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MedicaljpOWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED I'Aa POWELL'S BALSAM OP ANISEED I | J POWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISERU I £ | POWELL'S BALSAM OP ANISEED j« § " IREAD>" .Suflferers from' Cough and _i_aj Bronchitis, the following letter from the Roy. Horace. Itobcrts.-D.p...-"Bear Sir-A few days ago I addressed a letter to you in commendation ot your tamous old cough remedy, aud having since known its efficacy as superior to any other preparation, I.consider it to be merely a public duty to certity, as the experience of my own family and friends, to the value of the Balsam of Aniseed as the cheapest and pest remedy for coughs and colds — Yours faithfully H: Roberts, Olney, Bucks.-To London" ' Alb'° U plaCe> BhlcMriara road. " H.M. Gunboat Netley, Wick, Scotland. " F^ EAR Slß,—Having had a most dis- -■-^ treaaing and sovere cough, which caused me many sleepless nights and restless days, I was i recommended by his lordship the Earl of Caithness to your most' invaluable 'Balsam of Aniseed, aud I can assure you with the first dose I found immediate relief,.even without having to suspend my various duties, and the first small bottle completely cured me; therefore I have the greatest confidence 1 in fully recommending it to the million. " . " (Signed) W. Linzkll, r' ' " H. M. Gunlxiat Netley." THOSE WHO COUGH AT NIGHT will find Immediate Hellief. ; "pOJVELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED.STY. ~e : oll.PwJng letter has been received by Mr • T. Powell from Win. Boards, Esq., an, agriculturist , and land agent residing at ! "Ti» Qi ~"N'gWngaleHall, Edmonton. -Dear Sir,—l have recently suffered much from - a most violent cough, proceeding from a tickling E in my cheat, which-no remedy out of many I resorted . to could allay My head was constantly aching, . and my- whole frame was entirely shaken. Having seen the good effects of your Balsam of Aniseed - in several members of my family, I purchased a E small bottle, and when going to bed at night took a teaspoontul in two' taulespoqnfiils' of water just - warm. The effect was immediate ;it arrested the 3 tickling in my chest. I slept well, and arose p perfectly restored in the morning, with the exception otdebility, arising from fawue by incessant - coughing for some days previous. My cough ent tirely left and has never returned. Having since. heard of a lady m the neighbourhood who for a long - time had laboured under a most distressing courti, •II ", 2 t resorted to every remedy within Her knowledge, I sent the remainder of the bottle to her, and that long-standing:, obstinate, and (as s}ie thought) incurable-cough was perfectly cured. For coughs, colds, shortness of breath, asthma, tickling m»r^- tht ™t' an, d air pulmonary affections, tliis yours'vety tru£ fo^'^valuable.-! am, dear sir, "To Mr Thomas Powel^ " WM' *°A™ 3" 1 mRULY AN EXTRAORDINARY EX--3 "% m ' ■ PECTOKANT. 1 *f T".? I2 RS A- Sheridan, of Elphin, Ireland, writes:—"For three days and nights I was a • stranger to rest and sleep • racked and almost killed with a hard cough, I tried all kinds of remedies, but to no purpose. At length a friend kindly supplied me with a quarter of a small bottle of your Balsam, r and told me to try it, which I accordingly did. The f result has been miraculous. The cough "has almost ceased,-and I have once more found out (thanks Q to your Balsam) what it is to enjoy sleep and life." ITS EFFICACY inCASES of CONfikmed asthma is proverbial. THE OLD COUGH REMEDY. —The remedy "of rare and proved effect" for Coughs, Av{l^^ nd<?^ IJ chltis-I>OWELL!SffiALSAMOF ANISEED Sold by chemists. Trade mark, " Lion, Net, and Mouse. POWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED » tv, t,100?1^ the PHLEGM IMMEDIATELY, c The Dean of Westminster's Verger writes:—" I was i, advised to try the Balsam of Aniseed; I did and , have found very great relief. It is most comforting in allaying irritation and giving strength to the' ' X lONEL BROUGH, Esq., the Eminent I -"-f. . Act°r. writes:—•• I think it an invaluable medicine for members of my profession, and have always recommended it to ray brother and sister artistes.". - . . . i m. -^ chateau de Montabor, Aveyron, Fiance. j The Due de Montabor writes:—"'Prom the first r dose I felt great relief, the bad symptoms grew „ feebler, the-irritation of the throat was calming down, and I recovered the sleep which had nearly left me. . •;' . J POWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED INVALUABLE FOH BRONCHITIS \ND ASTHMA. ahe Hov.-Wra: Lush writes from Stixwold Vicarage, Horncastle: "For the past 12 years I p have been in the habit of using myself, giving away - and recommending your Balsam". I should not be '» g™«geratlnS 'f I said I have never known it to fail, . »V heneyer I have had a cough I use it in preference to anything else, and again and again it has cured me. . ■ ■ .... mHE SOOTHING EFFECT of ONE TEANo family should be without it. c ft OLD by-Chemists and Medicine Vendors. Wholesale Agents is the Australian axd New Zealand CoLosiE9:-Sydney-Elliott Bros., Hoffnung and Co. Melbourne^-Felton, Grimwade, and Co.; P. and S. Folk; Rocke, Tompsitt, and CoKosenthall; Hemmons, Laws, and Co. Brisbane— Elliott Bros.; Berkeley, Taylor, and Co. Adelaide— Faulding and Co. -New Zealand—Kempthorne, . Prosser, and Co., Dunedin, Auckland, Christchurch, and Wellington; and of Pliarmaeiena in most of the ' chief towns, of Europe, and of all respectable Chemists throughout the world, at Is lid and 2s 3d each. - . ■ . '» PItOPHIETOD, THOMAS POWELL, 4 Albion . place, Blackfriare road, London. d Observe—The words "Thomas Powell, Blaeka tnars road, London," are (by permission of her L . Majesty's Honourable Commissioners of Stamps) s engraved in white letters upon a red' ground in the j. Government stanip affixed over, the top of «ich r bottle, without which they cannot be genuine ; also V trademark— -. ■ ■■ h ' LION; NET. AND MOUSE. r. . , ' on the outside of tbe wrapper. ASK FOR POWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED. ( _ "pOWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED. TJOWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED. I "DOWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED. y -*- ' ■ ■ ■ „■:■••• [1 "OOWELL'S BALSAM. OF ANISEED. -*- '" . ' ■' ' . 3^u y^-ORTH A. GUINEA A BOX. VJEECHAM'S PILLS. BEECHAM'S PILLS BpirPHi«.cT>irr O Are admitted by thousands EECHAH'S PILLS, to be worth a. Guinea a Box I ,i| BACHAH U PILLB. orders, such as wind and pain A . ...o «.'» ln *he stomach, sick head--1 JEECHAM'S PILLS, ache, giddiness, fulness and T^FKrniu'oßiMo •welling after meals, dizzin IJ tJiOHAM S PILLS, ness and drowsiness, cold BFFi-'Hau-b miro dJi" 3' rtushinSsorheate,loss EEcHAM'S PILLS, of appetite, shortness of -OEECHAM'S PILLS. lATm^l^ i>EECHAM- S PILLB. Yearns, an^n'nervoS '■ TJEECHAH'S PILLS. K^dosS^re^i WEECHAM'S PILLS. L"ofS SeThaveton'e JDEECHAH'S PILLS. Every '.uSm, 3 BEECHAM'S PILLS. Kpifr&Stfffifi jgEECHAM'S PILLS. Z^ffio'I 01™ "DEECHAM'S PILLS. For females of all igei Bffohau-s pit ra tll e9ef"' B are invaluable, as fct-OHAM S PILLS, a few doses of them carry off B-,,,.,-. „,_ »H humours, and bring about EECHAM'S PILLS, all that is required. No BFFfHAu-a ditto '?male snonW be without bECHAM S PILLS, them. There is no medicine -.^m.^TT.w,,, „ to be fonnd to equal BEETIEECHAM'S PILLS. CHAM'S PILLS for re-13EECHAM-S PILL* %%&&«*?%+£. 13EECHAM-S PILLS.' dbffl.'^^th'eSh pjEECHAJTS PILLS. TDEECHAM'S PILLS. "*"* i;™™..,.,. t.ttt« For * wealc stomach, imTJEECHAM'S PILLS, paired digeetion, and alldis- - i^FFfniM-o bit to ordcrß ot tho Hver they act •DEECHAM'S PILLS, like " Jlau-ic," and a few T^FFPRAia-n kit t D doses wiU c found to wotk 13 IitCHAM S PILLS, wonders upon the most mi BFFPHAM'si bit to Por*ant organs in the human fcbOHAM S PILLS, machine. They strengthen i-»CTmnui n m... the whole muscular system, i |3EECHAM'S PILLS, restore tho long-lost conil BFFPHAiro ditto Plexion. i-rin? back the keen EECHAM'S PILLS, edge of appetite, and arouse Bfi?oha«.o nirvo inaction with the ROSEBUD EECHAM'S PILLS, of health the Nvhole physical BFFr-H Awo dit t o encrfy of the human frame. EECHAM'S PILLS. These are the " FACTS" ad«fwiha«.o T>,»» mitted by thousands, cmTIEECHAM'S PILLS, bracing all classes of society, TOEECHAM'S PILLS, toes to the nervous and deT^irppiiiu.a i.ttt Militated is that BEECHAM'S r TJEECHAM'S PILLS. PILLS have the largest sale ' gEECHAM'S PILLS, "DEECHAM'S PILLS. . Prepared T^y, and sold ■ T^FTrmi» «,= t,,» t • *vholeßale and Itetail by the T>EECHAM'S PILLS, proprietor, T. BEECIIAM, T»i?i?ran,pi>,.,tr. Chemist, St. Helen's, LancaTOEECHAM'S PILLS, shire, in boxes, Is 1J and 2s 8"^T7pnn....0 t... 9d each. Sent post free from EECHAM'S PILLS, the proprietor, for 15 or 55 T-»FFfITAM>Q ditto st am Ps- ' Sold by all drug- • TJLECHAM'S PILLS, cists and patent medicine jgEECHAM'S PILLS. throuShout the Colo- [ T)EECHAM'S PILLS. N.8.-FuiT"direction, are 1 •■-* given with each box. FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE.. C L A H X B'S WOKLD-FAMKI) ~„_, OT ,B LDOD MIXTURE, THE QEEAT BLOOD PUKIFIEKandKESTOHEn, Has the LAKGEST SALE of any Medicine in _ , the World. . I'orcleaußing and clearing the blood from all its • imP«"ties, it cannot be too hirfy recommended. " lor facrofula, Scurvy, Skin Diseases, and sores of > tl!l^' Ifc is n never-failing and- permanent cure. It Cures Old Sores. Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck. Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs. Cures Blackheads, or Pimples on the Face. Cures Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancerous Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swellings. Clears the Blood from alfimpure matter. From whatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasant to the taßte, and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex, the proprietors solicit sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. Thousands of Testimonials from all Parts. bold in Bottles, 2s fld each, and in cases, containing six times the quantity, 11s each—sufficient to effect a permanent cure in the majority of longstanding cases—by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the world. Solo Proprietors, ' THE LINCOLN AND COUNTIES DRUG COMPANY, LINCOLN, ENGLAND. Trade Mark—"BLOOD MIXTURE." Export Agents—AH the London Wholesale Houses. Agents for New Zealand: KBMPTHOHNB, PIiOSSER, and CO., Wholesale Druggists, DUNBDIN ami AUCKLAND. ONE BOX of CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS is warranted to euro all derangemonts of the urinary organs in either box (acquired or constitutional), gravel, and pains in the back.—Sold in boxes •Is 6d each, by all Chemists.—Proprietors : The Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug Company, Lincoln, England.—Wholesale Agents, Barclay and Jons, London, and all the wholesale houses.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 7316, 28 July 1885, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 7316, 28 July 1885, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 7316, 28 July 1885, Page 4


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