NOTES FROM REBFTON. (Fbom Oub Own Oorrkspondbnt.)
Hekfion, February 14. Stook Exchange report: —Tue partial oleauing up at Mid batteries to-day gives 131150z of amalgam. This does not Inoludo the Progress, at which a general clean up talteß placo on Monday next. The Vemu crushing gavo HOozo retorted gold from 220 tons crushed. Work genorally, out and Inside connected' with the dirtereut quartz mines, la being pushed on with in the usual manner, and fairly good progress is being made throughout. The difficulties of transport, however, have always been a hindranoe to now works, and the erection of batteries. The sharo market ha> remained pretty much the came, nud there is no increased buoyancy to report in any particular lino, althoußh there Is n well set firmneaß in most of tho marketable docks. The striking'of qtiarlainthe new level of the Globe mine is about themost important item of mining news, but further information must of necessity be limited until work at this part has been extended a little further. Big Riven rango between f>3 and lia (id, with liltlo business of lato. Cumberland" havo been ptotty fairly dealt in and up to 3j fld, and were getting a little easier towards tho close of tho week. Kewa from this mine continues to be of a promising character, and the yield satisfactory, although a temporary stoppage at tho battery lessened the tonnage. Fiery Cross show a Blight advance in price, and tho shares have had steady inquiry. Outside buyers appear to favour this line at present. Golden Treaanro have been wanted in fair-sized parcels at low rates, and small lots were quoted up to Is Bd. Globss are quoted at 22s to 235, and holders appear inclined to await furthor developments at the mine before seeking business. Inliorman do not appear very prominently in active stocks, but operation! at the mine and in the stone north and Bouth of the same are being actively prospected with good result nnd excellent prospects. Tho last outcrop is of splendid quality, and io being followed on. Buyers of Keep-It-Dark have offered 10s, but sellers are wanting 11s. Wo. 2. Dark keep a good plaoe ou the list, and had steady business up to Da id. At tho mine and battory matters look healthy, and it Is not improbable that the crushing may be continued until the end of the month, by which time a very substantial dividend should be available. There is no return from the Progress battery to-day, as a genera! cleaning up is to take place on Monday prior to giving the machinery something of an overhaul, which it is expected may occupy upwards of a week, l'here is no change from the Scotia workings reported, but buyers at low rates have been abundant. At the Sir Charles Eussell lease operations are at present confined to driving In an improving rref. Shares have been in demand, and are quoted at <JJ to la. Srflera el United Alpines have abated somewhat for tmall pareo'.s, and 19s 6d rules as tha Belling quotation to-day, and during the week business was done at that rate. Some Hercules were also sold at 2s 9.1. Crushing has commenced, and it is estimated that npwards of 150 tons will be put through. Midday quotations:—Fiery Cross. 3s 9d to 8s 3d ; Blobe, 2ia to 23s j No. 2 Dark, 6s 3d to 6s 4d; Sir Charles Russell, 9d to Is. Sellers : Big Biver. 6s 6d; Cumberland, 3s 2d; Bxohange, 6d; Golden lead,2s 6d; Gallant, 6d; Inglewood, Pd; Progress, 20s; Scotia, Is ca; Alpine, IDs 6d ; Wealth, ds fld. Ealeß: Cumberland, 3s 2d; Golden Treasure, Is Bd. February 15. Quotations: Fiery Croeß, 5s 9d to Gs 3d ; Globe,22s to 23s ; So. 3 Dark, 6s 2d to Cs 4d ; Sir Oharloa Bussoil. 9d to 18. Sellers: Dig Biver, 6a 6d; Cumberland, 3s 2d; Hxchange, 6d; Golden Treasure, Is 8d; Golden Lead, 2s 6d; Gallant, 6d; Inglewood, Od Progress, 20a; Scotia, Is 6d; Alpine, 19s 6d; Wealth 4s 7d.
Battery returns: Globe, 1730z amalgam from 190 tons; Cumberland, 1770z amalgam from 105 tons; No. 2 Dark, 201oz amalgam from 86 tons ; Dark, 83oz amalgam from 94 tons ; Inkermau, 120oz amalgam from 120 tons ; Alpine, 447cz amalgam from 386 tons; Wealth, 750z amalgam from 85 tons; Venus, 149ozrotort:d gold from 220 tons cleanup ; Hercule3, 70oz amalgam from 65 tons. Progress will clean up on Monday, and the company's engineer will th»n be busily employed for eight or nine days in effecting the neefßuary alteration to the spur gear, upon the completion of which crushing will be resumed. Venm.— The mine manager reports for week: "I have driven the main drive Bft. There is a little stone In the drive at present showing gold, but it is not of a payable size as yet."
Inkermsn.—Tho mine manager reports:—"On Thursday night the piston ted of the winding engine gave way, but is now repaired, bo I have not measured either stoping, main ihaft, or winze. The reef iv tho winz9 otill carries Rood gold. Ia the couth le»Be four men are employed otoping tha surface and taking out a good quality of stone. In the new fled in the north lease I have bean stripping the surface preparatory to sinking a wioze. The quartz is still showing splendid gold. A 3 far as yet proved the reef nvprages up to 2ft, and shows every appearance of lining down. The winze on thia lode will be started next week, and tho surface prospectors employed trenching on the line, thia all being new country!" Cumberland.—The mine manager reports for the week:—"The bottom drive has been driven )2ft, making a total from tho flat Bheet of 45ft. The rst.f continues hard and well defined. 3ft Bin thick, carrying fair Rood. The upper level haa been driven 9ft; the thiokness of the reef is 4ft, and of very good qu/ility. About eiehi and a-half fathoms of stoping has been done in the upper and Intermediate levels, the reef varying from 2ffc to 4ft thiok, and of good quality; 332 tons of quartz have bsen taken from tho mine paddock, and the general prospeots are good." Alpine.—Tha mine managar reports: -"There is nothing new from No. 7 level. The reef in the etopes above the level continues tho same; above tho intermediate level the solid stopo or upper intermediate in the north block has been driven 40ft couth of the winze. The reef is getting smaller, and has all the appearance of bcou cutting out There is no change In any of the other stopes. The uprise on tho south reef has been risen lift, raakiDg a total height of 21ft. The reef is sft wide in the face at present."
The secretary of tho Dunedln Hold Dredging Company (Limited) received the following telegram from the dradgemaster on Saturday:—" Dredsingsixdays for 38oz 7dwt ISgr gold." "
The Tuapeka Times understands the directors of the Island Clock Extended Company.r.fter a thorough inspection of the ground, have deoided on constructing a reservoir at the head of the company's The site delected is in every respect a suitable onn, possessing all the requisites for such a purpose. It ia not at present contemplated to build tbe reservoir to its .full height, but as the claim Improves and operations become more extended the work will then be completed;
The same paper cays that there now remains only about 18 chains sf flumlng to complete the race into the workings of the Hercules 80. 2 Company, Roxburgh. The non-arrival of timber necessary for the progress of the work has somewhat retarded operations; but when the material cornea to hand, eight or nine days' work should be sufficient to complete the race, and thus enable operations of a more extended naf.ura to bo undertaken than the present arrangements permit.
Matters in connection with the Round Hill S'udge Channel are (lays thn Western Star) prof Musing moßt satisfactorily. Mr Seal, the engineer in charge of the work, has been on the ground for some days making the necessary arrangements for the starting of the channel cutting. Mr Bwing, of St. Batbans, one of the most practical minim; authorities in (ho colony, has also been at Hound Hill in connection tvith the work. He came, at the request of the promoters, to make as it were assurance doubly sure as to the practicability of the Bciieme before tlio rlghta are flna'ly transferred to the London company. Mr En-ing ia understood to be entirely satisfied with all the proposals, and augurs a successful time for tho company.
Sib, —It is with extreme reluctance that I take up my pen to express the dissatisfaction I feel at the unsatisfactory manner in which tba working of the above club is carried on, and I have not the slightest hesitation in faying that if things are conducted much longer in the same manDer as they are at present tha O.R.C. will shortly be a thing of the past. I will not take up your valuable space by dwelling at length on the bad management of the affairs of the club, buti would just draw attention to two things which have recently happened. First, a club race called the Ravensbourne Chnllenge Cup was to bo rowed last Saturday, and announced to take place at Rsvensbourne; four crews were chosen to train, two of the strokes being prominent members of the committee, whilst another member of one of the crewa was no less than tho captain of the club. Only one crew out of the four trained; another made a start to train about three days before the race, tho remaining two crews were never ont for practice at all. On Saturday afternoon I went to Kavensbourne to witness the race, and greatly to my disappointment found tho race was not to be rowed there at all, but ia another part of tho bay (I may here mention the good people of Ravensbourno wero equally disappointed). I then took a boat, and was just in time to see three out of the four crews start, and what I saw was one of the biggest farces in the shape of a race ever seen, the crew which had been training won easily; in fact, leisurely paddled from start to finish, and thuß ended the raco for tho Ravensbourne Challenge Cup. The next grievance is that a raco is to come off at Easter against, a crew from tbo Timaru Rowing Club, and a crew ha 3 been picked to represent the O.R C. Ths stroke, although a good man, is much too light for that position, and would havo been much batter as No. 2, whilst bow and No. 2 could be supplanted by far better men. No. 3 ir, tho only rnira properly chosen in tho crew. The rea?on of the bow man being cho3eu I cannot understand. He was stroke of one of the crews ia the last club race, and never once put iv an appearance at ths boatshed, and yet, strange to say, he i 3 again chosen before others. I should like to see a special meeting of the club called ab once, aud bring tho executive to a truo idea of their duties, or otherwise enforce them to resign their office. Trusting I have not unduly trespassed.—l nm, &c, Dunedin, February 14. Hon. Membeb.
Floeiline.-Por thh Teeth axd Brkath.-A few drops of the liquid " FloHliue " oprlnklod na a wee room 0.-usli prodaceß pleasant lather %vhich thoroughly cleanses the tenth from nil parasite or impurities, hardenstbe gums, prevents tarhr s<™i decay. Kiyeo to the teeth a peculiar pearlvwhit'eneTs and a dcllßhtru! rragrance to the breath ' It removes all uopleasant odour arising from decayed teeth nr tobacco-smoke. •• The Fragrant Klorlflns," bein R composed m part of honey and sweet herbs, is delicious to the taUe, and the greatest toilet diooovery of the Rjje. Pnee 2s fid, of all Chemists and Perfumers. Wholesale ilopot, 3S I'aryinKdou road London, — [Abvt.] '
Foe Biliousness on Sick Headache, GiddiHE33, Depression of Spirits, Sluggish Liver, Vomiting, Sourness of the Stomach, Constipation and its ovils, Impure Blood, Skin Eruptions, Sea Sickness &c, ENO'S J'KUIT SALT is the simplest arid best remedy yet introduced. It removes, by a natural means, efieto matter or poisoa from tha blood, thereby preventing and curing Fevers, Feverish Skins, and counteracts any errors of Bating and Chinking, or any sudden affliction or mental strain, and prevents Diarrhxa. It la a pleasant beverage, which supplies the want of ripe fruiti may be taken aa an invigorating apd cooling di-juslit under any circumstances, from infancy to old aj;e, and may be continued for any length of time, and looked upon as being a simple product of fruit. By its use many disastrous results may bo entirely prevented. In the nursery it is beyond praise. Caution— Examine each bottle and see that the Capsule Is marked " Ena's Fruit Halt." Without it you have been imposed on by a worthless immitation. Sold by all Chemists. Directions In Sixteen Languages how to Prevent Disease. Prepared only at Kso's Fbuit Salt Works, Hatoham, London, 5.8., by J, 0. Eiio'b Pateut.-rrADYT.
THE WATERBURY WATCHES are so cheap that anybody can afford to own one. A watch, however, to bo cheap, must bo serviceable; it must bo both accurate and reliable, and in all other ways perform the functions of a first-class timckeepor. In these particulars the wonderful Waterbury Watches exactly " fill the bill." Therefore, because cheap, do not think they are only toys or " good enougli for children." They have all the traits of the best makes, and as they add to these unusual strength and durability besides cheapness, they are essentially the watches for the mechanic, the farmer, the clerk, the working man and woman—in a word, The Watches fok TUB I'EOrLE,
Series E, the old long-winding favourite, the Schoolboy's Delight, the Workman's Mate, the Shepherd's Boon Oom- _ panion. Price, 13s (id. iSeries J, the new short-winding marvel, is the Reporter's Friend, the Parson's Guide, the Lawyer's Reference, the Banker's Security, the Sailor's Anchor, the Soldier's Ally, the Civil Servant's Counsellor, the Farmer's Faith, the Squatter's Joy, the Editor's Dream, and Everybody's Success. Price, 22s Gd. Series L, the new Ladies' Waterbury, is the Mother's Treasure, the Housemaid's Help, the Lover's Warning, the Nurse's Necessity, the Schoolgirl's Idol, the Maiden's Prayer, and a wonder of horological ingenuity. Short-winding, stem-setting : price, 22s Gd. '
These world-famed watches may be obtained from any leading storekeeper or dealer throughout the colony. Wholesale agents for Otago and Southland, the New Zealand Hardware Company (Limited), Dunedin and Invercargill; and John Edmonds, Dunedin.
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Bibliographic details
Otago Daily Times, Issue 9040, 16 February 1891, Page 3
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2,444MINING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 9040, 16 February 1891, Page 3
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