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(Fhom Ovju Own Ookkksiioni>kxt.') London, December IL.


Now that the Government has had its innings on the platform, fhe Opposition is to the fore, and we have been having speeches (or reading them) from Mr Morley and Sir "William liarcourt. Sir William will break a jest with, any" one, and always Sends hif> audience into roars of laughter. llin special object of attack was Mr Chamberlain, whose explanation of his position did not please Sir William. Sir William declared that the Opposition would not have him at any price, because he had disavowed the actions for which he was responsible as a member of Mr Gladstone's Cabinet. Mr Morley contented himself with regretting the severance of an old friendship; for he and Mr Chamberlain had' been old friends, and with refusing to have anything to do with a Local Government Bill for Ireland. Mr Morley is very plain spoken, and knows what he wants. That we are going to have a Local Government Bill Mr Balfour has just made clear. It is definitely to take its place in the programme of 1892. Meanwhile Mr Gladstone; has been opening dining halls at the factories of Messrs Lever Bros., of Sunlight Soap fame, where his address was in the best possible tone and temper.

The Unionists have won East Dorset, and are congratulating themselves. They were very frightened about South Moulton, though I hear indirectly from Mr Gladstone's secretary that the G.O.M. himself did not attach any very great importance to the victory there. He recognises now that he will have the Labour party to deal with, and in many constituencies the votes will be split. As Mr Oniminghame Graham says, " We're not going to have the representatives of capitalism representing us," and the said representatives, in his mind, are the Liberal party. It is interesting to note that Sir Arthur Cowell-Stepney, M.P. for the Carmarthen Boroughs, has 'verted to Unionism. He is at present on a voyage to Western Australia for his health, but has written announcing his change of mind. The Parnell split seems to have been the immediate cause of his recantation.


The news that Prince Albert Victor was formally engaged to Princess Victoria of Teck (formally known as Princess "Mary") was by no means a surprise. Humour has from time to time been busy coupling their names, though now and then it was Prince George who was hinted at. It was commonly reported that when Prince George was despatched to the Mediterranean 12 months ago,

it wa-s to cut short a growing attachment between the young people. This was

incorrect, like so many rumours.JgThe Duke of Clarence was the favoured son, and the Prince of Wales has shown his sense in allowing the match. Princess " Mary" is popular, and reckoned "very English." The time has gone for German princelings, and even if H.H.H.

id not (as he is well-known to do) detest these,

liis choice of a quasi-English girl for his daughter-in-law would be further evidence of his very shrewd mind. The betrothal just hits

the public taste. lam not speaking now in the language of the loyal dailies, but giving 3rou the general talk of the streets. "No Germans " may be a very vulgar cry, but it is a loud one, and the Prince is sensible of this and sympathises with it —witness the marriage of Princess Louise to the Duke of Fife.

Of the Teck family I could tell some funny tales, but forbear. The Prince of Teck is a very amiable man, with a none too magnificent

income, and the struggles to make ends meet he and the Princess Mary have had, smack of the ridiculous. Once the furniture had to be sold, and the poor impecunious prince has before now borrowed a sovereign from obliging

friends. Yet there is no one more popular than his wife, aud no woman more amiably bohemian.


Mr Imre Kiralfy, the remarkably successful organiser of the grand spectacle of " Nero " at Olympia during Barnum's recent visit, and the now promotor of "Venice in London," is a Hungarian by birth, and is about 50 years of age. Ho possesses a pair of piercing brown eyes, and long dark hair. Kiralfy has achieved great fame in the United States, where he produced "Black Crook," which had a great run in New York. He was engaged by the State of Now York to produce a State spectacle commemorating the

discovery of America by Columbus ; and next year he will also superintend a State spectacle in Madrid illustrative of the departure of Columbus on his voyage. Meanwhile " Venice " is rapidly approaching completion, and should prove one of the most powerful attractions London has yet seen.

The death of Lord Combermerc is announced, owing to his lordship's being run over by a cab. He was 73 years of age, and in his day was one of the most daring horsemen in England. The

new peer will inherit the Cheshire estates, which have a rental of L13,000 a-year, and also the pension of L2,000 per annum, which was granted to the soldier founder of the family for three lives. Both he and his countess have qualified for high station by having been divorced.

A L AV A Y S AHEAD. LOWDOWN AND FRAMELESS BINDERS, TWINE, &c. Farmers visiting Dunediu for the Wool Sales will do well to call at our Implement Yards, Bond street, and inspect the latest improved Binders, only a few of these being now available. "We have also a few Second-hand Machines, from L2O upwards, and anyone requiring Machinery Twine or Lubricating Oil will profit by paying us a visit. BUCKEYE HARVESTER COMPANY. X> RO 0 F OF PURITY. EVIDENCE OF EXCELLENCE. Messrs James Buchanan and Co. have received the' official appointment to supply Scotch whisky to the House of Commons, as the following attests •. —" To Messrs Jtunes Buchanan and Co., 20 Bucklersbury, London, E.C. Gentlemen, —I have the pleasure to inform you that the Chairman of the Refreshment Committee, the Hon. Sidney Herbert, M.l'., has instructed me to appoint you to supply Scotch whisky to this department until further notice. Enclosed please find official order for quantity at present required.— (Signed) AV. Chrichton Saundkrs." FERNS have become very great favourites during the last few years and are becoming more so every year. Nor can we wonder at this, for they are certainly amongst the most elegant and graceful of Nature's productions. New Zealand is known in England as the " Home of Ferns," and justly so ; for, as compared with any other country, it contains a much larger proportion. There are about 3000 species and varieties of ferns all over the globe, toward which the small islands of New Zealand contribute 29 genera and 124----species; thus, small and remote from other lauds as these islands are, one-twentieth of the ferns which grow all^ over the world are found here. Britain has^-only 13 genera and 27 species. No plant requires less care than the fern —it thrives in spots where flowering plants would die; place them where you will and they will grow and develop their feathery forms with all their natural grace even in the presence of squalor and misery. The increasing demand for these favourite plants has induced me to erect and furnish a Fernery second to none in the colony, and I am now in a position to offer every native variety worthy of cultivation. — G-EOROE MATTHEWS, Mukjv Place; and Hawthorn Hill, Mohninotok. Valuable Discovert for the Hair.—lf your hair is turning grey or white, or falling off, use "The Mexican Jlair Uenower," for it will positively restore in every ease Grey or White Hair to its original colour without leaving the disagreeable smell of most " Restorers." It makes the hair charmingly beautiful, as well as promoting the growth of the hair on bald spots whore the glands are not decayed. Ask your Chemist for "The Mexican Hair Eestorfr," sold by Chemists and Perfumers everywhere at 3s Cil per bottle. AVholesale depot, '.V.5 Farvingdon road. London.— [Anvr.l llollowav's Pili.s ami Ointment.—Travellers to and from distant climes would do well to bear in mind that these changes and tin.- altered diet and surroundings of their lives entail manifold risks to health. Occasions are sure to arise in which they will need a remedy such as these renowned I'ills and Ointment, and no traveller by land or sea should ever fail to have a supply at hand. Then lie may truly be said to have a physician always at his call for the various emergences of travel, (.'hills and fevers should be promptly treated, and the printed directions should lie carefully studied at the commencement of any illness for 11 ullowiiy's remedies can lie safely used in ;iil climates. 2o Important to Parents. — .Should a parent have nothing to bestow on a child but a narrow education, still he will bless you if you form his body to health and strength and activity, whether he earns his simple meal by labour n't the plough, anvil, or axe. On the contrary, if you .vkci.kct his health and strength, and leavo "him n debili tateil wretch, he would curse you though a millionaire. Kno's Krut Salt is an Indispensable Requisite in the preservation uf Children's Health. CAI'TIOX.-Legal rights are protected in every civilised country. Head the following :-" In tb'e Supreme Court of Sydney (X.S \V.) an appeal from a decree of Sir W. Slannina perpetually restraining the defendant (Hogg) from selling a fraudulent imitation of Kno's Fruit Salt, and giving heavy damages to the plaintiff, has, after a most exhaustive trial of two days' duration, been unanimously dismissed with costs."—Sydney Morning Herald, November 21i.-[Ai>vT.] Board and Residence. /^ r a n d hotel. most ck:\Tual and open position in the city. Otis Elevator. Drawing Rooms, Sample Rooms. 6il J. & J. WATSON, Proprietors. VACANCIES, Warwick House, Moray place. Every cmnfort and modern conv(?mi;nc.-; jirivar.- sitting v««m. piano, ,V-c. 2i"'ia

Board and Residence. THE NEW PROVINCIAL HOTEL, STAI''IA)RO STRUCT, is one of this most homelike and comfortable in Dunedin, and Visitors ami Travellers will find every attention' combined with moderate terms. The Vaults in connection therewith are a pleasant, shady retreat, where deliriously (Jool Drinks of the finest finality iind condition can always lie obtained in the hottest weather.-.1. WKLLS, L«s_Hue.__ /^KOWN HOTEL, RATTRAY STREET V (four miiintes' walk from Railway Station and Wharf).—Good Accommodation for Travellers t, and Families. Terms Moderate. Dinner 12 to 2. I". KKLIGHNC, proprietor. 4ja L_T. CLAIR (Facing the Sea).—SITTING K7 and TWO HEDROOMS TO LET, with or without board.—Apply Verandah House, Esplan- •> ado. 30ja , ST. CLAIR. — "To Taumata," Victoria street—Mrs Il'rasor has Vacancies for a few more Hoarders. 211 j a 1 BRIGHTON lioAKDINCrESTABLISII- -, MENT.— \'i\e;incies for a few I'oarders.— Apply Mrs I'liristie. 2!)jg EMPIRE Restaurant, Lower Stuart street (fine minute from station). Meals, (id ; Reds, Is.—Mrs Sullivan, proprietress. 2(ija MRS CAMPBELL, Nugget Bay, Port Molyneux.-SUI'EIUOR ACCOMMODATION for Summer Visitors; trap for passengers atllomahapa. 30d HIGH-CLASS Boarding Establishment.— Moderate prices ; every comfort; hot baths; professional cook.—Mrs Hawkins, Clifton House, Graham street, High street. Umy t() MRS JAMES, Albyn House, King street.— ul Private hoarding Kstablishment for Gentle- ?'• men and Families. (id ', SEASIDE ACCOMMODATION. -iOj Mrs OTTAWAY, NUGOKTS, POUT MOLYNEUX. Cards f>f particulars WardclVs j^tore. 16d I" EVIATHAN HOTEL (Imitated by many—surpassed by none), Opposite Railway Station, DUNEDIN. Mrs SILK ... ... Proprietress. 29my COFFEE PALACE And PRIVATE HOTEL (Opposite the First Church), MORAY PLACE, DUNEDIN. Three minutes' walk from Railway Station. C. F. MEYKR ... Propihetok. C. F. MEYER having leased the above Hotel, has spared no pains in making the Colfec Palace a PALACE for A'isitors and Residents, paying particular attention to the Comfort of all that favour him; and by keeping a First-class Table and Clean and Airy Bedrooms at Moderate Charges, is confident of receiving a fair share of support. Only Temperance Drinks sold on the Premises. Night Porter to call Visitors for Early Trains in attendance. 240 "TAKE T E AN A U HOTEL. "SVM. SNODGRASS ... Proprietor. This splendid Hotel offers to Tourists, Families, Pleasure Parties, &c. every convenience of seeing the scenery of this magnificent Lake at a moderate expense. Though so far removed it can compete with the best city hotels for comfort, convenience, and attention. Best cooks kept. Good garden ; plenty of fruit. Poultry. Tennis Lawn and other Pleasure Grounds, Ladies' Drawing Room, itc. STEAM KR. The steamer has received a thorough overhaul, and is under the management of a competent * Engineer. Stewardess to attend on Lady Visitors YACHT. Handsome five-ton yacht "AVave," late of Riverton, now on the Lake, in the hands of competent seamen; fast and safe. Also, smaller pleasure boats. GUIDES. Guides provided to Sutherland Falls and Milford Sound. Waggonette, Saddle Horses, Good Stabling, and Horse Paddocks. Conveyances meet Trains at Lumsden and Mossburn Stations. Tariff, 10s per day; £3 per week. Parties done cheaper. 2on Late Advertisements FRANK A. COX HEAD'S THE GRAND STUDIO (Opxiosite Colonial Bank) CABINETS, KNAMffiLLKD, 10s (id per DOZBN. Our Views superior to all others. Take the Elevator. 23d PH 0 T 0 G X A P II S Of NEW ZEALAND SCENERY. BURTON~BROS. Wja "nUNEDIN JOCKEY CLOB. APPLICATIONS will lie received until FRI. DAY, 12th February, for the Position of STARTER to the Dunedin Jockey dull. Remuneration—Seven Guineas per diem. SYDNEY JAMES, 30ja Secretary. :. RETAIL DRAPERY TRADE.—Wautedj Two JUNIOR ASSISTANTS for ManChester Department; several years' experiencu indispensable.—Apply with references, stating salary required, to Box 224, Post Oltiee, Dunedin. liOja MRS CHALMERS, Labour Exchange, Keimires-Cooks (hotels, 20s, 255, 30s), experienced Barmaid (north), Waitress, Generals (hotels, south). ' 30ja MRS DICK Wants—Working Housekeeper (farm, no objection to widow and one child), Nursery Governess, Cooks, Barmaid, HOUSEMAIDS, Tablemaids (15s), Housemaid, Laundress (hotels), Cook, Laundress (£4O), General Servants, Barman (assist waiting), Pantryman. 2!(ja WANTED — Working Housekeeper (country), Tiiblemaids, Cooks, Laundress, Housemaids (banks), Useful Girls, Cooks, Generals, Waitresses.—Murley, Maclaggan street. 30ja WANTED, Married Ploughman (without encumbrance), Blacksmith (country) S Milkers (20s), good Trapper.—Macdonald's Agency, Princes street. '.iOja WANTED, by Two Experienced Servants, SITUATIONS (Hotel); Wellington, Auckland preferred ; good references.—Mrs Pitts, Maclaggan street. 20ja WANTED, Housekeepers, Situation Good Cook, Laundress (fond children, town, country, highest references).—Mrs Pitts, Maclaggan street. 30ja T> E-ENGAGEMENT as GOVERNESS or _LV» LADY HELP; good testimonials ; willing to take low salary.—Mcb, Times Office. 30ja nnHE Macandrow road School will Reopen on X MONDAY Next, February 1 ■ 30ja aESANG VERElN.—lntending Members will receive copies of the rules on application to Clias. Begg and Co. 30ju WINCHESTER Rifle Saloon, Princes street (opposite l'ryor's, fruiterer); Id per shot; ladies free. —W. Niles, proprietor. 30ja THE Secret of the Great Success of Robertson's Pcctoraline is its wonderful virtue. TT Stops the Cough and Heals the Lungs. PECTORALINE No. 1 is a Certain Cure for any ordinary Cough or Cold. Is 6d. ROBERTSON'S Pectoraline No. 2 Cures Coughs of long standing. __2s. ROBERTSON'S Peetoraliuc took First-class Award at Dunedin Exhibition. ROBERTSON'S " Certain Cures." Wholesale and Retail Depot, 53 Princes street. 3l)ja MRS MITCHELL has a Splendid Assortment of Fruit, consisting of Hothouse Grapes, Tomatoes, Peaches, Apricots, Plums, Oranges, Lemons, Pineapples, Bananas.—Corner George and Hanover streets. 30ja Q GEORGE Street (near Octagon).—Cli-ar-O ing Sale prior to Stocktaking at R. Brown's Little Wonder Drapery. IS lid.—Clearing Sale : Lace Curtains, Is lid; Window Nets, 2<]d; Honeycomb Toilet Covers Is, worth Is Hd. A JD.—Clearing Sale: Forfar Towelling, 4i|d '. Jb Calicoes, from l^d ; Prints, from 33d ; Towelsrom 2d. ,->S lid.—Clearing Sale of Millinery, Untrimmed ■W Straws. Stays, Ladies' and Children's Untler;lothing ; Trimmed Hats, 2s lid. A .YD.-Clearing Sale : Boys' Braces, 4UI, Oil; ± Men's Braces, !)d ; Men's Drawers, from Is Kb IS lid.—Clearing Sale : Men's Cotton Shirts, from Is lid ; best value in Dunedin.- I!IJROWN, 3 George street. __!!__ rnOURISTS supplied with New Zealand X BIRDS, alive or in skin.-Charles Hills, >ird dealer, 1(10 George street. J^ja J TAYLOR'S ANNOUNCEMENT FOR • SUMMER, ISEJ2. G1 ENTLKM NX'S Flexible Felt Hats.-Latest IT shapes just open for the Summer Season at Taylor's, Rattray street. WASHING Derby Ties, 3d, (id, !ld, and Is each. Large variety of New Patterns at Taylor's. C_I'MMKR Season.—Gentlemen's White Shirts io and Collars direct from the manufacturers. All sizes at Taylors, Kattray street. rpilK New Suede Glove for Gentlemen, stylish JL glove for Summer wear.—.l. Taylor, Gentlemen's Mercer, Kattray street. SUMMER Uiiderrlfitliiiig.—l'yiama Suits, line Cashmere Sucks, Tennis Sashes and Kelts, and other Novelties at TA YI.OR'N\ 3O.ja I7IOR SALE. TURNING LATHE, with 1 Cuoinutrir. Elliptic-, and other Clmeks. <'. H. Tweedic, I3ti George street 30ri TO LET, LEASE, or SELL, Six-roomed HOUSE, near town, and 3 Acres ;Hi chains frontage to Main road ; ti"!).- Address Freehold, Times (Htice. 3llja mO LET, STORE; 10-roomcd HOUSE; J. si-tdl.-ry, stal.lfis, n.iflinusns; store can W. clf.sed.-I'.rown, Hiah strc-et. lioslyn^ 30> ■T^" O "~T ~ I G E. A. and T. HURTS Warelmuse and Workshop.will 1m- CUIHi Tvi-DAY C-ATU V DAY), '.idth Janiurv. on :m-.;iiiuu of the Pif-nir. to b j h.-ldat'tlv ".!.!■.ri Knik. 3ilj.'

Late Advertisements. XT INI> O N QUAH T'A MIN B. TTio Undersigned are prepared to receive 01-'KEKS for till! ! SALE of nil tin; ViilHiil>li>. RIGHTS, IHWLI>- | 1N(!S, ;uid MACHINERY connected with this mine in hud Lot, including lirst-cluss Compound 25-h.p. Engine and lloilur, Crusher Rolls, Chilian Mills, Alvcs' (Wcfculrulor; Trucks, Halls, iunl numerous Stores. Intending purchasers are granted llie rlK"<'"' il ial crushing. Further particulars can be obtained from JAMES A. PARK & CO., Auctioneers ; Or, ,lAMES ASHCRoFT, Esi)., jii Official AssigneejMincdin^ milK "CHKIAUO OF NEW ZEALAND." OR IMMEDIATE SALE (Owner summoned England), the whole of the STOCK-IN--11)10, GOODWILL, and WORKING PLANT of a Large GROCERY ESTABLISHMENT in the now rising and promising district of l'iilmorston North, (loins from LUiiO to LIDO per montli and a large English butter export trade. The whole to be sold as a going concern. New Cellar. Butter- — working appliances and all gear lire valuable assets in connection with the above, and it must go at what offers. None but principals dealt with. No agents need apply. Address in first instance XJ_X, care of this Office. 30ja LODGE POUT CHALMERS MARINE, No. !)12, E.C. lie Brethren of the above Lodge are reiiuested ittoml the FUNERAL of the late lira. T. EAVES, which leaves his residence, George et, Port Chalmers, at 3.15 p.m. SUNDAY, 31st . White Ties and (floves. oo; V order of the W.M. "^ GEO. BROAVNLEE, ■Secretary. TESTIMONIAL TO MR ARTHUR TOWSEY. LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. Mrs Reynolds, £1 Is; Mrs Vivian, £1 ; Mrs George M'Lean, £1; Mrs Davidson, £1; Miss Cameron, 2s fid; Bishop Novill, £2 2s; Mr .lustice Williams, £2 2s; Biug, Harris, and Co., £2 2s; Dresden Pianoforte Company, £2 2s ;Dr Hocken, £2 2s; Mr X P. lloughton, £2 2s; Mr Kempthorne, £2 2s ;Mr James Mills, £2 2s; Mr John Roberts, £2 2s ;Mr G. Ci. Russell, £2 2s; Professor Scott, £2 2s ;Mr James Smith, £2 2s ;Mr J. AY. Smith, £2 2s ;Mr J. T. Wright, £2 2s ;Dr de Zouche, £1 Is ;Mr George Fenwick, £1 Is; Mr Henry Mackenzie, £1 Is ;Mr 11. Rolland, £1 yj Is; Mr Cuninghain Smith, £1 Is; Mr .fames Stephen, £1 Is ; Rev. G. AY. York, £1; Mr Israel, 10s (id; Mr and Mrs J., 10s fid; Professor Parker, IDs (id ;Mr F. G. Downes, 5s ;Dr Drysdale, 5s ;Mr Robin, 5s ; Rev. Dr Stuart, 5s ;—Total, £41 lite. T. M. HOCKEN, SUjsi Hon. Sec. TOOTHACHE. — Instant and marvellous relief in worst cases. Price's Toothache Anodyne, Is.—Price, chemist, Walker street. ASTHMA. — Why suffer? Instant relief afforded by Price's Asthma Powder, Is and 2s.—Price, chemist, Walker street. HEADACHE! Weakness, Loss of Appetite banished by Quinine and Iron Tonic, 2s (3d. —Price, chemist, Walker street. PAUSODONOPTIC Spectacles and Eye- = glasses (Lumsden's).— Best in the world for impaired vision. Ease and comfort assured. PAUSODONOPTIC Spectacles anil Eyeglasses (Lumsden's). — Genuine. — Only procurable om John Jolly, jun , watchmaker, George street. REDUCED Prices, Reduced Prices.—Cleaning and Repairing Watches, Clocks, and Jewellery at Jolly's, 42 George street (next Sligo's). TV|~ EDICAL GALVANIST. J. JENKINS, Ui'i'Hii Ratthay street, Dunkdin. Testimonials on application, ladies' and Gents Electric Belts, Batteries. &c. for sale. The Roslyn Tram passes door every 15 minutes. FOR SALE or LEASE, large SHOP, George street (near Frederick street), formerly occupied by W. D. Sutherland, grocer. Can be rented cheap or bought at low figure. Best side of the street. —Francis, Octagon. FOR SALH, 12-roomed HOUSE (large rooms); half-acre of ground planted with fruit trees, stable, coach-house. Property fronts Town Belt, Mornington, also entrance on back street. Magnificent view.—Francis, Octagon. FOR SALE or LEASE, ICO ACRES of LAND, within six miles of Dunedin. Easy terms.— Francis. FOR SALE (cheap), 30 ACRES of LAND, three miles from town. Suitable for dairy.— FRANCIS, Octagon. LEADING Life Office has VACANCY for CANVASSER; good terms to intelligent, smart man ;no others need apply.—Manager, Box 372. 2(ija WANTED, a LADY to undertake the duties of Housekeeper.—Address Box SIR, GreytownJS. . 2Uja tz AGENT Wanted for Golcllielils (mule or female) to canvass Dr Talmage's new book. Box 150, IVO. SSljii ~X\T ANTED, BAKER, Good Bread and V T Small (ioods Man ; married man preferred ; steady.—W. S. Hurd, Gore. 2Sja WANTED, for the Country, ;i Good GENERAL SERVANT—one accustomed to children, and able to milk.—Apply Times Office. 2S\ja TO Mantle Makers. —Wanted (immediately) for the D.1.C., Wellington, a first-class MANTLE MAKER to take charge of workroom. Apply to the Manager, D.1.C., Dunedin. 21lja TO RUNHOLDERS AND EMPLOYERS Or1 LABOUR. 2! In thanking Employers of Labour for the support accorded me in the past, I hope to mvrit a continuance of favours by constant attention to their requirements, and by studying to forward only those who are suitable for the class of work required of them. None but first-class hands are on my bsoks. RICHARD BREW, 2 Rattray street lid WANTED to PURCHASE, a STORE in the City suitable for Grain and Wool.— Particulars to l'.O. Box '.V 27. 2(>ja WANTED, Iron Portable FORGE, and Set Coaehsmith"s Tools.—Price and particulars to American Carriage Factory, Invercar* iU. 2^ ST GEORGE JAM. —The Purest in the Market.—All Grocers ANTED~KNOWN.— Watches Cleaned (ss), Mainsprings (Is (id), Jewellery tastefully made and repaired.—Peter Dick, Moray place, opposite Coffee Palace 22d T ILLY BROS., 89 George street. CHRISTMAS and New Year and Birthday Presents made to any design. FINEST display of Gold and Silver Jewellery at most reasonable rates in Dunedin at Lilly Bros., 8!) George street. 24d WANTED KNOWN.—Melville, Ootaj-yn, has received a large shipment of " White" Sewing Machines. Call and see. "TJCrmTE" Sewing Machines, Hand and 7 T Treadle, are the best in the world. Call and test them THE "White" is King. The best made, the most simple, most durable, most nokekss, best finished, and LIGHTEST Running Sewing Machine in ihe market. Inspection invited by W. MELVILLE, Octagon. Repairing attended to. ISn MONEY LENT (Privately) upon Personal Security, from £5 upwards; communications strictly private.—P.O. Box 75. tija ST. GEORGE'S JAM.—Selected Fruit and Best Sugar. All grocers HH. BAILEY, Watchmaker, 29 Royal 9 Arcade. All descriptions of Watches Clocks, and Jewellery Cleaned and Repaired. " "VT^"HAT are the wild waves saying, Vt mother?"—" Use only the genuine Registered WHITE CROSS OINTMENT, my clnld.'^_ SXTHITE Cross Ointment cures Sunburns, Y1 Freckles, Smarting Rashes ; only (id and s box. All Chemists and Grocers. WHITE Cross Ointment cures Cuts, Burns, Inflamed Eyes, Lumbago, Rheumatism, fee.; tid and Is. Chemists and Storekeepers. WANTED, a FURNISHED SITTING ROOM, and BEDROOM with two beds; ilso use of kitchen. St. Clair or .south end of ;o\vn preferred.—Apply in the first place to R [•'raneis, Octagon. Crr. GEORGE JAM. —Once used, always O used.—All Grocers ORDER your Venetian Blinds at Scott and Wilson's, St. Andrew street, and get satisfaction. _ SEND your Repairs to Scott and Wilson's. St. Andrew street. Splendid assortment of Colours to choose from. WINDOW Screens.-All sizes, artistic designs.~S<'OTT A- WILSON, .St. Andrew street, Dunedin. 2.ia AS O L O M O N, • PAWNBROKER & WATCHMAKER, 5 Gkorce Street, Three Doors from Octagon. GOLD and SILVER AVATCHES and every kind of First-class ,1 KWKLLERY in Stock and for Sale at greatly Reduced Prices. Gold Hunting Lever Watches in 18 carat gold cases, from £8 to £15. Gold Oimn-facod English Levers in IS carat cases, from £ I to XX Ladies' Gold Hunting and Open-fare Watches, from £!{ to £7 IDs. Silver Hunting English Lever Watches in hoax y sterling silver cases, by Itotherhaiii, Settle I'.iw., Benson, and other first-class English makers, from £2 to £4 IDs. Silver Cr-stal Glass Open-faced English Levers, by well-known English makers, from »)s to £1. "Ladies' Silver Hunting and Open-face Watches, from SO.-: to 70s. Diamond Rings, Brooches, and Earrings in great variety. In Stuck—Several very superior Breech-loading Double-barrelled Guns, by various well-known London makers, in cases with fittings complete, for sale rhenv. SI'ECTAi'LE.-;. Field and Opera Glasses, Micro .■■' ").".:s. Ci'iiiprissi's, < v -'\, of evei y description. Ai'VA.'-.'i ■!•>■; iii:i'i.. on <-.v,-y kind uf iin-.l Personal Security. 15s

Wanted. . DUNBDIN STEAM DYEWORKS, 116 George stroot, Dunedin. — Gent's Suits (Ueamjd anil Pressed, 5s : Dyed, !)s. 2jfa MRS CLARK'S LAUNDRY, North-East Valley. Established lS7(i. Laundry work well and cheaply dono; an acre of drying and bleaching ground. LACK CURTAINS made to look like new, being finished on frames, and tinted Ecru, Cream, I'intc, Ac—Mrs Clark's Laundry; NorthEast Valley. WASIFINf} called for and punctually returned in all weathers. Conveyance attends town twice daily.—Mrs Clark's Laundry, North-East Valley. l!)n 12>ATBRSON, IUIRK, & CO., the Leading House for Venetian lilinds and Revolving Shutters, Stuart street. "\TENKTIAN lilind Materials and Killings of V every description kept in stock; modei-ate prices; workmanship guaranteed. FIRST Award Dunedin Exhibition ; also Award Melbourne Exhibition. — I'alerson, Burk, and Co., Stuart street (opposite St. Paul's), Dunedin 2-lo Tenders. rn~A 1 c r~l count y. TENDERS will be received at the Council Chambers, Mosgiel, until THURSDAY, 4th Kelwuary, for REMOVING the old Henley Bridge. Specifications can bo seen at Amos M'Kegg's, and with ROBERT HAY, County Engineer. TENDERS are invited till Noon of SATURDAY, the fith of February 1802, for the PURCHASE of the SPECIAL MINING CLAIM and all the other MINING RIGHTS, and the BATTERY, PLANTS, TOOLS, and APPLIANCES in connection therewith lately worked and used by I'HK WAITAHUNA QUARTZ MINING COMPANY (LIMITED). The Company has been compelled to go into — Liquidation through want of capital, but the claim can no doubt be made to pay well. Inspection of the claim invited. Tor further particulars and conditions of tender apply to EDWARD A. JOEL, _ Solicitor, Bond street, i Dunedin. — KAITANGATA RAILWAY AND COAL COMPANY (LIMITED). TENDERS will be received by the Undersigned intil noon of MONDAY, the Ist February 1832, or SINKING present SHAFT a further 300 ft _ or this Company at Kaitaugata. Specifications, plans, and conditions can be seen at the Mine Manager's and Statiomnaster's Offices, Kaitangata; or at. the Head Office, Crawford street, Dunedin. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. W. P. WATSON, General Manager. Crawford street, Dunedin, 13th January 1892. llja . Borough Council Notifications. T>OROUGH OE CAVERSHAM. "~ TAKE NOTICE.—The VALUATION LISTS /or the NORTH, SOUTH, MID..LE, and KENSINGTON WARDS for the Year 1892 are NOW OPEN fo; INSPECTION during Office hours at the Council Chambers, Caversham. All OBJECTIONS thereto must be left at the ~~ Council Chambers on or before the 15th clay of FEBRUARY 18)2, addressed to the Assessment Court, and a copy of every such Objection must be left at the Clerk's Office not less than seven days before the next sitting of the said Court. MARTIN PKARCK, Town Clerk. Caversham, 15th January 1^1)2. ltija THOROUGH OK WEST HARBOUR. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVKN that the VALUATION LISTS for P.aveiiKbourne, Rothesay, St. Leonards, and Sawyers' Bay Wards in the Borough of West Harbour are now OPEN for INSPECTION at the Town Cleric's Cilice, Council Chambers, Rothesay. All Objections thereto must lie left at the Council Chambers, Rothesay, on or before the 15th day of FEBRUARY IKB, addressed to the Assessment Court, and a copy of every such i Objection must be left at the Town Clerk's Office not less than seven days before the next sitting of the said Court. DAVID LARNACH, Town Clerk. Council Chambers, Rothesay, 15th January 1592. Mija Public Notices. STANDARD FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND. NOTICE TO SHAREHOLDERS. S TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the SHARE TRANSFER REGISTERS of this Coinany will be CLOSED from MONDAY, February Sth, to MONDAY, March 7th, both inclusive. THOMAS R. FISHER, a General Manager. 1842-ISO2 (JANUARY 1.) '"DADGER'S STATUTES" And the WHOLK LAW OF NEW ZEALAND, PUBLIC AND GENERAL . 50 YEARS' LAWS FOR FIFTY SHILLINGS. FOUR VOLUMES, Eich Fully Indexed and Side Noted. VOL. I.—For Magistrates, Justices, Barristers, Solicitors, Bankers, Merchants, Auctioneers, Printers, Shippers. Price 15s. VOL. ll.—For Sheep Fanners, Runholders, Stock Owners, Local Bodies, Property Owners, Licensed Victuallers. Price 15s. VOLS. 11l and IV contain all the General Law of New Zealand not contained in Vols. I and 11. Price 15s each. The Government have granted FREE POSTAGE throughout New Zealand for this work. The General Index alone will be worth the money paid for the whole of the four volumes. Circular posted free to any address, and all other information supplied by WILFRED BADGER, 24d Solicitor, Ckristchuvcli. i^OAL! COAL! GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE Of NEWCASTLE COAL. Still Selling at the Reduced Trice, 2Ss PER TON. Consumers are rei [nested to Send their Orders Early before the Stock is all Disposed of. ALL LOCAL AND OTHER COALS IN STOCK; Also, FIRE AND KINDLING WOOD. Orders will receive immediate attention. JAMES FOX, Corner Vogel and Water streets, DunkdiN. v. Mjl^m§^: R< ROYAL MAIL LINE OF 'BUSES. PORTOBELLO. 'Bus leaves Portobello for Dunedin DAILY at 8 i.m., returning at 3 p.m. Fare, Is each way, and i-om Waverley, b'd; children under 10 years of ige, half-price. A Special 'Bus will leave Union Bank corner at I.'.M a.m. daily, returning at '1.30 p.m. Coach Leaves Sandymount at 8.30 a m. every TUESDAY, THURSDAY, and SATURDAY, •eturning from Dunedin at 3 p.m. S.S. ONSLOW will leave Portobello for Dunnlin daily at 7.<15 a.m., returning from Dunedin at 5.15 p.m. Special trips can be arranged for. DAVID SEATON, Proprietor, Imy Power's les. Maclaggan street. ROSE, WILS ON, k C 0., MERCHANTS, GENERAL AGENTS and ACCOUNTANTS, WINE and SPIRIT MERCHANTS, CIUWrOIU) STKEKT, DI'XEMX. Are AGENTS for— ALES and STOUT—M. P.. Foster and Sons (Limited), London; Thomson, Marshall, and Co., Aberdeen P.RANDY-BoutlnUier et Kils WHISKY—John Robertson and Sons, Dundee CLARET—A.deLuzeetFils, Bordeaux; C. Gaden et Klipsi-h, T.ordeaux CHAMPAGNE--Kruminet et Fils, Chalons sur Marne CANDLES and TOILET SOA PS-Alexander Ugston and Suns, Aberdeen CORN Kl.ol'R -lin.wn and Poison, Paisley and Lcmd..ii SHEEP IMP ■-Archibald Campbell, Glasgow KIKLKS and GI.'NS-Holland and Holland, London. HAVE IN STOCK— Phosphorus; China, Indian, and Ceylon Teas Mauritius and Company's Sugars ; Old High' land and other Whisky; Wines of all sorts, an. General Groceries. 25a] DUNEDIN AS IT WAS IN 1888 THIS BEAUTIFUL COLOURED LITHOGRAPH, PRICE 2s Ud. Posted Inland, 3s ; "Posted to any address in tb World, 3s 6d. W. J. I'RICTOR, Old Office Stoic, North Kast Valley, Otago

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 9337, 30 January 1892, Page 3

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LONDON IN AND OUT OF Otago Daily Times, Issue 9337, 30 January 1892, Page 3

LONDON IN AND OUT OF Otago Daily Times, Issue 9337, 30 January 1892, Page 3


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