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Special Advertisements. 11 Stoddard'S Fort folio j - - Stoddard's Portfolio ! , . pricior & ormsby, Encouraged by the Marvellous Suocsss which attended tts isaue of "BEAUTIFUL BRITAIN," have resolved to PUBLISH IN WEEKLY PAETS, COMMENCING THURSDAY, FEBKUAEY 6, The above Splendidly Illustrated s^ck } TOUR ROUND THE WORLD: { HQ Sfe* A POBTFOLIO OF PIIOTOGItA PHS OP THE ' MAEVELLOiI'S WORKS OF GOD AND MAN, THE WOKLD OF NATUEE AND AET: BEAUTIFUL, DAZZLING, WONDEEFUD. Prepared under the.supervision of that Fribce of Travsllers and Lecturers I JOHN L. STODDABD. - \ ~ I GRAND'PANORAMIC VIEWS OF TAMOU3 | HOMES or NOllilD PEOPLE, j CITIES, • I PUBLIC AND PHIVATE BUILDINGS, STKEi:T SOKNJS J-KOM >OXED PL4.Cib, i J 4MOUS PAIM'JNGS AND STATUARY lANDMAKKS IN IHE WORLD'S HISIORY, | FROM IHE WORLD'S' GREAT ART RUINS Or ANCIKNT CITIES A>,D CASTLES, CENTRES TEMI'LIiS, CVTHLDRALS, MOSQUES, ' PHOTOGRAPHS OP MOUNTAIN SOEWERI, THE LLXUKIWf TROPICS, THE QREAT BEAUTIFTJL LAICES, DESERT, THB FROZEN POLES, FAMOUS PAISKS AND I-OUIsTAINS, INSTANTANEOUS PHOTOGRAPHS SHOW HISTORICAL OBELISKS AND TOWKR&, HOW DHTFKFNT NATIONS LIVK, MUMMIES, CATACOMBS, PYRAMID'S, PICTURES TRUE TO LIFE FROJI EVERY COLNiRI, LVJKP.Y CLIME-" From Greenland's icy mounisimp to India'scdral strandi' AN OBJECT LESSON ON HISTORY. To know one's country should be the first duty as it is the1 most f ijdurifafe pleiistire of toah. To know all cciuntries is to reach the highest state of intellectual dtevfclopmisnt. How to obtain this knowledge is? the vital question. Life is short and but few have the menus or the fortitude to travel from coiiiit-yto comitrj, 1 isking health aud comfort, to inspect even a small portion of the wonderful tilings tlni ;a it world Jns in store for lis 'lho great mass of people must, therefore, depend iipoh books for ittrtrur.tiori. In the preparation of this aeries of photographs the traveller and artiet have penetntoJ foreign lands, and returning placeu before us »\act counterparts of the mighty pyramids, the lofty cathedral, the awful cataract, or the gloom of the Black Forest: As a result we rilay sit In comfort by our firesides and nee pan 3 before us in one grand panoi una Itngland; Scotland, Ireland, Prance. Germany, Russia. Austria, Turkey, Italy, Spain, Asia, Africa, North and South America—tho old v. orld and the new see spread beforei us in object lewon in history so simple a child may understand, and so lhtehsely Interesting tUat the old aie held spellbound while gassing from scene to "■cene Mr lOHN % STODDARD needs uo introduction to Hie great rending jjttibiic. For 13 j'aarß he has lectured in the larger cities of the United States of Amenca on lux trm els in foroigii land?,,illustrating tach lecture with hundreds of beautiful views, made from actunl phbtb'raphs taketi lindSr hisj beKdliil direction Dming his long and bnlhant career his lertureß have been the delight and his views the wondei of countless thou«.inds No other rhwi ib so capable or so well fitted for greparittg a work of AN INDEFATIGABLE TRAVJULLBIIj a close nnsener, and .t'brilliant scholar, he knows, as his success before a critical public proves, what ■will lest instruct the mmd and delight the e\e Jtxtensivc travel and Study has enabled him to gather from the " world" i stotehousi the chi ice'.t tre^ures the rarest ,;ems of nature and of art He Iml mirvved the entire world, and selected for this great Series scenes surrounded with the romance andhzstoij of pastt<es, unties whote towering battlements centuries ago looked down on scenes of vai, iciserv, and barbaric splendour , cathedrals' ballb bj ambit'ous monaichs, every stone telling a fitory of historj And romance the home' of Kings and Queeni, and their, achievements in war and peace, mountain scenes rivalling in glory the splendour of the tun itself; the tropics teettliiig with" vegetable and animal life , the hinieof tbe Ksqininaut and the land of the midnight sun. Hetakoi tis in Eoaaie Scotland to Burns s birthplace and the home of Walter bcott; in England to Stratfordon A\on, whele dwelt thn great Shakespeare and his fair Ann H ithawsy; Stoke' Pogls CbUfcli, the j ■<cene of diay's "Elcgj," and to the "Old Cuno-ity Shop," immortalised By Charles Jjickens; in Trance to Pans .and Versailles, where the mightj N ipoleon planned the conquest of. nstldns; aM to ' Jiittle Tnainoa the home of hapless Mane Antoinette, m B»rlm to the very hpuse from where IdEiiurck, the Iron Cliau<.elloi has foi jeaia duertcd the affairs of tho German nation jin Home to the Colosseum, where the gladiatom and wild beasts fought for life to please Nero and bis savage followers , to the Orient mlibib CleopatM lured kings to death , and in Jerunrilem to Betblohem, tlie birthplace of ourSauoui He kids the v.a\ through the greit gTllcries of Versaillein Luxembourg, Drcidtn. Florende, and mcient Rome, fhowing the world's masterpieces in painting and Hutuary. ; In the New World bo taken us step hi step from Gieeilland to Alaska in the North to Patagonia in the South In the United States of America hu shows us all the large cities, the houses ot Wattili'gtbu and, Longfellow, the snlcndmn of the Slerias, and the home of the cliff dwellers • in Mexictf we vinit the homes' or the Hnnte/umi« and the scenes made famous by the lueUd's Maximilliau ; we crps« thfe Andes througli tie highest piss lh the world , =c»le Mourit Chimborazo, 21i42(1ft hitfhj aiid See as they are to day Brazil, Argentine Papublic, md little but tempestuous thill Who wdbld not eiJjby i tbiir of the world with such an accomplished companion and guide' HUNDEBDS OF THOUSANDS OP^ POUNDS Are^annuilly spent by tourists vainly endeavouting to sip the trcasdrefj shown in1 this bobfei liafly they neicr see, and tho«e they do birt few appreciate, because tliei do not linUe'rstand ilic history connected with them In this work v.c do not only see scenes true to life ff6m feVery Ifthdi blitare gn en in if aw words then entire description md historj i Great care has, been exercised bj Mr Stodd I'd in electing the photograph's fSf thlil gfeat work. , Every phnfce of life from that found m the castles of the old world W tUe.strtw cdttageS ot MexlSb is 1 represented lie shows us remote cornets. r>f the enrth wbfere foot bf white mail eeldoiii tread's. The photographing of so riany «cones in dißtadt 1 uids, has cost thousands of pounds, but th* result juitjfies the enormous expanse and HboUr involved Nn such collection has ever betoretjleii ptiblished, kii It represents what the wealth oE the world cannot buj The Coupon Sy fern whicli vet with such success in oui last \enture, will be foiiSwed iii regard to the issue of SrODDAIID S PORTFOLIO, and Subscribers to the Otago Daily Times iiStl'Witness are invited to cut out the Coupon and forward to our office, accompanied With cash or Stamps—foi sirjgle copies, Cd, or 8d posted; IDs for the complete set of 16 parts—and they will be fbrwSfeled to any pai t of New Zealao <1 imriiectiatoly on receipt of order. We aie making arrangements for BINDING, »nd hope to be in a pdiiiifih to aeiiver Bound -Volunieß EARLY IN FEBRUARY \ , PRICTOE & OKMSIfY, Publishers, Stafford sta&ti; STODDARD^S ROUND THE WORLD PORTFOLIO. fJOtJPON enlitlmg Subscriber to One Part or a Complete Set of STODDAED'S GrLIAIPSES OF THE WORLD; Onpiesenlaiion of this Coupon at our Office in Stafford street irai bUt Bookstall m Princes street, we agree to supply Ono Part of the atdtfe Portfolio for 6d, of 8d if required to be posted , oi One C'omplets Set for the sum of Ss> or lOs'p'osted. Please send Pai ts Ito — . ... i „ Xame and Address , :.;..i.;j;;:;. ;<;:.;,... Endowed please find „ PRICTOR * OSBISBY PART I Will be Issued on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6. ■ Pam I Contains : PANORAMA OF PARIS THE DYING G(\UL f CAHTOL, JIdME .. ANN HATHAWAYSCOITAGE, STRATFORD SI'VFUE OF COLUMnUS, GENOA, ITALY , ON AA ON ENGLAND THE MILAN CAI HEDRAD, ITALY El LtJN'S ISLE, LOCH KATRINE, SCOTLAND IHK GARDEN OF GETHSEMANE, P'AI^ISBLaIIHEY, CASTLB IFF&AND , , TINE . PANi'BAMA Of STOCKHO7M, SWEDEN BOTANICAL G4RI)7!Ni3 ANH MOUNT CORGROUP OF LAPPS, NORWAY COVArjO, RIO UNEtRO: BRAZIL ... HRIDfcLBERB (jASTLk, GER4TA.NY STRAW COTTAGJU;. SALAIIIANOAj MEXICO' LUCKUNJ?, SWITZRRLAND ON INDIAN RIVER, FLORIDA THE GRATEN VIENNA PRICTOL & OBMSBY, . Stafford street, PUBLI^HEES, OTAGO AND SOUTHLAND. . SHOPPING BY POST. , Are you takiDg Rdvantage of the EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN^, beLos daily snapped up by keen Cash BiiyeW If not, Why not? C- A ft T' t Ft & ; £j 6V Have Purchased This Week another £500 Worth of Real Good DRVPERY at Bne-half the usual Price, and offer the same to you, _itar biit uiEY canl: pay oirriagb at1 ihes'f; pricls. LADIES' SILK GLOVE-. -Usually ls-now 6i LADIBS" SHOT SILK UMBRELLAS, Edtid'.for and lb 3d quality for 9d—Black or Colours sun oi rain Half price—3s lltf, 4s lid, & lid. LADIES' LACE SETS, Coljai and CuffT^Vl'hitP, NEW WASHING ZEPHYR ill Pink, Sky, Fawn, Trimmed Val Lace—Ss lid quality for Is and Gre., Shades-worth S|d—uow 4Jd. 11 Jd, also large Yoke Collai s, 1 Hid— worth Z^TTwyc^wT ~fru- ■ ii. ■" ±- ~il ■■ ->■■ j a 3 I],) XEW CORSEIfi —Posting them to all partß of — .' thu colony-2s 6d, 3s 6d, 4s 63, ss6d, 6s6d. WHITE-GROUND PRINIS -Ncrtv />U file rage &tite size and colonrj enclose caah, and get for Blouses 73d qiiahtv fdr tjd, in ne^i Al Vfllbe ........ spots and Spugs, fa^tcoloilra , ... rtMT . t —njj ~. j \.- ■.■-■•; ;'•■ —=-l COLONIAL FLANNkLS.—9|d and. la yard in A WONDERFUL DIIESS for the Motiej - Fink or Whitt. The Bame Gdbcts are now Pretty Check Lustre) double width m Black, woith Is and Is 3d. Buy how. Fawr,, or Navy^heAs^Jd-usmaijl^ _ 55Tw TK*XOKI«^UIS=Wp n «i Tweed; FLOWFBS-26 Boxes at Half Price New Large Si/es-Sa 6d, 9a 68; 10s od{ 113 6d>'^^nX iiOYS' 'VVftSITY CAPS (tee^r.tweed^ fiddo7»n—nowSJl " Usualb Cd—no w three for 6d. Selling fast. BLOUSFS in Black, Navy Butcher Blue, ci COLONIAL BLANKETfI at lwt year's pricesHeliotrope Grounds-3s lid ciuality ibr 2s Gd J* 6 t>d a"d 17s Ud ?*"■ These Blankets will i Full Sleeves Selling like ripe cherries be 4s to 5s higher shortly. FOR BABY-A Sppiinl Tob LwTwhUe Tm XMAS CARDS FRKE to aU Purchasers of & broidercd Sun Bonnets-n«uallj E4 (id to •> worth aud upwards. CornS and choose half fa lid-now Is, lsGd, lslld, 23 lid do7l;o | W H Cartbb. :\ m and ,62 George1 stfeeli A^oa^m 011 MlMßer I CARTER & CO., u-^i ' is our Dunedm Manager f . ■< Opposite Post Office, Gore; Cbjs Cartfr I DUNEDIN, GORE, and LONDON. And 9 Bush lane, Gannon , isourffoieManqgor ) I street, London. , SMOKE mWO WBLLEBS TOBACCO. «tf} HE ROYAL COLOBB" — 1 T C WILLIAMS Made from Extr. Choice MATURED SUN-CURKD LEAS'. Special Quality ;- _ "iiIPROVED AHOMATic Gtra a Plearauit, Cool Binbi«. TOBACCO Hhu . BE CdFFEB PALACE Try It »nd it wUI uly. you ii*tirf«6tion. This FIRST CLASS PRIVATE HOTFL, situ n n w r» » v niT itwl in the HealthiHt and Most Central put of |^T 0 0 N D A V 0 I L. Dunedm, m MORAY I'LAuE, bffiirs Flffit tlsis i-1 _ . . ' Accommodation to Travellers, Tourists, and • . . . . Visitors. BBIGKT, CLEAR, STKADY LIGHT The best Sample Rooms In the 6ity on Ground Door C F itr,YFR| INSIST UPON HAYING NOONDAY. lOau J'f "P"etor -HJOTBS ON BUBAL TOPICS, byAgrieol«, f^ ILBEY'S DRY GIN certified valuable for J^l veekly in tho Otago* Wlttieiiß, dfesllrife \T Kulntv Affections, with »U tonics of rarreot Irrtoreat to farirrtri.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 10562, 8 January 1896, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 10562, 8 January 1896, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 10562, 8 January 1896, Page 2


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