I (Fbom Otrs Own Cohresfondent.) Wellington, October 3 THE COUNCIL AND THE MONEY BILLS. When the Land for Settlements Bill was yesterday reported from the Council to the Assembly with amendments, Sir Robert Stout raised a question of privilege as to the right of the Council to amend what is an Appropriation Bill. To-day the Speaker ruled that the Council could amend' any clauses in the bill not in themselves dealing with appropriation, and 1 in his view clauses 5 and 25 came within this category of appropriation clauses, aqd had been amended by tha Council. To meet die situation the Minister for Lands moved that these amendments be disagreed with, when tin Robert Stout expressed the opinion that a similar objection should betaken to cltuu 39 The Speaker w»s not prepared to give a ruling upon this clause without consideration, and would be glad to have the opinion of Sir Robert Stout either orally or in writing; It, was well to .proceed.with deliberation in a matter involving any infringement of the privileges of the -assembly. This is a very important ruling sa affecting the fate of the two palicy money bills in the Council, about which, as I have already advised you, there has been bnfiict of opinion as to the right of the senators to amend. The. contention and belief of the Government has been, I have the best reasonta believe, that as to the Coagols Bill' and the Advances to Settlers Bill the Council mast accept these measures absolutely as sent up from the Assembly or reject them. Now there are those in the lobbies and elsewhere who sny that the rejection of these bills would jump with .the real desire of the Premier, and that he has contemplated the resulting situation with much complacency. If this be so he will suffer disappointment with m«dlm C°n? 3r °>hhi? attor?° ou. t°»fc tIM» Council may mangle with impunity the measures he had desigued should be placed intact upon the Statute Book or killed outright. - i_ A BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION. , Apply bulpholine Lotion. It drives away pimples, blotches, roughness, redness, and all aisbguremente. Sulpholine develops a lovely s<m Is bottles. Made in London.—[Advt.l ' - Iceland has more esses of phthisis than any other country on the ff >obe. R9YAL COLORS TOBACCO,
Various questions upon the Order Paper re« lating to the Ba.uk of New Zealand and Colonial Bank were answered by the Treasurer yester< day afternoon in a manner that, if failing too satisfy the querist, threw gome interesting side lights upon the situation. Thus it seems probable that a further agreement between tha banks is being discussed, if not well advanced towards completion, and the Treasurer was1 unmistakable in bis statement that an Agreement between the parlien would be a good thing for the country. At the same time he was not prepared to say that the Government would take up Mr Bell's Guaranteed. Banks Amalgamation Prohibition Bill As to the appoiutment of a. president of the Bank of Now Zealand aud the duties of that officialtopics of muob. interest both in the loobies and on 'Change just now —Mr Ward said that he boped the appointment of a president would be decided within the next fiiw rlfcjs; and us to his duties, he would be required to d'evntß himself wholly to the busi-u(-s;< of the bank, and so far as that institution affe'ctf.d it, safeguard the interests of tb.B colony. These will be bright, responsible, aiid ouerous duties that must be correspondingly remunerated, and I believe the Government have & difficulty in determining the appointment. To me it seems that Sir Westby Perceval is the man the Government would d'siro to appoint, but it in understood that he would prefer to remain as Agent* general in London, and if that be so he may have bis way. In ouch event a high official a£ a local bonk may find himself president. THE BANK PRESIDENT. I have already advised you I had reaten t« believe that the Gbvernniout desired that Sii AVeetby Perceval should accept the office of president of the Bank of New Zealand, but that he would prefer to remain ia London in his -present office, and that ia Huch event a prominent bank official would probably find himself a president. Tfeis evening I am able to say that I have excellent rt-ason to belieTa that the Government have offered Sir Westby a renewal of office (though for what term I knew not), and that he will accept. The presidency of the Bank of New Zealand is, I am informed, under offer to Mi James Coates, general manager of the National Bank, and that, contingent upon the approval of his directors, who may not unnaturally demur to losing his services, ha will accept the position with the duties and responsibilities attached to the office as indicated by the Treasurer in the House; yesterday. The income derivable from the position should be eonsid^pt able. BANKS AMALGAMATION. • The unexpected victory of the Government in the Council fchi<s sftti mion, albeit a qualified ' one, ha* stren^inrned the growing beljef in the 2obbii!ft Umi the amalgamation pf the bankt is »ta)l a consummation desired by various influential person*. The carriage of tha second, readiojf wa* renurkqbla, as four senators who ipeike Bgiiii., Dlhe bill voted.for it. A perus.l of the debate and examination of the division list will prove interesting .to thoee who care to look beueath the surface ; meanwhile Mr Bell is to a»k the Golonial Treasurer whether if the directors of the Bank of New Zealand should propose during the recess to amalgamate with another institution be will direct the president to prohibit any such dealing until this House shall hsve first expressly approved the same.' i THE DAIRY INDUSTRIES BILL. ' I The Agricultural and Stock Committee nt this morning to coesider the Dairy Industries 1 Bill. I understand the Minister deolined'to , accept any amendments increasing the ports*of j export for dairy prodnce—viz., Auckland, Wei- | lington, Lyttelton, and Port Chalmers,—as ;la did not want to have the trouble of dealing with all the little ports in the matter of supervision re grading and other matters. The evidence, however, satisfied him that th« exports from Waitara wpuld justify him in declaring it a place of export, and he has promised to do so by Order-in-Counoil, for which the bill provides. Tho committee decided to alter the' proposal which provided for 111b of milk'to the gallon, and fixed it at lQ£lb. The, other amendments were unimportant, and it; ig likely Mr Lawry, the chairman, will report the biU .as amended to the House to-morrow.
CHARITABLE AID. ' The recent agitation in ChrUtchurch on tha subject of ohariUbls aid has stimulated the Hon. W. P. Reeves to vigorous action thereupon, as the following letter, addressed by Dr MacGregor to th« editor of the Star, Christ* church, will show: —" Inspector's office, Wel« lingten, New Zealand, October 2, 1895.—. Sir, —I have the honour, by direction of tha Hon. W. P. Reeves, to inform yon that the Government have for a long time • had their eyea open to the many abuses inseparable from the existing system of subsidising outdoor charitable aid, and are fully determined to deal with these .evils in a comprehensive way 'as soon as possible. While recognising, however, that the sjßtem is almost impossible to administer without abase,' they are anxious to do their ntmost %to secure good administration. Any such -evils as can be reasonably shown to arise from any neglect,' cruelty, undue favouritism, and either extravagance or undue pamimony on the part of the North Canterbury Charitable Board or its officers will be dealt with at once. ' To this end the Minister will be thankful if yourself or any person known to you will furnish such a prima fane case as will enable the department to get facts sufficiently definite to warrant a public inquiry. Aro you therefore prepared to male out such a case yourself or to forward the name of any person or persons willing to do no?" NEW ZEALAND IRONSAND. " A petition was presented some time ago from Mr K. Purser, of Blenheim, stating that he had discovered * process for treating Taranaki ironsand, and praying that a sum of money be placud upon the Estimates to be given for a competitive examination of the best process for working successfully the ironsands of the colony, Tha Petitions Committee reported to-day that, with' a view of developing the mineral wealth of thai colony, they recommend the Government to> place a sum on the Estimates v a bonus foo the manufacture of iron of a good marketable quality. The bonus to be given when there is iuffioienfc.evidtuce that the industry is likely t»j be of a permanent advantage to the, colony. RAILWAY SERVANTS AND THE CIVIIi SERVICE. An amendment in the Kailway Bill came down to th« House this afternoon by message , iana the Governor, the eff«ct of which is ta sustain the civil service rights of the officers in the R»ilway department when the control shall revert to' the State. The Premier explained that he considered the amendment necessary, and that id was made upon the suggestion si Sir Robert Stout. NORTH ISLAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Mr Lawry, in accordance with notice given, asked the Premier on Tuesday—(l) If he is aware that the business now before the Railway Committee will occupy the whole time the committee will have during the present session, and for this reason they will be unable effectively to deal with the question of deciding the best route for the North Island Main Trunk railway line ? (2) Will he during the recess set up a Royal Commission for the purpose of making an exhaustive inquiry into the whole question! The Premier replied that, if he thought; a Royal Commission would settle the question once and for all, he would be willing to fall in "with the suggestion; but he feared that, whichever way the commission reported, that part of the island reported against would bring the matter up again and demand another Royal Commission. The most important question seemed to be to indicate where the means to construct the line were to come from.~(A Voice:" Borrow another million.") The Premier assured the House that there would be a fair division of the money that remained.— (Mr E. M. Smith : "Areyou shuffling now ?"— Laughter.) Mr Seddon: "I admit, sirj"— (A Voice: " You are.") —" we have had t« shift ova ground." He went on to say that they liad been taken to Waitara, bat the report was so damning that they had to withdraw. He had very carefully considered the reports, and had come to the conclusion that something more must be done. Mr Reynolds had stated that an expenditure of £50,000 would alter the gradients between Wauganui and Stratford so as to make a fa»t line. With that exception there was no further information available. It had been proved practically impossible ta deviate from the central route. They would have to adhere to the old line. The explorations had hot placed the matter much ahead. The cammittee might go through the 'available information and report this session, but; until more money was available little else could ba done. Later on in the afternoon Mr B. M. Smith reverted to the question, and adversely criticised the reports of the engineers, and strongly impressed upon the House tie fact that it was quite practicable to connect New Plymouth and Auckland.1 by rail. Other niemt bers having spoken, the Premier said the Government would declare in the Public Works Statement what they would do for this work this year, butifc was useless to go into the question of routes until the money w»s available. It was of more immediate importance in the interests of Auckland that Taranaki and Auokland should ba connected by good roads. It was a mistake to coustrucb railways years iv advance of sefctlemnnt. The Auckland members strongly urged Auckland's claims, and the matter; ended.
__ jUR de j onoh . s Light-mownCot> LmwOiL.I N the Wasting Diseases or Children its kkficacv is unequalled.—Dr R. C. Croft, author of " Handbook forthe Nursery," writes :—" I have tried Dr lie Jongh's Light-Brown Cod Liver Oil, *Dr Pd?SS^,W almost a specific in many of the Diseases peculiar to Infancy And Childhood, and I have seen marked benelit produced by its use. Patients prefer it to the Pale Oils, and are able to retain it more com. f<?r^ bls." , ?<*' ?'#' in, capsuled Imperial Half. gSP^W 210 High Holborn, London ■ tbg
Mr George Hutchison questioned tho Trealurer yesterday as to the foundation for the statement that the Colonial Bauk was to get a share uf the publio account as well an the snare of the Government remittances which it is now enjoying. Mr Ward said the Colonial Bank applied for a eliaro of the account some tim<ago, but the matter was not then considered. It was,, however, bsfrig considered now. • JOTTINGS. Mr Sarßach wants the Minister for Mines to Eiuse She mining regulations to be revised at an Bsrly date with the view of dealing more liberally with misers and others by way of encouragement in developing the mineral resources of this colony. '■;••■ The Government are to be asked by Mr Gunmen* whether they will take into consideration the desirability of increasing the salary of the secretary and inspector of factories. .
\YhBU the Governmeut take over the railWays,Mr Masaey wants them to wakes a trial Df the sttge syfattm ou. the Hues north of taclUnd.
Mr Bell intends to ask the Colonial Treasurer . whether, if the directors of the Bank of New Zealand should propo-e during the recess to ftrnaljfaiuate with another institution, he will direct the ■ president to prohibit any »n* dealing until tho House shall \ have first expressly approved the same. , Dt Newman has given notice that he will auk on Fiiday if the Government will now inform the House wfco is to be Agent-general tvheii Sir W. Perceval's present term of office expires. The Premier v remarked when the gneefcion was stated : "If you will say who are the aspirants for the office, I may giro you an answer." According to soma people who are supposed to understand s.ach matters, the way in which the shooting of the New Zealand team compitingr in tho Intercolenial ParliaraeuUry 'Riflii Match wsb condneted was not altogether iatiiifactory. According to the conditions the t«arflß were to-consist of seven men * a-side. ' Ths New ZeaUndera ohosn eight, who all Bred, and the lowest tourer (Mr Morrison) was struck out as uob belonging to the team. It ifi now stated by the team tbat, Mr Morrison Oas all aloDg regarded as an emergency man, amd only shot becnufe he wsb on the ground, Mid »ot in the match. Tho total, as tolefiraphed, was given as 572, which included Mr slor'ri?on'» score (56), but a< this should be deducted, the score stands at 516. Intimation ■ ban been received that; the other colonies will fire off oh October 16. Mr W, Hutchison to-day gave notice that be will wove—" That in the opinion of this House It is not expedient in the present circumstances d£. the colony tbat publio money should b« expended in entertainiug any of the members Dt the Royal family." Mr.Pmki!rton has given notice to move, on goiug into Committee of Supply—"That the time has arrived whoa the salaries of Ministers Bhould be increased, so that they shall ba more cpiumenturare to services rendered " The, Minister for Defence proposes to-con-
ahde a contract for the supply of ammunition
and warlike storoß for five years. The atamunjtiuu i» tp be manufactured in the eclony, and tha powiiut now stored at Auckland is to be vs«;d. It is iuuvirli»d that 1,500,000 rounds cf Martini - Henry ball cartridges are to be delivered before the 31st Maruh 1696, to be delivered at the rate of 80,000 roneds per month, the price net to exceed £5 5* per tftouasnd. After the delivery of the 1,500,0C0
rounds, the ammunition is to be supplied »t t Bnch time as may bo ordered. Provision ia Joade for tests before delivery is taken.
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Otago Daily Times, Issue 10171, 4 October 1894, Page 2
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2,692POLITICO INTELLIGENCE. Otago Daily Times, Issue 10171, 4 October 1894, Page 2
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