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Public Notices, >S S P E C T A- C L Eg ILL of PHING Princes usiness -N. LAZARUS AND CO., apply OCULIST - OPTICIANS, lssarily London Calcutta, a\d 281 and 283 Collins stueet, Melbourne, BY APPOINTMENT TO H.B, THE MARQUIS OF DUFFERIN, EX-VICEROY OF IN —i f 40. IBWS HAVE APPOINTED THE FOLLOWING AGENTS :— LSEof INVERCARGILL—C. H. MACALISTER, Chemist, Dee StreeSstate. GORE-C. WOODMAN, Chemist TAPANUI-C. F. L. WRENSTESD AND CO., Chemist wK BALCLUTHA-G. W. HUTCHINS, Chemist >w the MILTON-W. WALKER, Chemist ' LAWRENCE-W. B. MARTIN, Jeweller Thave DUNEDIN-D. DAWSON, Jeweller, Exchange Court, IPrinces Street i as a PALMERSTON SOtFTH-A. LAWSON, Photographer ' OAMARU-J. R. Sewell, Chemist on or TIMARU—Bower and Ferguson, Jewellers. All Agents have been thoroughly instructed in our system."of Sight Testing (patent 4354), whii • is now being universally adopted, And may be CONSULTED FOR SPECTACLES DAILY. X* Our " SPECIALITE" SPECTACLES and EYEGLASSES fitted with LENSES,, correcting defects of each eye, and in frames adjusted for Comfort and Good Appearance are, in nearly SAY. cases, supplied AT ONCE, after the sight is tested by our agents, or (in preference) on the presc 4ion« of ophthalmic surgeons. The Medical Profession and all interested in Optical Science are invited to see this beautiful 1 lr 6r" and all the latest improvements in Lenses and Framea as advised by the'most eminent oculists. utes, LITTLE'S SHEEP DIP LITTLE'S FLUID DIP LITTLE'S POWDER DIP ,2s. (Non-Poisonous). (Poisonous). S! cJ- ?^ R O IT? HI?1 CJiJf f Inspector of Stock, C. J. HARPER, Hackthorne, Canterbi says 6th September 1889:-" Has always given (Flock, 30,000), says, 14th June 1890--^'V satisfaction; wool in good condition." effective; left wool in nice condition; very chea LITTLE'S SHEEP DIPS. ; the LITTLE'S J?LUID DIP. LITTLE'S POWDER DIP. °M" t^Ti' ¥a V^ NlMT°^'Jl^?'sel: for Sir F- D- HANDYSIDE, ROBERTS, & CO., Akii !h * ?^' Id "waU? y??lock'2?'-020)' says> 19t, h AugUßt Wellington (Flock, 37,000), says, 26th Octo vnv »'7 t x? v? ay,? Bat]sfactory; well grown; 1891 .--"Much pleased; wool bright and cles Voi soft; free from ticks." no ticks or lice; when dipped, badly infested." s, as — : . vast LITTLE'S SHEEP DIPS. ' It's - :- - 5 be LITTLE'S JFLUID DIP LITTLE'S POWDER DIP. n,Sw^m E tCS>n^ anageri?.r T:F- C- ?SJton> J-B-BLAIR, West Tateri, 20th October 18 ••v^i (*i°° k' \ S.'W°)< sa Vs> 9th January 1891:- Report of Trial at Public Dip :—"Most sal iSinr Excellent for killing vermin of all sorts; im- factory; all well pleased; very effective • w J9f proves look of wool." good condition; did not lose a single sheep." LITTLE'S SHEEP DIPS. *5E , .., £, ITTLE£ fLUID DIP, LITTLE'S POWDER DIP, 5s bd per gallon in 40gal casks ; b's per gallon in 50s per lcwtkeg(tomakelOOOgal) ; 70st>er case i llin> Sgal drums (lgal makes lOOgal wash). 18 Blb packets 0r72 21b packet!; packets? 4s™nd i, is " — ——— — . lol' e LIBERAL REDUCTIONS ON LARGE ORDERS ; to ~ . *>od AGENTS: y oi ssss^ffis.? 0- murray> roberts- &c°-; Qn , INVERCARGILL-SOUTHLAND FARMERS' CO-OPERATIVE COMPANY. 2j

— _ An.nualsal; ■pn-OTICE TO AUCKLAND TOURISTS. , MOLLISON, MILLS, <fc CO. In order to make room f< hTII^V^T intending Visit°rS t0 the S » -S'sxockTZo^ not Lakes District that our . imperative. After a most succes HOTELS AT OKOROIRE AND WHAISV- ful season's trade we find ourselv; »J REWAREWA ARE BOYCOTTED ' ~ by Messrs Thomas Cook and Son, and it would MUST BE GOT niD off-no matter , *. therefore be desirable to refrain from fixing fo, ESSg^'SSSSfZSS. ™ ce| ward arrangements in connection with visits to ' the Rotorua District until Visitors can obtain MrtTTTarvw uttttq * = accurate information in Auckland as to the MOLLISON, MILLS, & CO. TTMRTVATTW^ncTTinxr WE NEVER bef<>re HAD SO MA!* UNRIVALLED POSITION wondrous lots to offer, and hoi — Of both these Properties, and their ; that our customers and the publi Se" «STTPPPmp AnPA\Tlvrr>nATTnxT i-itttot\tw j. GENERALLY WILL COME WITH WEI .— oUraKIOKACCOMMODATION, CUISINE, &c. filled purses to buy the bargai KB. . - LOTS THAT ARE NOW TEAMING IN OU jj We resented the monopoly sought after by establishment. Messrs Cook and Son, and ventured to oppose the qatt? oTtw o»tti Coaching Business of their friend, Mr W. K. omrer-wJlv i..,^, t ' M Carter, by starting a well-appointed "^^g^bl^r™' "T ._ COACH PLANT OF OUR OWN, — Si And, moreover, had the presumption to give some • MOLLISON, Ep«Sl & Co' )ji> of our support to Messrs Hayr and Co., the rival ' r - ni ,"n to tourist agents. : George street, Dunedin. _ f. , , , P.S.—SEND FOR PRICE LIST. ior this independence we have been met by-a ~7 — —. -notice that the eminent firm's Coupons will not A " T- B U R T >~ be honoured if presented by us. I -*-■*-• __ " ■•-■-■• Tourists will therefore have little difficulty in ! THE •" TORPEDO " VENTILATOR, seeing that their i „ , , , ~ , PLEASURE AND INTEREST j ****** 61110"1 Canada X v Is entirely subservient to the I ADVANTAGE OP MESSRS COOK & SON, | THESE VENTILATORS, If they can succeed by their Boycott of our Hotels ! A***X haVing "^te^*^ 08* exhaUstive «• and Coach Line in securing a , VENTILATING POWERS )g MONOPOLY 01? THE TOURIST TRADE. ; Have been adopted by many of the large Railway se Steamship, and other Mercantile Companies. a" L. D. NATHAN & CO,, The results of these Tests most positively proved Auckland. 1- That theypossess greater suction power Man ant | other stationary ventilator; I 2. That a. four-inch " Torpedo" will, with a gentle - llf I breeze, draw put of one or more rooms 400 ft ■ I of foul or vitiated air per minute. This can ALEXANDER HAMILTON, „ oe proved almost any day by the anemometer 7 -t\. M.R.V.C., F.V.M.S., 3- Tna* tney act most effectively, whatever the direcv» " VETERINARY SURGEON tton of the wind. BeptodrawtheattentionofOwnei-sofHorses * ft with a correct diagnosis, sound advice successful I pSiigtw^ght f°r offers to the Stock-owning Public in Town and pri/to r ' * ci -enr Country a boon rarely enjoyed by any colony. A. PRICE, from 7s 6d EACH. H. may be consulted daily at Bath street (off Send f(J r Testimonials. George street), near Octagon Dunedin. 29j y "TORPEDO" CHBINEY COWL, Made of strong Galvanised Iron (painted). " 8-inch, with square base, 9x 9 ... £1 10 0 9-mch, with square base, 9x 14 ... £1 15 o Sole Licensees and Manufacturers in New Zealand A. & T. BURT, DUNEDIN. LONDON LOAN AND DISCOUNT SOCIETY, Albert Buildings, Princes street (Opposite Post Office). CASH ADVANCES made on PERSONAL and ; other SECURITY. Low interest and easy terms of repayment. ? I MONEY LENT, from L 5 to LSOO. •|i K. N A. „ BILLS DISCOUNTED daUy <3» HENRY BENJAMIN, Manager. Wlien the digestive organs are out of order a TT^UNEDIN AS IT WAS IN 1888. ,«i good reliable Tonic is required to bringthem back THIS BEAUTIFULCOLOURED LITHO ' [ i to their normal state. GRAPH, PRICE 2s 6d ij A number of persons upset the stomach by P°Sted Inland> 3s \sss&£ ar aidress in the . i neglecting to take their meals at regular stated —— ■■ [ intervals, and others again eat to excess at some Old Post Officeltore, NorthS Valley Ota ß o : particular meal — and from these causes the ATl;w v , ~TT~- X ' achinery gets out of order and does not run If "2 HoZeT ibSTIEZ? Sa^l smoothly. Late suppers, also, are one of the daughter, 2s 6d ; Shorthouse's Blanche, Lady causes of upsetting the digestive organs. How $^Ftf^fi^£%™ often does a man, too, in meeting an old acquaint- ™la:? s> 4s ! R"sa Carey's Mary St. John 7s • ance, have a merry evening and suffer terribly 8?&»MSU San^s^D^m^ from the effects the next day. Programme of Christianity, Is 3d. We have also Sister Mary Joseph Aubert, in her researches SLs'fnfey'sVo^ks^on fcT^' 8 N°VelS U amongst the plants of New Zealand, has dis WISE. CAFFTN, <fe CO 29d covered there is a very valuable remedy for these TX AZELL'S ANNUAL 18 92, complaints in our own vegetation, and after experi- -*—*- -^ Cyclopaedic Record of Men and menting for a number of years, has now brought Above 3500 ArtTcKn*ever?Subject of Current forward the medicine called KARANA. Interest—4s; posted, 4s 9d. Dr Larociiktte, a Chemist of the First Class, A few addition^SKr! ™be e n receive,! of the Faculty of Paris, to whom samples were „ Leisure Hour, Sunday at Home, Good Words sent,says:-»ltisln excellent bitter. Tonic, and I^l.ST'weffi 'tvetaf I consider it even superior to the preparation of (vol> *9; antl previous volumes in stock—3s • Cinchona in all affections of the stomach. It has Wo^'lasl^lX pSd.^^'lS given us, prepared as you sent it, the most satis- Fan O' Needlework (200 illustrations)—ls 3d • factory results." WfM1 a*' 6 * Ev| l'>"] )od/'« p?eke* Cyclopredia,' ■ _ Jivorybody s Scrap Book of Curious Facts, EveryThe Reverend Sister says she has used it for body's Book of Jokes—eacli 9d ; posted, lOd many years extensively and successfully with c^^^Ltl^^^^^^^^ sufferers of every age and constitutions, and she Review of Reviews, 9s per annum ; posted, 11s noticed that in a few cases it did not agree at *%s%^Cffi&ggffi£^ nrst, but by diminishing the dose good results of the New Zealand Government followed. Sheremarkedastonishinggoodresults 48 ffigtS^JpigSm,. on old people, who had ruined their constitutions ' ■ by theabuse of intoxicating drin. andwhowere W°SSLXIL ?Colo!£fS,^ debilitated and suffering after having turned over maps, charts, and numerous illustrations), a new loaf. Rric. c I(is • Stanley's Official Report of the ■R^w-iim MivMi IRSS Ilmm Pasha Relief Expedition to the _ , T T K-awana, Match 1888. Royal Geographical Society; Through the Dear Madam,—l respectfully thank you for Dark Continent, from the Indian to the what you have done for me. You have saved my Atlantic Ocean (cloth with Maps and Illnstra- ,., „ ...... . . ' tions), price Js; How I Found Livingstone, inlife. Your medicine (Karana) is invaluable. I eluding four months' residence with Dr Livingwish I could make vouareturn for your kindness. F Pestal. British Campaigns in Africa, written by Stanley while acting as special correspondent to I;he New York Herald (cloth, with maps and illustrations), price 4s. Surgeon Parkes' book : My' Personal Experiences in Equatorial Africa, while acting as Surgeon to the Biiiin Pasha Relief Expedition (with maps, charts, &c, numerous illustrations, cloth), price 235. Fergus Hume's new book: A Creature of the Night; price, Is 3d. Hazel's Annual for 1892, price 4s ; Photographic Annual for ISO 2, price Is (id. Falling in Love, by Grant Allen, price 3s; Uncle Piper of Piper's Hill by Tasnw,, price 3s and 2s (id; The Valley Council by the author of Three Diggers, price 3s and 2s 6d • The Rudder Grangers Abroad, by F. R. Stockton' price 3s and 2s 6d; A Slender Clue (a Detective Story), by Lawrence L. Lynch, price 3s; The Cooperative Commonwealth, by Laurence Grolund. TAMES HORSBURGH, _ _ Bookseller and Stationer, ANTETj^NO\VN7^Watche S Cleaned 97 George street. Dunedin (ss), Mainsprings (4s 6'd), Jewellery taste- TT H. BAILEY, Watchmaker, 29 Royal •lullyvnade and repaired.—Peter Dick, Moray place, JJL« Arcade. All descriptions of Watches opposite Coffee Palace 22d Clocks, and Jewellery Cleaned and Repaired.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 9355, 20 February 1892, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 9355, 20 February 1892, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 9355, 20 February 1892, Page 3


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