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Business Notices. i • , „,„,,,,,,,., , , ; ', ui ■.') i ii ....... .''"* . fI?AIR Y M E AD>. i PURE CANE SUGAR. MADE ON THE PLANTATION* SHIPMENTS ARRIVING THROUGHOUT THE SEASON- ' . . * TO BE HAD OF ALL MERCHANTS, GROCERS, AND- STOREKEEPERS. , ' TAGO DAILY TIMES AND WITNESS m XX. •"■ =' „™ 1 ' Medical. NEWSPAPERS COMPANY {LIMITED). , : __ r _^_____ ___ /~i REAT Australian Remedy—Colemane's NOTICE. . . "Ol* World-famed EUCALYPTE cures Coughs, ' ' I Oolds, Influenza, and all affections of Chest and NASEBY SUBSCRIBERS who bave hitherto, *L*ing» 3*u got their PAPERS'from Mr J. M'Cabe can now /CLARKE'S WORLD-FAMED get them from Mr J. BROWN. \J , T>LOOD, MIXTURE. n v „ GE°E(Maniri_^Director. ™E GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND ___" — managin- inrector. . RESTORER. ForCLEANSINGand CLEARING the BLOOD from ALL IMPURITIES it cannot be too highly I" ~]\/f "A I ZEN A"' . g recommended. IjtjL —"** 1 K -", °r Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin ahd Blood Diseases, I [J Eczema, and Sores of all klhds, it Is a never fallg j ("DURYEA'S"). , "|.'P|. .taf^^jmjrton^;., . - I „- Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck. A DELICIOUS TABLE DELICACY. Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs. ,_ Cures Blackheads or Pimples on the Face. ' Cures Scurvy Soros. ——' ; Cures Cancerous Ulcere. Cure3 Blood and Skin Diseases. . _ „ Cures Glandular Swellings. PATERSON & BARK, Cures the Blood from all impure matter, Prom whatever cause arising. ■100 upTMrau """TmrirT Clarke's Blood Mixture is the only real specific ldb •TCUMWA 6iiU4i4j,, for Gout and Rheumatic Pains, for it removes the HARDWARE IMPORTERS. otuai from the blood and bones. ¥v 14.44 ,i, this Mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted free from anything: injurious to the T.™.TnTxTi-- iTATir-nTAT-i most delicate constitution of either sex, the pro- * FENCING MATERIALS prietorssolicit sufferers to give it atrial to test its BARBED WIRE BARBED WIRE THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS. PT.AINWIRE PLAIN WIRE Clarke's Blood Mixture is. sold in bottles, 2s 9d ru-vii-i »xii.i4 each; and in cases, containing six times the WIRE NETTING quantity, lis—sufficient "to effect a .permanent cTrwi-'-p „„,! *ra*RTUT NETTING cure in the great majority of long-standing casesSHEEP and RABBII JNfiLiinu BYALLCHEMISTSANDPATKNTMEDICINK STANDARDS . VENDORS throughout the world. ProprietorsSTANDARDS THE LINCOLN: AND MIDLAND COUNTIES Vm a xv„-„\,a „„,„ ~,„™^ after Punching) DRUG COMPANY, LINCOLN, ENGLAND. (Net Weight only charged alter-funcning;. Trade Mark-*'BLOOD MIXTURE.'' T7v TVkoa- ' ''."CAUTION.: J??t7_ , Tr-nxr**! Purchasers of Clarke's Blood Mixture should GOLF CLUBS and IKON- see that they get the genuine article. Worthless (Right or Left Hand). imitations are sometimes palmed off by unpriu*""**"T . T , »T/.r-! cipled vendors. The words "Lincoln and jtid- ., BAKERS BALANCE fa, land Counties Drug Company, Lincoln, England," blade especially to carry in cart; light and handy, are engraved on the Government stamp, and "Clarke's World-famed Blood Mixture" blown in WATERBURY WATCHES. the Bottle, WITHOUT WHICH NONE ARE WATERBURY WATCHES. GENUINE. , Time is Money: if you want to save some, nHRY COLEMANE'S LOZENGES and call on us. |_ JUJUBES Sore Throats and Voice. SLATE MANTELPIECES, Excellent remedy. . - - Cheaper than ever; also, Enamelled Wood. Ql P R I N G MEDICINE. ELECTRIC BELLS. At thjß perjod o{ tho year it desirab]e thaj . Easily fixed; no expert knowledge required. the syßtem should be stimulated, to throw off A splendid Mile." ■ waste matter and to assist Nature. We can —— _,- ._,_,„ honestly recommend our . SKATES. ICE SKATES. SKATES. Ladies', Gents', and Children's. COMPOUND' SARSAPARILLA, „.„„ *„ z „ »„j*<€*_i7„-ii~ii Being a Concentrated Decoction of the above BATS.-Secure one of our Crawford Exceller Eoot with other reoognised Blood Purifiers . Bats. The Best Assortment of Cricket .<• ■ Material in Town. 2s (3d per bottle ; five bottles, 10s. ._' " 7 . „„;„„„„ ti,. We also sell the ingredients for making the CornSee our New TILES, just opening up. The • IKlund Sarsapai . illa in paokets fr0 K m ls _ Prettiest Designs ever shown. ■*..■■ HORSEhSr^OCK TEASING W^f U™NO P°WD,SR* JlUJ.VS3i4i4.4lJ.4.^W4^^.^.^^ Go()d f or tlle a t, OV( ; p Ur p oSeg< A Bargain, to clear. Is Cd per tin.Our GAS COOKERS are up to date Should be . -„,_ ToNrf , seeuat work. -Great Utility, Easilv Worked. tlt- » k j and Economical. ,T hu* H«bal Mixture has made some remark- . . able cures of Liver Complaint. It stimulates the ~__ „„„.-.„-,„ ■„,->/-•-ran-*.*.«. liver> clears the complexion, removes headache DOORMATS, SCRAPERS, DOORMATS. anQ constipation, and destroys worms. STOVES, RANGES, and REGISTER GRATES. Price, ls Gd a bottle. TILE HEARTHS and KERB FENDERS. COMPOUND CASCARA BITTERS, -_ ■■.■•■■■■ - ~ ' For improving the appetite and toning up the — c-Mfur'H' digestive organs. In chronic indigestion, with ouiyjvu. tendency to constipation, this is a really good THE ROYAL COLORS." medicine, i — 2s Gd per bottle; five for 10s. T. C. WILLIAM'S „ . , _ ~,. ' ~*- DANDELION PILLS. Special Quality 6d and Is a box. " "IMPROVED AROMATIC These Pills have a good reputation from the many who use them.* Guaranteed herbal in comTOBACCO. 15au Position.) TAGO WITNESS.-New Stories. ALarg. Sold in bi„Md per dozen. amount of Reading Matter. Price 6d. ;,__,.-,'*„ . - '■ ■ 5 .— MEDICINAL HERBS, ROOTS. AND BARKS, j : In Extract, &c. Medical. • Sold Wholesalo and Retail.' Patent Medicines, Homoeopathic Tinctures and MT? P-A-RT „ TT7T)I7-PTT"R Pillules,-Druggists' Sundries, Elrctric Belts ii LrAiziLj V. Li Ha VJ_i> U li. and Machines, Elastic Stockings, Knee Caps, &c. MASSO-ELECTROTHERAPEUTICS Please Note oub Address; And - ". . NEIL'S BOTANIC DISPENSARY, SWEDISH MOVEMENT SYSTEM, 74 GEORGE STREET. -■■•-* ti 7 ' MUSCULAR, JOINT, and NERVOUS ukedin. DISEASES. Country Orders Promptly Attended to. COMPETENT NURSE i^ 0B ,I" flu, en| a *P?£lr,&%r£Z <£r1? m*ne jln Attendance for Female Patients J a"d Sopa Spsc' a* OIL. Paralysis, A Wonderful Medicine. ■ Muscular Atrophy, __ Rheumatism. "gSMCHA M'> SPILLS. Sciatica, Lumbago, —— Crural Neuralgia, OEECHAM'S PILLS, Worth a Guinea a Box. An-emia, -***-*^ ; ; * Chronic Constipation, "|>ISECHAM'S PILLS, for Bilious Attacks. ; Neurasthenia, . JO ■_ Hysteria, . -fj EECHAM'S PILLS, for Nervous Disorders, lateral Curvature of the Spine, Jj Stiff Limbs, ' X>EECHAM'S PILLS, '. '"'..'■ Dropsical Limbs, Chorea, J_» For Indigestion in all its f orm*s . Locomotor Ataxy, Goitres, &c „ _„ ~ ■ „.1. ~~ ' — ~ — ~ —: —. . T> EECHAM'S PILLS, '■"■■... JL> For Wind and Pains in the Stomach. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR and INGROWING _T „ m ~„„„„ T- i c , -rr J -u EYELASHES "OEECHAM'S PILLS, for Sick Headache. SUCCESSFULLY REMOVED t™^ .™- ™r-ro * t- 7 ~.~^l _ ■._ >T . OEECHAM'S PILLS, for Liver Complaints. By Electkolysis. No scarring. J"5 . Small Fleshy and Pendulous Tumours and Naevl "jOEECHAM'S PILLS, for Giddiness. Almost Painlessly Removed. ■*-*" : "OEECHAM'S PILLS," •' "Under Duly Qualified Medical Supervision. Jj For Fulness and Swelling after Meals. Patients unable to attend Consulting Rooms BTwfcSd.nS^tofa. for Females of all can be Treated at their Residences. Ages. - CONSULTING ROOMS "OEECHAM'S PILLS, (Under Messrs Myers', dentists). J3 Are Adapted for Old and Young. Hoims-9 a.m. to . p.m. OEECHAM'S PILLS, i ' Jl3 For Dizziuess and Drowsiness. N.8.-A limited number of Patients who are TJEECHAM'S PILLS z . ' ' _ unable to pay for treatment, and are vouched for iU will Restore the Rosebud of Health to by competent persons, will be treated gratuitously. everyone who use3 them. TUESDAY and FRIDAY, from 2 to 4 p.m. ). ■_ '■—. — : 1 !BJ^OR Rheumatism and all Pains, try ColeJj mane and Son's Special EUCALYPTE OIL, (3-00 D NEWS FOR CORPULENT PEOPLE. PHYTOLACCA JUICE. A WONDERFUL PREPARATION DISCOVERED FOR REDUCING CORPULENT PEOPLE, WHICH IS ENTIRELY VEGETABLE, AND POSITIVELY HARMLESS. Obesity, generally regarded as a disagreeable condition only, is in fact an abnormal condition and carries with it more or less danger. Innumerable ailments, sufferings, and sickness follow in the wake of "too much fat," not to speak of the many fatal cases, such as apoplexy, fatty degeneration of the heart, dropsy, -fcc. For centuries remedies have been- sought to reduce obesity, and many drugs and chemicals have b»en lauded, but most of them are dangerous to take. Phytolacca Juice is Never Harmful, and yet counts the largest percentage of good results of all remedies for obesity known. It was observed that birds which fed upon the berries from which Phytolacca Juice is made quickly reduced their adipose tissue. And it was.upon this observation, about five years ago, that this remedy was introduced as a Fat-reducer, and has indeed proved: itself a wonderful agent. Phytolacca Juice, when faithfully taken, will promptly dissolve or absorb the fatty tissues of the joiuts, and makes the movements easy and light. Phytolacca Juice will, in all cases, reduce and remove fatty degeneration of the heart, which so often causes dropsy, faintine symptoms, despondency, and frequently apoplexy. Phytolacca Juice will cure a great many rheumatic troubles, especially in very fleshy people. * Phytolacca Juice tottl invariably reduce the abdominal measurement. Phytolacca Juice is an excellent remedy in dyspepsia. Phytolacca Juice is Never Harmful, and is a good blood purifier, and forms muscle instead of fat. Phytolacca Juice is the Most Positive, Strongest, and only harmless entirely vegetable Fat-reducer known. Phytolacca is put on the market in two forms—The Pure Juice of the berry and in Tablet form. The Juice is the most powerful form and is quicker in action; the Tablets, however, are very handy for business men and travellers, and each Tablet is equal to 5 drops of the Juice. The Christchurch Press Company (Limited), Marshall's Pharmacy. • . . Christchurch, July 13, 1596. Gentlemen, —It gives me great pleasure in being able to testify to the great benefit my wife has derived from taking Phytolacca Juice. Previous to taking it sho found great difficulty in breathing, and going up stairs was a trouble. After taking the first bottle—though I cannot say I saw any great reduction in her appearance—the -benefit she derived was great. She felt a lightness not experienced for many years, and could run up stairs as easy as our youngest. She has now taken the second bottle, and if that will give her as much benefit she will continue to take a few more. I have recommended many of my friends. I can always speak highly of the remedy.. Yours faithfully, Cam*. W..H. Meikleham. For RHEUMATISM in the ARMS and SHOULDERS PHYTOLACCA ACTS LIKE A CHARM: it has CURED several very SEVERE CASES. If you are a sufferer, give it a trial. ■ The JUICE is put up in Bottles, with all directions. Price, 2s 6d and 4s 6d. The TABLETS are put up it in Tin Boxes, each Containing 50. Price, 2s 6d, MARSHALL'S PHARMACY, SB PRINCES STREET. DUNEDIN, -i «my

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 10589, 5 September 1896, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 10589, 5 September 1896, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 10589, 5 September 1896, Page 8


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