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la i to* The " dark horae" of which we had 1 heard a good deal turn* out to be Mr y Bracken, and his colour is "Grey."i by He is a little late in the field, or he might ay have stood a fair chance of snatching one I prize. As a representative of Poetry and^ : the-Pre3B--we-cannot-do-otherwise-than D feel; sympathy forr,himj .and we shojild • certainly'on the whole prefer tojiea-Ki'T' -— -iTnrarnßarratner;'HniHTOTie"Of the candi-! i': dates^wh6;":sh'M,, ]dp ''nameleis..".'! How--i ever^" n'ot'supposo he 'will'seriousljI affectithia rchancei3 of' either,"of the three I whom we .have named as a .good; electoral i ticket, namely Messrs Dick, Stewart,; i and Oliver. If either of the. other can-J ,) didateS gets 1 itT, '-'wS Relieve it*will be Mr he Reevesj;b"v|}i to" bur. mind there can be no d? question" as Jtetwi'ea 'MeSsiftf.Oliver and Reeves, 'which h&s the better right to re| ] i present the city. The electors' Have at .; any rate<rarg'6dd aasortinent to chooae i from, and the contest will be close and D keen.';::^;?"Ctuoi''^A ;.,:;■:.•-, a-.:-: L "\ J y .;,:■;■-,,.; ==7^-;,. .. .. ~=v; ::..,- ' i y* Pmanrß on our space ooiolyiois n»;to hold 'ry orera quantity of local and pthormiittor. j $ We are informed, by the Telegraph Depart iy. ment that theiAmoyandShanghai cable ha» :Ct been repaired. ? , ~..... >. y ■.:;■,!'> t. ■? t nd ■ iKefttcmitf for ':'ana&tfu&ng •tej.Oliver's ! speeohyie>tercl»y, on account.of jr*nt of sp«cej »• led'to^otfe';or"t^p;err6rß. 'Fo^iltißtenoe, Mr _i_ Oliver did not say", "ftot ono Word about the ; Waikatoraaway^lbeenheardinParliament,!' ! but " not one word about the portion of the line ! wUoJ^.tM.V^Mrn'ni^t'jiiJdO^ijmJincai at ; Grj(hsini'aito?rni"' Ag*in,. as regard*''. tSe timber ! duties; Mrrollver/ did pot'; gay;.',': the| tax on ' timber had proved detrimental to the jnterests I of tha Colony," but "tae:removal of the tax.? Jf 4 One of -our correspondents has tent us : the followlri^ ;i— " A'.-:mtm • named Walter iv- an old Ecaman, was escorted to gaol yesterday/ '! 3 under a sentanoe of 14 days'imprisonment for. ' aonpayment o! aJfine of LI 89 Id, and 2* coats, jj It is 'Vfith shame arid sorrow to a Christian at land that I hare to announce such an act, aa I hay'e: reason .to;,believe that the 'magistrates are ha divided in opinion; us to the legality of impri- '^ sonmint fordebt." > t '. ;:^. : ;■:;.; ,:'\.] \ If- is understood ithat the gnbatance of the ite Benares judgment, the delivery of which has j'l boen postponed from time to time, throws a to genewl blamel u'poii everybody concern*d, and 'f on npbody in' particular; that :U, that the rai^- ; hap;'arose, tirbugli'la.miatake^tfie blame of fc which Hot at no one particular door-rariaiag in s the^ transmijaion aiid ;r;«o6pii6nv,pf:,th'e ordeii ;„ from the ship to the tugii:Thia>decißion, we i have reason for beliaving, was concurred in by' f Mr "Watt and I Captain ißriacoe/while Captain by Thomson dissented, and will record hi* dissent ! in Writing ride by Bide with the .judgment of : : hi»colieagaes. ,;;•.-. ..... I'■,,,'■.- [■ ] Mr '£1.~1 B.' \fish, .at the Hubqur Board ■ meeting"yeatirday, withdrew hii motion re- : lative tv despatching Mr D. L. Simpson to th ( e. . Home country in connection with the purchase : of ,the hopper'dreJger. Mr liah;explained that- when he had given notice of motion he ;: had thought it p'psa'ibla Mesns Honghton anjl \ Guthrie, who had joined the Board 'Blnce the j. previous decision was come to,:- might have ! supported the propoial to eend their angineey P Home; but having now learned that only one of them was likely to support it, he had decided ! to withdraw it, never to be moved again by him under »ny circumitancwAr-^hß Board 1 agreeing, the motion was accordingly withto? drawn- : ses A number of the tenders received for school jj buildings »t ye»t«rday'« meeting of the EducaJ- ! tion Board were remarkable for the oloaeneis el, of the- amounti. For the erection of a school !Jy at Otakia, eight tendeii were put in, the first ~ five of. which ran an follows: 10t, L19? I 5i,i212 10s, L2i3,»nd L 219. Seven werel in m for it teacher'is reiidiiiiice at Falmeraton, running ,£ as follows :—L345105, L3474J, ; L34riba, L 349 on 7s 6d, L 374, L 38710«, L3BB 2s 3d. For a stone i school at Otepopo, 13 were received, giving til* \ amounts in Henderiand stena, ;got near .toe ■ aohcol aite, Kakaaui atone, and Oamwu rtone. i It was agreed the bWiding ehttuld be of Hen- ! deriand stonej for;whlch thtra were eight : offers, ranging from L 1039 (accepted) to Ll4B^. '■. The next low«bt tender wa» only L 4 over that J accepted.-:". ■;/,,.';.'; n".y >:> '■.:■:• ..;:•.-.;;■. } k". The Harbour Board k»eps,up a chronic war. • fare with the Government,-u is well knowi, i nA there is "h«fclly svet" a ceeiatlon of \ correspondenc*'6v«r some disputed subject \ b"«l#een the two hbdUs. ' Jiirt hb# it is tHe » questipa of who sliall maintain the railway tf whatfia ai Port Ohahiieri. In' a letter r«aj

from the Undersecretary of, Kwlwayr »tye«fcerdayV meeting of the Board, 1 the fillbvttg ™ lentence occurred:," The Iffiftter df PiblUjf', Works' folly reoognisoa tie anomalous p3ati°n' f, which admits of one body pocketing :th'e pier ; duties, and another .eracting and maintaining i the pier." To this the Board had curtlj re- ! plied that it "received: no wh»i-f»g»'du^ f Port Chalmers."J The ;po»ition*t^en:-:np by' "^ the Bond in the matter is that thewhgrves ; have been erected by the GoTernment apportion of the railway system, and should tier;. fore b« entirely maintained by the. Goiern- o indent, an other portions of the railway, syiteia ] are. ;,A;;";<,- '■■ ;•'.:'•• .-' --1 •' >■•' '■■-' ''■ i Whin Mr Bracken' was addressing; the \ electors at the nomination a locomotive wu at • workon-fcheline clossby.and just at an ap- ( propriate point in Mr Bracken's speech the i driver withhiswhistlemadeanadmirable imita- ( tionof a " cock-a doodle-do," which was received \ with roars of laughter. That engine-driver is * > genius, and onght to be promoted for discover- ;' ing a new use for his unmusical signalised " ;; ' Mr W, L, Simpion, R.M., sat in the Durredin Land Tax Assessment Court yesterday, to consider the question of the Harbour Board Beserves. Mr, Stout appeared.for the Ear* bour Board, and Mr HajgHt for the Crown. It was submitted by Mr Stout that all land belonging to the Board, not under lease, was not liable to taxation ; and that in any caie,. unreclaimed dock areas could not be taxed. His Worship reserved his dtciuon. A meeting of the stewards of the Hunt Clmb Steeplechase Meeting was held last night at the Empire Hotel to receive acceptaacas for the Handicap. The acceptances will be Been in another column. It is a gratifying fact that all the horses entered have accepted. The Ocean Beach Bailway Company have advertised special trains to and from the course to suit the convenience of race-goers. -Tickets for the grand ittand are' obtainable at different shops in town, so as to prevent a crush at the gates. ■ The ordinary meeting of the Roslyn Borough Council, -which was to have been held last evening, waa formally adjourned till Saturdayy to be further adjourned till Tuesday next. Upon a duplicate copy cf the letter sent by the Harbour' Board to their edmmiisioners appointed at Home in connection with the dredge purchase, bung laid on the table at the meeting yesterday, Mr Tewsley said he hopad the Fort Chalmers members would read it, so that they might contradict the rumour which:>he. heard was being circulated amongst the people' there, to the effect that the Board had no > honest intentien of ever ordering a dredge.- Mr '• John Mill remarked thatth^Chairman botheredhis head a good deal too much about the Pert Chalmers people—an insinuation the Chairman; strongly repudiated. A statement that theßoard, decidedly had ordered '■ the dredge being, re-i ceived by Captain Logan with what Mr< Fish conceived to be a shrug of the shoulders, the latter, gentleman deprecated! a shrugging of shoulders over so serious a sub- ] ject. Captain Logan denied the shrug, but | doubted the ordering of the idredge all the same, j Mr Ramsaj; explained thatr.the: Board-,had! acted in the matter of the dredge just as they) acted over such a, thing as a boiler for one of] their steamers. Before they ordered it finally j they got to know the price of it. So with the; dredge from Home.■ UThe commissioners would! invite tenders and telegraph them to theTßoard,. which had the bona fide intention to order the; acceptance of the lowest or the most satiafac-j to.ry.jThe Chairman and Messrs Burt and Kshi expressed similar opinions to those of Mrßam-j tay, and the matter then dropped, although Mr] Mill, at any rate, looked as if he would believe! - the dredge was ordered when he saw it. 1 The Education Board held its monthly meeting yesterday.]-. The, bunneis- f transacted was] mostly of a routine nature. - "An important re-i port by a sub-committee appointed at the for-] mer meeting in connection with the finance* of; the Board was to have been dealt with, but) when the:Bbard went"intd committee for thej purpose, the hour for the Dunedin nomination! had arrived, and by general consent members determined that they.-required a little time tothink ever the report, so they adjourned its; consideration for a fortnight, when a meeting held for purpose.. We understand? 'th'aV the prinrapal'recdmmendatidno^tne-rVI _po**-J«-«.«*-*i»~<ml»riso~-x>f--teachers iv the] country districts shall be raised, nliliih -nili. be' welcome news to many whose "average 'attenj dancts" h»ya not;be»n,so s»ti?factory a» they could have wishtd. It will meant* pretty largely increased annual expenditure oh the part of the! Board. j The second of Mr Alfred Brunton's series of lectures on the "Great Pyramid of Jeeseh1} was delivered in the Temperance Hall last evening, the branch of the tuhject treated of being ''The teaching; in science proves its architect'-£6 have been undei"3he speaial guidance and direction of Grod.'| There was a v«ry numerous audience. This evening the last-of the course vrill ,be given} the subject being "Thp. .Pyramid'a .Biblical connections." " ; What may be considered the last shipment of exhibits-for :the Sydney Exhibition was sent away yestetiiait by/ the 'Cbmpany'i steamer Wakatipu, :Mx \George , Grant, the secretary to the7 Duuedin Committes, himself superintandiog their despatch. ' We understand that Mr Grant effactediniiiranceß to the extent of L3OOO on the'articles'shTpped.yesterSay,,anil that the number of exhibitor!;.■'& 190. In all; .there-havebeon-oyer 30 tons measureaient sent Iwmy.' _""■ "■ ■;'■■."" ■;■• ■■•■'""■• ■"■- : . j An amusing collodUtbn of Liberal principles and local interests is to be found in the folio trj ' inp;Hakak frjom'S^peecbt'/of/Mr 'BuchafjanX a caßdidatstor iegialativb honours at Napier :-f "If he were sent to.the Legislfttura he would support those liberal meaiures thit were i«t forth m^the";o6vern6rtf"Speeoh—measures.wuicb, if they bftd been passed a dozen years ago, would bava •: made ; a great difference to'HawkVs' Bay^(Hear;' hear.) They would then tave had- men in tb« Legislators representisg the interests of the' Colony instead; of merely 'representing their,.oirnibreeoheii. pockets.—(Laughter and applause.) He ha^ one request to make to those prtaent, and that was that they; should all be present on the fol--lowing day at the driving of the first pile of the Port Ahuriri bridge—that work which had been so much doubted. He had made no promise hiouelf about it, but for two and a-half yearjs he had steadily.worked to._gofc it accomplished and npwht waa happy to see his endeavours crowned with,.<suci(! f eßs..''-T^(ohcßrf;.), vTWs ,-ib almost worthy of that prince of ieg°rollers, J. j C j ,,Brown*.^''^;:vvr^?\;': i:,;"" ir.'';''''■;'-'":'•■ 1; I. At the Queen's 'rhiatire la»t evening, this ■pl'iy I"*'GreatsTemptation"1 "*'Greats Temptation" ■Was' reproduced before a good audiencs. Mr Wybert Ktevs, appeared in his inimitable impersonation of; Captain Wragge; Miss Lawrence took tha part' of Mrs Wrtgge with marked ability; and Mick' Ada Lester unstained with much credit the character of MagdaleneVVaastone. Tlio p«rformance, it in needless to say, waa an excellent: one. ■ . ..... ' ' \\ The annual ball of the Dunedin Naval Btl - gade was hieidin the rGarr:son Hall last evea- ' ing, and waa attended by about 150 couples-' There was an efficient, band in attendance, nnd the other airangetntnts were of a satisfactory cliaraoter. . : ■ ■ .-.; ■:. ■■ •■:,.■.- '•"'' ' The operetta,"Cox'and Box," the coraedietta "The Happy Pair," and the operetta "The Blind Beggws,". were.repeated at. thk Princess Theatre last evening by the Danedin Amateur Operetta.and Comedy Company. This evening tno programme will be presented for the lait time, and should draw a good audience. If gome, members of ,the orchestra were not so anxious to make themselves heard, the musical portion of the entertaiomant would be more enjoyable. '■■;■?■,■■:;- ' ,i.:.:;.- -y. \ The programme at the Qneen's Theatre tonight is » most, attractive one; and aa the per formance is for the benftt of Miss Beatrice and Mr D'Orsay Ogden, we may expect to see a crowded house. A Dunedin hdy, whose name is not mentioned, will make her (tebut iii, the three-act comedy, "That Mothfr-iuJftTT, of iiiue;" and Mr Wybert Reova will make his lost appearance. An original farce,' entitled "Bailed up by Ned Kelly," will ha produced, and there will also be a muiical interlude. i i Mflsn Wright, Stephemon, and Co. will hold in Important Bale oi Olyjeiinle -entires, and niaren at the Provincial Yards on September Cth. Tbo uiimils, which wtre releoted by Mr J. Trestmil, ivto »n v'eu it ths Poj*l George Sttblej. : The lit BatUlion O.R-V.,»nd No. 1 City Gn»rdi; O«det«, will parade *t the Oirrlion Hall thl> evening at 7.30. Oommliiiom will be preti nteil on pintde to - the officers ol Noi. 1 and 2 Wakirl i.ifloi, and to the captain No. 1 City Guards Cadet*.

AH iram-«n soinr north will atop for about » mtnuta opposlto the Citf and Criterion Hotel* to pick Further particulars with r«& th« sale pt'Stbe JKuriwao E«t»te by Mr Montagu »l?jm, o».tho 19th ihstant, will be found in cmr ; .aaverfcl«lne columns. •* ;>;. 1 An entertainment In aidpt! the BenevolentiTiatita. 1-' Uon will be glren at Wartp* on September 6th. Eoturn tlcketa from »11 statioHii between nunedih' »nd. Clinton to Warepi. on iho sthlnstint, will be av»ll»bl* (or return on the 6th imtaßt.-■ :vjr«l- ''*■'''. ■: , For fie information ot thoso whp contemplate ylstting the Sydney Exhibition, it is announced olsswheri ■ that th« Vnion Comosny will dispatch ttoimen from Port Chalmers, to nrrivoln Sydney on Soptomber 15th, 22nd, SBth, Mid OeWbeif Bth "•',•" Tho Union Football Olub will play a scratch match on the North Kecreatipn-groun 1 on Saturday, in which the First Fif te.n of tie Monticillo Club ore requested to > join. Sldej will b» picked... on the tround; play to commence at 230 pm. ' ' ■ Mr A. Bruntpn will dellrer th» third of. hia course of lecturM on ihe "Great Pjrimld c( Jeonh," at the" Temperance' H»ll,;Morayiplaoo, i ttah ev«ninj. The annual meetlnir of the Dun*iiin Bowling and Suolllng Olub will b* held at 8 o'clock tbli ertning, at le Douglas Hotels-. .-•.- ,-•• .';■!, •.■"..'■: Tha folloTrlnt members of the Zlngar! Football Olub are requested to meet on Saturday morning at ',' o'clcck, at'the OcUgon, to proceed toOamarato ])l"ay n»ln»t the Oamaru Club:—U»mer "(cnptaln), Adams. BuncaaiDawea.'Johnston, Olbb, Bobettion, Wtchell WiMitchell H; Algle, Robb. Christian, Gray, -:Criedtr,yraz«r,M'QiU,»niHWUt'tn. , ~ ;>-,-■■,

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 5469, 29 August 1879, Page 2

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The Otago Daily Times WITH WHICH IS INCOROPORATHD THE OTAGO GUARDIAN. FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1879. Otago Daily Times, Issue 5469, 29 August 1879, Page 2

The Otago Daily Times WITH WHICH IS INCOROPORATHD THE OTAGO GUARDIAN. FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1879. Otago Daily Times, Issue 5469, 29 August 1879, Page 2


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