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The ordinary meeting of tho City Council was held in tho Council Chamber, Town Hall buildings, last ovoniug. There were- present— Hia Worship tho Mayor (W. P. Stroet, Esq.) nnd Crs Munro, lvobin, Bavuos, Jiavrou, Murray, Spodding, Scoullar, Cuthrio, Fngan, and Dick. COUBESPON'USSCE. The Seurotary of the Dunedin and Suburban Tramways Company (Mr Duncan), in reply to a letter from the Council re the maintenance of the streets, replied that tho streets should be put in order as soon as possible.— lieferrod to the Works Committee. Mr L. Grimaldi again applied to the City Council to be retaken into tho employment of the Corporation, expressing "regret that any action of his should havo led tho Couucil to doom it necessary to dischargo him."—Kof erred to tho Works Committee, with power to act. KIRK BRIOADK3. Mr H. S. Fish, jun. wrote as follows :— I havo the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your favour of the 10th inst., covering copy of a letter to the Government with regard to your (ICairo that the Government ah.uild legislato in tho direction of compulsory support to volunteer lito brigades. Iv reply, 1 detire to say thAt I am of opinion tint the support of theso boJiej should devolvo upon tho muniupalitiea and inauranco I llbes solely, and that no part thereof should bo borne by tho Consolidated Hovenuo of tho Colony. With this limitation, 1 shall bo most happy to support any bill which tho Government may resolve upon introducing. There ato ono or two other matters of interest to municipalities which will probably cccupv tho attention cf Parliament during tho ensuing sesilon, anJ upon which 1 will tako an opportunity of conferring with you later on. Mr M. W. Green, writing on the samo matter as Mr Fish, stated that ho would be happy lo give the subject the favourable consideration and support which such a measure would merit. I'UBIJO WORKS COMMITTEE. Tho Public Works Oommittoo reported :—

1. Your Couimittco recommends tliat MrC. Frasot's request to submit to arbitraUnu his alleged claim foe compensation in respect ot his property, Maitland street, bo declined. 2 l'tae city burveyor has been instructed-(l) To report to Couucil respecting Mr R A. Lawson's applrcalion (building modification No. 614), to orect upper external walls of tramway shod, Cuwbsrland streeb, of wood, being 22ft back from street-line, and to 11.1 iv openings of brick arches with movable panels of iron. (2) To act in respect of Mr Ja9. E. Dickie's application for permission to erect a hairdresser's sujn-pole at hia premises, 158 George street. 3. Permissions havo boon granted - (1) To Mr Q. Laurcnson (building modification application No. 509) to add two rooms to bouse, llydo atrcct, with Bide wall and parapot of brick, anil front and back walls of wood (2) To Mr Q. A. Smyth (building modification application No. 610) to bubstituto lain holiow wall without parapet for 9in parti-wall between proposed houscj in JLiitland street. (3) To Mr S. Klborn (building modification application No. 611) to extend 3ft back wall of home, Union street, and alter shape of roof in wood and iron. (1) To Mr 11. Grlevo (building modification application No 512) to alter stabio into dwolling-houao, Grange street; internal partitions to be T. and O. lining, and part of front to bo covered with wood. (5) To Mr 0. J. Thorn (building modification application Ko. 613) to nnUo additions to Mr Dray's house, Castle Btreet, of wood, with iron roof, Bfc clear. (0) To Mensrs Fulton atd Fisher (building modification application No. &15) to erect a shed at corner of Anderson's Bay road and Crawford street, of iron roof and walls, open on all tides fora height of 9ft; to havo ougino tet in 14iu brics, with funnel 10ft high, In ono corner. i. Mr Wm. J. Love'a Under (£358) for constructing a brick sower in part of Castle street ha^ been accepted. Mr Jan. Casey's tendor (£4O lCs) for repairing nnd metalling roads on the Town Belt leading to Morniogton has been accepted, conditionally on payment by the Moinington Borough Council of one-half the amount.

Cr Carroll moved the adoption of the report, Cr Fagan seconded the adoption of the report, and suggested that the recommendation of the city surveyor that the concession be granted to the Tramway Company should be adopted. Ho thought that, as recommended, the concession was reasonable. Cr Dick thought that the bye-laws should be strictly adhered to. There seemed to be a disposition to grant concessions to companisa that were refused to private individuals. Cr Barnes supported the view taken by Cr Dick. Cr Murray was in favour of the engineer a report being adopted. The fact was that similar concessions were granted at every meeting. Instead of there being any feeling in favour of public companies, the feeling always Beemed to bo decidedly adverse to them. Tho Tramway Company conferred a benefit upon the community, and some regard should be had to the interests of the shareholders of the Company. The engineer and the members of the Committee who were present at the meeting were satisfied that the concession ought to be granted. No danger could be apprehended from allowing the upper portion of tho building to bo of lath-and-plaster, and he would therefore support the suggestion. The report of the Committee was adopted. (Jr Pagan then moved that tho concession re building of- train&heds bo granted, on the conditions recommended by the city surveyor. (Jr Munbo seconded tho motion. Cr Barnes thought that the concession should not be granted. Cr Spudding would have been in favour of the motion, only that he considered the granting of it might inflict an injury upon tho owners of adjacent Droperty, Crs Mubbav, Babro.v, and Guthrie supported, and Cr Dick opposed it; and Cr Cahroll recommended that it be again referred to the Committee. Cr Dick moved, and Cr Robin seconded, an amendment to the effect that the matter be again referred to the Committee for consideration, The amendment was carried by six. to five. WATER SUPPLY COMMITTEE. The Water Supply Committee reported having granted the Dunedin Iron and Woodware Company remission of the charges of tho fire service at their premises, Princes street Bouth, from Ist January last; that the city surveyor had been instructed to lay a five-inch main from Princes street, in erder to supply water to buildings erected on the Corporation sections, block I, cost of labour not to exceed £15; and that the rate-collector had been instructed to consult the Committee in all cases before cuttiug off the water supply from premises for non-payment of water rates, On the motion of Cr JBarnes the report waß adopted.

OAS SUPPLY COMMITTEE. The Gas Committee reported as follows: — Your Committee recomrnonds — (1) That the gas-limo at tho works be given away tree there being no sale at present (or this article. (2) With reference to the Boroush Council of South Dunedi'i having sanctioned en arrangement for the supply of gas by the Caveisham Qaa Company to premises within the limits of that borough, such aotiou lein* a breach of the covenant of the borough to allow to the City CDrporation the exclusive right of laying pipes for supplying gas within the Uinitß ol tho borough for beven years : that fermal nolico be given to the Borough Couicil of South Dnnedin of this Council's intention to commence an action against the borough to recover damages, failing tho cessation if the bioach within 21 days from date of notice. (3) That the gas engineer be instructed to send all orders for goods to bo obtained from outside tho Colony to tho town clerk, who will forward them to the person or firm from whom the Council has sanctioned the purchase, witii an ace impanying letter authorising the execution of tho orders. (4) In futuie boiled tor will bo BUfpMeJ to the Municipal Department at 2d per gallon; the price of unboiled tar to remain at ljtl per gallon. Or Dick moved and Cr Bahnes seconded the adoption of the report. Cr Caeroll congratulated the Committee upon having produced a very sensible report at last. It was really refreshing after the reports they had had recently. The report was adopted unanimously. THAMWAYS COMMITTEE. Cr Pagan moved tho adoption of the Tramways Committee's report, which was as follows :— Your Committee! reeommonds that the application from Jtasrs llicassey, Kettle, and Wcodhouto (on behilf of the Company formed to take over the property and concessions of the late Dunedin, Penintula, and Ocean Beach Railway Cjmiiany, with the view of working tho line as a tramway, to divert tho tramline from Crawford ttreet along Water streat to near Princes street, in order 10 have tho Dunedin torminus in a more accessible position than tint used by the late Company) be granted on the following conditions, viz : - . 1. That plans of the tramline be submitted for That tramway grooved rails only be laid down within the city, and be substituted for those already lai'l in Crawford street a*:d Anderson's Bay road. 3. That the concession bo for a te:m of — years, at an annual rentil oi £ — i. That the Con oration bo allowed at all times, without any charge whatever, tho free ujp, with or without horses or engines, of tho Company s Hue for tho conveyance upon and along tho samo of all coal or other miterial for delivery at the Corporation Gasworks upou and alonir the Biding thereat. 6. That the several requirements of " The Tramways Act 187-2 " bo strictly complied with. (i. That ftll costs, &c bo pa.d by the Company. As regards the claim for rent (£93 15.) against the old Company, your Committee cannot recommend ai.y rtmissiun.

Report adopted as read,

RESERVES COMMITIEE. This Committee recommended :—

( ) That tho City Kuiveyor'9 memo, c! stipulations and conditions to be inserted iv tho leases of tho allo'niouts in the Southern Market Reserve (hereto attached) bo approved. (•') With reference to the City Surveyor's plan for enVr'in" the Northern Ccmttery, Mint back for rocon-Bidor»tion4-Th»t the boundaries of the proposed extension which Parliament will ho asked to sanction bo as follow • On tlio east by tho Town Uelt boundary, on tho north by a line five or six chains from the Onoho township, and on the south and west by tho Opiho road. The si»id road to be formed one chain, wido (3i' With referenco to ivn application from Mrs vYeston for Council to undertake in perpetuity the kecDinK in ecod order her allotment in the Northern Cemetery - That a present payment of £20 bo asked for such forvice, tho obligation to be binding only so Ion" aa the cemetery continues under the cintrot q! the'corporation and open tor intermonts. Any similar uunlicationtD bo treated on Bamo terms. m Tlio request of tho Committee of tho Church of FiUuid portion of the Southern Cemetery for permi slon to take some waste nibble from a, joining ground in order to re-form the principal ™ul» oUhe comstory has been granted free of charge, under tho "'(MTSldinfS'f'or 21 years of section 8. block XX^medin (comer of Filleul and CargilUtrceto), will bo offered for salo on Saturday, the 29ih inst., at 2 oVlocli, by Messra M'Landress, Hepburn, and Co. l/'patt rental, £40 per annum, with £26 va.uation for (0) With reference to Mr Alexander Aitken'j complaint against tho sexton cf the Southom Cemetery, your Committee have to report that on i huraclw lMt they proceeded to tho cemetery and fsutid that n iull-aiz;d g<ave had bctn made in Mr Ai'ken'a ground, and that a child of Mr AitltonM, under fi'/u ycirs, h-.d b tn interred therj. Your Committee rcquettcl a'i oxplanatinn from the sexton in Mr Aitkcn'ti p<cfecnc:\ but the sexton psrMstintly refused to aff-.rd any information except in the absence of Mr Ai'.kon. Your Coimntttio beinff of opinion that Mr Altkcn was entitle J to fu'l explann.timi and that not hoinx accorded, considered the Boy.Son guilty of insubordination, and suspended him, and now recommend, taking all tho urcmnstrt'icca Into consideration, that Mr Kimpjon be relieved of his ofli'M, and be paid one month's salary in lieu of no iue, and that someone ha appointed in his place who will bo solely undef tho1 control of tho Council.

Or Robin moved the adoption of the report, and said that the Bexton had boen very insubordinate, declining to give any explanation in

tho presence of the parties, who wore naturally very much aggrieved. Crs Guthmb, Facias, and Spudding wore in favour of referring tho clause to the Comimttoo again, so that an explanation might bo obtained. His Worship corroborated tho statements mado by Cr Kubin. Tho soxton evidently did not consider himself a sorvant of thu Corporation, and had acted in so insubordinato and unreasonable a manner that no option was lolt to tho Committee Tho adoption of tho roport was carried by eight votos to three, Cr Spkodinci urged that inquiry should bo made for tho satisfaction of tho Committee. Hia Woiismv replied that Uio Committee would lind no difficulty in having the matter investigated without the assistance of Mr Simpson, NOTICES OP MOTION. Cr Dick, in accordance with notice^ of motion, moved without comment — "That the resolution of Council passed on tho 14th day of.January 1884, 'That tho gas-holder roof and columns bo painted, and tho remainder tarred,' be revoked; and that authority be cjiven to the Gas Supply Committoo to have tho gas-holdor scraped, cleaned, mid painted by tlio yardmen from time to time." Crs Guthhie, Facian, Caiusoli., and Muuhay opposed the motion, on tiie ground that the gas-holder would be bettor preserved by tho means already agreed upon by the Council. Tho motion was carried by six voted to five. SI'KCIAL BUSINESS. On the motion of Cr Carroll, a motion was carried, in accordance with a previous resolution of tho Council, striking a general municipal rate of Is in the pound upon the annual value of city proporty ; and On the motion of Cr Romn, tho water rates wore also lixod, tho ratos being tho samo as previously, Cr Fagan formally moved clauao 2 of tho Gas Committee's report as a special resolution, authorising tho giving of notice to the South Dunediu Council of tho Corporation's intention to tako action for an alleged breach of covenant. This concluded tho business.

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Bibliographic details

Otago Daily Times, Issue 6897, 25 March 1884, Page 3

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CITY COUNCIL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 6897, 25 March 1884, Page 3

CITY COUNCIL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 6897, 25 March 1884, Page 3


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