the' boilers of the Aotea has been on fire. Forty men are engaged night and day re-covering the boilers, ,aud the .vessel will be detained till the middle, of next week., * ■ . ■ .
The s.s.. Flora, from Auckland, via Bast Coast ports, arrived yesterday at 10.15 a.m., •and was berthed at the Rattray .street wharf. She left Auckland ontlie lltli met., and called at the usual way ports. She-sails on the return trip this afternoon. The steamer Annie Hill left for Stewart Island yesterday to load a cargo of timber for ■Lyttolton. . The B.s. Talune left for Sydney, via Wellington,; yesterday afternoon. The g.B. Banff shire is getting on rapidly ;#ritTi her loading, and is to leave Port Chal'inere to-day for London, .via the Bluff. ' ito time was lost in putting out the cargo asc €hg Indralema at Port Chalmers yester'ggj^ !gajdjj;-^ras--gb,e TOade, fast ._at-the
George street pier when a gang of Messrs J. Mill and Co.'s stevedores wero alongside with their gear, and Urn work of taking out her cargo was smartly carried on.
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Bibliographic details
Otago Daily Times, Issue 11659, 16 February 1900, Page 4
Word Count
1,190SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 11659, 16 February 1900, Page 4
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