PUBLISHED BY SPECIAL ARRANGKMKXV. MACGILLEROY'S MILLIONS, .By TZA DUFFUS IIAttDY. Axuhor of " In the Springtime o.' Lovo," " Love '- in Idleness," ' Tho Gul Ec Did Xos ilarry," " A Woman1.. Loyalty," . " A New Othello," "; Only a Love Story," etc. [OOPYKIGHT.j
■ U, . - ' A Truthful Narrative of Great Suffering., and A Radical Ciire.! THE CASE OF MRS. JAMES WILLIAMS.. . . , (From the " Marrickville Jievietv," IG/7/9S.J with me from the first. It gave my shab(by our special reporter.) tered nerves a calm and peaceful tone,-thus " Get the plain, unadulterated truth ! » J!™^ "ie *° «et Some ™tural the These were the- instructions given to our *ant™*h"* , i • ' reporter when he was'despatched to inter- Was Killing Me. , s view Mrs. James Williams, of Holmesdale •It strung me together,-and braced me up, Street, M.u-rickviUe, Sydney and 1' soon got that I could stand more - Our Reporter wa^e fortunate enough to find noise and conversation, which only recently1' Mrs. Williams at home, and on his explain- would have thrown liielnto ing the motive of his visit -that lady ac- AqV v- -m-.. - I coidetl him a most nearty welcome. No Js. an&sing D-it. i ''"Vj:5; one, to look at Mis. Williams now, would The remedy gave me" an appetite, and -1J ever suspect thAt she had suffered from any ' could eat a hearty meal." '^ ~ serious illness. She is a fine specimen of a. " I suppose you,"soon became entirely ie-, woman, and'looks in grand health. Our re- suscitated ?"' -_ ' I-u [jorter complimented her on her appearance. "Yes, being'able to sleep and eat'once • " 1 was vc-ry different a little while ago," more, I soon got;strbng, and my cheeks fille-1 • said Mrs. Williams, with a smile. ollt rapidly. ,A ;fej\v bottles "completely-put "And that's, what I want to hear all me right. I ;am sure .there is nVremeclv in, 'about," responded the newspaper man. le world to, "be of 'in 'the sanuj' "I suffered," continued Mrs. Williams, breath with 'Clements Tonic, and I h'avf "from great proof of that, for,'in addition to my cnvir G-eneral Debility and Nervousness, cure> n for I was seriously ill for many months." Rescued my Little Girl, " , " How do j'ou account for it, Mrs. °f three and a, half years of age, from a Williams?" , most distressing malady." " I vias travelling by rail once, and three "?, lo. u^ c 'e;T mucn to hear about pickpockets followed me, and jostled me as thafcjj'Vsaid our repiit icy. ■, - ' ') [was getting into the car, and they sue- <:'W.ell, I-will tell you -all' about, it. "I < ceeded in picking my pocket of my purse, *°°k tHe child to a funcra), and I now'thiuk which contained >~ considerable sum in gold. '* was a very unwise thing to do. -'My. little They were very violent, and the shock of it girl-was very frightened, and weut off in a" .ill " dead Seriously-Upset Me. Paint at the Graveside." A few seconds after the assault I got ve"ry " What was the result ?" faint in the train, and then commenced to "For seven months she suffered from vomit violently. From that moment I date what the doctors said was .11 my trouble When I got home I was yifcus> DancQ Entirely Prostrated. Herlimbs would , hake ard moye '. n Ternbie headaches came on, which were so way. In addition to this eczema broke on: violent as to nearly drive me mad. It was all over the back of the child's head. It *a<Leu times worse than neuralgia. Day by day a very bad'case.. She was a.fine fat.phild beI got worse. I had'no-longer any desire for fore she received i,he sliockj,© herftnefVVs j food, and I never got any sleep, but only spoke about, Hut* afterwards got-very-.ihin dropped oft'-non-and- again into an uneasy < Her appetite was very queer, and she craved ■loze. Then I should get wide awake in a for strange foods." momenc, and find myself '« How came you to give the chil.i - Shaking all Over. ' C 1?? m _ants. Tonic, Mrs v Williams ?" . ,-,- T " J T i,' ', .' '' J *'I read a;case-in'a little book very ii'vi.Of course I notable to do any of my that of my child's, "it much im P re SS cVn f * .louseworK. - aud j stArte - a to ■ th hild C 1 "Isuppose not, Mrs. Williams. I wonder Tonic. , Perhaps you will hardly behove^*t ..t your being able to get about at all. ' but it -is perfectly true, two bottles ' "Yes, during the earlier stages, of my , •) . .disease I, managed,to get up And sit in a ' Entirely Cured Her chair, and sometimes I fe\t &s though the of both her' complaints—the St. Vit'is chair was sinking through the floor with me, dance and' the , eczema. I was .astonished i and at other times I should feel benumbed that the remedy should drive away these I all over. And when I attempted to stand two very serious ailments" so very speedily jup I was seized giddiness, and fell The child at once started to eat with a j back in my chair." natural appetite, and got fat and well in no "Were there any other marked symp- time. Clements Tonic cured the St Vitus' toms?" Dance'in " Yes, in addition to the headaches I have » -rt n ■»«■ spoken of I had a, pain in the chest and A MarVeiiOUS Manner, between the shoulders. It felt as though aa<^ tne little girl's head was perfectly clean chore was a moving ball of wind around my *v a very short time. So now you can see heart." why I have such faith' in Clements Tonic." " Had you obtained medical advice at this "And may we publish all this,' Mrs. timr?" -- • Williams?" " Yes. One doctor thought '" Every word of 'it. It is but my duty t« T.j_ finnwimminn make it»'lcn?Wt«. that other sick ones nia\ lc was Consumption have the beiefit of Clements Tonic as m * Uiat had attacked me, and another medical • child and myself di'l. , - man suggested that fatty degeneration of - the heart was the cause of this pain. They STATUTORY dppi arattav prescribed for me, but their medicines had ~ K^SSSiSSJSS Ho«c no efiect upon my complaiut. Then they ,treet, MarrickviDe,' near Sydney, in the Colony orSeu recommended a change of air aud scene— South Wales, do solemnly »nd sincerelj declare that they said nothing, else would do me any l h*ve owefully read the annexed document, consist good-but I wa^ unable to act on thi I&&&W<£S£^2^!Z% aavice.' or mj illness by Clements Tonic, and also " And how did it all end, Mrs. Williams ?''■ .contains ray full permission to publish' the same in " Well, I got from bad to worse, and I ."Ll^iv"^!- 1 '. nak« this solenin declaration con _~ t nrn j,i r 5 scientious.y believing the same to be true, and bwas 101 cea to virtus oi the jJrov lsions of au Act nude aud pabsep v 'Va'U-a +n rn-xr "R«rl the ninth year of theieign of her preEent Maic»is iaKe tO my ±Sea, intituled " An Act for the more effectual abolition d aud to eet my s,isler-in-l<xw to come to nurse S atna and Atfi'™*tions token and made in the lariou me I§had now got into such an irritable X^^^SSSSSS^ni^Z^^L and nervous state that the noise of the the inppreasiou of volunUr> and cxtra-judicicti Oitl traffic (and there is not much of that down a"d Affidavits." . _ this way) would throw me into fits of ' | trembling. I wasted away terribly and I s? a> * / ' / •*•* • was the colour of death. The many doctors .'■ *¥/)/: / /jC *%?// I who attended me weie unable to do anything '■ Ys(&&-£$&'Cn /^Vj4«sfjtj2o for me, and at lael iv Jf I ~ I They Gave me Up. _ , i r j a t- i-j. tiT , Declared at Marrickville, near Sydney this SOth I never expected to get better. I thought day of June,"ISOS, before me, °Ju"e. v- tß'B o'tn jmy end was near. I was in this state when ' 'kg BRERETO\ a neighbour brought me in a small bottle of T ..,. „„,,„„ ,' "' . A ' ' m i m -^ i <• n i m l cau ondorse every word mv wife b»w .. in Wi, Clements Tomc-lt was nearly full. She her cure a. we ]i asm.. ohUd's cure b " 'expressed me most earnestly to try it." Tsr.ic. ----- . vKji-.e.!.* " Which you did do ?" y "I did, and for which I am devoutly v (I S" tjiankful, for this small bottle was the be- loj^,, YY //', g>«sMingof my recovery from my dreadful ' I L<\sWcuytJ> &\a&vs. Clements Tonic worked wonders If
1 THE i^i5 tAB PK?DTJCED PI I.We EVER KNOWN'TO T HE: M EDICAL / ' jl ilAaLJbi^lP PROFESSION.:—, - ~y^ - - , ■ • If-You Suffer and Wish to be Cured, give it a Trial, when' You will enjoy Peace and Happiness. It has More Genuine Testimonials than ' Any Other —■« : _ nemecty m the Universe. The Medical Profession Pronounce it Wonderful. All Chemists and Storekeepers Throughout Australasia, . ~ sn j T ° ion/: "It is the most wonderful ointment I have Royal Hotei, Lismore, j ' Armidale, 31st December, 1896. quent, and during the last two ninnf),* l Macleay street, Potto Point, The Proprietor fT"i , ever known. ■It has, after a few applica- 22nd December, 1895. Mr R, J. Kelia', M.P.S., the well-known Ml> Frank M'Donald. s have not even hid any inft'SoT T L 4th January, 1896. J- x ropnetor ot L,on.bardia. tions, cured me most effectively, and I have- To F. M'Donald, Esq., proprietor of Lorn- chemist of Brewarrina, having used it Dear Sir,—l must apologise for mv at)- certain it is the best ointment I have p™--Uy dear M'Donald,—l suffered tenibly IJeal biT >— Having suffered for many had no trouble for the past 18 months. I bardia, • Sydney, writes as follows:" — : ' parent neglect.; ,1 thought Mr Sanford sent used, and""qiute, believe it will »ure sbvptp for many years from a most severe case of years, during which t'we I have been con- can recommend it to all." Dear Sir,—Having suffered for many years Darling River,. Brewarrina, me the ointment. When received I 'was cases.—Yours faithfully * Files, frequently being quite unable to walk stantly in a prostrate condition and h-tve ' fiom both external and internal Piles, dur- 14th August, 1895. rid of the Piles,-but gave some to a person ' '' E H-VYES in consequence of the great pain, which at tried almost every known remedy is well i Air J M Kino the widely known den mS whlch X consulted several'doctors, and Dear Lombardia,—l write to say your who was suffering from them ;he told me it , (im. ; s was almost insufferable, and rendered -, i., v ; m , , Ile >> Q I Kllj; vu x c meel;v, as well I-*nJ •M. kin o, tt lev, ldeiy -known den- even went as a ■ private patienfc salve has done me an immense amount of was splendid stuff. ."I have advised s-vpral ■~ ' n . it impossible for me to attend to an y busi- ai lmmf the bes* advice, all with- *»«^ of the Londori Dental Institute King to one of the g <j ney ho * ital goo d. I can confidently recommend sane.- persons to try it, and I believe hey hive J* 1 Mv^' «f Buttabone'Station, nesh. I tried all -orts of remedies, fiut got f^™ 1 ' s°™ short tune back I was in- and <*tail™g' »°' , relief from any- Yours faithfully, \ Should I ever have need to useit-whieh ) Van' c, n' >-S-W., although not afflicted no relief. Being prevailed upon to try your duced to try your great Pile Specific, Lorn- 11111.:— one, T luckily was' introduced "to you by R.J.KELLY. ■! I hope I shan'tr-I shall be pleased to let ' hlmseif f ' | las *ake, rt great interest ia the suenow well-known remedy, Lombardia, lam bardia. lam pleaded 10 *ay tint-after -i 98 King street» Sydney, Mr Sam Fielder, of Randwick. You very • . you know ::> result .of- apr>licatiori and > ° ■ Lombardla ' and has recommended pleased to say the effect of the application very short .space of t'me and with ' 1 2nd January, 1896. generously gave me a pot of your Lombar- Mr A. H. Pope, of Charters Towers won't forget it.—Yours truly, ' -S 8 useto maj}y°f his friends who. suffered. ! was Mmply marvellous. It is .several years f ew apphctions, the result In, ZZ «I^ S q. -■ dia which gave me, instantaneous relief, writes to say that it is the best stuff he has , ~ -"■ „ P. ; M. GARVIN."' - c mte 1) aS f°} lows : ~~ ,_ since I first used it, and up to the present • lprpf Tui w\ simplj Dear Sir,—l have much pleasure to m- and I have never suflered-any pain since, used. . I . ■'- . ■____ ; Butterbpne,-V sth January 1896 "" time, I haye not suffered the slightest incon- m"eul°JC; IJle great pam which I hitherto form you that a few applications of your and but very slight inconvenience. This is Church street, near Drillshed | ¥~ ff, TO n f f u 4\r t j „ '.■Frank M'Doiiald,,,Esq. J""' " '.emence. I have no hesitation in recom- suaeied « now—thani^c to your Lombar- celebrated Lombardia completely cured me some three or four-/years- ago, and I will Charters Towers, 27th December 1895 SnrinD- strif ■S* t fi v 9°-'' My Dear'Sir,-iJ,received yours of the 28th mending Lombaidia to all who suffer from dia—quile a thing of the pail and I feel it o[ a &everc ease of Piles. I may also men- always bear in mind your' kindness in re- i'l'o Lombardia. ' '. J^ frith in this say that he has December.-. .^Lombardia is'all ndit and ha« Pile?, feeling quite sure that they will have my duty to allow you to make use of this llon tllat &everal.of my friends to whom' I lieving me from such a life of misery as I Dear Sir,—l enclose postal note for 5s Dardia' '; : ™ c; ve luahties of Lorn- done good wor kto whoever I%aye it I •; 110 cause tc regret it. You can make use as you may desire, in order that those \vbn L- lV j recommended your remedy have de- used. tc live. * I have recommended it to Please forward another pot of Ointment, as ' 2 Swimr street- «<vrl,, ne Sood T work to whoever I |avc it.' I ;ol this as you think fit, as I-feel too much are Still suffering m -i 11 1 rived ■ gi-eat benefit from -it; therefore I several people, and I have, never'known it it gives me great relief. Would you mind 18t w-i 'i™ Va, rren > who was-a sufferer, and the "i cannot. . said in favour of your great the benpfih nl■!™ 7& D , ■ selv r es of consider you are deserving of success, which fail to give relief. I sent you a of sending it in a pot instead of a box, as the Dear Mr M'TWlrl Tl^ t f' 1 fet : -dressing forked wonders. He pro--1 s l)ecific.-Your S truly, %^^£^ m l^vM l Ido moß t heartily wish yon.-Youn. grate- birds indigenous to the . Richmond River, climate being so hot, the best of it ooze! s^^^fS^^tJZ^^ mi^> *rite' to y™ giVVyoii a?tS^ ! ~. . •:•■ JOHN M'ELHONE. * SP^^f, fully, which 1 trust you will do me the honour of away,before it arrives.-Yours truly, Foryears Lye S ufe d alod'dial ccT 1 ' ***- 4° a Pot-^rs sin-" % ■ ■ -. . XJ..GBNGB. 1 J.M.KD.O. J acceptmg, not : as. remuneration for what V A. H. POPE. from bleeoLg P^d h^JZt S oS ! ''' &$M ROBERT A HILL
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Otago Daily Times, Issue 11452, 17 June 1899, Page 3
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2,512Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Daily Times, Issue 11452, 17 June 1899, Page 3
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