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The third day's show of the Otago Poultry, Pigeon, Ciliary, and Djg Club was held at the Giby Hall yesterday, there being about 750 exhibits. The largest section of the'showis,of course, that allotted to poultry, of which there aro over 500 exhibits. Of pigeons there is an nnusually large display—indeed, the largest c.vtr seen at any show in Duiledin ; but cage birds are not so numerous as in former years. Coming first to the poultry, game fowls comprise soncH IG6 exhibits, there being a very good display, and the bird* have been, on the whole, well jiidgtil, as might have bsen expected,when Mr Broirulio acted in !.ho capacity of judge. Black-red cocks nre represented by three birds, Messrs B. and H. Hart's exhibit being hard to beat. It has a good shape, good colour, and stands up well, the on'.y fault being that the tail is too long. The black-red hen shown by tho same owners is first in her class and takes tho special prize for the best hen or pullet. She is a fine bird,-and the only fault that can bo found with her is that her comb is a little twisted. The black-red cockerel which tool: the first prize is au midubbed bird, which stands up well, bat has rather a round back. The black-red pullets are a fairish lot; but neither of the two brown-rod cocks exhibited are very good specimens. Three good brownred hens aro shown ; and th« first prize browured cockerel is a very shapely bird, h«rd in feather, and having a nice tail and carriage. The other cockerels am nothing out of the common. Mr J. K'iniiiii's nine-mouths' old brownr«d pullet took a special prize for the best lien or pullet, and also a special prize forthe best brown-red bin! iv tbo show, and very little fnult can he. found with her. Two good pilo cocks aro shown, a:id they have been rightly placed. Of the five pile cockerels on view, Me I). Ij. Christie's eight-months' old bird is the best. Ib is a nice-shaped bird, but not so bright in colour as (.ho secdnd-prizo bird. Pilo pullets are a very fine class, both as regards numbers and quality. Mr Thornton's bird took the first prize, also a special prize. It is a very neat-bodied pullet, the onlydt-fectaboufcitbeing that it has a twisted comb, but that is a fault common to nearly Ihe whole class. The judge thought so much of the exhibits in this clai-.s that he gave v "highly commended" ticket to each bird after tho prizy-takers. The duckwing class are not very well represented, tho old cock aud hen e.':ch having a walk-over in their respective classes. Of the three cockerels shown, the first-prize bird is- a long way tho best in his class, aud the two duckwing pullets are both neat birds. Six white cocks faced the ju:lg«s, but with the exception of the three prize-takors the birds aro of a very ooarse quality. White hens, o;i the other hand, are n very good class. Mr AY. H'Ewau's exhibit, numbered 61, tock a first prize and also a npeeial prize. The only fault of the hen is that she is a bit too coarse in the comb and head Of tho six white pullers on view the first prizetaker is a very neat bird, and not far behind th« uld hen that took the special prize for the best hen or.pu!let. The second bird also runs the first ono very cloap. Game bantams are very well represented. Of thu three black-rod cocks shown the firstprize bird is a very taking one, of a good shape, and having a particularly good tail. Hi:: imperfection lies in tho head, which is a bit too thick. The second prize bird is also a nice specimen. It has a better head than the former, but is deficient in body, and wanting in shape. Mr R. Watson's black-red hen is ft particularly neat bird, and iron in very good company, taking a special prize in addition tv the first in her class. Tho black-red cockerel to which has been awarded the premier position is a nics shapely bird, bnt rather on the big side. The second and third placed birds are also fai> specimens. Black-red pullets are a big class, tho pullet taking the first prize being a particularly ueafc bird, and a long way superior to anything in her class. The brown-red cocks lire not nearly so good as tho black-reds, and the hens are also rather poor in quality. Mr K. Watson's pilo cock had a walk over, but fou? pilo hens faced the judges, the first and seconrl prize-takers being neat little birds. Of the two cockerels, the first-plhced bird had an easy win A very neat pullet took the first prize in th<' pile Bantam class, beating the second prizetaker by some poiutK. The old duckwing cod which was placed first is a very good bird, and, although rather deficient in colour, he is a. long way superior to the oth^i prize-takers. A fine specimen of a duekwhi;

he.n, bolonjing to Mr K. Watson, took the firsi prize in her clas?, which was comprised of bird.-* of guild quality. Mr Jumt-s Dick shows a goO'i white game eoclrnv-1 which appears not to haw

beeu noticed. In llw class " bantam cock (no! game)," tho first prise went to a very good speciiaeu of the Japanese breed, the second going to a white-booted bantam of rather inferior quality and shown in bad condition.

Tho first prize in hti'.s was taken by a bul! Pekiii Ijmj, iir.d the f proud by a good hen of thi; Jivp.ineso breed. Messrs B. nnd'H. Hart were the only exhibitors o! Sebright fowls, but the cock aud hen shown by tlietn were both very line specimens, and would hive stood well ii: good company. . .

. 'J'lin largest exhibitor of Brahmas is Mr J. C. Bui'Mand, whose dark cock had a walk-over in his class. Of the five hens on view, tbe first-prize-taker would have been a first-class hen if she had been finer in her pencilling. The bird placed second was better in this respect, but is not such a good bird taking her all round. Two fairish dark cocteels are exhibited, and tht four dark pullets shown are of very good quality, the prize birds being properly placed Tho light cocks, of which there only two, ar?. both to.) pale in the marking. The light hen.», however, are very much better coloured, the first-prize hen beiDg a very good specimen, am' she took the Bpecial prize over tho pullet. The cockerels have the same fault as the old cocks—that is to say, they aro too pale in the markings. Tho light pullet class contains, seven good birds, and tho judge had some diffloult.y in picking out the winners.

There are 75 representatives of the Hamburg breed on exhibition. The golden-pencilled are a line lot of fowls, especially the cockeiels and pullets. The first-prize cockerel is quite a model, and tbe second bird is almost its equal, oiily ijeing a little deficient in colour. Thu goldou-Bpimgled fowls are also well worthy of inspection, but they are not so numerous as those of the former variety. The silverpeucillcd kind are likewise not very numerous, nml a great deal more attention requires to be taken in the breeding of them than appears to be tho case at present. The silver-spangled class, although a small one, contains the best, cock that has been shown here for years, beiiu' almost perfect in colouring. The hen which has been awarded the premier position is also ;< very good bird, and the first-prize cockerel U n promising little fellow; the second oik; being in poor show condition. Only one silverspangled pullet is shown, but it is a littlebeauty. Mr H.Scott shows a black cock and hen, both being very fair specimens. Some 33 Cochin bred fowls faced the judges. Iv the buff or cinnamon cock class three good birds are shown, the first prize one being a very promising bird. The cock placed second is also a good specimen, but rather deficient in colour. Mr Myers' hen had a walk-over in her class. Of the five cockerels shown, Mr J. C. Buekland's is undoubtedly the best, and in another year he will probably be a fine bird. The second prize bird is not nearly bo good, being very leggy and standing too high. Mr O. Ennis' pullet took a first prize in her class and also a special prize. Bho is a nice bird, and the best coloured one among the pullets. In the partridge cock class Mr W. Aitken shows a grand bird, haying a fine colour, and the exhibit is in tho pink of condition. Thy bird jjlaced second is nearly equil to it, but it is lacliing in colour. The judges had some difficulty in deciding as to the parfcridgo hens. The first and Becond prizo birds both belong to Mr W. Aitken, the latter being a little more distinct iv the pencilling, but the former beats it in point of size. The partridge cockerel belonging to the same owner which took the first prize 13 a little model, and ho beat the second prizetaker both in shape and colour. The pullets, are very fine birds and they have been well placed, the one occupying the premier position being a fine-shaped. bir,d and of a good size. Coming to the Plymouth Rocks there is n good display of pullets, cockerels, and hens, each class, being well represented;' and the first prizo htn aud pullet are both remarkably good bird--. The Spanish breed of fowl's nup-ber. 19, aud they are, taking:, them' all round, very good specimens. Mr Rose's pullet, which took tho first prize, is the finest type of a Spanish bird ever exhibited here, and it has never been beaten. Leghorns number about. 45, almost every class being a numerous one, and there are some very fine fowls among both the white and brown breeds. Tho Laugshans are not very numerous, but they aro a good lot of birds on the whole, Mr J. T. Nichols, of Lawrence, showing some of the best fowls. Tho only exhibitor of Houdans is Mr Wm. Kenning, who shows eight birds. The Polish are a very good class ; the golden Polish being typical birds of their breed. Tho whitecrested fowls were alsa exceptionally good, and the judges had a difficult matter to decide between the prize-takers. Dorkings are represented by four fowls shown by Mr W. Smith. The Andalusians are a splendid lot of fowls. The first prize cock bird is a perfect model, and the pullets and cockerels are also well worth inspecting. In the way of Wyandottes Messrs B. and H. Hart, of Lawrence, show some grand specimens of the silver variety, wh'le Messrs Hislop and Hamer show three very nice birda of the golden variety, which have been recently imported from America. The Minorcasare the finest class of birds j;< iho show, tho first prizu cockerel and the first j<. ize pullet being magnificent birds T.-r W. 2r:ttcr.;!cri uouu vieiv a nice pair of pea fowls, and Mrs S. G. Smith shows a lino pair of geese, also a splendid pair of Roueu ducks, which took a first prize at the l»st Sjdiioj-_auow, as weil as the first prize at the Association Fanciers' show at Sydney. The diflplay of pigeons, as was before stated, is the finest one that has been seen here. There is, however, a great falling off in tbe canary section of the show. Owing to the great proasureon our space we are obliged to hold over a detailed notice of the exhibits in those t;vo •sections.' The show last night was very well patronised, a good deal of interest (icing taken in thu p>;rformauco given by 41 r Woods' chveriy-triiiiiud

'dogs. These animals will make their appearance at the City Hall again this afternoon, and also in the evening. | The prize list is as follows: — ! Section I.—Poultry. i GAME. ■■ (Judge: Mr Brownlie.) ' Black-red cock—B. and H. Hart 1 and special, J. Freind 2, \V. M'Keich 3. , Black-red hen—B. and H. Hart 1 and special, iW. M'Keich 2. Black-red cockerel-B. and H. Hartl, R. Watson 2, B. and H. Hart 3. i Black-red pullet—B. and H. Hart 1, N. 0. Potts 2,B.andH. Hart 3. ■ Brown-red cock—J. Rankin 1, 6. Murdoch 2. ; Brown-red hen—AY. H. C. Dixon 1, J. Rankin 2, G Murdoch 3. Brown-red cockerel—John Rankin 1 and special, G. Murdoch 2, J. C. Smith 3. Brown-red pullet—J. Kankin 1 and two specials, G. Murdoch 2, A. Galbraith 3. 1 Pile cook—D. L. Christie 1, T. Thornton 2. . Pile hen—W. Haft 1, T. Thornton 2. Pile cockerel—D. L. Christie 1 and special, D. L. Christie 2 and 3. Pile pullet—T. Thornton 1 and special and cup, James Chalmers 2, W. Hart 3. T. Thornton two h.c, AV.M'Ewau two h.c. W. Hart h.c. Duckwing cock—S. S. Myera 1, A. Walker 2, N. 0. Potts 3. Duckwing ben—lt. Watson 1 and special. Duckwing cockerel —N. 0. Potts 1 and special, S. S. Myers 2, R. Watson 3. Duckwing pullet—lt. Watson 1 and 2. White cock-R. Watson 1, W. M'Ewau 2, J. Smith 3. , White hen—W. M'Ewan 1 and special, R. Watson 2, W. M'Ewan 3. White cockerel—W. M'Ewan 1, and special and 2, H. D. Armour 3. : White pullct-W. M'Ewan 1, H. D. Armour 2, J. Smith 3. Black cock-J. ana E. Webster 1. Black hen—W. Farley 1, J. and E. Webster 2. Black pullet—J. and E. Webster 1. Any other colour hen—J. Chalmers (Wheaten hen) 1, A. Walker (Wheaten hen) 2. Malay cock—S. S. Myers 1. Malay hen—S. S. Myers 1 and special. Malay pullet-S. S. Myers 1. GAME BANTAMS. (Judge : Mr Brownlie.) Black-red cock—R. Watson 1, N. 0. Potts 2. Black-red hen—R. Watson 1, special, and 2; J. Munro 3, S. S. Myers h.c. Bl.ick-rcd cockerel—G. Murdoch 1, J. Rankin 2 and 3. Black-red pullet-N. 0. Potts 1, J. Rankin 2, W. M'Ewan 3. Brown-red cock—W. M'Ewan 1 and special, S. S. Myers 2, W. M'Ewan 3. Brown-red hen—Charles Norton 1, W. M'Ewan 2 and 3. • lirown-red cockerel-J. Munro 1. Brown-red pullet—J. Munro 1 and 2. Pile cock—R. Watson I and special. Pile hen—R. Watson 1, N. 0. Potts 2, R. Watson 3. Pile cockerel—R. Watson 1 and 2. Pile pullet-R. Watson 1, N. 0. Potts 3. Duckwing cock—R. Watson 1 and special, G. W. Rawspn 2, R. Lamb 3. Dnckwing hen—R. Watson 1 and. special, J. Munro 2, G. W. Rawson 3. Duckwing cockerel—J. Rankin 1, W. M'Ewan 2, J. Rankin 3. ' White cockerel—James Dick 1. Bantam cock (not game) —J. C. Buckland (Japanese) 1, J.C. Buckland (white booted) 2. Bantam hen (not game) — J. C. Buckland (Buff Pekin) 1, J. C. Buckland (Japanese) 2. Bantam cockerel (not game)—J. C. Buckland (Japanese) 1, J. C. Buckland (buff Pekin) 2. Bantam pullet (not game)—J. C. Buckland (buff Pekin) 1, J. C. Buckland (Japanese) 2. . Sebright cock—B. and H. Hart 1. Sebright hen—B. and H. Hart 1. SELLING CLASSES. Game or game Bantam cock—A. E. Thomson 1. Game or game Bantam hen—A. E. Thompson 1, S. S. Myers 2. Game or game Bantam pullet—S. S. Myers 1. lIAMBURGS. (Judge : Mr J. Robertson.) Golden-pencilled cock— A. Crooke I, J. and E. Webster 2, N. 0. Potts 3. Golden-pencilled hen—A. Crooke 1 and special. Alexander Morris 2, Master James Allen 3, J. and E. Webster h.c. Golden-pencilled cockerel—James Geddes 1 and special, A. Crooke 2 and 3, J. West h.c. Golden pencilled pullet—Alexander Morris 1, J. Wilson 2, Master James Allen 3, R. N. Howison, George Jeffrey (jun.), and A. Crooke h.c. Golden-spangled cock—A. B. Ralph 1. Golden-spangled hen—Jas. Geddes 1, A. B. Ralph 2, Jas. Johnston 3. Golden-spangled cockerel—Jas. Geddes 1. Golden-spangled pullet—J. Geddes 1, Jas. Johnston 2 and 3. Silver-pencilled cock—J. and E. Webster 1, J. Wilson 2, Win. Smith 3. Silver-pencilled hen—Alex. Morris 1, Wm. Smith 2, J. and E. Webster 3. •Silver-pencilled cockerel—Geo. Jeffery (jun.), 1, Wm. Smith 2. Silver-pencilled pullet—Alex. Morris 1, Geo. Jeffery (jun.), 2. Silver-spangled cock—Jas. Geddes 1, D. Duncan

Silver-spangled hen—D. Duncaul, J. F. Andrew* 2, D. Duncan 3. Silver-spangled cockerel—R. N. Howison 1 and 2, D Duncan 3. Silver-spangled pullet—Jas. Geddes 1. Black cock—H. Scott 1 Black hen-H. Scott 1. PLYMOUTH ROCKS. (Judge : Mr C. Eason.)Cock—Mrs H. G. Smith 1, J. Johnston 2. lien-Mrs S. G. Smith 1 and special, J. and J5. Webster 2, J. 0. Bucklancl 3. F J. M'Donald h.c., H. Thomas h.c. Cockerel -irr Tracoy 1, John T. Nichols 2, F. J. M'Donald 3, G. JefTery (jun.). h.c. Pullet-J. T. Nichols 1, Mr Tracey 2, J. A. Townsend 3, J. Johnston h.c. SPANISH. (Judge : Mr H. Lamer.) Cock—John Rose 1, P. Skinner 2. Hen—John Rose 1, J. Meikle 2, John Rose 3ancl h.c. Cockerel—Johii Rose 1 and special, James Fleming 2 and 3. J. 0. Smith h.c. Pullet—John Rose 1, 2, 3, and special; John M'Ghie h.c. LEGHORNS. (Judge : Mr C. Eason.) White cock—J. Egglestone 1, Robert Innes 2, A. Miller 3. White hen—Robert Innes 1 and special, J. Egglestono 2, J. F. Andrews 3. White cockerel—R.'lnnes 1 and special, 11.I1. Snowden 2, A. L. Palmer 3, George Jeffrey (jun.) h.e. White pullet-A. Miller 1 and 2, J. Egclestonc 3, R. Innes h.c. Brown cock—A. Miller 1, Mrs Martin (imported) Brown hen—J. Third 1 and special, H. Thomas 2, J. C. Buckland 3. Brown cockerel—A. Miller 1 and special, James Renton 2. Brown pullet—A. Miller 1 and 2, A. Crooke 3. : . LANGSHANS. (Judge : Mr C. Eason.) Black cock —John T. Nichols I, Alexander Morris 2, G. W. M'Donald 3, Alexander Miller h.c. Black hen—John T. Nichols 1, William Henderson 2, John T. Nichols 3. Black cockerel—William- Henderson 1, Mrs Brittenden 2, James Renton 3. Black pullet—William Henderson 1, G. W. H'Donald 2, Alexander Morris 3, James Renton li.c. lIOUDANS. (Judge: Mr C. Eason.) Cock—William Kenning 1. Hen —William Kenning 1 and 2. Cockerel—William Kenning 1. Pullet—William Kenning 1, 2, and 3. POLISH. (Judge: Mr C. Eason.) Golden oeck—W. Aitken, 1, special, and 2; Matthew Allen 3. Golden hen-W. Aitken land 2, Matthew Allon

Golden cockerel—W. Aitken 1. Golden pullet—W. Aitken 1 and special. Silver cock—W. Aitken 1 and special. Silver hen—W. Aitken 1. Silver pullet-W. Aitken 1. White-crested cock—B. and H. Hart 1 and special, P. Aitken 2, B. and H. Hart 3. White-crested hen—P. Aitken 1, special, and h.c.; B. and 11. Hart 2 and 3. White-crested pullet—B. and H. Hart 1 and 3. Plain cock—M. G. Allan 1 and special, Alt THacassey 2. Plain hen-M. G. Allan 1. Plain cockerel—M. G. Allan 1. lIRAIIMAS. (Judge: Sir Brownlie.) Dark cock—J. G. Buckland 1. Dark hen—J. C. Buckland 1 and special, Alex. Morris 2, James Fleming 3. Dark cockerel—J. C. Buckland 1, Alex Morris 2 Dark pullet—J. C. Buckland 1 and 2, S. S. Myers 3. Light cock—lies and Myers 1, J. A. Mason 2. Light hen—J. C. Buckland 1 and special, S. S. Myers 2, J. A. Mason 3. Light cockerel—Clark and Aslin 1 and special, lies and Myers 2, S. S. Myers 3. Light pullet—J. C. Buckland 1, lies and Myers 2, Clark and Aslin 3.

DOKKIKS. (Judge: Mr H. Lamer.) • Dark cock-W. Smith 1. Dark pullet-W. Smith 1. Silver cockerel—W. Smith 1. ' Silver pullet-W. Smith 1. COCHINS. (Judge: Jlr J. Robertson.) Buff or cinnamon ccck—S. S. Myers ?(, G. Ennis 2, S. S. Myers 3. Buff or cinnamon hen—S. S. Myers 1. Buff or cinnamon cockerel—J. C. Buckland 1, G. Ennis 2, J. C. Buckland 3, A. Bh ekwood h.c. Buff or cinnamon pullet—G. Ennii j 1 and special, J. C. Buckland 2 and 3, A. Blackirood h.c., S. S. Myers, h.c. Partridge cock—W. Aitken 1 and ispecial, Master G. Brittenden 2. Partridge hen—W. Aitken 1 an.ft %J. C. Buckland 3 and h.c. Partridge cockerel—W. Aitken. 1 and 2, J. C. Buckland 3. Partridge pullet—W. Aitken I and 2, J. C. Buckland 3 and h.c. White cock—H. Humphrey 1. White hen —T. Eason 1 and. special. ANDALUSLVINS. (Judge: Mi- 0. Eason.) Cock-T. Grange 1 and special, X. N. .Tory 2. Hen-T. Grange 1 and spw-ial, J. C. Buckland 2, T. N. Jory 3. Cockerel-T. N. Jory !„ "W. E. Anderson 2, G. Mukleisen 3. „ Pullct-Crooke and Morris 1 and h.c, J. C. Buckland 2, T. Grange 3. WYAMDOTTES. o-i * (J«<lge :My C. Easou.) Silver cock-B. and 1C Hart 1 and Z, Hislop and .Hamer 3. ' Silver hen-B. and H. Hart 1, 2, and 3; M. Kilroyh.c. T Si}v?r Cgckerel-B, and H. Hart X, James J. Littlejohn 2, Hislop and Ifamor3 Silver pullet-B. and 11. Hart 1 .and special, James J. Littlejohn 2, B. and If. Hart; 3. Golden cock—Hislop and Hamer 1. Golden hen—Hislop and Hamer 1. j Golden pullet—Hislop and Hamer 1. ! : V/hit; ccc« -Illalup and Hamer 1. ! Whito hen—Hislop and Hamer 1. White cockerel—Nellie I'indlay 1. White pullet—James J. Littlejohn I',

MINORCAS. (Judge: Mr C. Kason.) Cook—Thomas Calder 1, A. S. Miners. Hen—B. Innes 1, J. C. Bucklund. 2, J. and E. Webster 3. Cockerel—T. Calder 1, John Rowivn 2and 3. Pullet—John Rowan 1 and h.c, It. Inj les 2 ami! 3, T. Calder h.c. VARIOUS. Any other variety purebred cock— G.W Bawson < 1, Thos. Williamson 2. Any other variety purebred'hen— Cf. TiC^Rawson 1, Thos. Williamson 2. * Pea fowls, pair—W. Brittenden 1.. Geese, pair—Mrs S. G. Smith.

Aylesbury ducks, pair—J. F. Andrews 1 and 2, T. Lewis 3. Rouen ducks, pair—Mrs S. G. Smith 1, Duncan M'Arthur 2, Miss Orbell 3. Pekin ducks, pair—B. and H. Hart 1. Any other variety—Mrs S. G. Smith 1. SELLING CLASSES. Hen—D. Duncan 1. "■ Cockerel—A. Crooke 1, D. Duncan 2. Pullet—Geo. Jeffrey (jun.) 1, J. Rose 2. Section ll.—Pigeons. ' (Judges : Messrs Brittenden, Rawlinson, and Hides.) POUTERS. Blue or black cock—P. S. Howrth 1. CARRIERS. . Black or dun cock—R. Davidson 1. Any other colour cock—Wilson and Mathews 1, H. G. Williams 2. BARBS. Red or yellow hen—H. G. Williams 1 and special, Wilson and Mathews 2. DRAGOONS. Blue or silver cock—H. G. Williams 1 and special, Wilson and Mathews 2. Blue or silver hen—H. G. Williams 1, Wilson and Mathews 2, H. G. Williams 2, Wilson and Jlathcws h. c. Any other colour code—ll. G. AVilliams 1, Wilson and Mathews 2, H. G. Williams 3. Any other colour hen—Wilson and Mathews 1 aud 2. ANTWERI'S. Short-faced red chequered cock—J. Hay I, Wilson and Mathews 2 and 3. Short-faced red chequered hen—J. Hay 1, AVil-J son and Mathews 2 and 3. Short-faced blue-chequered cock—ll. G. Williams 1. Short-faced blue-chequered hen—ll. G. Williams 1, B. Bern 2. Short-faced blue or silver cock—H. G. Williams 1. Short-faced blue or silver hen—H. G. AVilliams Short-faced any other colour cock—H. G. AVilliams 1 and special, J. Hay 2 and 3. Short-faced any other colour hen—J. Hay 1 and 2, J. Hargreaves 3. Long or medium-faced red-chequered 'cock— AVilson and Mathews 1 and special, J. Hay 2, AYilson and Mathews 3. Loug or medium-faced red-chequered hen— AVilson and Mathews 1, 2, and 3. Long or medium-faced blue-chequered cock — AVilson and Mathews 1 and 2, AY. Smith 3. Long or medium-faced blue-chequered hen—J. Hargreave3l, J. Hay 2, 11. G. AVilliams 3. Long or medium-faced blue or silver cock—T. AY. Richmond 1 and special, J. Hay 2, P. Mason 3. Long or medium-faced blue or silver hen—-V. Mason 1, J. Hay 2, R. Ferguson 3 and h.c. Long or medium-faced any other colour cock— H. G. Williams 1, AVilson and Mathews 2. Long or medium-faced any other colour hen— H. G. Williams 1, B. Bern 2, H. G. AVilliams 3, G. S. Jones h.c. HOMERS. Show homers—T. AY. Richmond 1 and special, AY. J. Richards 2, P. Mason 3, AY. J. Richards and J. Hay h.c. MAGPIES. Red or yellow cock or hen—AVilsonand Mathews Any other colour cock or hen—AVilson and Mathews I and special, 2, and 3. TURBITS. Any other colour cock or hen—T. AVilliamson 1, AY. Esquilant 2, T. AVilliamson 3. JACOBINS. Red or yellow cock or hen—John Rowan 1 and special, AVilson and Mathews 3. Any other colour cock or hen—AVilson and Mathews 1 and 2. OWLS. English blue or silvered cock or hen—AVilson and Mathows 1 and special, 11. G. AVilliams 2 and 3, R M'Donnell h.c. Any other colour cock or hen—AY. G. AVilliams 1. African blue or silver cock or hen—B. Bern 1 and 2, H. G. AVilliams 3, AY". G. AVilliams h.c. African, any other colour cock or hen—H. G. AVilliams 1. NUNS. Any colour cock or hen—H. G. AVilliams 1 and special, AVilson and Mathews 2 and 3, H. G. AVilliams h.c. TUMBLERS. Short-faced almond cock—AVilson and Mathews Short-faced kite cock—AVilson and Mathews 1, 2, and special. Any other colour cock—AA rilson aud Mathews 1. Any other colour hen—R. Ferguson 1 and special, AVilson and Mathews 2. Any other colour cock or hen—AVilson and Mathews 1, 2, and h.c; H. G. AVilliams 3. Feathery-legged cock —H. G. AVilliams 1, 2, and special; AVilson and Mathews 3 and h.c. Feathery-legged hen—H. G. AVilliams 1, Wilson and Mathews 2, H. G. AVilliams 3, AVilson and Mathews h.c. Splashed cock—R. Ferguson I, AVilson and Mathews 2. Splashed hen—R. Ferguson 1 and special, Macassey 2, AVilson and Mathews 3. DALRIIEAnS. Black cock or hen—T. Williamson 1 and h.c, 11. G. Williams 2, AVilson and Mathews 3. Red or yellow cock or hen—H. G. Williams 1, T. Hides 2, AVilson and Mathews 3. Blue or silver cock or hen—H. G. AA rilliams 1 and special, Wilson and Mathews 2 and 3. BEARDS. Blue or silver cock or hen—P. Mason 1, 2, and special. Red or yellow cock or hen—ll. G. AVilliams 1 and 2. Any other colour cock orDien—H. G, AVilliauiF 1. FANTAILS. AVhite cock—Wilson and Mathews land special, 2 and 3. AVhite hen—AVilson and Mathews 1, A. J. Rutherford 2. Blackcock—A. J. Rutherford 1. Black hen—J. Gilroy 1. Any other colour cock—AVilson and Mathews 1, J. Gilroy 2. Any other colour hen —J. Gilroy 1. SIIERAJEES. Cock or hen—H. G. AVilliams 1 aud 2. GERMAN TOYS. Cock or hen—P. and S. Howrth 1 and 2. Any other variety pigeon—J. V. Blu 1. DOVES. Pair—AY. E. AVest 1 and special, E. G. Silk 2, G. H. Ulrich 3. SELLING CLASS. Cock—AArilson and Mathews 1 and 2. Hen—AVilson and Mathews 1. Pair-H. G. AVilliams 1, AY. J. Richards 2, AVilson and Mathews 3.

Cock or hen—Wilson and Mathews 1, 11. G. Williams 2, Wilson and Mathews 3. Pair—W. J. Richards 1 and 2, Wilson and Mathews 3. Suction 3—Canaries. scotch fancy. (Judge : Mr T. Scott.) | Yellow cock—G. Stratton 1. Yellow hen—G. Stratton 1 and 2. Buff cock—G. Stratton 1. Buff hen—R. Innea 1. Variegated cock—G. Stratton 1, It. Innes 2. Ticked cock—G. Stratton 1 and 2. Ticked hen—G. Stratton 1. ; Goldfinch—Hislop and Hamer 1, C. Bills 2 and j3. , Goldfinch mule, dark—W. J. Richards 1, C. ■ Alexander 2 and 3. Thrush—W. M'Ewan 1 aud 2. Skylark—R. M'Kenzie 1, W. Anderson 2 and 3. Parrot, any variety—C. Bills (Fiji plum-breasted I parrot) 1, C. Bills (Fiji masked parrot) 2, C. Bills ! (King Lorie) 3. New Zealand bird—Mrs Brittenden (tui) 1, Mrs Brittenden (kea) 2. Cockatoo—J. W. Wright 1, E. V. Smith 2, Mrs T3rittenden 3 and h.c. Paroquet—Mrs J. Rose 1 Best talking bird—Mrs J. Rose 1.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 9511, 20 August 1892, Page 6 (Supplement)

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OTAGO POULTRY AND DOG CLUB. Otago Daily Times, Issue 9511, 20 August 1892, Page 6 (Supplement)

OTAGO POULTRY AND DOG CLUB. Otago Daily Times, Issue 9511, 20 August 1892, Page 6 (Supplement)


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