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Shipping, Shipping. ■^A^ CHAW, BAVI LL, &J§|-<l|v THHS NEW ZEALAND jfißK ALBION^OOMPANY JMW SHIPPING COMPANY (LIMITTO) ROYAL MAIL LINE OF STEAMEBS Udd« Postal OonS«c6 with too government f<* (Uud(Jr Oontrao( . New Sovemment) 6h« Oonveyanoa ol her Msjesty 1. Malls), Are appointed to leave with her Majesty's Win despatch taah Malls as nnder, BOYAL MAIL BTBAMSHIPS Via Btode^ane^and^rlffe:So* LOHDOH 48 nnfifflf, ; — — C*ffln_ »i Stesmerj. ons Oo1n" x,Port of • n«r n bio db janhiko. 'mnmm. afd ___ V gf^ Departure. P»t°-Efc-MOP-H. B_nnr___ ; 4174 Greenstreel Lyttelton Bept. B Siaams*. (Tons. ufp^tSk Datet 1891- Btup"HTT i163 Wnd'tay " Lyttelton Oct. 3 —— —. —— KAIKOUBA 4474 jOrntohley — Oot. 31 %™ Zt& lyt- ICOn stKy.'sM To^BtßO 4163J80ne _ Ho v. 28 titwttt kmi — Saturday, Oat. 17 I liorao "" 4744 - Saturday! Nov. 14 AOBAKGI 4163 |Sutoliffe - jDeo. 28 __*-.-1' MM - , Saturday, Dec. 12 „_,___, 6 100l - Tofollow And thenceforward every fonrth Saturday. And thenceforth every fourth Saturday. . Fitted with eleoMo light; sheltered promenade She above Steamon are of the highest oisoe ;»na fleak for uie of saloon passengers ; Second Saloon flpeed, with Saloons amidships. Seoond-olsai ana on upper deck; Cabins amidships; perfeot ventilaSteerage Accommodation are very superior. _• tion; liberal cuisine. Faßaengerß homewards have RBTUEHr TIOKBTS and. BBOOHJD BALOOH the privilege of .breaking their journey at Elo de PABSASSSat Beducod Bate*. Janeiro or Teneriffe; outwards at Cape Town or Tba Steamers of this Lies *r« flttsil with Cool Hobart. Chamber, for conveyance of Dairy Produoa. Passengers sent to Port of Departure FBTSE. The Undersigned are empowered to grant iws&gea hhtitbw TinirHTH «t TjnniTnwn n>ui>e feom London or SUsgow to Hew Zealand, payraen* HBIUHJJ TICKETS at BEDUCBD FAUBS. lor wblohb-itieen guaranteed In tho Colony;; I . issued for Passages from the United Sheabove will be supplemented by flrit-els-sC*r_o Kingdom to How Zealand on approved guarantee for j Steimer. and Sailing Ve«.l.. '- ■ . payment in the colony. For farther partlentari apply to the Agenti i For further partloalars apply to HATIOBAL HGBTSA9_ AHD ASHHOY COM- ■ THE NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING "^_l_OT__^Z___--<S-ffffll». COMPANY, LIMUBD. DALUBTY AHD COMPANY, LiBH'iBJD; 10 Crawford ttreet, Dunedln- ■ _U_B-g. BOBBBTB, a CO. , -s*^ mHE NEW ZEALAND %*^k mHR P, AND 0. BTEAM J§gil_3»k.-»-■ J|llif§jfe_-L jgg|gk||||; SHIPPING COMPANY'S LINE. J^SmJgjggg* 3JAVIGATIOH COMPANY . ■■'■ (Under Contract with the Imperial, Hew South NOTICE TO SHIPPBBS. Walet, Vlotorian, and South Australian Governments) BBDUOBD BATES OF FREIGHT BY STBAMBB WIU deipttoh the following STBAMBBS for T0 XOgDONL°aSi- Hl. R-M-S- HIMUTAKA ALBANY COLOMBO, ADEN, BBINIHSI, MALTA, wm be at P°BT CHALMBES on or about SIBEALTAB and PLYMOUTH— AUGUST 14, taking Cargo for LONDOH at gIBBALTAB, and f-OCMUUI-; SAILING SHIP BATES of height. Leave Steamen. Tons. Leave Mel- ****» AH following Steamers of this Line will take Wg- bonrne- Ad6lalde- Cargo at same reduced rates until further notice. I p.m. 1 p.m. d p._. Ooeana ... 8363 Aug. 10 Aug. 15 Aug. 19 , WOOL and other BALB GOODS now being Parramatta... 4771 Aug. 24 : Aug. 29 Sept. 2 reoeived into Sheds at Port Chalmers. STOBAGB Britannia ... 6257 Stpt.. 1\ Sept. 13 Sept. 16 x, nni j Massilia ... 4918 Sept. 21' Sept. 28 Sept. 30 *««•«• Carthage ... 5013 Oct. 6 Oot, 10 Oct. 14 THE HBW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPAHY —— 3au (LIMITED). Ratei o! PASSA9B MONEY from DUNBDIH, vto : — : MBLBOUBNB:- sJ^<SL\ OHIRK LINE DIRECT So London in First Saloon ... ... *83to«70 . J^^&^^^l<s „ Seoond „ £37 •J3gSßS&a|j£ STBAMBBS. Betora Tioketa from .„ ... ... £65 to 4115 e*s«ißMs»i»™" __ In the SECOND SALOON the arrangemenU have Managers t teea thoroughly reorganised, and the ACCOMMO- TUBHBULI/, MABTIN, & COMPANY. DATION which the Company now offers !• untnrV*nei. sgi BLDSRSII i Bi 2761 Tona Begister. Seoond Saloon Pasfeneerß ai« provided with Vint Caei Oisbw, Commander, 3aloon Accommodation in Union Steam Ship Com- Will be despatched from PORT CHALMBBS for jsny'i Steamers between Hew Zealand and Australia. LOHDON DIBECT b^:to^Z. tlom ABOUT Bth SEPTEMBER DALGBTY. COMPANY, MM^ For Freight apply to ~ : THE HBW ZEALAND SHIPPING OOMBSSAGERIES PANY (LIMITED), . Acrents. MAMTIMKS. Or to "^ISIYDNE^OBMiEBOUBNBTO MUBBAY. BOBBBT3, Overland from MAESBILLES via PABIS. '^A QHIRE LINE DI3KOT 3teamers nnder Postal Contract with the Govern- (dlili6-|l§^!» STBAMBBS. ment of France. jEsjjgjjjJsEgggj;. 3alUng at MBLBOUENH, ADBLAIDB, KING '*^^^^^« or> „„ ,«>,««« GKOBGB'S SOUND, MAHB, SUBZ, 0T&80 TO JjOHBOB. , and POST SAID. - Passenger! Booked to BOMBAY, REUNION, BLDEBSLIB ... ... 3750 Soas JBOOh.o. MAUBITIUS, and EAST COAST of AFBIOA. «»""»»^"».« - o/ou»om leoun.p. . ■ —^^^ ■ SIFEaHIBiB «. „, SOOO tons 3400 h.p. Steamers. .Tons. B^*_ I A^^e H&iaNSHIEa,^ ~. 5100 tono 8500 h.p. tatorttaTlioir Aug. 27 Aug. 30 "ie^Tl SOBAYSHISH , ... SlOOtoas SSOOh.p. 6000 Sept.. 25 Sep";. 38 Sept. 39 : ?oljnesien 6500 Oot. 27 Oct. 30 Nov. 1 : Xha ibave ioEgniJioeat Steamers, which have all 6eea speaisHy built for New Zocland trade, and PASSENGBBS BOOKED THROUGH FBOM "ZltZaZl^JS^l *" "'" "* n.t un i..u. n^n. «mi , Steamers are fitted throughout with BLHOTBIC >aß»eD»er'- STaWAaDßSsisoarried. IBTUBir TIOKBTS issued at the following rates:— SALOOH PASSAGE KO.HBI', «35, OTA9O TO Ist 2nd 3rd LONDON. Class. Class. Class. s.ot fullaf psrtionlaru epply to the Managers, Available nine months... £105 £70 £43 ' SUSHBULL, JHAKTIN, 6 CO., Saloon Passengers booked .through to London via &ta&ral!aa Mutual Provident Building!, ?aris.' Best railway accommodation, luggage oon- 30d Princes street, Dunedin. reyed free, and a fortnight atlowed from Marseilles ! in route. First-class, £70; Second-class, £47. By special arrangement an ENGLISH INTBBPRISTKB will attend on board npon arrival of iteamer at Marseilles, to give passengers every TI^OR INVEKOARGILL and BLUFF.— ■hai ßta hCf 6 hinn d''f embar * iUg«paß'mg ith6lr lDggßge JP S.S. INVEEOAEGILL. on TUESDAY, 18th trough the Customs, So. He will also accompany August. Cargo till H a.m. ' uhem in the train to Paris and Calais. NBILL & CO. (LIMITED), 3jy Agents, Dunedln. S.S. NAPIBE Sails as under: T~T For POKTEOSE-About SATUBDAY, 15th lnst. For WAIKAWA-Inafewdajs. mMfMik^ LLOYD •^mmeiß. IHPBBIAL GKBMAN KAIL. KEITH BAMSAY, Agent. SYDNBY, MiSLBOUKHB, and ADBLAIDB ro SOUTHAMPTON, ANTWBBP, and BBHMBH, : : Via Colombo and Sues; Canal, T\UNEDIN, PENINSULA, AND PORT TakingPacaengersfor London, I nniruitiis iraopv nnupinv rrvm Oonneotlns from Alexandria by Direct Mail irad X"' OHALHBES FJiBBY COMPANX (LTD). Passenger Lii.e orm k aT ° W^,,f° A ®mo&- The s.s. ONSLOW will Run as under, commencing WM be de.patohed ». follw,, (,f practicable) - on WBDHBSDAY , 3rd Juue: _ ,_.„. t. „ T Leave Port Chalmers 7.15 a.m.,-Portobello 7,86 Steamen, <i£SZL B .i!?L v' .^TS • >• flroad Bay 7.50 a.m., Maoandraw Bay, 8.20 Sydney. Melbourne. Adelaide. „ Waverleyß.4oa.rn., arriving at DunedinS 5' „___, ~ Dunedin 3.30 p.m., Waverley, 3.40 liimhnri* A,,™ lo* a,,« m "T""*~Tt •• Maeandrew Buy 4 0 p.m., Broad Bay, 4.30 BrZSweig :::sep g t. "^t. II 3e!ill ■' Portobello 4.45, arrivW Port ChaJer, 6.0. jailer... ...jOct. 7 Oot. 10 Oct. 14 Bates for Parcels and Goods as per arrangement with Captain. And thereafter every four weeks. 6ju By Order of Management. Passage from Dunedln to Southampton, Antwerp, and Bremen ... £18 to £67105. Vn* Colo SPBCIAL BHTUBN TIOKBTS TO BUROPH. The Steamers land Passengers at Southampton. CasQ advertisements under thiß head, not exceeding Passage from Burope oan be prepaid in the eolo- Bixteen words, will be ohar_ed SIXPENCE. If ales. charged to account, DOUBLE B4TB. For freight or Patsage apply to ■ HBUiL & CO. (LIMITBD) "IT^^^ SALE, One Priestman's OIL Agents, Dunedln -*- BNGINa. 2-h.p. ; new.—Apply to Sohlaadt —2 __ Brothers, Great King street; or, B. B. Denniston and zJfaz^teb^ HP— E EASTERN AND Co.. Hath street, Dun6din. 4au J___f™&_ J- AUSTBALIAN STBAM- ;pi n _^ I ; g^ft^g^SHlP COMPANY (LIMITBD). H U K BALE. BBGULAB STBAM LINB WnOti AUSTBALIA IRONMONGERY DUSIHESS in the North TO CHINA AHD JAPAN. I>land. Stock about £2000. Sales about The followicg Steamships will be despatched at _~i , *350 monthly. regularintervals from Australian ports to the Bast Tn' 6 is a thoroughly sound retail business, oapable , 1_ of oonnderable development. It Is now offered for Date of Bale in consequence of the retirement of a partner. Eteamer. Tonnage. Commander. Sailing. Apply to THOMSON, BHIDGEB, & CO., Guthbib ... 2338 N. Shannon August 19 *au Princes street. OATT-RTHUIf 2179 J.W.B.Darke . — __. „ _ ■ — MBSMDin ... 1940 P. T. Helms — TT^ OR SALE OR LEASE. AlBLn ... 2338 W. BUii — X? New Steamers 3000 — Building These Steamer? sail from ADBLAIDB. MEL- Extensive BRICK BUILDING, oonorete floors, BOURNE, and SJfDNBY, for CHINA and JAPAN, slate roof (covering half acre), well liahted calling en route at QUEENSLAND POBTS and .„,„„„. ~* , , "'' "g PORT DABWIN. and oentral; suitable for factory or storage, SPLENDID PASSENGBB ACCOMMODATION. about 2000 tons measurement: gas and water SALOOMI'ASSENGBRS BOOKED THBOUGH ~,,,„„ ' 8 TO ALL POUTS in CHINA and JAPAN ; also, to „„. laid on" SAN FBANCISCO, LIVBUPOOL, LONDON, and 23JV Box 212, Dunedin. THE CONTINENT OF BUBOPB. -_- T »r o - „ — For freight and passage apply to TINBEED OIL CAKE. BATES, SISB, & CO., -■—' « Bond street. Dnnedln. PORTOBELLO BY RAIL WIBTBR FEED FOB SHEEP AND OATTLB. AND ,J.S. MACANDKBW. d?. 8??1?? IIOKBTa '»si6d at Dunedln »nd ON SALE BY Peliohet Bay, available nntil day after Issne— 2i second olaia; Si 8d first olass. KEMPTHOBNB, PBOSSEB, & CO. , _ , . a-iu: p.m. p.m. (LIMITED). IBin Trains leave Dunedln at ... J.40 12.10 5.15 : (On Saturdays only. 1.15 tralnfrom Dunedin instead "~~ ~ ~ of 12.10.^ am m TO Let. Boat leaves Portobello Bt ... 7.40 10.40 440 Oaßh advertisements under this head, not exceeding Connects with Train at Port sixteen words, will he charged SIXPENCE If for Dunedin ... ~, s.ifi lI.U 6.15 charged to account, DOUBLB RATE. Single Ferry Fare, 6d. __,^ __— — 8.M.M033. Master »nd A R en>. T° O S, P^MISES fronting — * . J- on Esplanade and Church street, and opposite ><3&-3a>^ & CRUST J ,71, . an)Ple storage accommodation. Very *s§Bsi2B^ \-J KKW ZEALAND ' ? uitaDle'or general store, for which good opening. l§3lllS£2 EXPHKSS OOMPAHY "^ero not be U g any at south end of town Good fiß*aß*a* CUSTOMS SHIPPING and opportunity for anyone seeking genial olimate. EXPRESS FORWARDING AGENTS. . PMVATE DWELLINGS in eligible situations also . to Let. Branohes: Wellington, Ohristohuroh, Inveroargill, Apply to and Oamaru. Agencies throughout the Colony, W. H. HENNING Australia, Britain, &o. 18jy Akaroa Parcels, Packages, &c. delivered at any Address In ' "~ l ~~—*———« .—»g«_——_—_ the World at Through and Fixed Rates. ' To 3!b 71b 14!b 281b 561b 1121b Hoyal MailInvercarglll ... 8d Is Od Is 6d 2s 6d 3s Od 3s 3d — — __ Oamaru ... — 6d — — IsOd 1b 6d -^ii V S&(5 w.'^fcTimaru ... 6d Is Od Is 6d 2s 6d 4s Od 4s 6d §M*s&>i&ik>&l*!x!& Christohurch... 9d Is 3d 2s 3d 4b Od 5s Od 6s Od v- r. 31b 201b 501b 1001b a>!W§sS&*!i®§§sS^ ToAuokland ) Each addl-(Bs6d 3s 6d 4s 6d -m-v/->vat titatt v- „ Napier ...Vis tlonal lbup^ 2»6d 4a Od 4b 6d T| OYAL MAIL LINE OV COACHES „ Wellington) t091b.3d. (2s6d 3s6d 4sOd -a~*l (0088 & CO.) And upwards at Blight increase. ~,,. ~ T , —■ Tlie ooove Line of Coaches leave L^wranoeEfor Pabcbls for Obeat Britain and Ireland : ES,:, 01?1 Cromwoll, Queemtown. and all liMß^ndOd^rlbadditional. Agent.forGreatßr.tain ... W H Sutton and Co. l^S^S^^.^J Ml^OlMr . :: sasr jz iyi^^ Co . 0.0.D.-Amount of Involoes collected against "telve Middlemaroh for Hyde Kveburn and delivery of goods on smaUcommisßiou. Na.eby on Wednesday, at 9 am and Saturday* at HBAD OFFIOH, 7 MAHBB BTHHHT. DUNHDIN ifflSL p_£ on Say.'a™ ra_S_?. atl •' a.m., oonneotlng with trains arriving at Dunedin at WANTED, THEATRICAL MANAGERS flpm> H- oßAia & CO. and Others to know that the Ot«?o Dally Hpjul Dm™.. »««i .* r limit undertuke. the Pouting of Woodcuts (any elze), m°B ' Vm] 'tragfc- lMmma"Steamers, Po«t«ta end svery asiorlptlon of Print* ■ . .——a Ing on ths most v,»ni po«!Mons in 6S» aisy, en -VTEITHBR trickery nor competition has been abie imiUQfminQiUh Jl\ tp aHeoli the reputation 0! Wolfe's Sqhnappi,

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 9194, 14 August 1891, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 9194, 14 August 1891, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 9194, 14 August 1891, Page 1


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