'"■''' 'X rj'Ml- ■■■)'.''■'■ '^the^weAther^a:i i? ';.,' 'y ■: '■■ -■':■;"'', 'December7 21.—8 'a.m.':;.Wind N;E., weather; ■'.•.'■ :■'■ ,: showery.-; -/Noon:,tWind,.N.E.: weather, dull. ':;;:;. ". . : ; sp.m-:;W'ind;N,^!;f \vbatherxlult.v; i • >:V. ,;„: , :: '■'■;-.' ■.■ '.■■■ -'.•■■■;■■' ■■y::'y.',' ffiu-/j,y.i'^'mi:' -" :'■ No6ri.,: : , 5 p.m.-1.: - ; ■■' '.:Baremcter.^, :'; s;i?:29'94:::;: ■ 2S)'9S ' '" , 2!l'Sl. :',:- '":/■ ; Tliermoiaeter;a:^;i:i 560""pv .>• H2*0:..;;-.' :" 'lSO'S ■'.'{ '^■■■::.'-:'::\: I-^'^l^JJ^eV^ter; IH.^; ";: : >^:' : ■J V'.: ':.'; " -.v/ ■;:f:-.;Vu'rjU;th: e Heads iW - ... S; V-, ltts' ' Dec.■'22.|.AtPort-Chalmers ... 10.13 ■'-; WAS , ■:'S i:o:r:;C ';;»fe':-- *::;' ::Sy';!-.;::ABRivAL.'';;:::,;:.'":'.,:■', ;,,.■'".;'.. ;;,■■''■/>; ;.;:, : ' Napier,: 5.5.,.,48.t0n5, Mathieson,, from: Wai-: :-:,:', .':-- ,;:--y>- f;»wii.."K." L "Kamsay,,agent.-';;1,/);.,; 1 ;'.;'.11^..- ':■:: V '..V ■-;'" j :'-,.y-';;'^\v ; ;j^ : ::.'>>:"]?rj ;;:::f DEPARTURES^':-■,;':':;:iv'-::"•;.^;'; ~'-: :;:'. '■■;■.;'■.'' '.Napier,: 5.5.,:,48; tons,Mathiesoh, for Inye'rcar: ■ ...'■!;',.■■'■';?.•■ r gill."iE.'; Ram'say,:;agehti. v', * '' ';'.-.'". ■■■'■:;.'."..-,; .i■^^•■^;.L,::':■•:V^^'■IW^a^e!raiI':S!3.f'i2lJ9:ltorlsy:NeyiHeJ;fo]^;SJ|dney, -~-' /":■■■ '■-'. via Cook-Strait. :j;'Mills, agent;' Passengers... ■/.i'vi')V:..V ! MesdamestGilliest'faitf child),'. Greit, ...Kelletl,; :'.'■';': ?■ ; , :Scotilar!(and:-,child),'"Lindegard, Tenpent,,Oak '■■'■■'. '■ ' -:■■'. ■: den.-Patersorf.jMabkayj/Missesl.E.Smitli, 'Mills. 1 i-... V": (3), Lindeg'ard,!Chinthz,! Schuiriackef, M'Gregpr/ .•■■■> :"■■ ,■'''■;■■ ■'■•''■ ■L; Thorp;::M'EldbwneyV:;Blathwayt.(2), .M'Mul- ■■■■" -,■■-.". .■■ Jen,!Anderson, Macaridrey,:Gunn,'Messrs-Ten-, : ,■..".■,•:•■■■' nent,:JJbyey!M'Donald, Sraaille,'Cornwall; Blath- ■ .■■'.■.■''■;'■'*'- wiyt (3); Greit; Thomson,'Spence, Omand, Kay,. ":.. ' V: -Vv'■'-.'■'Scoftv .p.SA^/'Aitkepj :Tho3.:'Parker; Harris, '.;>.'..'. : : * v ■'',3Jaiigerad,';Mici;27'Bteerage^; ' '.-:)■, v .--.:''•/< '■'. '■■. O^rv''-v^'':''^^?^:^xpficrap;^isiyAiiS:-■■■•■■■ ■■' -■ ■'.'' ■"'■■■■.: V:: :'Fron*-!EondonJ^-Nor'-Trester; barque (August . :.'■'.: ■ '■:■''.; 81);.'. lipw.' due;* Lilla, 'barqua (September ..' . ■■.■■-..-■■'.'■ 23);Vdtfe January 2. -Margaret Galbraitbi -■■ :: : (November-iß);;due February 9. ,: ' !. '. 'V ■".■: ■':•: : iFroui ! Glasgow:—Soufcar,'ship (Juiie/SO); ,:;-.: vgailed from Mauritius October 23, due January '•■■/■.'■'■'': ', .vv'li'--V :'•■,■>:■.■■• '. ■ ■ ■ ' ''"',■ :': ':;' '.'■ ■' ■'' '•■■■'!■■■'■ ■-■..'."Prbm.liiyerpooli—Blenheim; barque (Septem-*-!'--ll)er; 19); -due December 18.-- Westland (Noireni--■;l :-> '.Virt 8); due February G.';' ;■;')'' •-'' u\ ■',V.-.I;:,'.'. 1,,".:'':, :..".■ From New.York.—Titiriia,'sis; (Crawford and *:: '•?''■ ;i:':'-: ■■■ ■; Co.)) sailed OctoberTllv,";,Queen''sMargaret,:s.s.. ' ..'.''.'■' (Hick, Martin, iand,;Drysdale),Cdue'pecember '.'" ; . .■■;■.■ ■■'hi:.'',-:.--''- ;'fcH f"■".•3 .^'A-^''^"'/.'^'^''^..^^ .:■■'■■;,■■ ■ ; Etom , Maiden. ilsland.-^-Jerfalcoh, tarqueri- ::'; '."■".'"';.'■■'.' ;':^tin«<loacUn.g).H-':::\;;!';;^^.r":.-""'M'-'';: H^;i-'c'-.';'.f-'ij; ■'•;' ■■' '.■"■■";■.■ ;From''lady''Elliott's:lßjand.—Mary Moore;. -. . ! :'--' barque "■■' (to 'load);'"Jasper" barquentine ;'(t.O' :: :*: ;. -From —Oonah, December 24.■'- Wes-;'.'''';-^-'ji-traUa,:-Januftry-.1.--'r-- '''.;>. ...•>;i;-/ .-■ ■.-■.:;;/■■ ■■ :■,/:'•:;■; IFrbm Melbourn&T-Waikare, December 28.. ,- ■■.:?':-: J From'-Auckland.—-Te Anau',*' December' 22.,. *-:~l'i '■'■■.. '■■.■■■^ :": ''From^Greymouth'.—Herald,-December '25. °'. p: ' ■;:•. ;; r :iPrbmjWestpbrt;.---Taupo;:-December 23.^;;!;' ■ iff :'''4l:;KS■ S;':;IVi:^BpjECTEp:DEPAKT.TJBES.:'>V^. ■ :,■■ '■:.'"'■*:.■".■'•■':' -:\ ;i For Meibourne;—Oonah,' December 26i : ■ : V M,;,;■■"'/-;-■■'-"■;!F6f.^Syaney.^-Mok6ia,'-"December 27.r^-Wes-'- ---::■;:-'!' :;"v -.vtraliai;January 3;-':..: --y.'J'.■'■■?::!:'!;:-;. -•-- : ;'.'!■•■'.' ■; ■ -.■'■■.■■':; : ; .'For '!Westport:—Corinna," December SO. -■'■■ ■'■-: ' : ;A l;:^, V:,vpbr4Greymouth.i-Herald,' December 28., '.■■' •• ;V::; V': :' V j!;For^ckland.^re.Anauv:December 23.--:: '>■■ ':'■;.; ;V;:'r';;:?-kpTEME^Ti;bF;'DIRECX^EAMEES. >_ r^.'::. ;'-.:^-'Lv:'-::'.>Xv'ii;''-\i»'!V-''i.'-r'-v j-'io :'ABBITB,'f-: ■'•■■■,.:j;'--ii,l "."---V!'| : ■■' ';■';. ■;;."■;,;■;; i4At;i Port .'Chalmers :V--';;!-::: .'..-:'■■'. cemb'eril;.;:i3ue! January 22.:,(t^-if;■•.-: .;v:i)v> i' ';':■' I.;l''il ,:::.;■;:.; ;-:-; JAtfWeUington;--Eimutaka. (N.Z.S.; C6.),;aeft. '■■'~:~'. ":.';:/ ] -Plymouth," Noveniber.fl3.^, ■'; ■■ -■ .V; v* k'*» -'■ ■*■• -" -5-; 'Al.':- '-"-v,- ■•;'.':' ;;:.,:f(A"tvAuokland.^Waikatß,i-rrbmi-Londoii l ,-No- "}'■': :"/] '■:■:■'. :.'.;TembMrl.-.-ii;':'i:i:;-:!!''i'J''i';i'i"i'■:;('■.'&•'''" ■•;.'.|J"i!J' \':! ;^-i::K-» •!';";■''.•: ','■.* :.■ -;-;:^ iiy\':.'.")r'iii:l 11*")ij'r.TO";I>SP AHT.-tI'-,(.:';i!--f/-'1 :"•• 'it, 'i - .'.'';.- '?;':'"■ "'■.'-•-"."■ />,'■::■■•.•/i'roii-ilPOTti Chalmers.—Matatua (S.S. and^A/ : '■■• ' •."'"' ':, 'Cte:)/- Janu'aryii'B.V': Buteshire (Shire);-,-January ■;::-,■'■ ■:-:■"■'■'':' %»;:,:&arii?t&k&M "; F !}iv^f*< V^ l; !--:-Jfv J 'l',r: J: -v:-,;;;: M.iErom'iWeUington.Ußuahine:(N:Z.S:-Co.); DcS *?• ■"■ -■'■ - 1 v cemb'erj22ji'(Pel]?Kicl(S.Si!arid.A. C 0.),; January -:i;:-::-V-"-' v-'-":!.r--!>^.-6;--.:;iK':VS;>r-I'-f'i4i" v;^*i-'f';>I-."M;r'.--^S-->i.-!^;>:V'!-'>-::-ir'"'--;'-'-i--';->i '. ■■ ; ;.,.'1::- ■': '^J=r; fProm'li^tteltoni—lonio'^S.S: and:A. Ca),-Tail-,. ■iv-.v, :;'■>'::Tiary''s;:-<>i!':I('si;?t ?;S.l'!.':K*.!';'i"'ii'rJ vrir'J^^'vr-i-V^ii-,'-;, '-.ivi',-::' :.:"■: :"■::':..■; !;'■?---fjaW!rf.:,HOMEWABPf 'BOCHPi!I''':J--'-sc;^^-<«;!t 'S' -'■ :•-:■*! >i> li!';..-H:awifcV> '::Bay,i :s=s Wellingtohy -V' October;; S" 6.- : J,';'!':>■■■:';:.: '■?■ :PerthsKite;svßluff,l-'Njivember^.1 nJndram'ayo;• J-'SliviK ;^llingtonV^'N6y:ember!:'B.i;ir:;Kaikpurß';r(N:Z;S.,; ,i;-v:: I,'ii-i[?!<Co:)pWellingtinpNOTemWer ip:<Maori.(S;Si^:^ •'^&->,^r'y-viAv'^ ■-■■;MJ':'^::-:" ;Q;E^lajidrfWe'llii;gtpa^No7emVerfrlß^;::sMainart,;; S:l j:■■■V•'-;+^;V'■:^;;v^74ll^'^pn|!^TOe&b^^!^WailM^r■^eUmJS-^ ':•>■': ;.:-;^";'?;-.:'to^::pecemb^:i6.;SKkbiiaru;.|(S.S'.^ :J-^ .'%■?■:: cATKaaAND; ::* &'£<" - :'^:V -:-,;Mpaiia,i,witb a iheliSari^a£ciscb,-m4iL!l</.PMsen-: ; feiiK""'«^,:;:-:^;gWs-:>;MisS^lipn6y^^jßcks^ :f:: -,-.'.".' : ': .-•;'*^y^ourn^V^M^3damej::fy'Gamock^.:;?fJaoksbjir ; .'■" '■':.": . -J.Prime', j; Cameron,'.. SCfinlpn,t- Messrs, J sDrydeii,, I ' }-'■'■:''C< : :':' Sinallbbne,:■'...Jackson*!(2),:j:George,« Ganieroiii ■I!' '■;/;': ■■:;;'-: -Field,' Blacklbcfc^iSße'aVdjij'-Dr-ii AleXanaer:^- ■:' :'• /!-;v'vi':i Sailea,;^akapiißftvfpE;J?-wI'Plym<}«*Jf.^A' 0;-*: ,'- 1 ;^--1,;; ! :;lihgtbri;; Kay,^Marshall &, ; '■•:■■■;"■ .:' "'■! (2,) v : : Mesdames Commapk * (and ■ t 2;tJ,oliildren}r--i. .':■,:'.:; ;Bro\fn,'Smith,;: : Wilsbn,:Messrs .Angus,: Bouce;' '.'By'-:'-.': "■■■':-.: ;Mttrshajiifeßrpwi,i>Smith,, :;Henry,.:;Spoonetj'i jV"'-?- ,-..,: Main^-^itha^ ;^< :^ :-:,=: GruV,:Ha^eaves^ ■%'■■.■■"':■ . . V.'andorj,Adams.(2),,,Gill,,Best.ißev.;Mr1 Eyburn,;:: '!. ■;■;:-".; , \y-';}- r and;2p.\in-'tHe;;steerage.%—-Sailed •■■ iMoanay : fpr ; v;-'-;:^-i;.- v'-'Sjdney.'fi1...-.: I "'i;.ii:'\;''.;i:,;-W^.'!'--■-:-: ■■i-.'Vi'i-; ■ii-:Sl. y/y •"•;! V; >•. -;: ; WEIipING-T.ONi t; D.ecember,:.. i <n:^-A.rv!yeA : •, :;;':: ■' ■■::;-' }■/■• ,: ■iAV^puiVfciigantihei-'JrpmfTairua;;':;Taraiiakii- ;- ';■■( -, v:y '.-!'■ , sh\ip;! frpmfjDuiiedm ;A Kotoiti, irom. OnPUunga ! j;; ■::'"■■■■;^i 'arid'jNfiw!;Plymouth;^Kp'pinahaiia;-;fr,om' the ;\f:. :."■",■■ :'1':' i -IBouffil^^rSailed l ':i';-B.runner,vforf>Ei9ton.;-!li)Srai7': ::'.\^/;:r:r>!-:vnui/;"fpr^Picton;iiNelson,;and iWest' Coast.--— !jy V ' »::':'■: Sailed -' Eo'tomahaba,i, iopxLyttelton.j i-Passenti (i[y''yy:y. f.-I.,ge'rs'-:"il84- v eoccursioni3ts.;'-:.V'"; v '-"^' ',:■%'.'•'■ ti\i~: 'i': -y '&'■ ':'i 'Jyh^y : -': GREYMOTJIH; '■ December;t2l.^Sailed:: (5.15 ■:-«iv.;':V/:;'-'!-p,nL) :'• Herald, fbr'Puriedin.,i.i:.r''.-■.,■>":>,:<,• .'*:# :' s>V-;K: 'S >-~-LYTTBI,tON, 4 December (; uli^-Sailed ■:/.• Te' : M-;j.'! ;1':5: ■:Anau;"fbr':-Punedih.:">iP,a"ssengers: Misses-Janie-V. s'H;=-:'.V'' ■'''-.'■•-'?>"■'son, Morkand,1 Morgan,ißead; ,Wade, Stirrman; :!?,:,■: l;^ ■■'■ ;,■; Arrow,'rHill;;:Mrs,; 1 Cliricktpn^-Messrßf,Patrick; ':;C : :' ■; '*■',■ ■■'.:.■■;•''■; Fiaser.-^^Saiied.' iDelphio, for Gisbbrnu^' .M.-' j-:': ;ji V.'^' ;: vSYDNEYi* December: 21.—Arrived iirvElevcr^ i'::- ■' :': i^' •'. v'landi':from Kaipara.:,': \;.,'■'-''■■:■■■'■■.■■,<:<' f^;:-,:. \i. ■■ ■.'i;-V *: :" ■:?.:■',:;■NEWCASTLE,-Decemoer 21.—Sailed: Silver *i\. :;-:''^;'::clOTd;iter:Wcklarid,^:v;.v : :?!.;'-;t\:. v ;:h^ '' ',: ,v :
ii^YAL'!OP 'THE' (JONAH...',' ' ' V-C,' ';-■ 7;:/ji>epember-. 21.—Arrived :(lO^lß.p.m.)::OonahJ from Sydney^''Passengers:• fiForiWelliligton—Salo6n,iß3; ■steerage,'?4B.''.For LytteFton^Misses ■ iWoolcombe, ■■•• 'Twain,:.; Mes-; dames; 7Clinton;; Harbiribtj, v'Messrß Lpnargan,'1 Bertie,; Clinton, Hines.Puddicoorhbi Bucklarid (2); ( Sanders,-Fisher,-Aciandj-Sowden, 'Master :' Berispn,l}P.rofessor. .Pittrobbett ;' :.and 16' in the; ;•. steerage;';'. For, Dunedin—Misses 'Hardy, ■ Grant, ■ GiJkisorij^Mesdaniesrßichardsj/Hardy '(and 2 ; children^ Kneebushi" Gibb, -Messrs :F6'rgie' (2); Hardy,.Temple,-(Young, Gibbs (3),':Blandfor,d;. and 13i^tho'steefage.1,;^* ~;V. "v '■:■ ■;■'"■ " •' j.'"'Y , ■'i'hd;s;s. papier, from .Waikawa; with' a pargo of timber, arrived yesterday morning,' and Bailed again inline afternoon for 'iivcrcargilK'"'l ' ' ;The' ;Taraweia' stDame'd down-the' harbour, ;. yesierday, ahd: left* Port Cha.liriera:lnHheaftcr-1 - noon' for' Sydney, ■ via Ly'tielton ■ aDd -AVellmg-. ■:tqn'.;.;'..v'/~?t-.l;i-'':;.:-r-'/i!.;-. ■,:>■-.■■:..;■}'.;' , -'■ ■-.'■ ■'\ ■•''i^.Tite'jbia^'iß 'kasm, from Auckland ,and East' Coast'ppiis,'<.urrivos at-Duriedinihis fbreiiooh. " '~' -puririg'tue week ending" Decerhbor>2 the maritime , losses, and casualties' posted ;.i Lloyd's' .-.comprised'eiglit'British' and It foreign'sailing vessels, jwithvseven British- anSVseven foreign Bteataero;: ■:',■'■'.:"• ,' ..-. '. " : ':-,•; .■■'■':■ .:'■ ' ■'-'"> ••'' ;'. •;ifessrs::'Wv;Lund"a'nd. Co^s' new Australian' ' liner,'.the iWakdol; was launched af. Sunderland on-October 26. She is'4ooft,long, 48ft broad, and 31ft Mn deep.'.'She hasbeeii .specially built -to. classV'-100 -Al- at ;Lloyd's." .Her., carrying:, ■capacity. is 6000 tons." 'Accommodation' is 'pro-' yided-:fot, SO^salooh - r an;l SOV'second. cabin parir'sengeirSi ;fThe main raginßs.are'on-the triplo ' expansion" principle,1 I the^ej'lindersi being' 28in, 47in,'*andi78in.diamcteri\by'54in stroke;' She" liis four"'single-euded boilers,",llft 6in, by.:l4ft" in;diameter,":working'at a'prossiirefof-lSOlb: io'; 'the jsquare ilicri;: "anc! are 'fitted with ' iorced' draught.!?-. The" vbatjel's^ propeller jis ; of bronze, : and during this)triahthe machinery worked with' ' the- greatest satisfaction, Ihe'tvessel. attaining : a vrnean"speed" pyer (the1; measured; mile 'of' U3 .:laiots.'-:ipv. i •'•'.:;.''■ '■': '-■'■■-'".i >'!"?'■■ ;.".;:-!>;-:•■;•;■;. :■;.-■".".' ■:; : :,- ''llie: s.s."'Queen' Margaret,' which "is" to load ■'■'wodPii'iEprt' Chalmers, for/London, took .in "at, Sydney ,:i2,Bob:'bars of ■■silver-lead 'bullion,, alsofprthe.,lJ^ted Kingaom.. t ;;-"-C./i'?,v*'ti''. >; ::,.'>-*; •;^-11ierB'fli^rBpme1talk!'6f'i«Eehiaing'Jh'e' vA(is-: ■tralian"<.br&elii'of'i the-Japan 'mail..isteamshipline tb-.'New;Zehl3nd:-?;This-step'imiyrprobably.: ba ta.ken'eiriy>iri!tha'ie'w.yeaYit■ V?.j ?M J> -^i pvi ; . :. passed.vche^KiiggetSiyestei-:, davafternpohisbound north. V '>>! • ■■■'■'■ ■:•'■'; i".";.--'-Sixteeii«bfuKe :orew of the-barque;.' Rossdhu amved at liiverpool-lasii month-in the steamer. Oreilana;.1.-; The; barque -was jjost: on. "the,7th;, September'in ,;the ;Bay of; Jatic"o l .' l ',Chili,;. under rather, peculiar uirciirnstances. i: She .was loaded ' vith:' a ''uirgoV-'of : I rorn„Newcastle',,' N ew ■:Boutt':^alßß/'for^l j■ati^!c/,!■and;^had.■'jiist'':amyeU■:l ; iti - the :bay. -Both. anchors* h'ad!;'been'ilet: go,', when"a-focX-said to be uhrn'arlced:pii the chart,',; ■»r«.s' struck. ' The hole was' sof'lar*gekthat Vvithiii 120 iuinui'us theaibssclhuha^l 'toppled; over arid ':fliaap'j|>e^ed'-iin''lfive.l:;an'd.l-a-h'alf'''fatlilom's.'s-.Mirhe;' 1 westhsr; wiis good* at the time-; 'but: there Svaa <■ "a; beavy roll:;■■ However,1 Captain'■lisbestec,antC his crew of 23 were able: to save thehiselves inUheif ■ boatsi" being only:a few yards,from land. Several, of: the crew were,;ab!,re-engage; at; JaticoV t' 1 '■]•"'On s "Noyetnbor.;': 1:»■ .the ■■; Japanese^; battieahip: , Shikishima, "whicU [theY Tha^es'/;lrpnvrorks.<aml; Shipßuilding::Cornpany;have been:building' fprj ;' the- Japanese :.Gbvernment/,',_was:';iaunched;a'i;. -Blackwall; Though,thecereinony^ was,'to beper-v . pds3ible;'there'wasla_ large liumber of. visitors sin ;th'e/,'to; the very'cohsiderabie party..which; brougtti'dpWji" by 1 special1 steamer: from'i Westr' ininßter.;'"Tlie Shikisliima is .the. heaviest vessel • ever lauriSHed fr6'ni''a;rslipr;her'-t6'tal i:laitHching:" weight.'being- 8250; tons,' of;which' 7800 tohß.Represent ;thoiweiglit of her hull, the.remaincler . consisting;of the launching;cradlesJ It is stated , ■that whenjcomplete she will be the ihost; powerful' vessel afloat, for; althougli' ; her" d'isplacemenc ■f.-will be-0n1y;.14,850.t0n5,, as apainst ,the,: 14,900 of the; Majestic,cla3sj she; : will"cai-'ry 1 .;,'7P0 tons'; of'coal Pnly.'aß against DOpbarried'bythe, latter.; Ehis allows her 150 'tons7more' 'weight;: in the
Hull, 'engines, and^armament," and. this difference has been used in providing, first, a com- . plete armour, belt. on tho water-line - from stem to stern, Iwhereas in the Majesticclass belt extends ' only betweenJ • the ■ barbettes; '.- and secondly, two.additional 6in quick-firing guns. Her length over all is 438 ft; and -between perpendiculars 400 ft; ■her.extremebreadth is 75ft Gin; her, depth from top o(.keelVto upper deck, 45ft 2Jin; her meaddraught ;of -water, 27tt 3in;: and heir displacement "to: that draught, 14,850 tons, i. The engines,. which-.are ; of -14,600.h0r5e-1 power, are constructed by'; Messrs Humphreys, Tenriani^and Co. v, The', vessel .is.;to be .provided with:;Belleville;boilers, iind'her speed- is to, be IS kribta.". ,-U:':,"--.;'■'.*;^.'":-,"<..'■'.■'.,•,-•'-: '■■■ ' : :
;,; At* Messrs Fost,er: and: Aiinty's shipbuilding yard,; . Balmain; "',■ Sydney,., recently,■•, Messrs. •Eugene-Veron, and Wilson le Conteur enter-tained-a number of gentlemen;tp give them the :opportunity ■ ofVinspecting a new" dix'ing apparatus invented and patented' by Mr. Veron. TUaapparatus has^een constructed oil,similar linei to a previous machine built by Mr Veron ■oomij' 12 months .ago,: but on'a much larger acale,1 and with.'many improvements suggested, i to; the inventor in.- working' the first patent. .For"instance, the grips for .gathering ->n t»e ipearl'shells now work on the ball-bearing pvinciple,';eriabling the manipulator .in the. chamber i.of..the macliine'to .pick up,'shells in. a: much larger .radius than..was pissible in the first 'machine. Another.improvement is the arrangenieht'of a derrick, at the end of which >a, suspended a strong chain.on-the principle, of the dredge, which. will pick.up a'shell and drop it into.a receptacle suspended from the cutter above, thus enabling to the ;surface, without the necessity of: hoisting the diving machine.' This will also allow.of the .operator remaining, at his work under, water all day,-andi changing his position^ on the .bed of the ocean by means of an anchor worked from "wi*hin the machine,on *. winch- : ,barr^l._- The machine.itself is the shape of an ,egg lying on its-side, with a manhole*atithe top; and a watertank Vat the bottom. The.tank is filled,by -a X>ump worked from inside the.machine, and this weights it to any depth, alloiying,it to rise or sink according to theamouni'of water therein. The portholes of the machine are of lin glass, and have been tested' to 3Golb'to the \ square inch.; TKe';. patentee, and:'inventor has .'already operated 'on tho.coast'of,New: Caledonia to a .depth', 0fi.:40! fathom's; and obtained some two tons pi. shell' with the previous machine, alsd somes;valuable pearls, which,were exhibited yesterday. The' name.'giyeri to tKe'new .apparatus :is;,the- .jNauulus. 'It .is "ipteriaecl to'-'.cqnimence . fishing' Operations at-bnee; on; the coas^of New Caledonia; special concessibns^f having been granted -by the- French:';Gpyernrnerit for this : purpose.- Satisfactory results'are predicted.; '
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Otago Daily Times, Issue 11303, 22 December 1898, Page 1
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1,423SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 11303, 22 December 1898, Page 1
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