I laily Times Ollice, Tuesday evening. The amount r! customs revenue received to-day en goods cleared for consumption was .£1202 lis 3.1.
The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile A"cncy Coiopany (Limited) have received the following telegram from thru- London oilier, dated -'ith inst.:-" Frozen Meat—Market quiet. .Mutton: ( antcrlmry is wnrth 4.1 per lb. Beef- New Zealand hindquarters U worth 3d per lb. Other quotations unchanged.' 'i' ll'V':; tio', li, l Mortgage an.l Agency Company of New /ealand have received a cablegram from Calcutta yesterday as under:--" Cornsacks 44in 0s 3d (c.i.f.) by steamer. Market stronger, owing to lessened production.
Triaiuv. Decemiikii 21.
I-at (attic Mere in moderate sui.ply, only 1110 head yarded, most of them of good quality—some very prime, notably those from Wanganui an.l North Canterbury. Hie attendance of buyers however, was not great, and last week's prices were not maintained. The Wangatiui bullocks were of medium weight, but just the right sort fur the summer trade, and they were in consentence well competed for, making on an average 1,7 lUs.ll per head. The North Cnnterhurv heifers also were exceedingly prime, and they were sold at an average of L 7 12s per head. This week's .-notations areas follow :-Prime bullocks, LS to f,!jlis l„l : ordinary, Li to L 7 15s ; light, Ll 10s to Lr. Ills ; prune cows, .1,5s to 1,7 15s ; ordinary, L 3 lis to 15 hit; aged and inferior, L 2 to L 3.— \\ RIGHT, SIT.I'IH-'.N.-reiN, ami Co sold -71 head -is follows: For .Mr Albeit White (Windsor farm), 10 prime bullocks at from LS to L!) 7s (id • for a northern client, fi very mime heifers at L7lo*! to 1.7 15s .and M steers at l.(i 5s to L 7 lis 11,1; for Mr •J 0.1'" Ny'iS <w ash.lyke), 7 steers and heifers at Ll lis Ud to Li) 12s lid ; for Mr R. \V. ]> rmv „ ().v,. st Taieri), 5 heifers at L) 7s (id to Ll 17s (Id ; and for Messrs T. Dee, . N. Morris, David Andrew, jun., .!. Canning, and others, 17 head at quotations.--IIIK NKW ZI'.U.AMi- LOAX AM) MKHCA.VriI.I-: <V.iS x-:-Y,-r- OMPA-,,' v <'-IJ' ITE',< s°l'l for Mr Joseph M'Neil (.Maungatua). Mr Wm. Lindsay (Greytown), and others, bullocks to 1,7 17s (id and cows to lA-DoXAi.nPvF.rn ami Co. yarded and sold : I-or Messrs I, Craigie and Sons (Itiverbank), S bullocks at Ll 7s (rd to Lslos, 4 heifers at Ll 5s to 1.4 ; for Mr S. Boyle (Sandymount), 4 cows at 1,4 Ids; for Mr Jas. Bailey (Sandymount), 5 cows at 1,4; for_ Messrs R. Mitchell, R. Phimester, and others, /head at limitations.—John Gi'ixm.Kv(on behalf of the J-antlers Agency Company, Limited) yarded .11 head, and sold as follows:—For Mr t*co. Ross (Woodville), 7 cows at 1,4 17s lid to L 5 Ills; for Mr A Butters (Ooodwood), 4 heifers at ■'.■'• 55 5., to, to o !',n 12s,(X,; f«r-Mr A. Douslas (Fast laiert), 8 bullocks at LU is (id to lii 15s. 2 heifers at Ll: for Mr Jas. Liddell (Taieri Beach), 1 bullock at Lo ,s (id, 7 cows at L 4 17s (id to L 5 ; fnr rl r :\' -J'/'^r (Caversham), 2 cows (stores) at L 2 Ls (ril.-Li-iii), M.U-I.KAX, and Co. sold for the \v annate Lstate,.{ bullocks at 1,7 17s (id JI bul-licl-s at L« 17s (■■!, •> bullocks at L(i 15s, 2 bullocks at U> 5s 2 bullocks at IJ! 2s (id ; as also a consignment of 1!) head from the North Island, from sfr John Winks (Hawera), at prices ranging from L 7 up to L!l 2s (id.
Fat Calves.—Jottx Giiixdlev (on behalf of the farmers Agency Company, Limited) sod calves on account of Mr James Liddel (Taieri Beach) up to JOs.
Fat Sheep.—Only 1] 12 penned, and this small number proved ample for the butchers' requirements. Biddings came very slowly, and although no decline in prices took place, still the tendency of the market was distinctly downwards. Best crossbred wethers, l:l.s (Id to Ms (Id ; ordinary do, 12s to 13s ; light do, 10s Od to lis lid ; prime crossbred ewes, 13s to ]."« ; ordinary dn, lis (id to 12s Od ; light do, lis to Ws (id. Wright, Stki'Hl-.xsox, ami Co. sold 24.X as follows :-For Mr James M Lachlan (Maungatua), 17 very prime crossbred ewes at lus ; for Mr John Grant (Willowhank), (JO crossbred ewes at V.U Jid to 12s 3d ; and |}<i halfbred ewes at 12s to lis (id ; for Mr David T. Shand (liroadact-es), 72 crossbred ewes and wethers at 10s 3d to 12s; for Mr Andrew Rankin (Gowrie), 30 crossbred ewes at 13s; au.l for Mr William Sun ter (Flag Swamp), 11 crossbreds at 13s. DoN.u.n Reid and Co. yarded -ISO, an.l sold : For the New Zealand Agricultural Company (Waimea estate), 174 crossbred wethers at Ms (id to 13s 137 merino wethers at 12s to lis 0,1; for Mr E. Kemptborne (I'arkdale), JtS crossbred wethers and ewes at lis 3d, 22 crossbred ewes at 10s (id; for Mr John h.lgar(Burnf..c,t), (is crossbred wethers at 12s lid to 12s ; fur Mr M. Baxter (Kuri Bush), 20 crossbred wethers and ewes at lis.—Joit.v GittxtiLEY (on behalf of the Fanners' Agency Company, Limited) sold : For Messrs J. A. Duthie and Co (Milton), 2JJ crossbred ewes at 12s; for a client, 1 pen wethers at lis, 1 pen ewes at lis.—Rki'd Macixax, .'.xi> Co. sold: For Mr John Bruce (Greytown), 22 mixed ewes at lis 2d; for Messrs Bruce and .M'Laren (St. Andrew's), JSO crossbred ewes at lis, :j4 halfl .red ewes at 0s (id; for Jf r John Grant (Temuka), 33 halfbred ewes .at lis (id, 31 halfbred ewes at 10s Oil; for the Waimate Estate, 15 crossbred ewes at lis 3d, (it at lis, 30 at lis, 2JI at !)s Oil ; for a southern client, 16 crossbred hoggets at las, 8 crossbred ewes at 14s; for Messrs Dickson Brothers (Belmont), Jl7 halfbred wethers at 12s Od ; 24 halfbred wethers at 12s Oil. Fat Lambs.—soo penned. The demand was slack, and prices, generally speaking, in favour of buyers. Best lambs sold at from" fls Gd to 12s; ordinary, Ss to 0s; small, 0s to 7s (id.—Wright Stki-iikxson, axd Co. sold 138 as follows .-—For Mr James M'Laehlaii (Maungatua), 31 at 10s (id ■ for Mr William Souter (Flag Swamp), 34 at !!s Od ; for Mr Andrew Rankin (Gowrie), 42 at S.s Oil • and for Mr Richard Mitchell (Portobello), 31 at'Ss.— The New Zealand Loax axd Mercintile Agexc-y Co.H'axv (LmiTED) sold 47 at Ss J3.1 to 8s (id.—Doxai.d Rr.m axd Co. yarded 103 and sold, for Mr D. Scott (Berwick), 4at 12s, I) at Ss 0.1; for Mr John Muir (North Taieri), 40 at 0s (,'d to Ssfor Messrs Wilson and Scott (Otakia), 2.3 lambs at 7s ; for Mr M. Baxter (Kuri Push), 20 at 7s od.— Joiix Grixdlev (on behalf of the Farmers' Agency Company, Limited) sold, for Messrs J. A. Duthie and Co. (Milton), 50 at tis 3d to Ss • for a client, 31 at 7s Od; for Mr R. Mitchell (Portobello), Jlil at Ss 3<1.-Reid, Maclean, and Co. sold, tor Mr John Brace (Greytown), 40 lambs at 0s fid, 10 lambs at fls 0.1; for a southern client, 35 lambs at 10s 3d. and S at Ss 0.1
Pigs.—Only 3(i forward. Bacon pigs sold at from 27s to Ji's, and suckers from lis to lis (id — WiticiHT, Stephenson, and Co. sold 2(i at quotations. -John Giundley (on be-half of the Farmers' Agency Company, Limited) sold baconers for Mr James Logan (Kelso) at 31s.
Store Cattle.—A strong demand continues to exist, grown bullocks and well bred yearlings and two-year-old steers and heifers being in particularly goorl request. During the week WmiuiT, Stephenson, AND Co. have sold privately 300 head of young cattle at a satisfactory pi-ice, and at Burnside to-day they sold at auction 100 head of three and four-year-old bullocks aud heifers, the former up to 1510s, the latter to I,3.—The New Zealand Loan and Meucantile Agency Company (Limited) during the past week sold 150 head grown bullocks at current rates.
Store Sheep.—l here is a very brisk inquiry for just four-year-old merino ewc^, and any sheep of this description placed on the market find ready sale for February-March delivery at very full prices. During the week Wiiioht, Stephenson and Co. have sold 700 crossbred ewes, 240 crosshied ewes with lambs at font, 2000 eight-tooth merino ewes.— The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Ahicncy Company (Luiitep) durin" the past week sold 500 aged crossbred wethers and ewes (small) at up to 10s. We.01.-The broken weather of the past week has almost entirely put a stop to shearing, and from this cause, as well its the holiday season, deliveries of the neu- clip have been on a very limited scale, iln.l the catalogues to be submitted on 7th and Sth January proximo will consequently not he so large as was expected.
Sheepskins.—The usual weekly sales were held at the Chamber of Commerce to-day. Competition was most animated—indeed prices were much steadier and values more consistently uniform than they have been for some time past. We quote :—Dry skins: Crossbred, low to medium, ls 4.1 to Jls (id; do medium to best, 3s 8.1 to 7s; merino, low to medium, IM to 2s 3d ; do medium to best, is-Id to lis. (liven skins: Crossbreds, -is to lis lid ; halfbreds, 5s till to 7s; merinos, 4n to os 10.1 ; lambskins, lOd to ls Nl; pelts, Kid to ls -Id. Rabbitskins.—No sales have been held this
Hides.—Market unchanged. Tallow.—Market continues bare of all qualities, hut the scarcity has not had the effect of hardening prices, which remain as quoted last week, viz.—Best caul fat, 1.12 to LXI; inferior to mixed, I.'.itoLll.
Grain.—The holidays having taken up most of this week very little business has been transacted. The markets for both wheat and oats remain in exactly the same position as when last reported, and it is unlikely that much will he done until after the New Year. Oats are arriving very sparingly, and as stores are clearer than has been tiie case for years, prices, if they do not rise, are almost certain to keep Him. We quote for wheat — Prime niiUinr.. -Is 10,1 t,,55; medium, 457.1 to 4s I'd ; inferior, Jls Pd to -Is 4.1: and for oats -Prime milling, ls Nl to ls S.'.d ; extra prime a shade inure : ii-avy bright feed, ls 71,1 to ls Sd ; ordinmy feel, Is HM to Is 7,1 ; inferior, Is 3d to Is oil
Cmss Seed.-The hr.rvest for this product is now beginning, but we nre afraid that the cvc.vdiii"lv weather we have experienced of late will interfere with the saving ~f the seed in good bright condition.
Mokitzson and lloi'Kix, millers,grain, produce, and commission agents, Manse street, Dunedin, report (wholesale) for the week ending December 3D as follows :—
Wheat: Prices are linn. Good samnles are very scarce. Prime wheats, os ; other good milling sorts, 4s l.i to 4s Nl. Fowls' wheat: (.'nod whole, -Is to Is 3d. Prime Nelson hops, Is per lb, and have inquiry (or Australia. Onions, searee 1,1(1. Bat-lev : Malting. :!.-. t.. Jls Jtl; millin-', 2s 4.1 to 2s Cd; feed. 2s to -Js ;i,i. lVatl bar1..-,-, 1.13Onts: We quote best milling and se .1, IsNl to U !>d : bright plump feed range from 1, 7d to Is M : other sorts, Is 5,1 to ls lid-all sacks extra, off trucks, and ex store. Flour: Roller, £13 f.„.b. Timaru; stone, A'l2 5-. Oatmeal, ih to ATI) Ills. Bran, A3. Sharps, £4. Potatoes: Old potatoes are not now saleable. New kidney, £5. Pigs: 14011. to llJolb, well fed, 21.1 to" 2}d, and scarcely have buyers at that low tigure: large sizes not saleable. Chaff up to A'J!, and is very scarce. Straw (oaten and wheaten), Jiris. May (oaten), A.!. Clover and ryegrass hnv, £Jls.s to A3 10s. Butter : Prime salt."(lid per li,. We have inquiry for a f.-w hundred" cases or casks, if prime : packages 2s each, or returnable. Fresh plentiful. Eggs are plentiful, an.l 1.-ul Honey, -l.Uj-p.-rlh. Cheese in demand- new Akaroa are coining tohand. Factory, 4W : dairy 4.1. Hams and bacon: Hams, 7.1 • bacon 5,' l Grass seeds: llyegrr,-. Jls Cd to 5, ' ltd ; cocksfoot, -IJd to ;V.,1 per lir. Kainit, a mineral manure, 1.5 p.-i- t,,:r. Pamphlets and testimonials , m application. We are ' landinrr per llunmni some superphosphate, AC H's i pel- toll, which should always be used in conjunc- i tion with kainit. Wool, rabbitskins, hides, j pelts, on consignment. Fruit from Hobart, j Sydney, Auckland, and the islands every | steamer fresh. We can supply good second', hand butter casks at Jis each. Peanuts in full supply at 2.1 per 11.. I. aunts, !>s per sack. We can supply a few tons Sydney oranges packed in brine to peel manufacturers. We cau simply 1000 empty fruit cases at 3s per dozen.
Di:.-i:uiu-!i 30, ISHI. Raiiihtsi-ins: Incomings. 7'd to Sid: early skins and v. inter-, .still bring old priced Sheepskins: Fallen, SM; slaughtered merino, 5U ; crossbred, (id to Hid ; dead cool, 4,1 to 7U. Horsehair, bid. liceswax. Is. Hides: Lightweights. Iblto 2d ; heavy. 2.U to 35,1; damaged. Id. Frit: Rough. 10s lo 13s ltd ; rendered, llisto-JOs. Pigs hani to sell; prime (lioll. to Ptulb). :s,l; inferior. IU upwards. Post ha,-on, ."ddtoo'.d. I lams, 7!d to 7.1d--iii keen demaii.l. I'm i.tiiv : liens, 2s to 2s lid; young cocks. Is Cd to 5s 3d ; old ducks. Jls to Jis lid; yonng ducks, -Is to m; geese, (Is tv 7s ;
gosling, 4s ; turkey hens, 5Jd to filrt-cocks, 8.1 to lid. Fresh butter wanted ; prime salt butter we can unit in any quantity at (id to (lid (kegs returnable). Eggs plentiful. Potatoes: Old unsaleable; new, ss. Onions, 8s to lis. Cheese : Fanners', 4.1; factory, 41.1. Furir: Very plentiful. We took into store WW cases last week, and quote— l.h-anges, 7s (Id ; lemons, ]5.s ; pines, 5s to 7s (id doz ; plums, -Is to si; black currants, 2.1; white and red, 2d to 2!d ; ripe gooseberries 2d to Jl.l, green 7s cwt—no demand, owing to heavy local supply ; Sydney apricots, Ss case—local, (id to 8d lb; cherries—local Od, Hobart Sd, Melbourne lis; strawberries (scarce), small 5.1, prime local Sd.
Messrs Thomas Patersox axi> Co., fruit and produce agents, Manse street, report December 20 :—Fruit: There now exists a very good demand for all descriptions of good dessert fruit, but cooking sorts are slow and difficult to place, as owing to the holiday buyers will not lay in stocks. We landed some very tine plums, cherries, <_c. this week from Melbourne ; also oranges, lemons, and bananas. Our receipts this week have been 725 bunches and 50 cases bananas, 287 do plums, 00 do cherries, lIS do oranges and mandarins, 11 do pears, 8 do tomatoes, 45 do apples, 23 do lemons— in addition to local supplies; also CO cases new onions. Eggs in moderate supply. Fresh butter fairly plentiful; salt butter, demand now springing up for parcels for shipment. Bacon: Roll, 4d to fid. Hams, 7d to Btl. Pigs not vet saleable. Cheese: New Akaroa, 4d to 4.', d; dairy, 4fd to 5,1. Honey, 4.1 d to fld. Onions': Old, 10s; new, 5s per case. Peninsula kidney potatoes, we- haver regular supply, lii to Lo 10s. Poultry scarce good demand. Cocoanuts, fls per sack. Peanuts 2Jd. Desiccated cocoanuts, 7dto 8.1.
The Middle Island Dairy Association yesterday received the following cablegram from Messrs John M'Nairn and Co., dated Glasgow, 2Sth inst.: "Have large demand for New Zealand cheese. Expect prices next two months at stis to 58s per
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Otago Daily Times, Issue 9311, 30 December 1891, Page 4
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2,605COMMERCIAL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 9311, 30 December 1891, Page 4
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