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iJuaiiiaeri AunouiiorttiLiouts. JOSEPH BRAITIIWAn% WEEKLY LIST OP NEW BOuKS aud NEW EDITIONS OP BOOKS, Corner Arcade and High street, Dm.odln. DIALOGUES ON DRINK, Tomporance Physi oiogy, Standard Temperance Reciter, Debater's liandboolc, American Anucduiej, Irish /imjcdotoß, Is Bdcauh-postedlßad. EARSY'S HORSETAMING, 2a Cd — posted 3s; Trcse, How to Orow'Thom, Is 6d - po.-ted Is 0J; Magic and its Mys.erius, Is 6J—pouted Is tfd ; blci-p, How to Obtain it, Is Od—posted Is Od. DOG 3 AND OATS, Tho Horse, Pigeons aud Rabbits, Flower uardon, Kitchen Garden, Cattle, Huw to Manage a Farm, la fld each—posted li 9 J. DAIRY MANAGEMENT AND CATTLE REARING, Bezlque, football, Golf, &c, Scotch Aneedotea, The Pig, Is Od—pcated Is Btl. MECHI'3 How to Farm Profitably, 2a Cd-postud 3a; Tom Jones, Is Od—posted 2s; Poet at the Breakfabt-table, Is Od—posted Is Od; MAHK TWAIN'S SKErCUISS, Lytton'a Coming Race, Mirk Twaiu'd Curiuua Dream, Three M.isketeers, Twenty Years After, Is fld-jioated Is od. MICHAEL DaVITI'S LIFE, Jack Sheppard, Talcs from Captain Marr^at's Works, Tales from Dickens' Works, la Mil Qjch -posted Is 9d. 1 "VONNEi^LY'S Art of Solf-defenco, Practicul Pen XJ nnnahip, Maccabe'a Ventriloquism, Hints for the Table, Is lid cacb—po t to;l 1» 9d. . HANDBOuKB OF SWIMMINU, Conjurlog, Football, Manly Exercises, Riding and uiiving, Uymnastks, Cricket, Dominoes, Ballroom Guide, Language of Flowers, Is each—posted Is 2d. CONCERTINA MUSIC-B JOKS-Standard Airs, Ch.isty Minstrel iroiig.-, National Songs, Popular Melodica, Gems of Sacred Music, Is each—pos.ted la 2d. ■_ piONCERTINA MUSIC, Dmco Music, MuUcil \J Album (with 124 favourite tunes), Came.oil's Handbook of first-class Music, O.d Favourite Uonu or Muuc, Is eacu—puatcil 1: 2J. MITCHISON'.S New and Improved Concertina Tutor, Is—p-.«ted la id ; Cameron's tauuiet ol Huiiga for Concertina, U Cd—posted Is 9d ; New WorK for Concertina, is Gd—posted Is OJ. /CONCERTINA MUilO (with 214 tunes), Is Od\J posted Is 9d; Hemy's Piano Tutor, 2a fldposted ba; Smallwood's flano Album, 3s—posted 33 6d. ■ PITMAN'S New Piano Tutor, ss—postod 5s Cd; Violin Without a Master, Is posted Is 2u ; New Work for Violin, Is—posted 18 2d; standard Alrß tor Violin, la—posted iB ftl. . TTILUTB MaSIC.-Marr's Flute Tutor, Mitchison'a J] Improved Huts Tutor, Adams' Scottish Aira, la eueh—poated Is 2d. . JHAKUINGTON YOUNG'S Flute and Piccolo • 'iutor, 2a tach—posted 2t 3d ; Uls Aitrs of All isiitiona fur Flute, la fld—pustedl 9d. jj~ & {FRANCIS & DAY'S Conceitina Book, with New JC uriii Popular bong 9, Budget of bongii, ilErr's Ouncertina Compaui .11, lg each poated la M. PEUEURIaE PIi'KLE, Valentine Vox, Pickwick Papers. Musical Budget (with 160 music and words of popular Dungs, &c ), la 0d each - pouted 2a. VICTORIA MCSiC-BOOK, various parts, with lat-et popular Bongs, choice operatic airs, solos, duets, to., words, and piano accompanimont, Is Cd each—posted is. fTIHE following BOOKS are 9i each-posted la: - LYTTON'S Eugene Aram, Godolphin, Last Days of Pompeii, ttionzi, Ernest Maitravers, Paul Clifford, Leila, Calderon the courtier, and' The Pilgrims of the Rhine—in one. DICKENS' Oliver Twist, Sketchea by Boz, Fielding s Joseph Andrews, Amelia, ' . SMuLLETT'S Rodeiick handom, Humphrey Uinker, Maxwell's btories (jf Waterloo, The Bivouac, aturies ot the Peninsular War, Captain Bkcke, Wild Sporta of the West. MAKRYAT'S Peter Simple, The King's Own, Newton Forhtor, Jacob Faithful, Frank Milduiuy, PdCba of Mtjiy Tales. JAPHET, Midshipman Easy, The D-'g Fiend, The Phantom Ship, olia Podrida, Iho Poachur, Percival Keeue, Monsieur Viulet, ATTLIN the Reefer, Valeric, The Pirate and the Three Cuttora. ECGENE SUE: The Wandering Jew in threo parts. The Mysteries of Paris in three parta. QCOTT'S Guy Mannering, The Antiquiry, Ivanboe, O Fortunes of Nigel, Heart of Midlothian, biido of Lammermoor, Waveiley, Kub Roy, KENILWORTH, The Pirate, The Monastery, Old Mortality, Pevcril ot the Peak, Quotum Durw*id, St. Konau'a Well, The Abbot, Black D«arf, Woudstoek, ' . ANNE OF GEIERSTKIN, Betrothed, Fair Maid of Perth, Surgeon's Daughter, The Talisman, Count Kobort of Paris, lUd CLumtiot. VARIOUS AUTHORS — Kobinson Crusoe, Colleen Bawn, Vicar of WakeSeld, Tristram Stia-dy, A Sentimental Journey, Gulliver's Truve.s. TUMPING FROG, Luck of Roaring Camp. Q WISS FAMILY ROBINSON, Rory O'More, Two O Ycurs Bcfo.o tho Mast, The Scottish CbWs, Night £>ide of Nature. AMERICAN HUMOROUS BOOKS. — Artemus Ward—hia Book, Artemus Ward-his Travels, The Bi^elow Pa; era, Orpheus O. Kerr, Josh Billings. AUTOCRAT OF THE BREAKFAST-T.*B.,E, Pro-fe-sor at the Breakfast-tnble, Tho Jumping J^'rug, Luck of Roaring Cuup. fX] IDE, WIDE WORLD Series.- The Prince of VV the Huuse of David, The Throne of D*vid,' mHE PILLAB. OF FIRE, Ihd Wide, Wide World, X tjUKCchy, Uncle To.u'g Cabin, Tho Lamplighter. /GENERAL LIIEKATURE. BV RON'S Poetical Works, 2s—posted 2s 9d; Burns." Pottical Works, 2s-p-acocl 2j 9d ; Boetou's All About Cookery, 3a ed-post- d jg 3dBEETON'S Everyday Cookery, 4a 6d—potte 1 6s6d; fieeton's Gjrdeninp; Hook Is 3d—posted Is 3d. /GARDENING AT A GLANCE, Is—poted 6s; \X Humorous Poums, 2s. posted 2s Od; Maccabo's Art of Ventriloquism, Is 3d—posted la Od; Ovid's Ar of Love, 2 1— posted 2a 4d. BULL'ri Hints ta Mothers, Ss 6d-posted 39 Cd ; ' Elements of Social Science, 3s fad-posted Ss «J; Biiu'd Mental and Modoi Scieucu, 14j—posted 103. - - ■ ■ aijy - . GEO. LE LIEVEE. ' ■ ■tpLECTROPLATING. T7ILECTROPLATING. TjiOßKS,'Spoona, Cruetatanda, Salvers, Te-ipotP, } Lockets, Bracelets, barrings, Watchdiaine, ajd ev'i-ry description of worn E-P. Ware REPLATED equal to.iew. Inspectio" invited. Send for price li&U-GEO. LE LIEVUE, 14U George street. Hjy JAMISON. ATTrtNTION of Cash Buyers ia directed to the im. portant tot that the net value in "TVRAPERY, Clothing, Tailoring, to. ia obtained— JLJ not at trashy A UCTJON Sales, but at J\ JAMISON'S Provincial Uothing Hall and Cash Drapery, corner Manse and Stafford streets. aoju J. HAHDIE AND 00. LANDED, and Open for Inspection :—260 Boys' Winter Suits, at 22s 6d ; Youths', 27s 6d. "1 i)d YOUTHS' Munßter Overcoats, 17s Cd;\J 50 Men'a Long Chcsters, tweed lined, ■l-!& 6d f) f\ TRUNKS Ladies' new and fashionable Boots, jq VJ Shoes, and Slippers. • NO delusive Cheap Sale or clap-trap reductions, but sterling value for Cash. THE Oornor Clothing Houso.-J. HARDIE &|CO. No. 110 Princes strcot, No.J_Rattray »t 16ju SAUKDEBS, M'BEATH, AND CO. LAST 30 DAYS of DISSOLUTION SALE at Saunders, M'Beath, aud Co.'a^ L' A!3T~30 DAYS of D.ISSOLCTION SALE.-Several thousand pounds must jet bo roalised ptevi^us to Btock taking. ' LAST 30 DAYS of DISSOLUTION SALE Our entire stocsconsiss only of good mciium and flr^t-class Goods, and will bo sold without ro n ard to profit. .^__ LAST 30 DAYS of DISSOLUTION SALE.-Every department has beon carefully gone through, and all seasonable Goods materially reduced, ovtn from dissolution pi ices T AS! 30 DAYS of MSSOLUTION SALE. Socclal • I i attention is requested to tho inero'y nominal prices we aro now asking for all Cloods in our Bhowroom via., ■ _• T AST 30 DAYS of DISSOLUTION SALE.- FourJj in-hands, Dolmans, Millinory, Ulsters, Jackets, Undorclothiog, Grannies, Tunica, 4c. LAST 30 DAYS of DISSOLUTION SALE.Visit rs to our Dioss Dcjiartment should inquiro for the special purchase of Hgmospuns we are selling under English manufacturers' prices^ LAST 30 DAYS o!~DISSOLUTIOM SALE.-A heavy stock of English and Colonial Blankets and Flannels, Sheetings, mid Cretonnes; must bu sold. AST SO DAYS of DISSOLUTION SALE.—Nowlyimported Kibbuus in beauti'ul fancy Checks and Tartans, all .widths, i.iCluJing Sashea. LAST SO OAY.i of DISSOLUTION SALE. Remainder of Black Fur Trimmings (all widths), one-half previous prices; Chenille Fichus still further reduced. r JsT 30 DAYS of DISSOLUTIOS SALE. -Black and Coloured Ci&hmere find Woullen Hosiery (all sizes), must he cleared; Pompoms (all colours), nowly opened. LAST 30 DAYS ot DISSOLUTION SALE.-Men's Bluo Nap Overcoats (lined)', 233 fid; Heavy Winter Trousers and Yosts, 14s M; Heavy Blue Diagonal -bound Sscs, 183 Gil. " LAST 30 DAYS of DISSOLUTION SALE.—The Public sndour Customers are respectfully reminded that our Stock must be largely Reduced This Month, and every inducement will be. given to Purchasers. ' ' [ BRKSSEY, ALBUMS, Albums, Albums—Cheapost House In town fcr Albums; immense etock,—Bressoy, bookseller, 161 George street. ALBUMS must be sold. Grar.d Albums from 8s 6d . to 425, Como and inspect these before buying. SCRAP BOOKS.—Largo Scrap Books 13. Scrap Books ill great variety from la upwarda. K-QUIRE PACKET RULED NOTE PAPER, Is; O 10; 0 Euvtlopes, 4s Cd.—BRESbEY, Baobseller, 164' Grorge atrcet, CJy MRS KKATES. /^REAT CLEARING SALE OF DRAPf.! 1. Y.-Mri XX -Kcatc^. Kc.t House, Hanover utrevt, li now holdl.iL her Kir>t GREAT Cie:.rin!{ Sac of D a ory,-M'ilin- ry at Lisa than (3.»t, Come r.r.d Sec Wii.Uowb and Prices; \ . BABIW Silk !.«! Hats. Is i-d; Liwlos' Vi'lvi-t H-t-, '-'sGI ; Ladk-s" Tniiiuicd Eoiinets, Irom 5- Oil. ; ' /CHILDREN'S Drefses, 2i Cd; Hats, 3d, each. \J Dressmaking done; lowest -possible piic6«.— Mrs KEATES, Kent House, Hanuver street. ■ I7jy

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 6687, 21 July 1883, Page 3

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