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Wednesday. September 21,

Fat Cattle.—22! head were yarded at Burnside todiy. About half being eood to primo qunlity, balnnce lightand inferior. Prices showed no Improvement ou last week's rates. Prime bullocks sold from £7 10s to £9 53: medium, £0 to £7 ; inferior, £1 to £5; cows up to £717a1d.—Gkohok Todd (on behalf of tbe Mutual Agenoy Company of New Zealand. Limited) aold 36 hend as follows: —On account of Mr George M'Donald, 11 bullocks from. £710s to £9,2 cows from £6 2s lid to £32s 6d; onaccmntof Mr Simon Wright, 7 cows from £i 10s to £7171*6*1; on'account of Mr James Harrison i'Strath-Taieri). 4 bullocks from £7 5s to £3|los,Pand 4 heifers from £4 17s 6d to £5 10a; and on account of Messrs Knox Brothers, Godfrey, and olhors, 8 head light weights at quotations.— John Ohm.ley (on behalf of the Farmers' Agenoy Company, Limited) yardi d 81, and sold aB follows. For Mr William Kirkland (Elmgrove), 5 bullooks at £i) 10s to £7 Ho 6d, G heifers at £6 15b to £5 ; for Mr James Ray (Wairuna). 1 bullock at £7 12s 6d, 3 heifers at £7 loj to £6; for Mr Saunders Forrest (Green U.IIb). 2a bullocks at £5 17s 6d to £7 17s 6d, 17 heifers at £5 12s_6d to £7 10s ; for Messrs Battray and Lorry (Naseby), S bullock's to £8 ss; for Mr John Bruce (West Taieri), 5 do at £8 17s 6d; for Mr W. Gibson (North Taieri), 10 heifers at £5; for Mr W.A. Todd (Taieri), 1 old cow at £2155. •- Stbonacii and Sou sold on aecountof /iSessrs Lowry and Botting (Hyde), bullocks from £5 10.i to £5 15s; andjon aocount of Mr G. Botting (Hyde), bullocks at £4 los and £417s 6d.— Wmoiit, SteP-lEsson, and Co. sold 71 head as follows: —Ou account of the New Zealand andAustratralian Land Company (Clydevale), 8 prime bullocks at from £9 2s 6d to £3 10s, and 22 prime cows and heifers at from £8 5s to £6 10s; on account of Mr Halcolm Fri-er (Southland-, 10 i,rlme bullooks at from £9 to £* -. on account of Mr Alexander Black (Itoseneath), 9 bullocks anil hellers at from £7 12s 6d to £5 15s; on account of Mr Jolmßruce (Greytown), 4 bullockß at £7 10s; ou account ol Messrs T. G. Robertson (Spylaw), It. Groves, John Walsh, Thomas Godfrey, James Fegans, Thomas Lynn, and others, 18 cow's at quotations.—New Zealand Loam Asb Mekcahtilk Agency Compiny (Limited) sold on account nf Mr Johu Bruce (Brighton), bullocks to £7 la fld; Mr James Liddell (Taieri Beach), cows to £4 ion.—Beid, Maclean, and Co. sold a few pens of light to meiVn-n weight cuttle for Messrs H. Steel, T. Wilson, J >l-Ki"non. and others at.from £1 12s Ijd to*7.- ii.v.vld Rain and Co. yarded 36 head, and F--1.1 -,n ..ea-unt Jlr John Shaw (Finncgand), i bulli'Cks nt, £7 17i Od. Jl heifers at£'ilos; on account Mr John Sml'h (Llnhnpo). 5 bullocks at £7 2., (id to £5 2s lid, 1 bullock and 1 heifer at £317s 6d ; on

r.-i; .nut a Southern client, 4 bullocks at £0 17s fld to £1, Jiha'fe-s at £5 15s; on account Mr-A. Harvey (Strath- I'aiori). 9 Drime bullocks at £9 17s 6d to £6 2s fld, 1 heifer at £(! 2s Od; on ac-ount Mr Anderson (Ofivprsham), 1 cow £0 10s; and turned out 4 head unsold.

Fa!, Sheep.—2l22 forward, 550 of ivhich wore merino wethera. Though the number penned was tmall. bidding v/ni anything but spirited. Prime quality crossbreds were well competed for, and sold about- on a par with last week's prices; while inferior quality and merinos were neglected, p.nd suffered a decline of about ls per head.—Jons Grindley (on behalf of the Farmers' Agency Company (Limited) penned and sold as follows:—For Mr James Logan (Popotunoa estate), 220 three-quarter-bred ISomhov •wethera at 15s 3d to 18s 31; for Mr William Smith (Tuttenham), 39 quarter-bred wethers at 15a 3d, 81 mriid'-n cxves at Ma 9d fo 15s ; for Mr David Young ninselimd. Wnipabi), 61 Southdown crossbreds at 14s 3d to 15s 9d; for Messrs Peat Brothers (Mount Gowrfe), IES halfbred wethera at 13s Od to lrts 9d ; for Mr Godfrey Foster (Milburn), 30 fullmoulhel halfbred ewes at 12i Bd tn 13s 9d ; for Messrs A. and J. Brown (Abbotshill), SS merino wethers at 9s; for Mr John Smith (Uount Claret), 50 halfbred wethers at 183 6d. Sthonach axd Eon sold account Mr Walter Blackie, crossbred xve.thorsat lis Id, and quarter-bnok wethers at 9...—Wmoiit, Stephenson, anii Co. sold 654 as

iollow?:-On account of Mr Walter Smaill (Keinton), 60 very prime crossbred wethers at from 18s6dto 16; 3d -, on account of Mr A. 11. Hay (St.. Ronana), 120 hnltbred wc-tbers at from lus 9u to Ills ; ou account of Mr James Gait (Maravlna). HOhalfl red exves at from l'J-. Cd to 10j 3d: ou accouut of Mr Peter Grant (r_ow.-ie),22lhiilfliri-d(smi-.l!)atfroin 13s 0J to 12s ; on Lceount oi Mr James Matheson (Itu-aell farm), 00 hallbred at is* fid : end on account ot Mr Matthew Beattie (Honley). 80 meriuo wethers at lis.—Tna Eexv Zealand Loam and Meecantilk Arkncv Company (Lijiitsd) sold on account of Mr Julm Smith (, merino wetbers to 10s 9d. —Kkid, Maclkan, and Co. Bold 301 as under:—On

account Mr J. H. Mit;hell (Studholme), 33 merino wethera at 10*. 35 at 9s; ncconut Me.era Peat Bros. (JVlount Goxvrie), 31 crossbred wethers at 16s 9J, 31 at 35s Bd, -37 at Ms Od, 32 at 14s, 10 mixed sheep at 13s 6d ; account Mr A. Douglas, 37 merino wethers al lis ; account Mr W. Blackie (Kast Taieri), 28 crossbred wethera at 15s, 23 at 16s 3d, 30 merino wethers at Us 3d, 30 at Us 3d. Privately during the week they have sold 500 freezers at full current rates. — Donald Kkid and Co. Tiirded 351. and sold on nccount Mr J. F. (A-duiore), 37 crossbred ewea at 17s 3d, 76 hallbred ewen at los to 13s; on account Mr John Sutherlaud C V'.iitalinna), 24 crossbred wethers at 18s, 4 crossbred exves r.t 10s 9d ; on account J. and J. Sutherland (Milburn), 114 halfbred wethers at 16s 3d to 15s 3d, '.15 h-Übred ewes at 15s to l'4s.

Fat Lamb:.—Donald Kiud and Co. report: -The iirat lambs of the season came ln to-day, a small draft of 14. Though not extra large, they were really prime quality. They were from Mr Joßeph Mawson, Purakanui. We disposed of them under brisk competition at pricea from 15s to 12s 3d each.

Pigs.—l9o enme forward, and sold as follows i— Suckers, Bs 6d to lis; slips, 13s 6d to 16s 6d; atores, 17s 6d to2l8fld; port-era, 24s to 28s; and baconers, Ss.i to 50s.—Geohob Todd (on behalf of the Mutual Agency Company of New Zealand) sold: Baconerß, 38a to 395; porkers, 24s to SOs; and stores. 9s 6d to 10s.—Wiiioht, Stuphexson, and Co. Bold 137 as follows:—Extra heavy bacon* pigs, 43s to 50s; ordinary, 28s to 40s; porkers, 20s to 27s Od ; stores, I2s to 245; sucker.!, 6s to 14s.—Beid, Maclkan, and Co. aold 34: On account of the Elderslie estate, 2 prime bacon pigs at 4=b, 3 at 413, 4 at 445. 5 at 40s, 5 at 40s, 2at 395; on account of Mr J. Thomson, a pon of suckers at 8s; on account of Mr C. Clarke (Greytoxvn), 4 bacon pigs at 425, 3 at 41s, 3 suckers at 12s 6d.—Donald Kkid and Co. yarded 44, and sold on account Mrs Clarke (Sandymount), 5 suckers at 9s ; on account Messrs Todd Brothers (Islington), 2 pigs at 215,3 at 14s 6d,6 at lis; on account Mr James Walker (Wyndham), 26 at 35s to 20s ; on account Mr M. Winder (Mornington), 3 at 18s. Store Cattlo.—There are inquiries for well grown cattle, but so iar little or no business has been done.

Store l.'heep are still in demand, but prices are easier, no doubt caused by the scarcity of feed be.tween turnips and grass, also by the drop in fat. Btock; but we look for an improvement again during the next fortnight, Privately, dnring the week, Kkid, Maclean, and 00. have sold several lines of hoggets aud other store sheep at market quotations.

Wool.—Cablegrams to hand during the week advise sales progressing favourably with a rhe ef from 4d to ld per lb, and with a prospect of satisfactory prices being obtained during tho series, Locally there Is little doing; all lots offering are readily disposed of.

Sheepskins.-There was a very foil attendance of the trade at the public auctions In the Ohamber of Commerce Hall, Crawford street, on Tuesday, and, although the weather was somewhat broken during the past two or three days, under the influence of favourable iwool advices from Home competition was very keen for all sorts. Butchers' green crossbreds, best, brought 6s 3d, 6s ld, 5s lOd, 5s 9d, 5a 7d, 5s sd, 5s 3d; good to medium and interior, 5s ld, 4s 10d,4s Bd, 4s 7d, 4s sd, 4s 3d, 4s 2d ; green merinoß, 4s lld, 4s Bd, 4s 7d, 4s 3d, 4s ld, 3s 9d ; country dry crossbreds, inferior to medium, ls7d to 3b IOd; dodo merino, Is 8d to 3s 4d ; full woolled crossbredß, 4s lOd to 6s 9d ; do do merino, <ls to 6s 4d; dry pelts, 3d to la 6d each.

Itabbitskinß ore Btill in brisk demand, and all lots coming to hand are cleared at:—For greys. ls 4d to IsS-Jd; medium, Ib to Is 3a; inferior," 4d to IOd; sueferß, 2d to 3rd; black and fawn, 6d to ls per lb.

liabbittkins.—We have no further advices with regard to the position of the market at Home. In tlie local market, however, a brisk demand continues to exist, and prices for best furred skins, although slightly ioxver, are Btill very firm. Medium and mixed also command good at'eution, and realise prices relatively higher than these obtainable for really prime skins. The Bupply is now, howex'er. falling off; fexver prime skins come to market,, the laraer proportion beli'tf spring takings. At the regular auction sales all the buyers for shipment attend with regularity, and compete very spiritedly for all offered. At auction on Tuesday we offered a moderate catalogue, a good number of which were only medium skins. Best greys brought ls 4d to Ib b.i ; medium, ls Id to ls 3d ; inferior to medium, 4d to lld: suckers, 2d to 3d; black and fawn, Bd to ls ld per lb. Hides.—The market is unchanged. A moderate demand-continues to exist, but without any apparent improvement In price, and while the depression ao loui; existing in thiß line at Home and on the continent continues values are not materially alter. AH the business passing is confined to the operations oi tbe local manufacturers. Shippers Bre not disposed to speculate, preferring to wait a more favourable opportunity. We quote dry salted heavy weights, free from offal and systematically flayed, 2Jd to 3d; medium, 2d to 2Jd; light, ljd lolfd; inferior, ld to l^d perlb.

Tallow. Late advices from Home quote the market very firm and hardening, stocks light. Fine mutton tallow is quoted at 29s 6d, good beef do worth 27s 9d per cwt. These show a considerable improvement on late rates; but owing to the small quantity available here, also that manufacturers have sufficient in the meantime for their requirements, prices ■will not be affected at present to any great extent. There is no difficulty, however, experienced ln quitting the odd lots coming to hand at the following quotations—viz.. for prime rendered mutton, 20s to 22s •m. dium to good, 17s to 19s; inferiorand mixed, 13s to 15s 6d. JKough fat i Fresh, clean mutton caul, 13s to 14s; inferior to medium and good, 9s 6d to 12s 9d per owt. Grain —Wheat: The position of the market differs but little from tbat of last week. While all offered Ib saleable, buyers do not evince any very keen desire to operate at an advance on last week's quotations. The market, however, is bare ol firßt-class milling, but th»re is still a moderate supply of ordinary on bami, a f,"*od deal of which is hardly fit for milling, and would bi-U readily at fowln'wbejit pricea. Stocks uo Mie Miait are still pietty heavy, and while millers can draw their supplies from the North, aB some do now, at prices equal to our quotations, no Improvement of any con-.equonce is likely to be experienced, more especially wbile tho Homo market holds nut so little encouragement. We quote prime milling, velvet anil Tiifi-nn, 3b 8(1 to 3s IOd; medium to Rood, 3s 3d tv 3s 7d ; bett red wheat, 3s 5d to 3s 8d; medium, 3s 4d to 3a sd; inferior, hardly any offering, 3s to 3s 3d (ex store, sackß weighed in, terms).—Oats: The market continues quiet,

no demand of nny consequence being experience Thfre an- ome smnll salts tIT-.ctcd for the coast, and also for local requirements, but nothing cf any Importance to record. Shipments are now almost daily 1-eiug made o( parcels lying In store that had been sold earlier, which could not be shipped owing to the strike, and doubtless immediately these remnants are cleared out an increased demand will be experienced.although at the moment the tone of the Australian markets does not oner very much encouragement to Induce speculators _o operate. Mlllers'reqiiiremen.saronowlimltedtovery small quantities, and they only purchase for present wants" We quote best milling, 1. -Id ; best sliort feed, Is 31d to ls 4d; medium, ls 3d to ls 3_d ; musty and to Is 2|d (exstore, sack, extra, net).Bsrlevi There Is no alteration iv the position of the market, whicli continues inanimate. Good malting, of which the market is bare, could be placed for_ export ; but even if supplies were available pno»s offered would hardly be satisfactory, lor any other dpscriptiou there Is no demand. Quotations nominal. , , . Grass Seeds.- Both ryegnaßs seed andcocksloot are moving off inconsiderable quantities, stocks of the tormer being now within a very small compass. We quota ryegrass seed, imported, 5s to 5s 3d; local grown tanners' dressed, 4s 3d to 4s 9d ; best machine dressed, 5s 3d to 5s 9d (ex store, sacks extra). Cocksfoot seed, 3Jd to Sd per Ib. Potatoes.—Owing to the absence of a demand for export the market Is exceedingly flat, and uuless very prime sales are difficult to effect. Quotations for best Northern, £2 17s 6d to £3; others (nominal), 30s to 60s per ton (sacks weighed In). Chaff.—Deliveries have not been so heavy during the past we.k, but consumers are still fully supplied, and no improvement to, record in price, which Is— (or best oaten Bheaf, 403 to 42s 6d; medium to good, 27s Od to 37s Od per ton. Dairy Produce.—Little or no business is transpiring In either butter or cheese, aud prices are nominal. Prime salt bntter, 6sd to 7d: medium almost unsaleable. Cheese, large size, 3d to Id; email do, 4jd to 4JJ per lb. ,

(The individual reports of 10001, rabbitskin, or grain--irokers can be inserted m the Daily Timet and Otago Witness at special rates.)

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 8919, 25 September 1890, Page 2

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WEEKLY LIVE STOCK AND PRODUCE REPORT. Otago Daily Times, Issue 8919, 25 September 1890, Page 2

WEEKLY LIVE STOCK AND PRODUCE REPORT. Otago Daily Times, Issue 8919, 25 September 1890, Page 2


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