PORT CHALMERS. Time Ball at Pout Chalmers. New Zealand moan time at noon, calculated for the moridian of longitude, in time 11 hours 30 minutes cast of Greenwich, will be signalled once a week by a time boll dropping at the instant of j mean noon. A blue flag will be hoisted at the mast-head, Port Chalmers «ignal station, on the forenoon of j the day when the time signal is to be given. [ Phases of inn Moon. (Calculated for New Zealand mean time). JANUABT. J). IT. K. first Quarter 4 7 22 p.m Ful! Moon 11 620 a.m. Laat Quarter 18 10 25 a.m. New Moon ... 86 8 56 a.m. THE WKATHKII. January;2l.—Wind S.W. Weather fair. 8 a.m. Noon. 6 ntn. Barometer ... 3022 30S0 302S SUerniometer ... 52 64 6S HIGH WATER. f a.m. p.m. t™ *> JAt the Heads ... 0.13 0.81 Jan.-a -J At Port Chalmers 0.5S 1.11 lAt Dunedin ~. 1.38 1.58 DEPARTURE. j falune, 5.8., 130S tons, Phillips, for Melbourne, ! via the Bluff and Hobart. J. Hills, agent, i'as- < sengers: Misses Cook (2), Kraser, Woodw»rd (2), Uayei, Skinner, Bellamy, Newcombe, Wilson, Keith (2), Mesdames Barter, Healey, Sebo, Clark, j White, Rev. Moore, Messrs Baume, White, Healey, Sebo, Clark, Hunter, Woodward, Bum, Hamman, Keast, Cameron (2), Shearsr; 15 ■tsor&ite. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. FaoM Lokbon. — Glenlora, barque, 774 tons, i Tonkin, WGTP. Rangitilri, barque, 1188 tons, Pottinger, VNKP. Pakeha, s.b., 4331 tons, Moffatt. ■„,„ . From Gakihff.—Hurunm, barque, 1012 ton 3, Plunkett, QFDB. ' , ]?kom Hambdro. — Tuiakina, ship, 1189 tens, Hamon, WQHM. nB S-rom Liverpool. — Himalaya, barque, 1008 tons, Hill, VTKM. . From Glasoow. —Hudson, barque, 7i57 tons, Kemp, WSFD. Bkom Nkw York.—City of Adelaide, fourmasted barque, 843 tons, J. M'Kay, WCHB. Frederick P. Litchfleld, barque,lo42 tons. Young, From Rio »c Janbiko.—Famenoch, barque, 8»5 tons, Ross, PSFJ. Fjioti Adventure Bay.—Ocean Ranger, bar-1 nuent.ine, 534 tons, Clarkeen. j Fboh Brisbane.—Highland Forest, barque, 995 tons, Dsnnody, JHCD (December 12). SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. Auckland, January 20. —Arrived (11 p.m.>: Tasmania, from Sydney. Passengers: Messrs Balfour, Darietta, Dutton, Armstrong, Davidton. Misses Mathieson, Little,' Briggs, L»sker, , M'Fadyen, Mrs Lasker, Signor and Madame Squarise. January 21 (12.15 a.m.): Monowai, from Sydney. Passongera: Mr Hamilton, Mrs and Miss Scott, Miss Russell, Mr Sanderson, Miss W. Proßser, Misses Murray (2X Mr and Mrs Jenkins, Misses Jenkins, Ziele, Allen, Wright, Herbert, Dale, Austin, Turner, Messrs Murray, Strong; and 7 steerage. Taviuni, from Fiji. Sailed: Taviuni, for Wellington. P^sengers: Misses Wolffe, GUlos (2), Vaughan, Chartcock, Hinger, Towusend, Mesdames Freeman (and 2 children), Wolffe, Kuddy (and 2 children), Parsons, Young, Connolly, Messrs Wilson, Thompson, Worthington, Wolffo, Reynolds, Lindsay, Coates, Murch, Young, Hutchison, Lowe, Eillman, Hudson, Bennert, Fanning; 13 in the steerage. Tasmania, for southern ports Pasßengers: Mieses Rainger, Le Martin, Kennck j Duder, Garride (2), Johnson, Earlmer, Thompson, I KusseU, Robertson, Walsh, Mitehell, Anderson j Kissell, Robartson, Walsh, Mitchell, Anderson, i Coombes, Hutchison, Marsh, M'Petersen, Webb, Goodwin, Wilhamson, Melham, Bracewell, Cook, Shepuardj Thompson, M'Crae, Maloney, MII- | wroith, and De Latour, Mesdames Mitchell,: Robinson, Kenrick, Dudex, Andrews, Stevensnn, Lister, Garride, Ward (and child), Dyce, Cocks, G«a.ry, Stone, Delacous (and infant), Pirani, Inglis, M'Dwraith (and infant), M'Crae, Munro (and child), Maloney, Kenney, and Taylor, Maetera Kins ;and Tentenberg^ Messrs Bi-ddle, Wileon, Cole,1 ' MTOwraitSs,' R&ev&s, Hunter, Sheriff, Derbyshire, Keasing, Thompson, Saiikey, Clementson, Walton, Heard, Dyson, Small, Clemects, Walker, Houston, Ogdep, .yong. dill, Bold, . and Baker;. 73 steerage. Gairlock, for Wanganui and Wellington; 'xakapuna, for oouthem ports. Passengers: Misses Philcox, Giddy, Short, Davidson, Rennie, HeaderBon, M'Gonagel, and Kisslißg, Mesdames Foster, Towsey, Simpson (and 2 children), Macgrsgor, Wicks, (and children), Green (and children), Grace (and 3 children), Davis, Day (and iatmit), Fole, Leal (and family), Williamson, WEtiams, Garland, Hiekey, Gledhill, Finnimore, Beatty. and Clayton, Messrs Davis, Stephens, Perry Anderson, Moir, Nutter, Green, Jones, Leal, Sorrell, Carr. Williamson, Gledhill, Keeps, GledHH, Bowles, M'Neill, Finnimore, M'Gregor, Clayton, Brown, Francis, Greenaway, Raynes, Hicka, Askell, Hayhurst, Hoffman, Sutherland, Sinclair, Rev. Mr Williams (and son). Rev. Mr Beatty, Colonel Haultain, Fathers Lenihan and Hickson; 34 steerage. Kaipabi. January 21.—Sailed : G. C.Perkins, barquentine, for Melbourne. Wellington, January 2JL—Arrived.* Kestrel,, ketch, from Kaiapoi; Wainui, from Nelson and West Coast; Dingadee, from Auckland, via East Coast. Sailed: Aorere and Manaia, for Patea ; Rotorua, for Nelson; Mawhera,ior Neliion and West Coast; Kennedy, for Nelson and Weßt Coast; Penguin, for Lyttelton. PasBengera: Misses King, Chambers, Smith, Chapman, MTroy, Young, Hatt, and Newton, Mesdames M*Ain, M'Credie, and Hart, Sir P. Buckley (and secretary), Rev. Mr Sharp,, Messrs Boot. Jones, Cuff, Frost, Roberts, Wood, Levy, Michaelis, MAin, M'Oredia, Gibbs, Frost, Burnley, M'Lean, Watkfns, and Knight', 13 steerage. Lyttelton, January 2L~-Sailede. Bmnnar, forAkaroa, Timaru, and Dunedin; Wakatu, for Cheviot, Kaikoura, and WelJington. Bluff, January 21.—The Rotomahana lfift Melbourne at 10 pan. on the 15th; arrived at Eobart at 9/45 p.m. on the 16th; left Hobart at 120 p.m. on the 17th; had Pnysegur Point abeam at 5.30 a.m. to-day, and passed Centre Island at 9.18 a.m., arriving at the Bluff at ILIS a.m. Moderate S.W. winds, with a beam sea, were experienced from Hobart to arrival. Passengers: For the Bluff—Misses Langlands (3), Mesdames Mellor, Crewster, Morton, BurstaU, Messrs Lang lands, Mellor, Low, B*th, Morton, Wade, Roho, Colonel Burstall, Dr Davenpolt. For Dunedin— Miss Robertson, Mesdamea Reynolds, Jones (and jnaid). Bar.-att (and 3 children), Hardy. Robertson. Haslop, Messrs Robertson, Todmaß, Meagher, Collins, Hewatt, Stemnitz, Don (2), McDonald, I Wahe, Fitchett, M'lroy, England, Livingston, Stott, Robertson, Barratt, Torvey. For Lyttel-' ton—Misses MTJaughlan, Spencer (2), Jackson, Brandt, Grant, Bemington, Tulleys (8), Bower, Mesdames Mason, West, Brock, Wagstaffe, Spencer, Dunnott, MessrsGibson, Andrews, West Trizzelo, Brock, English, Davidson, Dunnott. For Wellington—Muses White, Eraser, Smith,. Hamilton, Lawes, Mrs Williams (and 2 children), Messrs Pope, Woobridge. For Auckland — Mesdames Foster, Gardiner, Scott, Messrs Foster, Anderson, Spavin, Justice Gardiner, Dr Scott; 22 steerage. Sydney, January 2L—Arrived : Manapoari, from Auckland; Flora, from Wellington. Sailed;. Maripoea, for San Francisco, via Auckland. Melboubne, January 21.—Arrived : Maraioa, ham the Bluff. Albany, January 21. —Arrhted-: Oruba, from London. Passengers for New Zealand : Miss Nairn, Mesdames Bailey, Nairn, Dr Alexander, Messrs Willis, Campbell, Fielders, Goran, Hunt, Stewart, Thomas, Haggis, Garxett, Peak. » MISHAP TO A P. AND O. LINER. £Bebahy, January 2L-While the P. and' O. Steamer Himalaya was in harbour on Saturday a saltwater pipe from hex condensing engine burst, tamsing a rapid inflow of water, which could not bo stopped for some time. All the pumps wereset going, but there was about sft of water-in the hold before the repairs were effected. The height of water caused the vessel to settle down considerably, with the result that her keel was within a few inches of the ground, and had she grounded she would probably havecapsized. The. Bteamer proceeded on her voyage -after •thewater Was pumped out. » ACCIDENT TO THE OHAJJC JS.OT3HLAND, January 21^—The Ooau, fromiAuckland to Greymouth, which left on Saturday-night, got to the North Cape when she turned back for repairs, as the colnmn of her cylinder was found to be cracked. She expects'to leave--again tomorrow night. « Dnringthe week ending Januarys), 12-vessels, registering 7433 tons, arrived at the Dunedin wharves; and U vessels, with, a total of 10,318 tons, left them. The s.b. Talnne steamed down to Port Chalmers yesterday forenoon, and after embarking passengers and mails, left for Melbourne, via the-Bluff and Hobart. i The B.s. Wakatipu Bteamed op from Part Chalmers yesterday, and landed cargo at the tongue wharf. Sho leaves to-day for Sydney, via Cook Strait. The ship Canterbury will bs^all elesr of her Dnnedin cargo this afternoon. The sugar cargo brought by the clipper barque Laira from the Mauritius is turning outin perfect order. She has landed some 20,000 bags at the Eattray street wharf. The barque Annie Fletcher has-landed over 120 tons of cargo at the Rattray street wharf. The American barque H. P. Litchfleld left.New Uork on Decsmber 8 for this port, under the command of Captain W. H. Ciadbourne, late of the barque Elinor Vernon. Our old friend Captain Chadbourne will be gladly welcomed back to this port. iWe are informed that the Huddart-Parker Company's new steamer Anglian will leave [Melbourne about the middle of February for Dunedin, via Hobart and Bluff Harbour. From this port she proceeds to Sydney, via the East Coast. After this we understand that the Anglian and Tasmania will run alternate trips between Sydney and the Bluff, via the East Coast ports of New Zealand, thus giving frequent facilities for passengers desirous of visiting the awL We/karathatCactaia-Ji&Ncxeßiaaiiafiß',
appointed to the command of the Anelinn. This gentleman is a stranger here, and will no doubt make a favourable impression. . ~ The s.e. Strathord has taken on board" the George street pier OSS bales wool, 5* do basils and leathor. 2 do rabbitukinß, and 2*i caaKs 'ffw "s.s. Tort Melbourne has taken on board at the Bowen pier 1200 bales wool and skins. The ship Zealandia is fast filling up. w«J> ™r cargo for London,' cood progress being mode duriag the past week, having now on boavd ~K>u bales wool and skins, 510 pkgs twine, and 6 casks iron castings. , The barque Cynieca h making good Pr°Srcs" with hc>r loading for London, havinK , nn?L. Ou board 3000 bales wool and skins, 1511 sacks grain, 104 casks tallow, and 230 bans antimony.
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Otago Daily Times, Issue 10263, 22 January 1895, Page 1
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1,513SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 10263, 22 January 1895, Page 1
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