1 •• Daily Times Office, Wednesday evening. ' ' The amount'of'reveriu'e'recelvea'at'the custom house to-day on goods cleared for consumption ! was £939 18s 10d. , AUSTRALIAN COMMERCIAL. i : . SYDNEY, August 17. Wheat: Chick, 2s Od to 3s;- milling, nominal, 3s 5d to 3s 6d, Flour, £9 10s'to-£lO. Oats: -New. Zealand, prime, 2s. 5d- .medium ' 2s 25.4 d; local,'2s Id to Qa 2d. Barley.: Cape, 2s to 2s 3d. M.aizeV 2s 4d. Peas: PrusI siaji blue, 5s toss 3d.' Bran, 7>d. Pollard, 1 j -73d. Potatoes in good demand; Tasmanian, i: £7 "15s to £8; New; Zealand, £7 to £7 ss; local, £6' 10s .to £7 155., Onions scaroe; New £ea--1 larjd,. prime, nominally,.JEM;... Indian, £11. Butter: Large supply and prices fallin™; 1 dairy, 9d to lOd; factory, lid to lljd. Cheese: . Large, 4Jd to sd; loaf,'Sd'to s|d. Bacon 5Jd ' to '7d. •'.■■■■'■. . ■ ■■ " ■ MELBOURNE, August1 17. Wheat, 3s Id to 3s 3£d. Oats-. Algerian, is 1 4d to Is 9d;. stout'white, 2a Id to 2s 3d. Barley., Is 8d "to '2s 2d; "malting, is Gd to 5s 6d. i. Maize, 2s 3d. Bran,. 83d. Pollard, 9,d. ■Potatoes': Soed,'£7'to-i'B-5-3.' Onions; '£8 10s' to' £10. -!":.: ■;, -.::■•■ ADELAIDE-,;. August'l7;.; .-. Wheat, 8?' 6d to-.3a' Sd. Flour, £10-. 15s. .Oats:: New. Zealand, 3s. 10d: to 4s; local,. 2s, to 2s 3d. B.arley, 3s'4s. Bran, 7Jd. . .PollarcU'.9d. ADpiNGTpN. STOCK. MARKET! [ (Pee tJNiTED Press Association.) . CHRISTCH.UECH, August 17. Small, entries were the rule. in> all classes of stock' to-day, and business was scarcely as brisk as at.last week's sale.' The yardings for the day comprised 7648 'sheep, 3SI head' of 'cattle, arid 311' pigs. The attendance was fairly goo'-i., ;. ••.-■■■ . ■ -.' - : ... : ■ .Fat Cattle.—The yarding was made up of ]72 head. .These included .some, very .fine, oullocks and steers, which met with •petition; but anything that was not in. prime Condition .was ruthrr neglected. A very nice line of 12-bullocks from Lyndon brought from £10 10s t0,£12 )2s 6d. averaging £11 B,s per .head. Extra prime beef realised, from'22s.';o 25s per 1001b; good to pvime do, 17s 6d to ■21s; inferior to medium, 14s to 16a,. Par.head, .ordinary to good 3teers brought £i 15s to £8 10s; lieiferß, £3 15s to £6 7s fid; cows,'£3, £?, . and up to £8 123 6d for an extra good one. Fat Sheep.—The yarding- of sheep was'mu'ih smaller thaiv of late,;.and the quality was very mixed. The few -really : prime freezers mot with good competition, but .unfinished to higher sorts, -were neglected. Best trade, ewes about ' held their own, but others wore not' sought after, The 'prices tealised were:—Best freezing wethers, 16s to 18s 9d, and lieavy weights up. to 203 6dj. lighter do,' 13s to 15s, and unfinished -wethers 12s Gd; best maiden ewes, 155..t0 17s 9d; lighter sorts, 12s to 14s; best mixed, sexes, 16s-to 17s 9d, and lighter ■. 12s' to'j'ls 6d;' best heavy weight trade ewes, 15s to 17s;.' medium do, 11s to 13s "6d; merino wethers, fOs. 6d-to I7'i' 9d'. '<■>■■■■*>:■•<'■*>■' '■;';'■",£; 1 ";&'foro;::Sh'eep.!—Amongst -' the''sales were:''33O . turnip wet,b.ers s ,at.' 10s;;9d;;> -100 ■a.t 10s .6&J' and1 -'a ■few-Wethers andVewcsj.mix/ed- afcr 135.9-49.6-fo.uT-yearrpid. ewes ■~frith.,,.lambs','. l-2s jjfgOO. 4i and-i.C topth'-d0,,165,1ds small ".lots o£ aged, do, 75,.4rl to-'Ss'lii; T39lioeget's',"at Ss lid, and'others at s"s sd"tb 7s i&: " ~' "',. ...'.!■ ■ Pigs.—An average ' yarding was of., mixed quality. Some very prime baconers came forward, but .amongst the pnrkers were a number, of unfinished lots.. Best . baconers and porker?, ran. frouj 4Jd it) 4-J.d per lb. . Baconeis ran from 35s to -67s'-, porkers, 19s to 33s 6cl. stores, lls 6d to 23s fid; weaners, 10s 3d to 12s 6d. . •■• • 1 •■■■'-.-- ; ;:; . '•-. WEEKLY LIVE STOCK AND PRODUCE REPORT. -~,,,. Wednesday/ August 17. : ~.';. Fat Cattle.—The'yarding was a very large one, every pen'being occupied. The total number yarded was 255,-' but a few were not offered! arid a small number were .turned out unsold. lh . coiisequence of the large number offered; and as a few" of the .large buyers have ..filled-their requirements for the' present by-.iprivate-. ,pur- . chases, the butchers were not' at all keen to operate, but contented themselves by buying only, when they thought they, .were i cattle. A considerable number of, the,, offerings I were of only medium quality, and' of -these.. fair proportion '.were, purchased,:; iby^graziers. Ccrirpared'.with last.week's, rates,, prices', were from 15s to 2"os per head lower, and in a few cases .even more. . Best bullock's brought from £9 10s ■to '.£ll; medium weights', '£7.:10s to £9; light, £5-10s to'£7;'inferior and'small,. £4.-to £5, heifers",'£6'los'to £7 12s 6d;' iriedium, £5 t<y£6;' light arid inferior, '£3 10s -to £4'lOs:— ■Dalgety and ' Company (Limited) ■ yaTde^'j^S head; android: For Messrs''-A7.;;aid'-A.''Sb*uilWe,s% (Ot-'akia),ii-very tprinie'-bullock', 7£lo-%'6ct;'2 Ho £9^s,-/3..heifers tVns-^i^Mr^FWt&feVik (Glentyre),.is bullocks-'£B- 10^;-fo:'£5:'i7s."6gi',-'.9 heifers J6'.ss -itii £4-;-178-'6d;:''Mr'; James-Scott (PJeasant 'Grove), B.bullodk^';£Bto '£s'7s: 6d-; :Hr A. Sutherland (Otakia),'-3' .bullocks-'£6"l7s 6d;; Mr H E, Kempshell (Maucgetiia); 25 heifers £4 lss-;,;Mr Fred Jamiesoh [(Laird's' Dale), 7 billloefco. £610sito,'£5 2s 6d; 'and'titfried'out' 18UH-spld.'-.r—The New Zealand Lban and--Mercantile Agency-. Co.. ■~" (-Limited). sold.: For '-'Mr'-JV- S. FJeming; (ptakia),'lOihead bullocks . to1- £7- "17s 6d,,.,and-. oows;.'to .£5.1.05; Mr-Jamea;>R6ss (KJai;----tigi},VlO'-bulloela-:to. v ,£7 .-."Js-f.<id;:.''Messrs ;.Cr"ah'e . Bros.',;'(C;tak,ia), 13 ,bullocka i; tp.'£6;'?a sout'bei'ri client, 2 .bullocks at £7 175 : 6d,:i,,:d0: at.-£6:7si6tl, 1", .cow ',at..£s ...17s 6d,.-.'.l - bullock:;at ;£5 2s'-.6a, 1 do,, at £4.17s ;'6d, 1 co.w.■ sX £%■ 12s 6da. ndrtheirn'.,client, 13 steers,,to . £5;-. v 55.-^— Übtiald Reid arid Co. yar,ded 35, and spld: For Messrs' R-bss'and Glendinjng, (Blackstone.-Hil^, 7 bullocks'at; £7 12s 6d to £6' ss;: ifrs.Q. -Find, lay (Rdmney. Marsh), 4'bulld^k's at .£5 ss, X heifei'' ■(small)' at £2 12s. 6d ;!■ Messrs', A. and A.'Souness'(OtaUia), 2 .bullocks 'at £&, 17s 6d;Messrs-" 13. arid r';A.' Sou^e3S*'''(ptaliia),': 2 bullocks* at £6 17s 6d ••'"'. Messrs '\V itson ttnd-Morton (Owaka), 9 -'heifers at- £7,.7s 6d to,'; £4..105.; ..Messrs W. Blaclcie, W; Currie, G.. : Atkinsori,I.and-others,*10 at'up to £6. During.: the : r .weefe.' : the-- 3ame- firm ' have sold ■ the.; following ;.. lines ■ ■ of': ■ fat' ••' arid-- store cattle- at..highly -satisfactory prices: Kor Mr Simon-...Wright. ,(Balclutha);.i'.B3'.- bullocks,, a . grand line;' Messrs .- "W ilsbn: ■ and Mprfion .(Balclutha), 40 bullpcks; -. Messrs \V ilr son .-and/Dovoi' 30 bullocks'; ■Mr , X.1 -Gr;.-Mac-kenzie .(Green Bti'sh), 97, .bullocks and spayed heifers; Mr.l\ M'Naughtqri (Mataura'),2l bullocks;. Mr''William. M-J3ride (Cherry E'ai-m),.31 bullocks ;■*Mr '-P; Toomey.' AVaikou'aitiJi 30 . bul-' locks,-^tqresV'Messrß John Shenrian and.S.ons (B.efWioK), -20 buUbcks; Mr K. Pilling. '(%- rence), 24- builoclis.——The Farmers' Agency Company'(Limited), penned"26, and sold: 'For k'- southern;-"client;- 1 bullock- at £10 2b- 6d,.'i do;tq £7. 10s; Mr Alexander Douglas (East Taieri), s"bullocks-to £5 17s 6d, £ cows to £5 7sj Gd.;. Mr W: Kirk (East Taieri), 3-bullocks to £7, 1 cow at £6, and turned out unsold 10 head.-^-^-Stronach Bros, and Morris yarded and sold: vFor Messrs Murray, .Roberts, and Co.'s Gladbrook,'estate1, good quality .heifers' from . £7. .12s 6d ; to;. £7. 10s;;. Mi '< Alexander,.Douglas (East Taief).),.b.jillooks from,£fi.2si6dito : ;£s f :;an-o; heif.e'rs to..£sjlQsi Mr J,ame,s.'.Harnson,.-.-St : rath-! ' Taieri.. (per-,.otago . Farmers'", Co-ppera,tive ,iissqpiati'pnj.^uljpcks at £7 s^ r £S..'l7?-16d ) ,£5 1 156> arid. £4. 17s'6d; .Mr.. W....Kir'k (Mtjs^igl)",. icmyp at ;.i4'.7576d ;'. Mr' John Kirk,, jMosgieT),.i' £4 '12s'od ;. Mr 3. Henry; ccws"at.qubiafJipris.Tr; Macleail 'arid Co. yarded 3S head,"and sold:. For Mr James (Outram;,; 5 bullodks at £7 -to '£5 2s 6d;' Mr William. Grant ("■ Clairinck'■");■• 1- cow-at £7 ss; Messrs Ford xiros. (Allanton),' 1 bullock at £6 12s 6d, l.'doaf£s 17s 6d, 1 cd\V at £5 12s 6d ;■'Messrs' Miirray, I Roberts (Gladbrook estate),' 2 heifers at £7 12s I Cd, 3 at £6 10s; Mr R. B. Paul (Ardgowan), 3 bullocks at.£ £4 2s 6d, 2 heifers-at £.6 15s to ±'5 10s, 1 ctiw at £3 ss; Mr A. Douglas (East Taieri), 5 head at' £5 Is to £4' 10s; per Cooperative Company: For Messrs J. 'and A. 1 Souness. ,(Otakia), 5 bullocks, at £7 15s; Messrs ■A. and A. Souness .^takia), 2 £8..; |-Messrs T. Deveny; J. Graham, A. Walker, and I others, 7 head at market rates. ■ ■ -, ,- "Fat Sheep.—2972 sheep were yarded, of which a small proportion .only were really prime we-, thers. The largar number'were'comprised, of. wethers hardly prime enough to pass as'freezers., and-half-firiished sheep. The demand, excepting for the best wothers, which' brought about last week's rates, was very slaok' right thrcugh" the sale,",and a; dropi of, fully Is. per head for the' medium and '■''inferior.descriptions.--had to be submitted tol' Extra heavy weights brought from 15s Gd to 16s 6d; 'good freezing sheep, 13s 6d to 14s 9d; mediiuu quality, ils:6d to •13s;. light, 9s to'-10s" 6d'j. best-ewes, lls to 12s; light, 8s to 9s 6d.— r Da.lgoiy and Company (Limited).-yarded 530; and sold: For'Mr-'James Lammond (Puerua), 59 crossbred wethers 16s to lls 9d, 60 halfbred wethers 13s .to lls Gd; Mr P. 0., Connoily (Hyde), 66 halfbred wethers, 12s 6d, Mr. John Fraser (Waimatuku),- 3G...weth.ers and ewes 115.,9d,;.-.;Mr. R. Hawker (The, Crescent),: 60 wethers' arid.- ewes lls;, M^ess.r.s A, ,M'Kay> 'Spa's"(Rock,aijd, Pilja,r),.39,ljalfbied.,vy,ethe^s ISsi! 31 lncrinpjWetli.er3,;7s.3d;' Mr.^bh/i Law,. jun. (E-webuirri), . 140'MIfbred i.wetii'erk., ii;s ; 9|d,.to.',9s;, 3d-; Mr J:; Samuels' (Kurstdnjj.dS'cro^sb/eS we-' ;thers;los;-i-^Th.'e"New Zealand L'ban'arid 'Mer-. ctintile- Agency-Co. (Limited)1 Sold: '-'iFttr'Mr' James Lid'dell (Taieri Beach), -104 crossbred . wethers and ewes to 13s 9d; Mr John Fraser ! (Waimatuki), 41 crossbred ewes at quotations. 1 Donald Reid and Co. yarded 1104.' and j sold: For Mr J. P. Shaw (Finnegand), 100 ■, prime heavy wethers at 16s 6d to 155.; Messrs ! Ross and Glendining (Blackstone Hill), 241 1 prime halfbred wethers at 14s 6d to 12s 3d; Mr I E. Preridergast (Bayswater),' 247. crossbred wethers at 13s 6d to lls; Mr John Fraaer (Wright's Bush), 40 crossbred ewes at 12s; Messrs Wilson , and Scott (Waihola), 77 crossbred wethers at : 12s to lls 6d, 10 crossbred ewes at'lls 9d: Mr. '■ Robert .Gibson (Keinton), 90 crossbred wethsrs at 13s 9d; Mr James Ayson (Warepa), 62 crossbred wethers at 14s 3d to 13s 9d; Mr. Henry Palmer (Otakia), 76 crossbred wethers at 14s 3d tp 12s 6d; Mr Frank Wright (Mosgiel), 161 crossbred ewes at to 15s. Privately during the week they sold at satisfactory 'prices, on account of Mr John Grey (Milburn), 492 prime wethers ;■ Mr James Holmes ,- (Waimahaka), IGO crossbred, wothers and ewes. The Farmers' Agency Co. (Limited) yarded 526, and sold: For Messrs .James Smith and Sons (Greenfield), 122 crossbred wethers to 14s 3d, 17G do passed; Mr D. M'Kenzie (Waiwera), 45 crossbred .wethers 13s 9d to 14s. 9jl; Messrs A. Brown and Co. (Wairiiua estate), 59 crossbred wethers at 12s ,3d; Mr John Heads (Milburn), 16 crossbred . wethers Us' Bd. The Farmers' Co-operative Agency Co.; For Mr James Freemm (Abbotsfbrd), 33 crossbred wethers at 10s 6d, Mr Thomas Washer (Fir Grove), 77 crossbred wethers to 12s 9d.—^-Stroriach Bros, and I Morris:■penned1-twid "sold:"-For Mr J^mcs 'Freel :mW (AbbotsforcT; pej- Otago'Farmers' Co-oper- ' ativ-5 Association); crossbred wethers at 15s 3d, 12s 3d, and lia 9d,«nd crossbred owee'at 10s;
Messrs Strong Bros, light wethers at 10a; Mr John Nimrno (Mosgielj, crossbred wethers and maiden ewes"at 12s 6d; Mr" Alexander-Douglas i {East T&ieri), crossbred, wethers at lls. | Maclean and Co. penned 261, and sold; For Mr ' H. Palmer (Otakia), 75 wethera'al'l3s 9d to lls 9cl; Mrs Ballingall (Shannon), 64 wethers at 10s 6d t-> 9s 3d;'MrT. Parker (Stirling), 122 weIbers and ewes al lls 3d to 7s 6d. Lambs.—Only 120 penned, of which the large number were stores. For the few really prime lambi oSered there, was a good, demand at from 7s Gd to lls 3d..—-Palgety and Company (lami- ■, ted) yarded 55, and sold, at from 7s 6d.— Donald Reid and Co. yarded and sold 32 for . .Messrs Wilson and .Scott (Waihola), at 9s 9d to 9ij. 6d.—— The Farmery' Agency Company (Limited) penned and sold a draft from Mr ■■ John Heads (Milbuni)', at lls 3d.' . : Pigs.— 100 yarded; For all pigs fit for killing there was a splendid demand at the- following rotes:—Suckers, 7s to lls 6d;-slips, 13s Gd to 17s Gd; stores, 18s-to. 245; porkers, 27s to 36s 6d; light baconers, 38s to-44s 6d. Donald Keid and Co. yarded 25, arid sold; For Mr \V. Hastie . (Allanton), 9 "at 17s ;to 10s; Messrs Wilson and Scutt (Waihola), 8 at 35s to 19s; Mr W. Blaokie (Glasgow 'Farm), 7 at 16s to 14s; Mr A. Williams,-1 at 10s 6d. Maclean and Co. sold; For,Mr A. ( J.enkins. (Burkes), a draft.of .. .slip? At J. 13. ; ' . . .j ~' .'..,"/ t '. ' Store Cattle.—;Dufing the week there has been . an active inquiry jfor cattle in forwafd'-'coridi- ..'. tion! off- turnips; and''some, considerable, sales , '"have, been -effected- at' prices ranging "from; £4 ss.tq.£6 15s, according to.description, size, .and quality. ■ . ... ■ . Store Sheep.—Oufing, to jthe.scarcity of^feed, the de'inand'-is not very active, and the business passing .is small. There has been a limited del mand for hoggets off turnips arid feeding ewes, ■ a'few exceptionally good descriptions of the lat- , ter having been iplacod as-high as 153 6d.-.: j . Rabbitskins..-TThere was a further, drop, at i this week's, sale .'of about id: per lb for. all. descriptions, with'the exception of. black, which declined from 2d to 3d per lb below last week's 1 quotations. ■ Best winter greys (does), 17£ dto j do mixed; ■ 16Jd to 17Jd ; medium, 14£ d ' to ■ 15Jd; 'early and-inferior, winters, I2|d.. to l'JJd autumns, 9id to Hid;, best blacks, 16d to' : 17d per 1.b..., : : .., .^ ; . , j Sheepskins'.—-These remain about- the same .as last week, the demand for fine, crossbreds ' arid mer.inbs is still'brisk. Best crossbreds and j halfbreds', -Is 2d-to 5s 6d; medium and short- , woolled, -2s. to 3s. 7d ,; pelts, 4d-to 9d; .best meririos,: 3s ,7d, to, 45.,-6 d. ;sho'rtrwoolled, Is 2d.-to 25,; green.'cr.ossbreds and halfbreds, 3s to 4s I 22..'. ■ ' .'•'■' ' ! Hides.—All consignments coming forward meet with.'ready sak'at recent rates. Prime heavy ox, 3Jdto 4d ;mediu'm, 2-id to 3d; inferior,' lid to-2Jd. .'.■••' ■ -~ Grain.—Wheat-; The market. still. continues,7..du11,..and,.are.practically_nq,sales_of milling, wheat .to report Fowls' wheatmeets ; with a slow sale'at last week's rates., Latest '.cable advices fiom London report'a further .decline in values of"fr6m6di to-Is per quarter, and as there are prospects' of good harvests both in America ,&rid-. Europe; there, does not .seem to f be. any likelihood ;O : F the .market improving. i Qv.qtations... for \. milling. are .nominally,: —Prime !■ velvet, 4s|,7d'to■■l^'9d.,' medium, 4s !4d to 4s 6d ; ; prime Tuscan "red,sorts,' 4s scf to 4s Gd; 'medium, ; 4s' 2dHo-4s' 3d ; fowlfeed, 3s to 3s'2d. (sae,ks;in, .; terms);-.".Oats?- There? isf no 'change to<rep6rt:m : the;,: marltet-/-Comparatively' fe'wr,-sales,-baye taken place; during the week, the demand being i.fllMp^yentisply, ponfined.'to local requirements 'and'feed, and to. the executing of an occasional order for shipment 'to-New Zealand ports v "VVe qvote:. Seed lines; 2s'6d-top2s lid; milling, 2s ,3dto 2s 'JJdv good'to best feed,- 2s Id to 2s ljd; medium, Is lid to.2s-; iriferior, Is Gd to Is Hid. | Chaff;— Owing, to the large quantity, sent forward. yalußS show,, a : decline of .about, 2s 6d to 5s1 per ton'on those ruling, last week. .. Prime quality, is still in Jair' demand, but medium ' and inferior is very Hard to place. Prime, -?3 7s-6d to. £3 ids; .;medium to. good, £3 2s-6dio £3 5s ; light' and .inferior, £2 15s .to £2.17s 6d. ■...Potatoes..-r^7:The, jsupply .is. v at. present hilly ] up to requirement^,'and the inquiry for.ship- ,. -merit, haying fallen off, values have eased consfderablyi Prime .northern' Derwents, £6 10s to -£6 15s v'southern, £6 to £6 10s; medium, £5 10s to- £6. ..■ <■■-:,i; ■£■;?. [The individual reptrff of Stock Agents, M'oul, Kabbitskin, or'rGrdiii) i Brokers' caii be in the Baily Times and,OiaUf Witness at Special Rates.] ; .WRIGHT;. STEPHENSON, AND CO.'S j ■ .. ■'■ WEEKLY-REPORT. ' - . •...;•.:• '-■■Wednesday,-Aitgusta7v ' ;" . .'.jEat' Cattle;L^A' full -;markety -255 being penned. ■ This!;-rotiple'd■ with the fact that several of the .. bptchers. had .bought (Supplies -in; the country, caused-.a, ...decline- ifl.<values, and prjees,-. as com- ' pared, with last weeji, s;ho.w a d ( rpp. pf 15s io. 20,s par head, ,'PrimW Jullock^ sbjd at 10s .to i £10; ' iip.'to £11";' good bullocks, £7 ; t6.V£B:f'mediu!lii; ir£5l"r0s :td''£6' l'tisi;- it|ht, :£3 lbs \to £5; good cows and r heifers, £6 to £7V'-me- '. ;diurn,.!£4ylosHo^£s-.lJ)s; light-,,.£2105't0: £4/,iWe .yajdedj-.Sp, sold; For Me.ssrs.r.^Car--1 -Ivsplendid b' ill.'.^tpp. p^ ; ice for \he day; Mr W. p. Duke','of Gre'orge' strdet', v being the purciaser),'.7 prime 'bullocks aPm'2a'-'6A to £9>l2s 6d, -arid 1 prime:. covir^t £6 >yw6A)' Mrs"MiUer (Maungd-i\Xsi:--~i 'bunecka^aflf^S^s led-'Hb £S "165,:- 'and'! 2;;up ,to £6"-25J,6d ; 5. a- southern clierit,}7 steers; and-'heifers at'Hß.6. iOsnto %4 17s 6di; Messrs .Sutherland;., Campb^jl,-. Townleyj.>anji. otherst-ip 'Ee»4'^ft-fluota^i<?ns.j r 'i,,. T ,.:i;'. v , t( , /^., ~v 'j/i,;-,^ ■ -H:; ',''.FaC'.Bh.eej>,.^-297,i2.>: penned!'' Thife" 'iium^er .on top' of .the^fult marke'f -fo\q4i. Week proved, inor.e JKa'ji thi 6-'requireitnfen!t^r"piJ theVtradpj' and a very 'draggirig'-s'al^'Vis flie'^result. ■■■ Prices) may "be quoted-- atVaßout' ls-belbw- those current last week/. ?rime crossbred wethers sold'a-t 13s tb 3.55; extra prime .up.: to 16s. ;6d ;- medium wethers', . lls t0,,.'12s 6d.f light, Bs. to. -10s.; prime crossbred, ewes sold'^,t 116 Gd to 12s 6d;/gpod ditto;- iO''ils;:'ligTitV6g'6d. t'b 9sV' ;"Weyaraed 352, and 'sold : v For a'southern:'6lient', 40 prime crossbred ev/esi/at 12^; V'Mr'C4. /Nimm'b .(Tli'e Grange), 62 crossbred.wethers.and maiden e.vves . 12s 6d. ,tp ~ll,s, 6d;.,Mr Parker -62 crossbred ewes (smaljli.tq 10s; Mr John Law, . jun. (E\veb,urn), 70 v c:r,oss.bred wethers and ma'i : d'eii ewes to 10s;'af'cl'ierit,. 7,7 crossbred-.wether's at 3d.-' ' . '. ,'j f- ■' •'" - ( .;'.:-'..l'. .'■'■' Fat Lambs,—On!y''t2o penned, \vhich sold at , quotations^ ■.''■-. 'I' e,,' ,: ' '; " '.'■'' , -Pigs.—loo penned;' -'arid'-^old as follows: — 1 Suckers,-73.t0 lls'6d.;;«lips, 13s'6d t0,175-6clj stores, 18s to 245; po'rker,s, 27s to 363:6 d; light baccKers, 38s to t .445 ; 6d..'. No, heavy Tliero was lt;een comjjotijtion for; all porkers and b'acoriei-s, arid 1 rate's 'were obtained; We cb'iild^pTtfe'e a: large, .riuinbe'r 'at'tKe- present tune at high-prices. Our-entry 'consisted of-.77,'wh'ich we.sold at.quotations. ... ' p i ii - .- ' ' : . Sheepskins,—There, was strong:.competition from. a.fulXattendance;,c-f buyers at.Tuesday's sale,, when prices fpr, ctpsabriids, and halfbreds wers'fully Up to those."ruling'last week, while merinos"were ' a shade,dearer.- W6' quote: Crcssbred■■ (half to full-woolled), from; 3s to '5s . Gd.; crossbred (quarter.ito full-.woolled'),- Is Gdto 3s; crossbred pelts.,',and small..-.Scl to .Is 6ci; rneripps, (half to. fulL^jvoolled), 2s Gd to 4a ..6d; quarter ,to, half do,. is ,3ci ,to 2s sd;; do' pelts, 2d to Bd,;' greeri_cro3sbi-eds,, 3s to'4B,.eacli. , ~ ... ■ '■'•Kißbiteltitfs'}^ Although:'' there' ].wei-e -- thV''full QUbrUm'of'buyers-'atr'our-saie' on Monday,'-and biiidiiig. most animated;- prices 'shoVed a 'decline on,'> ruling; Ja^t week' frd'm par to id per .lb'. W.q^ ijucite:i -Prime;, winter-'. groy ; does,: JBJd-', to 13d .do bucks, '163-d to 16|d; do mi.ved,; 17d ,to i 18d: ..prim^.winter blacks, 15d to 16Jd;. medium greys'(rriixe'd), 14Jd to 16d; 'aiiturhns-ob (iriixed), 9Jd to 12Jfl:. summefs. rlo'(mix^d), sir! to 8d; runners, 4d to 5Jd ;' sii'ckers, ljd to l|d. * ; ; ..'Hldasi< —There .is-.n0., oha-nge to reoort. • All coming forward ; are» saleable' ab .satisfactory •prices. We qiipte:,; Prime, heavy ox, old to ' 3J'd; extra "prime;4d; .medium, , 3d; light and inferibj;:l|d to 23d.per ]b.----j .Wheat.—The market still remains lifeless, j millers--not operating; xThere-is a fair demand i for- .chick vyheat at-last week's prices. We j quote..nominally: • -Prime Tuscan and red, I sorts,1 4a'4d to 4s 6d;,'.'prurie- velvet, 4s ,6d to. j 4s"Bd|' chick ;ivheat' (whole), 3s to 3s 3d per ] biishel (off trucks'Duriedin; sacks in, terms), j Oats.—There has been a little better feeling in ' the market during, the week, but prices are unchanged at last weeklsqubtations. We quote: Good. 'to . best feed, 2s -2d to 2s 3d; fair to medium, Ss'ld to. 2s 13d.; discoloured and inferior,. Is 9d to; :2s ;'J^milling, 2s 4d- to 2s sd; long Tartariansaud Duns, 2s Gd to 2s 9d per bushel (sacks-extra, iiot). . ,-..- ~.'•' Barley.—Market remains firm' at late' rates;, We quote.: . Prime .malting,' 4s, 9d .'lib. 5s Jd; fail-to medium, 4s M. to 4s'Bd;' feed and milling, 2s '6d to' 3s 6d per bushel (sacks extra; i net).-"' '.-.-■:■ - ■>'.'■ i ■••'■■.•: ... . 1 ChafE.-^-Ijarge quantities have como forward during the. week, and the market at present is over-supplied, and prices have declined about'ss per ton. .We quote: Prime paten sheaf, 'jS3'7s:6d to £S 10s; extra prime up to ;£3;i2s'6d; gbod', £3 to£3 5s per ton (ex truck, sacks extra, net)'. ' ■,- - ' . ■'. ■ . Potatoes.—Tho 'market -is- still fully supplied, and-briceg have receded to the extent of-about , 10s. .per. tori. .We quote:' Prime Dorwents,. 1 £6 10s.; othe.r sorts,'£6,los to £6 5s per ton. (off triicks ;Dune'dih,'"bags'in, net). ; • 1 Sesds.'^Wo hold very large stocks1 of clovers, grassesiitutnipseed, etc., specially selected arid of ispSeftdid quality..Samples and quotations on application. !' '•• ~j : :■. —-.'.' - ■'■■ -—- THE GRAIN AND SEED REPORT, Messrs Samuel Orr; ar.d "Co., Stafford street, report-for the week ending .August 17-as foliows:— ■■•■-.;•. Beautiful spring weather locally, but ;in ■ North Otago and Canterbury heavy rain and I snow have fallen, and consequently the drought there broken. , 1 The market for all cereals is quiet, and only ■ a'hand-to-mouth business, in everything.. We i look forward, howeyeV,'to the opening of next mcuth. altering matters, as millers especially cannot go on their stocks much longer. In-ouiries-have been made from the north for Sydney wheat,.and.with an easier, market in the latter'than ruling presently it would be within their reach to ship here. ; Wheat.—Milling quality' nominally 4s. to 4s ' 3d; fowls' feed from, for .inferior, 2s to 2s Gd; good whole, 2s lOd to 3a id. Oats.—Prime milling Sutherlands, 2s 4d; bright heavy sparrowoills, 2s to 2s lid; medium,. Is lOd to Is lid. ... - ... Barley.—Recent' quotations maintained, and good inquiry for milling quality. Potatoes.—Market: easier, but will come [again. Prices this week up to £7 for prime quality. Chaff.—Market over-supplied, and tip-top-oaten sheaf selling at £5 10s; other qualities £3 to £3 ss. . ', ■
Melwn's .Food ioi Infants and. Invalids. Perfectly, adaptad i for.,.;the. youngest, infant. Iv<seps,tes; free from animal■; germs. To be obtained jfrpm all druggists and ■ steres, '.' "-. .'..!■'. .. . ■ .'
! GRAIN AND SEED REPORT. Messrs Wit: IS. Reynolds and Co., Bond street, report for week ending August 17 as folW beat.—Market lifeless ihe. 'world over,,:and 1 buyers locally are not readily induced to buy at all. .We quote, nominally:; Prim's velvet, 4s 7d; Tuscan, 4s 4d ; red sorts, 4s; fowl feed, 2s 9d to 3s 3d. .■'"'' Oats.—Market-continues weak, and demand is below the average. Holders are [airly firm, and consequently" prices remain at, for prime milling, 2s 3d; best feed, 2s id to 2s Id; ordinary,. Is lOd to 2s. Potatoes are easier still; supply is small, and 1 prices may any day revive again. Best are to-' \ clay worth £G 10s to £6 15s; Chaff of ordinary quality, is in excess supply, and drags at £2 15s to £3 ss, while prime ; -sells readily at £3 10s to £3 12s 6d.. .- Seeds.—We have a. large stock of both colonial grown and imported, on hand comprising some very nice lines of ryegraas. We shall be pleased to send samples and quotations to I anyone inquiring.' Prices' will be found in all ' • cases reasonable -1 . •'WIvEKLY MARKET REPORT.' .. .Mnss-r,-* .'•[.uritzson A.ND, Hopkin report" for 'w.eek'ending August 17.. '■* '.. .'-■•,■.• • -.',. v'.i .VV.lieat.;:1! absolutely pass.',ing: Millers, being anxious to reduce.-, their ■'.stocks, are'holding off, the .market'in the meantime. The demand for fowl feed is rather better, .though prices are: low., We.-.quote: Best '■velvet. <!». fid +0 4<s-8rl: best ■ Tuscan; 4s- Bd to 4g ; 6d; fowls' wheat, 3s to 8s -2d. Ua,ts. '1 tie market sliows^a little more .activity. ■ Stocks' in growers' hands in Dunedin. ars' light, and we expect to r.sce.a better. demand set' in before long; :priocs. during' the "wceTc'nhow no nlteratimi. We quote:. Best feed, 2s Id to'2s 2d' per bushel; ■ Swlberlands; 2s'3Jd to 2s 4£d. Barley':• -Feed sorts are quoted at 2s 3d to 2s 6d ;' milling, 3s j3d to 4s;, malting, 4s 6d to ss, Ryecorri, 3s 3d •to y-j Sd.-- L-'lour :' We quote .SI:? Oatmeal in 25's, £13. Pearl barley, £21 10s. Bran, £3. Pollard, £4. Nelson hops are quoted'p,t Is 3d. Chaff:-Prime, £3 12s 6d to £3 15s-, medium, £3 ss. '• Ryegrass: : The demand is keen for : all descriptions, :' especially small, shotty seed..:. We have large orders 'to ■ fill, arid can place any quantity. ■, Farmers' dressed, 2s to 3s 2d; machined, 3s 6d. to 4s Gd. Cocksfoot,.3d to 3!jA for farmers' lots,' and'4|d ■to 5Jd for machined. Linseed, (wanted), £12 to' £13. Pressed straw, 253 to-27s 6d. Clover hay,£4. Nitrate of soda, £15. Basic slag,' £5.. Clovers, rape, &c, just landing. We can offer all classes of seeds pure and fresh; .Maize, 3a ,6d pev bushel; Prussian blue peas;'ss* 6d per ■■ bushel.. -■• ; - .-.....■' .-,■' ,■ Seed Wheat.—We have some fine 'samples of velvet, Tuscan, &c, .and shall be pleased to fo-'WPvd sariii'i'p'i on ani^'ifation.. * -. Potatoes.— is -weaker. We: quote: Derwents, £6 10s to £7 per ton.-. . .. ■■<. ■ Uitlt^s, l^ci to 4U, according. :to .weight': and condition. . .-.. , , : Tallow:--Rough fait, 9s to^lls; rendered, ■. 10s ■ .155,,-accarding.'-io:.quality. .-.«■•.• ..-;■ ;. ... Wo^oh?v\vlß-WO--«'.'-icl- , -,!..::r"- ..■;.•.'.■ : - Rabbitskins.—We, offered, a .large .oatalogue on, ' MoKday.- •> Competition was ■ very keen, though ,-prices werea shade-.below- those- ofith-e -previous !'Week..- : In. the .meantime prices. iwill rule .firm:at quotations. We quote: Incomings, 13d to 15d; winters; 16d to 18d, selected a-shade,more; autumns, 8d to lid; summers, 6d to 9d; suckers .and rurinerSi 2d to 5d per lb; best blacks, 16d to IBd. We sell by auction every -Monday. ■ ■ . '.'■•' :" ■ ■ ,' '.■.'• . - .• ■. dheepskins.—The demand is. very keen, and prices remain -firm. We oruote: Dry crossbreds, 2s Gd to 5s '9d; inferior, Is 3d to'2s'4d';';.dry pelts, 4d to Is 3d;• dry merinos, 2s 3d to ss; inferior, Is to 2s; green crossbreds,?3B to 3s! 9d; extra, ;tO">4s,'3d; green lambskins,-2s 8d to S3 ; 4d.each. . -.'. - : : i:-.* ■ •'• ;■" : I ■ We tmdertake country clearing sales; ■■ -■' - ' ■' • ■'■ FRUIT AND PRODUCE REPORT; '""' Biittsr.'—^rimp Very little business doing; worth 7d to 7£d. ' .'.'.'"','"' ''"• ob-o--■•'i<<MYP'v.''i.'rl. ""•"" ;- .' '■■■■■•■■"■ _" ;Pigsi—For:good quaility, 4Jd. , '■ ..'.'■ i' "Poultry rn.c:^-erl Inr.pfiiC nny day: Roosters, 3s 6cT to 4s 3d.;.'hens, 2s 6d'':tb,':.2s.' 9d'j d.ucks (young),'. 4s 6d to ss, accdrdihg to quality.. :. ( , : v\ c receive cbnsig'nme/*its ol all kinds iof fruit and garden produce,, which we. sell either by auction''or.'privately, as we'"think, best in the interes.t.of consignprs:. : Dessert, ,3d-; cooking,'2id;.. Bananas, 2d'to,2|d.per \h.
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Otago Daily Times, Issue 11195, 18 August 1898, Page 7
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4,192COMMERCIAL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 11195, 18 August 1898, Page 7
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