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(FaOM OOR Offlir (IoitBRSPONDENT.) ' j FniDAy, October 23. i ! A conference of miners repiesenfcing the various brandties of the Confederated Miners' ; Assobia-tion was held «t Alexandra on the 23>d 1 insfc., when the, following-mentioned , delegates ; ' werepri>se»t:--Mr D. M. M'Gregor (Bsmuookburn), J. L. Flint (Matokaiiui), H. Syrae*.. ; (Alexandra), "J. M'Aipin (Hamiltons), J. S Werner (Lowbnrn), aud 0. 0' Kawlins (Millers iFiat). .■" '..-.-■ .. ■ • .■■ ■ ■ • i , KI.KCTION.OF CHAIRMAN.- ■. ■; Mr Kawciss moved and Mr Simbs seconded— "That Si- Werner take the ehsir."— : C»rriod UDaninjons'r.- , . : j ■Mr W.bkneb . tbtinka io.r tho honour;.; conferred on him,. aud .remarked that ho j regretted that no many br<u>ol*s of the a-sooia- i tiou were not represented by delegates at this j . couforeDce. Howe-rer, a ve:y f*ir .represent*- , j tion of the Oonfederal;«d A*si>rnatf i>u wan' in. ! ! attendance, Rtid the bunion's* tn be dealt with j f»t fchiu .conference would, Sis was .«uro, receive ,j i,co\>sideratiou and be ■intelligently <iis- ; cnsaeil by those present, "there were, iseireral j questions'of importance tn Hie mining industry to be di»ciia.wid, but Ihn vital one was how bast the vota of £200j000 miajht be. allocated to tbe sevaral jjoldfield;' rii<tricts so as. to ensure that equitable claims might Bo satisfied I throughout Oisgo. Tiiia- vote c.iuld, w«H bf) !■ apportion™! upon a.population basis or seeordj ing to tbe average amount of g<>!d obtained stir | the sMwa! districts.. Ho. (Mr Werner) would j i"be in Savour of apportioning the money u.p.m j U-he population bans. Otngo contained fully j I one-Miird of the mining population of New j ! Z»*lanri, and therefore ti««etv<-d much con- > sirieration horn the Mitu-.i dapartmeot whan the allocation of-the £200.000 vote w»e being dealt with. Tt.-o raining population of the various i province* «s, *« near as possible, as follows : — j Jlnrlljoronsrh am) Auckland ... 3700 j Westlaud-in.-] N*lson f*'« { i Otago ... •;. - ■■■■ ■>«« ; jlt r*uu>iaMd for the conference to deoide as to j I whether <>•• not a niggcstioo be made to the j ! Miuea riepurtment to allocate tbe vote upon » j j population iwisi-.. There w^res-veral other ques- j I tions to S>«'considered by the conference, all ot.j which !;« (Mr Werner) wan conua'ent wouid j j receive «wy attention and oonsidemtion from i '•tb«de!«gnt^. ! Mr R'-wlins moved the following motion:— I " Wharean t-lse Proviuce of Otago cputuias j about (.Uf-t.bird of the mining population of | Nevf Zealand, this conference thinks it desir- | »b!e, from au equitablo point of view, that ! one-third of the goldfi.;lds vote Bhould be expecderl vm.hin duch provino/); and the de!eao iJ« further ,ec;>m:aen(.'. that the fo!----iowins ■■i»nfioned districts should ba sub- ] Tom th» portion nilnvfed ti Osag'o upon j % popnlatiou basis as follows :— La.'<e ,Di«,tri;:S, | on«-fifi.W; O^omwel!, onfj-ni-.ith ; Mount Id., j one-^ven'Mi : Alex»nd<-a »nd Clyde; one- j pereatii: K-'-xburgb, o.m-ixth ; ' seven Hi; Southland. <vie-te>ii-b." ' j a tC r, n .;i>re by Mr Stmus and .carried, J Mr J-ymi-s moved—''Triat io the opinion of thin ooiif«rrnea it is deemed !>RC.e™try that; any portion nf the present vote rc-ra«.ininec »nexneh'led a* tap end of th« pranent fl.-iaucial year i should be plaosd to fjie credi'; of tbe re»pectave \ districts for expenditure during, tbe etisumg j year." . . • Sfcordo^ by Mr.Flint and curried. ..". | Mr Symss ' movsd—" Th*t the above sub- j sidies sfenulj ba expended iv ttie difinrent di*- j tricts upon the recowmenfUiion of ther'e»pfc- ■ tive miner"' siliuoelations, or iipon the reconi- I raend^iOT "f representative inentiflgs of miners j in district? where no miners' nssociatiouii aye j e«t*bli«hed." ■ ' ! Mrß.vwuKS: The coof'-rsuce can nnlf pug- i wayn «tid means Of txpe.sdittg tbe moUHy, \ but c»rt*:oly the Miners' Association is the j proper body "to have ooufrol of fc.he expendiinro. BTe had roiieh plennur* in neoonding the motion, as he thought it a mriifc desirable one. The morion was carried. CO-OPERATIVE WOHK3. • j Mr Ratvliks said all works should bsletby j tender, as !ii« (Mr finwHiM1") own psrsoual ex- j periencs of th« co-operative systnm of employ- | ment was that it w«a a huge failure from the 1 st*rt, anrl psrticnlarly an«nit«bln for introdm;-. i tion upon the goldlields, whose populations we>e ( independrat and not at »ll dißpO'<pd to takekindly to Ibis dpgrftding sysfifim of t>mployai«tit. He wot>.i(3 move—" That io the opinion of this confnrenw all works on goidSelds should bo carrieri out by public tender " ] Mr M'trBEGOB: I coincide with tbe remarta ■ mide by Mr Ruwlins in a.ime tMpeete, but »s ! the c.-^operfctive work" are a'pnliey of the G'iveri.- I roebt I am of opinion that libi* ennferenne thould i nnt Rb'iw.HiiUgoniiini to huku policy, »nd I niu^t! say Mr Ilnwinis's raotion flavoured of *v erpres- i Sion of di-approval of this policy. Is «as not for this conference to di»cnss the rights or wrong* of fhe co-operativp S7«twm uf work". Mr Ktmes thought tlio failure or ot.herwi3.-> of j the eo-"p*r&tive works p'iiioy of the Govern- j ment thnr.ld not be triivi*r*6'3 by any motion , brought forward by t'io dO'nfeninoe. .'. ! Aft»r a l«tigtheued dißcaseion, tho motion j waa declared carried. , ! COMSI3RVATION OF WATRB. ' Mr Ra-WMNS explained af-. ncime length th« ■; »ri'» o? Lske Oh»low reservoir, situated at ; (he h?ad of the Teviot fitrcmn, aud pointed out j the extra work still necessary >0 be curried out ■ upon th^ wail of ths rwervoir iv order th»t the \ entire avaiiaMf wafer migv)t be, conserved At ■ present there w»o an imtncn»e vcilumfl of w.iter : tscapiug owing to' the w*!!6 nrtt :being sufficiently high to giva greater capacity to th<i re«irvoir. The enlarging o? the raeervoir would mean much to the district, a*.the water core- , manded a large exteni! of auriferous count-.ry j along' the valley of th« M'cslyneux. He ; had also visited the site of a proposed j resnrvoir »t the head of the Msnorburn Greet. This site is a mo»t suitable ontj j for the storage of water to, work the exten- : aive deposits in the Mawuherikia biwiu. So i far as ha knew those wer« the most urgent | requirements of lh-3 Rozbu-.-gh and Alexandra j districts. ■ . • ! Mr M'iUrjN.desired^o know if Lake Onslow j w*s a pii'a.fl n-sotvoir ? • ■ . j Mr Rawlihs :It is owned by a conipauy. . . Mr M'ii.vlN: I would cot be in lavour of | suggesting to the tiov«r.uaisn.i; any. expenditure j in tho wav of enlarging reservoirs owned by.i private parties, and used exclusively for their i own bfitis.Sfc. ■ . . , ! Mr M'Geeqo'e :Mr Rawhus has certainly made out a good case of necessity, but j if thit eonf'.rcuce has already suggested the ; allocation of certain moneys to separata . districts, why not leave the question o' how j best to oxpftnd these sums to bn discussed by i the respective mineri.' associations ? Mr Flint :My district suffers touch througn ; the gi'sat scarcity of water, some time ago our I wants were made known to the Government, | and it was suggested that a reservoir might bs j constructed in Thompsou'6' Qorga to cdusecve | the water there. The estimated cost ms i £15,000, but then when the enormous amount of ground available is takp.b into conaidfration : this sum will appear insiguiflcmit indeed. Mr Cftdwon visited the sitti of thu proposed dsm, and at that time msd« c»rtain promiaea, but none of those have boeu fulfilled. Mr Bawlins said he b&d alui't gone over tiie site of tho proposed, reservoir in Thompson's Gurge, and be might nay the sita was a most desirable one. The holders of water rights at Hatakauui informed him that they had quite sufficient water without the aid this proposed dam might give them. The people worn of opinion tuat thin dam was' not necessary, but J gome holdorn of inferior lights w«re anxious, aud j in his opinion the dam wits ri-qnirad, and he was ennfideut its construct-on wouid ensure double the present yield of gold at.Matakanui. Mr M'Alpin drew the attention of thu conference to the requireinenfcs of his district, and pointed out the many advantages that would accrue through the construction of a water race along the slope.of. the Rick and Pillar ranges. Aneveivfailing supply of water is.available in the Taieri River, aud wore the race constructed it would command an almost uulimited area of highly auriferous country. Mr Flint : The deep ■ lsads of. auriferous drifts in. Ida V.-tllsy and Matakanui districts deserve the attention of .the .Government. ■It has been proved beyond all doubt that those drifts coutain 30KI iv payable quantity, ,aud ■ soihu little amount of the present vote should be devoted to systematically prospecting differ-no portions of the-drifts. Mr Smies stated that when Mr Gow visited the Mauorburn he expressed himnelf as being favourably impressed with the country,, hat feared (he great expense that would be entailed by the construction of. & Buifcftble reservoir. Apart From that officer's ociuion, he (Mr I Byrnes) could confiifenrij- Bay that the conatruc- | tion oi" a' reservoir' cuoh bb th« one proposed I Wouid mean that hundreds of den would be I prcfttuhiy employed iv this district for ceuturiws ito come. The local awociiiiiiou had kept tha I matter before the Govcrnm'sat, but their voics ' had baan ignored. In his opinion, the mining ; industry . wta ■ nut poorly represented in the Parliament of the oouotry. Miners should only ! return men having some little practical knowledge of the requirement* of the'industry. Mr Weknbh agreed with Mr Symes thatmining was not faithfully represented iv Parliameßt. BiNNOCKBDBN SLOD3E crtAKNHt. ■ • Mr M'GBEaoit: As delegates are probably awaM. this proposed sludge channel is the

principal giieVsube of niirisrs'at Banuookbnrii. i By the conittrttotiohof-the channel it is in- i tended to open up^ an tsxtonwe goldfield that.; has never hesb operated'"upon, but where it is known payable gold exists Mr Cadman went brer the intended .line of the channel, and promised every, assistance to tho project. The length of the channel ..wo.uld,,.te-^boot<thre9- k .., quarters of a mile, and fche engineer*! iwtimfvte j of ftie cost of- construction was about £J.3.0Q0. . Thi* estimate ig simply exorbitant, a« tho cost _ should not be much brer h»if^hi» amount; The eonree of tho channel it through "rock, bat evnh then the estimate of cost i» exorbitant. We intend bringing the mitter bßfore the Minister j Rgnin, and I would like an expression of sympathy from this conference:ih the matter. We i»re in; urgent .tJ*ed of ;»n outlet, irid Mis cbonne! Would pltoe Bannockbiifrn "i tan front rank of gold-producing di*tricts in Obago- • Moved by Mr seconded by Mr ; Rawi.ins—" TSist this conference denies to expre»» sympathy with the residents of B»n----nockbufu in their endeavour to1 get » sludge channel for their district."—datricd. I 'fBB Kt'lTO BWINO .CASE. ■ . . j This action ci the Millers'flat Association in 1 this o»8o was (mminented on, the delegates expressing p-n opinion that the present warden was quite .capable of executing bis dutiea.withoufc any a»sist»nce from out«i<ie. The decision : wa» thought ho .te thoroughly in accordance J with an isitn'Mpepb, wading odttie Mining Act. j :'.. LABOUR CONDITIOKS. '■■ ' ■ ■■. "' ] Mi-Eawlinsi : Accordion to the Mining Act i st prnKP.n'; in tarso. every dredging claim'on-tha ] river is liable it> forfeiture, owin f? to noa-cora- j plUnce with lihe labour regni»tion.i imposed by j the act. By obtaining a grnufc of large ftre&a I you have to stipulate for t'i« employment of a j certain numbw of m.-.a, otherwi*o your prop«rty is IMiM to forfnMure. >p i« not always j ennreniont to ran'rioy the number ot j men, therefore. I am of -dpin'.ou that this section of the act Should b> slfeeroOl ed s.B to | eive security to Mia .property when it is not ; EdvM-t*se"»s t" employ th» number of men : imposed by. th« nor. at presenv..-' : : Mr Weenek : Thin -nattßr was referred for discussion to the d ffernat branches ot thin association and a veto taken us to the desira- J hility of suggesting an amendment! of this section of the act. and ie-was foniici that the majority wen: in fnvour of blowing the section to esi't a« at preaont in forca. Mr Symrs : I*, i* 'lightly wrong *•' >«y that a non-comuli*uee with labour rogill*Hoiw leaves tho property liable to forfeiture. A fine h imposed for the Si'di; offf.nce, and furfaif-urs it the j consequence b; the second uffeuco. The labour : conditions are h»ni, and the number of men cannot be amuß-yed wh«re targe areas are granted. When isbonr cDiiditions »r» imposed practical miriers should b« frnpo":«r«d to sit as j a.s»i<*9ors wi'bi the wanU'i; aiiii decide &8 to the I tiumb»-v of ra»a to bs employed; " _ ! Mr Flint: This is ar. iraror'«nt question, | and has a !i--aring upon the future development : o? th« miniMs U«h\Mry. 'Thes.-; labour condi- j t.ions simply rt^ntslrt the industry by imposing j upon it regulations of such a nature that make ! the title to property in«eo-.nv.. _ _ ' ' Mr Symes rnov?rf—"That in the opinion ot i this cou'erence =1 in desirable .that when labour j conditions are imposed four p-'cticil miners should sit us assessors with ihe warden to j decide upon the number of men to bs employed." . ' •' - ; Seconded by Mr Flint and carried. j WATER EIGHTS RENEWAL. I MrSYMKS: X;i^ aw relating t> renewal of ; water r*ce lioenst-? is very nnaalisfsctory, and in my opirjic.u 'he confeittiuie should sny whether that part r.i thn act rtquirtwameuding. ■ Ttie warden him j.uw.T to lery » fine whers it j is shown to him (.bat neglect to renew existed. There «»a» t-beu tlie 60 days' grace, but this w»s >]nsstiffac6ory, as the safety of property is risked on what may be termed an ov«rsight on the part of-tho o«n-r. He mov?.'—" Chst the following wor<is be addf-'i to nub^n'-ioa 11 of s?ctio» 105 of 'The Min"ii>g Act 1891': • Bat notwith-tanrjing anvthiug Iwrsro'ot" provided i« shall'be lawiu! tor the'mining registrar to issue a water race license on the payment by the grantee of t'tiw lice.aso fflß and an additional 15, to cover nr>st of renewals dnr:ng the currency of such iiwnsfl;' arid tlvi s.ui lie^n^e nha!l not reqoirn tucthfr'renew»l»:' Tc mining registrar is 'also h<»reby'empowered to accept vb« registntiou f«e» fur the unexpirtd term of any license previously granted.''" Sscoisded by Mr RATVti'Ns, and carried. BIAMOSD DRILL , Mr Symes raov~d, Mr M' seconded, and it was carried —'" That, in the' opinion of thin conference, the Gorernment Bhoold provi'Jo a disraond drill for prospuoting.' the deep drifts'in OUgo,is there is not the slightest d'jtibt hat the inttoiiiicti-m of the drill would give »'gr«'*fc impetna to th^ mining !n----ila«'ry by opeuiug up n*w fields and giving rcmnuurative employm'elit ;to thousands o£ ' minars." . '~'.... DISTRICT COURT. Mr JUwLiss move'ei—"i'hati ir. is dedrnble a distrint court- !ie bbUl at "■Xuiab()r'», and that the"'oh»irtrian or the Jlinenj!.'Oouf ere'rice, held ou liht»'23'd Ocfobw ah A'eiiiWra.'be empiiwered to'sigii aiid » the seMPof the Con;cdrtratea Miners' Aswwiaiiiun. to the petiliou of the residents at Alexandra.." Seconded by 'Mr M'Alpik, s.nd oarriefl." KIVER CLAIJIS. Sir Symes pointed out tho h»rd*hips that existed in «l<i gblda^lds districts tarough miners not being able t.o get a grant of any area larger than an ordioM"; ci»im in tho bfda of nrepkii and gallics. Th« indiviituai miar found it difficult to take in tail ranea and contract water races for such sm?Ji areas. He would moTij that th« Government i.s» req-.H"r.t d to amin'l action U9 of the Miriinj: R^uiiCticn* to the eiient of empowering the wardrn to grant extended claims of nob more fehaa o::e acre to any hulder of a miner's right. Seconded by Wr Flint. Blr M'('eboob : 1 think such an important quostion as rUisyeiting I ho alteration of any section of tbe act oVsrv-KS very serious consideration, and is annbj- cfcupon whifh this -■.onferer.ce should not touch i'ghrly. S'tne uotica of the intention to bring forw;iL'd such serious questions should hsve bren previously given the delegate* Mr Symes : The delftgatea are til pr»ctical men, and are fully conven-ani; with the Mining Act, and have. n<i dnubt, siven thin particular regulation all Au-. atteutioti from time t > time. Mr M'GttEGOR: The alteration suggantttd by Mr S-me's motion mijjht not snit upon goidflulda mob as the Wefi C6:-sK Mr M'AtpiN : The warden invariably grants extended ulsims in my district if it is shown to him that tbe ordinary clf.iui eoald not be proatablv worked. Mr Symes contended tbat the ordinary cU'ua of 100 ft By 100 ft wa«-of no use on old goldfl*ld«. The tirafi of the ui«-fulnM« nf such »reas was past. Thfi days of the' endln snd long Tom had gone by, nt'V«r to return, »nd thu s.rean provided by tlio act for such'crude appliances should be ilon'e Vw»y with. ■ Mr Rawlins : Granted the ordinary claim ii of-no use in -Koran district*, but we rauftt not overlook the fact that nr.w'fielr's ars* occasionally discoverfd, and upon those the ordtoiry claim does v«ry will. The regulation i«, opinion, necessary to t)se equitable distribution of ground on new goldfields, so the t^me h»s not yet arrived that we could honestly suggest an amendment to tho regulation. The motion was lost. 'She conference was adjourned till 9 a.m. on Saturday. Saturday, October 24. The conference resumed at 9 30 a.m. SURVEY FEES Mr Werneu brought forward the question of purvey fees, *ntl mii Mane charged with regard to mmti. There was, h« re(>reK"irafion made to the proper quartet with rf gard to th« f*orbiti>»t fess chwged, and lh*. riiiiculnus syntfm of charging mil«gs for etch claim 6ur-vayr-d at the one vinifc" <>f the siiiv^.yor. The reply received went to show that the department was not paying its expenses, and therefore could not consider the qusntion of a redaction of the feee charged. ■■■»■!•■ .■ ■ Mr M-GBEQOit: Tb.« mileage fees are computed as frouc the surveyor's p!ac« of abode. It is a great injueties to do so wh<'re the surveyor resi'ies at at auy cansiderabio distance j from the site of miniuf; operations Hileaue fees should not be charged for each claim. It is a snrions hardship to miuers, aud helo» con- ; siderably to swell their expenses in securing the means of a livelihood. I move— "That this conference thinks the mileage charged for surveys shouid be computed a» from Clyde for all the immediate districts surveyed at the same time, and that it is desirable that a coniider&b!« reduction' be made iv the fees."' •■..-.•■■ ■ ■ | Seconded by Mr Eawlins and carried. TELEPHONE TO NKVISi Mr Fuut moved as follows:--" That as a great amount of capital is at present hniiig invented at Nevis, it is necsssary that tHi'ph'mic comrounicition be extended to that pKce from the present telephone station at Bannockburn." j Seconded by Mr Symks and carried. I THE BANCWBT. i The delegates to the Miueis' Coufofence were entertained at a banquet given them by tha ! members of tho Alexandra Miners' Association. j The arrangements, which were carried out by i Mrs Cameron, of the Caledonia Hotel, wer;» ; perfect, and the banquet table contained all ' the good thiugs that go to delight tho heart of man. Tne Mayor (Mr Janl«s Rivers) •presided,Mr Spencer occupying the vice-cbair. The Cai>-irman welcomed the delegates amongst them, and in a u-sat speeoh pointed out what benefits were likely to accrue by conference* of men interested in the welfare of the miniag industry; The speaker weilt'on to review tha '. past and;present of ttfe dredgiujt'ihilustry at : Alexandra, and concluded by saying that the i boom now on would last for » long tioie. The I usnal loyal tuftsts were duly honoured, aud ; throughout the evening no less th»u a dozen 1 toasts wore proposed, honoured; and responded to in suitable tsrms. It was far into the small hours when the oompany dispersed, after spending a most enjojable time indeed.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 10637, 31 October 1896, Page 2

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MINERS' CONFERENCE. Otago Daily Times, Issue 10637, 31 October 1896, Page 2

MINERS' CONFERENCE. Otago Daily Times, Issue 10637, 31 October 1896, Page 2


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