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Medical. DR S P E E R'S Privato Elspemary, Weatmin Chambors, 3(1 Lambton QV.ay, Wellington, opposito Nov.' Zoaland Clothing Factory. Established for Mia SoionWllo and Speedy Cure of Chronii}, WtsrVoi'.r, and Speoial Diseases. Dr Speer In Knglnar Graduated Phyßlolaii, educated at HfttVlird College, U.S. He has devoted a nhftliho to, and ls acknowledged to be the r-Wit expert PhyeloMm In his. spscinlty luUio UnitedStateo. YoungMouandMlift.lq-i>_Te;>lMcnwho suffer from Nervous ond Physical Debility, Loss of Energy »md MsWwtjp, HFUptloiiß on tho Faco, Mental Depreotfclj, ltliiiioyarid BladderTroublis, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Scrofula, Salt Rhoum, PandyMH. I'lts, Spinal Dlaoaoo, St. Vitus' Daneii, fdvA Complaint, Asthma, Catarrh, Heart Bl'ffifeo, Gravel, Piles, kc, and aro tired o? tnUlbfe mineral drugs, will do woll to come end try the Doctor's method of oure, an It will, lf proporly applied, relievo them of their sufferings and restore them to health. Tho Dotilot Uses no mineral preparations j ht« treatment consist wholly In the uso of vegetable rdfllodies. Many are thoy who have Implanted In their system, by improper uso of calomel, see^s which produco An annua! orop of rtisoaeo. To 6,.i_h ho *w.M Bay, oome and be healed. It mattore not what your tronblen may be, oonio and lot tho Dootor examine yonr cte'o. If it it ettrtttle, he will tell you io'; Jf it i*» *•«, « »>'» tell you that; for li'o will not iuiiKSrtuko a case unless he is confident Of oflVcitUg a oure. It will cost you nothing fer consultation, so pleaso call and satisfy yourselvas that tho Doctor understands your case, Dr S. Curoa Humourß and Diseased of tho Blood, To Ladies who are nflilctod by any of the following complaints,—Cold extremities, woakstomacliD, lame and weak backs, nervous and sick headaches, constipation aud ludlgeßtlou, unin lh the 6ldo and back, leuchorroa, So.. *&—I wish it dlotin'atly understood that I do not elftlm to perform lmppfiCiKHMiM, or to havo a miraculous poww. A*l AlipiJ'ihg to mo whi receive my hrctfe'ct dptuiOii of their complaints. No I experimenting. I will guarantee a positive cure In every case I undertake, or forfeit £200. Consultation In Offico or by Letter, Funis. Charges Moelersto. Examination and Advice, £1. Call or Address iDr 11. J. Spoer, Palmerßton BuildiiiKS, Auckland, N.Z. Office Hours: 9to 12,1 to 4, 6to 8 p.m.; Sundays, 10 to 12. N.B.—All Medicines necessary for a complete ouro can bo sent freo from observation on receipt of Bymptomc. 33" vy OIIT it A (IUIKBi A BOX BEECHAM'S PILLS. BEKCHAM'S PILL'i Are admitted by llioiisanilo pEECHAM'S PILLS, to be worth o, tm.nca a Box lj for NCrvolis and llilious DisT> EECHAM'S PILLS, tlrelci-s.sucli as wind anil pain !_> in the itoiiiach, sick licailBIiECiIAM'S I'ILLS. ache, gidilineai, fulness and swelling afler meals, dizziB EECHAM'S PILLS, ness and drowsing, cold ! thills, fli'MiliWsorheals,loss BEECHAU'S PILLS. Hr appetite, shorlnc-a of breath, eoL-tivem'ss, scurvy, BEE'OiiAM'S I'ILLS. bloU-lics on lliu skin, iliJturboil uK-cp, fiiglili'ul BEECHAM'S PILLS, dreams, and all nervous and trciuljli'ur t'CMKiHo'i.?, At.1-. T>EECHAM'S PILLS. .Tlio lirst .lose will evivc relict iJ In f-.venly liiiiliitus. 'ibis is BKMIAIi'S I'ILLS. rtollction, for tliey have done it in thousands of cases. BEECHAM'S I'ILLS. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one box of -OEECHAM'S I'ILLS. those Pills, and they will bo j_> acl.uov.l.-.-di.-edtobcWOKTll .■pEECHAM'S PILLS. A CIULNEA A BOX. BEECHAM'S PILLS. For females of all aires these Pills are invaluable, as BEECHAM'S PILLS, a few doses of ilicin carry off till humours, and liriiigabout BEECHASI'S PILLS, all that is required. Ko female should be without BEECHAM'S PILLS, them. There is no medicine to be found to equal BEET'S EECHAM'S PILLS. CHAM'S PILLS for re--13 moving any obstruction or BEECHAM'S PILLS, irregularity of the system. If talccn Recording to the ■pEECHAM'S PILLS, directions given with cacli JL> box, they will soon restore BEECHAM'S PiLLS. females i>t all n-jes to sound and robust health. BEECHAM'S PILLS. For a weak stonmcli, im BEECHASI'S TILLS, paired digestion, and ail disorders ofthe liver they act BEECHAM'S PILLS. like " Magic," and a few doses will be found to work "PEECHAM'S PILLS, wonders upon the most imO portant organs in the human BEECHAM'S PILLS, machino. Tlicy strengthen the whole muscular system, BEECHAM'S PILLS, restore tho, lciig-le_.t complexion, 1 ring backlhelieen PEECHAM'S PILLS, edge of appetite, anil arouse J_> in ae-tion with tho I.O.SEUUD BEECHAM'S PILLS, of health the w hole physical energy of the liumaii frame. BEECHAM'S PILLS. These are ihe "FACTS'' admitted by thousands, em■pEECHAM'S PILLS, bracing all classes of soc.'uty, Jj and one oi the besi; gnaranBEECHAM'S TILLS, tecs to the nervous ami ilubilitateilislliatl'lEECllAll'S BEECHAM'S TILLS. I'ILLS havo tlio largest sale * cf -liirpatcnlmodiriucintlie pEECHAM'S PILLS, world. BEECHAM'S PILLS. Prepared only, and sold Wholesalo and Ketail by the BEECHAM'S TILLS, proprietor, 'I. LEKCHAM, Chemist, St, Helen's, LuneapEECHAM'S TILLS, shire, in boxos, Is 1.1 and _!s IJ Od each. I:ontiiosfc ireofiom BEECHAM'S PILLS, the proprietor, for 15 or 55 stamps. Sold by aU drugBEECHAM'S PILLS, gists and paten: niodioino elcalers throughout the CoIo■pEECHAM'S PILLS, uios, BEECHAM'S PILLS. N.8.-Full (Elections are given with each box. "OOWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED) POWELL'S BALSAM OF ANSIEED | || POWELL S BALSAM OF ANISEED.' |J*i POWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED m$ I a "X>EAD," Sufferers from Cough and _Ettl Bronchitis, the following letter from tbe Key. Horace Koberts, D.D.:—" Dear Sir,—A fow days ago I addressed a letter to you in commendation of your famous old cough remedy, aad having Binco known its eilicacy as superior to liny other preparation, I consider it to be merely a public duty to certify as the expericiion of my own family and friemis, to the value of the Balsam of Aniseed as the cheapest and beet remeely for coughs and colds.— Yours faithfully, 11. Koberts, Olnoy Bucks.—To Mr Thos. Powell, Albion place, Blackfriars road, London." " H.M. Gunboat Netley, Wick, Scotland. "TTkEAR SIB, —Having had a most dis_\_W trcssing and severe cough which caused me many sleepless night 3 and restless days, I was recommended by his lordship the Earl of Caithness to your most,' invaluable' Balsam ok AsisuEn, and I can assure you with tlie iirst dose I found immediate relief, even without having to suspend my various duties, and the first small bottlo completely cured me: thereforo I have the greatest conlidence in fully recommending it to the million. " (Signed) W. Linzeli, '• H.M. Guuboat Netley." THOSE WHO COUGHSAT NIGHT will find Immediato Kelief. POWELL'S BALSAM OP ANISEED.— The following letter has been received by Mr T. Powell from Wm. Boards, Esq., an agriculturist and laud agent residing at " Nightingale Hall, Edmonton. " Dear Sir,—l have recently suffered much from a most violent cough, proceeeling from a tickling in my chest, whicli no remedy out of many I resorted to could allay. My head was constantly aching, and my whole frame was entirely shaken. Having scon the good effects of your Balsam of Aniseed in several members of my family, I purchased a small bottle, and when going to bed at night took a teaBpoonfulin two tablespoonfuls of water just warm. The effect was immediate; it arrested the tickling in my chest. I slept well, and arose perfectly restored in the morning, with the oxceptionof debility, arising from fatigue by incessant coughing for some days previous. My cough entirely left, and has never returned. Having since heard of a lady in the neighbourhood who for a long timo had laboured under a most distressing cough, and who had reBOrtedto overy remedy within her knowledge, I sent tho remainder of the bottlo to her, and that longstanding, obstinate, and (as alio thought) incurable cough was perfectly cured. For coughs, colds, shortness of breath, asthma, tickling in the throat, and all pulmonary affections, this medieinewill bo found invaluable.—l am, dear sir, yours wry truly, " Wilt. 80-iKDS." " To Mr Thomas Powell." TRULY AN EXTRAORDINARY EXPECTOKANT. Mr Thomas. A. Sheridan, of Blpliin, Ireland, writes :—" For three days and nights I was a stranger to rest and sleep; racked and almost killed with a hard cough, I tried all kinds of remedies, but to no purpose. At length a friend kindly supplied me with a quarter of a small bottle of your Balsam, and told mo to try it, which I accordingly did. The result has been miraculous. The cough has almost ceased, and I have once more found out (thanks to your Balsam) what it is to enjoy sleep aud life." ITS EFFICACY IN CASES OF CONSUMED ASTHMA IS PKOVEKBIAL. THE OLD COUGH REMEDY.—The , remedy "o. rare and proved effect" for Couehs, Asthma, and Bronchitis—POWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED. Sold by Chemists. Trade mark, " Lion, Net, and Mouse," POWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED LUCSENS the [PHLEGM IMMEDIATELY. The Dean of Westminster's Verger writes :—"I was advised to try tho Balsam of Anißeed ; I did and have found vory great relief. It is most comforting iv allayiug irritation and giving strength to the voice." LIONEL BROUGH, Esq., the Eminent Actor, writes:—"l think it an invaluable medicine for members of my profession, and have always recommended it to my brother and Bister artisteß." Chateau de Moutabor, Aveyron, France. The Duo de Moutabor writes :—" From the lirst doso I felt great relief, the bad symptoms grew feebler, the irritation of the throat was calming down, and I recovered the sleep which had nearly left me." POWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED. INVALUABLE FOlt BRONCHITIS AND ASTHMA. Tho Hey. Wm. Lush writes from Stixwold Vicarage, Horncastle : " For tho past 13 years I have been in ths habit of using myself, giving away, aud recommeudiiigyour Balsam. I should not bo exaggerating if I said I have never known it to fail, whenever I have had a cough I uso it in perference to anything else, and again and again it has cured me," THE SOOTHING EFFECT of ONE TEASPOONFUL taken in a little water on going to bed is EXTHAOKDINAKY. No family Bhould bo without it. QOLD by Chemists and Medicine Vendors Wholesale Agents in the Australian and New Zealash Colonies :—Sydney—Elliott Bros., Hoffnung and Co. Melbourne—Felton, Grimwade, and Co.; P. and S. Falk; Kocke, Tomsitt, and Co.; Rosentliall; Hemmons, Laws, and Co. BrisbaneElliott Bros.; Berkeley. Taylor, and Co. Adelaide— Fauldlng and Co. Neve Zealand—Kempthorne Prosser, aud Co., Dunedin, Auckland, Christchurch, and Wellington; and of Phannaciens in most of the chief towns of Europe, aud of all respectable Chemists throughout the world, at ls ljd and 2s 3d each. PKOrMETOIt, THOMAS POWELL, 4 Albion place, Blackfriars road, London. "Obßerve—The words "Thomas Powell, Blackfriars road, London," are (by permission of her I Majesty's Honourable Commissioners of Stamps) engraved in white letters upon a red ground, in the Government stamp affixed over the top of each tattle, without which they cannot be genuine; also trado mark— LION, NET, AND MOUSE, on the outside of the wrapper. ASK FOX POWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED. "OOWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED. "OOWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED. OOWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED. ipOWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEKD. C~ COUNTRY ADVERTISING.—The Otago J Witness is the only medium by which Advertisers cau obtain thorough publicity for their Announcements throughout tho whole .interior of Olege. Southland, and South Canterbury. '•

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 7637, 10 August 1886, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 7637, 10 August 1886, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 7637, 10 August 1886, Page 4


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