The ordinary nieeticg of the Land Board was held in the board's office on Wednesday ; preseut— the Chief Commissioner (Mr J. P. Maitland) and Messrs Clark, Dalias/Dunean, and Kirkpatrick. Rakklebuhn.—Banger Hughan reported upon the cotnDlaint made by Mr John Sharp, lessee of section 45, block VI, Kankleburn district, that he had no access to his section, but the board failed to,see any'just ground for complaint, aa it was asserted that. the complainant already had: a good road tohis land. . . > - HlGiiLViv—A .letter was received from Mr Joseph White, jun., protesting against the granting nf a license to. Mr Alexander M'ljennaD over S^- 011 of'mining reserve, section 4, block VII; .lghlay district, without notice to the committee I 6f miners, anil it was decided to inform the writer that the yearly license granted to the committee Of miners lapsed in December,lS97, the year's rent due on the Ist January, JB9B, not having been paid.—ln accordance with a plan, forwarded by the chief surveyor, the board agreed to recommend the Government to grant an extension to the Macrae's cemetery, -suction 23, block I, Highlay district. '■: X ■' ■ ■■' .- .. Tiger Hill.—A letter from Mr JohnNoone respecting, his application for leave to surrender, his-small grazing run lease over Kuh 24Jc; Tiger i Hill district, was received, the writer being-re-ferred, to the board's letter to-him "of-'-the-30th" ■ uU:"->;';';-. 'i.- ■:■•■ -«*;-' -■-'■■■'.■-' >:■'■','.-■■ •'-..-!;-;;", vvo-.- ---! '."ApPL'ieAtioss-CS'RAfii'EDi^Tne follSwing ap^li-'- ---; cations- were* app'rbved i-^Eor: rurfclwlandbn- !ltht>: occuptitron:with- right of purchase system- -..Kobei't ! ; Allen,,.(>e v c.tipns, 7, and :,11, bloc^-Yl,:.Oailiustdfe. I trjpt.,.'. Tq, trans Jer. lease -in .periietvijty :" f i&iriiip.l ; (srant'.'to'iWiltfain.Egan,"sectyjn o»,'.block"l\J, v ; Sutton district; 'To transfer ; miscellaneous"! license: Martha White to John Frew, part'of 1 | seetibn'l9, town of Peebles. .' •-■•' Maerewhenua.—An. occupation HceDEe avir | -section.-§O,. block IX, Maerewhenua district, waR granted, to Jane Jl'Grath at a rental of 2a per acre i -psiMintiuni. ""• \ '.- >. -. '".'•■■'.'■.•. ■■..■'• <Na.sf.hy.— Dislrict-SHTVeyorOalder.ieijprtedupon the application by Mr James Brown for an acre of urisurvcyed land in the town of Nase^y—lt was' decided to request the chief surveyor to have a survey.effected., .- ,'.-... ■. ; ■■, ■■.-.■ ■ -•--.; ;.- ■ Switfßt;nN.^-Aii .application by Mrs E. Logan i for-laave.Uo acquire, section; 3, block.XlV, Siwin- ; I burn district, not now required for the.ptirnose" 0f..! I n school reserve, was referred to the Education■■ | | Board to.say whether there was any objection.— ; ['•Wi;;--S. 'Harris was granted* a yearly licence to i occupy. the reserve in blocks IV and VH.'Swin--burn district, at a rental of £1. -. •.. ■;-■ - •■'■"■: K^WAiui;.—An- .application by -Mr W.... L. | Simpsoh.ipn,behalf of .Mrs M. Macall,-fdr a lease, j iu'peipetuity over an area of unßuryeyed;land,;ss; acres; jn extent, in block 111, Kawarau.district,, was referred to Range? Mackenzie for a report.' ;■-: .'..C.Ro6KS•^ON.—Upon the strength; of "a.'reportfvom Ranger Hughan sbeboard-decided'tn require Patrick Hjckey, Annie Wilkins, P.- W.Wilkins/ Edward. Rickey, and Ellen Welkins, Wsces of SKCtiong.3B, 40, 41,39. and 42 respectively; in block yjtiy Crpokston district, to qhow cause ■within a month why their leasisg should1 ndt bo "forfeited for non-compliance with the conditions as to improvements and residence. > Tuapeka-Kast.—Ranger Hughan reported upon an Mr Henry Galbraith for. a licence to occupy portion of the mining reserve opposite.section 75, V, .Tuapeka.EastvdiSr. trict.-^' yehrly. -license 'was granted? over'*'the; artla a^plkffTOr Wi cental of 10s 6d;p^r"annum'.:< '■ ' I KiStGCIf -ifor a*. ; renew'aliof.tiis first license. ovfniJ'o;acres;.iEinloehw; reconsidered; a.^it;was.agreed;rto..Ten'ew.thfe, lic6i?so. for two-years, from .the.£StliTebruary^f 6r Tth«sv)ra&f,ia;:j. v ■;;.^4.;r^: ,/"" .".;■ r:':i ■ • GLEJcWiißu:—Ki'h'gef; Hughan reported "Upon' section"•3S,-. block' X,' Glenomarir-district, lield under."the occupation, with ''•right' of purchase system by Mr R. J. Miller.—The leasa was for,fcited for non-payniftnt of rent. The ranger was instructed to value the improvements and suggest ! a capital value with a view to the laotl being reopened. '. '.. ..'■'■' Koad Lines.—The Vincent County,: Council forwarded a statement, which Was approved/of proposed expenditure of thirds and fourths. ■ '—'■ Maniototo:—A letter was read from Mr John. regard to the .amount allowed him as' valuation for nmproyements upon. "Run; 206 d, Maniototo, .and. applying.for .compensation.; ,He ''said;that he had agreed to accept £50 as valuation and^iad declined to.receive.iE'lp, which had been proffered'by the board, as he believed he wa3 en-'' the jESO;—Mr Blallocli appeared "in per-Bon-before the board, and was represented'also by the vHon. J. MacGregbr.—The ChieivCojisiisSIONEU sajd this was an .old standing thinp; which' had been before the board .for",a; series of yepirs, extending from 1593 to lS97,"'and oil the T»p6rts from the rangers had besrrcdh-" sidered by the boatd:. This was.a'n'dnplication. pnfcfcically ,to -have the question; Teopened.—Mr :> Dalies said \he, bc-ard had gone"very, fullyiintp this;matter, at every stage. ■ It /was :a long time. singe the'matter;. was started, and a good jvliile' since "the thing wfis' decided. 'I "He would hiove that/ the matter be not' reopened. i-rTh3.CniKP; Commissioner said that before the board offered the 'run;on the 21st February 1897, with £10 valiiatibn,■ they had a rangek-' in whicK,it .was statedthat agre^tpropoi'tipc pf the fences w,is: ;valu;eless,.and that the whole were not worth £10." ;Th6*snow fenced ;the ra'nger.svid, was of no value •whatever;—Mr MacGregor said he\vi»s,in aposi-' itiofif to bffner evidence-before the -board which/ fShouldSsfttisfy^them!that itt'conßequehcWofvthe->large;,r,eduction-.;th6y;iiad made:rin.i.the';nr«luatiou .the'jGovernjnent no.w ; receiyed-av muchjarffsv x^,the| GSfeirn^entw'eTft'feceivjrig.theyjDensSi Qf M\ ~ ;iMa;noch'flrotpproVenientF.^Thd •'.^^C|HfEP\:oi)HMis-sio'NEß:'t'-:-S'roni i;itbe fact "of its tfa'VinK been ofFeie*- at \£3 ? i:\Ve' ofTered"- it? at £20 -'Before.'' S—Mri'MaclSrefe'or Raid : plaW^had' liefen's jpffered' at.1 a 'rent" which-1 would/n'bt&have been .giy eniotherwise,, and* so the .(^ ■nVeits.^Thß Chief. feojiHissiQNEß.: ffle;^ not: think'tWat aIU-^Jfr VMdiJGregor. safcl'ilie.'.Ba'd I betters f roirl'.'pebple Vhuksoriipete'd^f or •■: VhU ■ run,' 1-and^ *hd'?^id;'' they •'woWa-'tiqt'ha've'giv'^h "the: •a'6ntoth'ehvise;i 'It wiißolWibus' on •tHe-face of it' |. thatiin.; consequence of the : low ■■ valuation that. r,had ;; been- put •' on- Mr Malloch's: improvements, ;the'vGoverninent were receiving a rent they Avould. nbt otherwise-.have got.—The Chief - CoJftHSSjbiN'ER did'notthink'that was manifest;'{ at ■■ all, ~'Stc' MacGregor :I, am prepaFe'd to showiit is so.—Mr-Clarke said' (he ranger'svaluations -Svete -invariably', 'the' ]guide'.--:fov the..board.—The Ohiep CoiiiiitTSSlONEß: -We,perfectly^ despaired of.lettinjr the rua for.anythinei ..At. last we reduced .the rental to a nominal nu-ure;— ! Mr Dallas saiS,Mr Malloch used to pay £120 for;' the rub',,.arid the board brought the Vent doVnio.' £5 in the-endeavour to let it. It was far moreA owing to the reduction in the rental- than'to' the: " red notioniin'the valuation that the run was takeu~ —Mr MacGregor cculd npt see any, force in that : argument. He quoted from aletter |rom one appli- -\ cant fbe.ithe run ,\yho had offered £5. at the i .Land Board, office for it, and who Raid he had understood ; there ' was about £50 'to pay fpr'improvements,;as there" was value for that j amount:—Mr the fice of that, rend the ! ranger's report, wherein it was stated that the I only-improvements; were the division fence be- ' tween Runs 206 d and 207 d, and of it only 100.! chajnti were ,bf any value, the remaining 140 ' chains having beeh destroyed.—Mi; MacGreeor ; [;.quoted from a letter from Mr Critchley, thfe pre-*^ [i.sent lessee of the run. who was unable to say'what jhe would have bffe'red if the valuation had-been ; £50, but he^vould haye1 gone up'to £15.; (The; which the. lease was sold was £2i. the upset having been: £5.)-Mr Malloch said -the ; ranger's report as to fencing referred noly to one - !. end of-the run and not to the other. There were ' four miles-of fencing; and even if spine of the ■fencing thifcwas lying down and broken had no ■.yalue i aa.^(ence:tfesuiely.h^d'.value.Bß.ap*tetial.-^i'; ,Jlho,. :; CiHßE:v-;CpitMissioNEa observed fthattthere--was^a..djffefence.of,opinion about that, .: It..was 12 ■ 'monih's;.sific.e'tliis::matter,was' last; before tlie" boatd;.'Sna theV'niUiit', have"'finality;—Mr MacvGregovl; There iSftnalify- when- .iusticWpdone.-i-' /.The^eHfKPr-eoMiUlsSiaNEatl'Wcr-cAnsidfer -tbat':' justice badbeen dot>e.^Mr Alalloch::You value my KJE^t«iP'«mfaffiirr^-^^>*rri ij;j-JI-ll f Ha*=r*— j.m iiijinjiu.njii.'L.'"^"'
interest in the fencingat..£lo... I.ani quite willipg • to give thu owners £20 if X can tike it away. I Vi il j o\i give vnt the authority '—Mr Dallas said Mr Malloch had had power to remove the fence when the run wis unoccupctd —Mr Malloch I beg pardon., His the ( boun(Jary,fence,, and I had. ho power to remove it.—TheOHiEPOoaijiisSiONEß said the board had'tad this matter before them ad nauseam, and it WRs-too'tnuch to ask them to itcpen it —Mr Malloch rcimiked that it ujs the I GoverDment's faull that for years'-tlfey did-not ' get lent from the run, because on the day on which it wills passed ia at .£l2O he went into the cletk s office and said tint if t l upset was under £30 he woulil take it, but the board persisted in putting it iip at a high, rental. —The board docli'ied to leopen the question.
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Bibliographic details
Otago Daily Times, Issue 11089, 16 April 1898, Page 7
Word Count
1,366LAND BOARD. Otago Daily Times, Issue 11089, 16 April 1898, Page 7
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