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' .Railway' Departnieut dooshot pledgo itself t©> the despatch or arrivtl of the trains at tlio e^act tim* . jnotified In the.aboye tables; and in the event of any curcuirntance3 arig'cjr, ekber durinjf or prior to' th&iourneybeinginadej which may render it Impossible or; .inexpedient fora train to proceed, will return the fares, .pauj, butdoesnot undertake to forward the passengers.' ■ tickets will be isaued on Siturduys At .sln ? le fares, available for the jrctum journey (Suadaysi excepted) up to Monday night. '' *>■ ■ ; - ' C::.:.:. TO. CONTEES, -:;-,": : ■•■•■: ..: ---■ ■■'>• Superintending Engineer. BPSIHEBb JfOgiCEB : TH^ 6TAQ O FOU N D B.Y Cumberland street, DunedlP;, . • . ■' ■ ■ 7 /■'■'. JVDAyiDSON and CO., r ' .'-.'-..■ -. • ......Late: Vfn^L Wilson, : . ' ;" ;::'-'> : .\ Engineers, Boiler Makers, and Iron Foandert, V..' ; '. ! ~ • Machinery of all kindsmade to.ordef^ "■'■:'s'■■ ;_ Also Bflilew: and every; description; <v. ■Brass, Wrought Iron, ani Cast Iron, Work. '.■ , . ..... ; SOOTH-END FOUNDRY, CRAWFORD STfiEET.,. H,'; ■''.i:E.r■--■■' S:HI OELO OKi «" IRON and BBASS-FOUNDEK, 7T ; AND KITCaES;..RANGE...MAKER. "" ' of: FirsUlass Kitchen.' RaDgea always on htoi. ; General Caatinesand Repairs attended to. : Crawford street, Dunedin. &>. ; - r,, - ; ..- ELECTEICBELL FACTORY. '? :■-: .'-iV--■ !T> OBERT COV® ana CO., George, ": Ingpestlonrespectfvdly invited. - '&V OENDERSON AND FERGUS' BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS; : --.» •-.-,* -Vi,.: ■•.-■• ■■ Dtt!°llTKßs6> -.: ' >■:" ' ~IIARBIiE and SLAM MANTLEPIECES ;^ ; ' MARBLE, GRiNITB; arid OAMARU STONE '■"' ; ..;..; '-'2l'r ,* ■:-;; " -■■■■- - .-'■ A large supply ofcßuUdtagl Materials always on nani; , ■Esiunatesglven;andcbmmunlcati6nsptuiotnallv; :.-!■•-"-• -"■ ; ;.- !:'5,; l:A i ;r ~s', / -.v Besigns sent to. all parts of. the Colony on applicatton^ .. '■'': X ■-.'".':.'.' '.MtNtON'S PAYING. '-. . ; .;.' ;i£l ;/i NDERSON;, AOT> : MORRISON* ■■glj-^tWMBEBS, COPPERSMITHS. . ■"— •3Sfnrf"« r fitt'D.W- .We': «c mauufactnrers of evray-" description of copper, bxiss, and lead goods, steinL jacketted^ansv boUers; and' all finds of brewerY iSi mm; plant. ■ Evsry, description of house and-S done on the newest principles; copper: ston pipe.spump3,;binnacles, all kinds of ship lampL and gauey,uten|ifs : nwde , ; , Bathg, hot water, circulS; ting apparat^ forJaundries; churches, and pubSc*^ sbtutions.. -Patent water closets, rtuicing nobles, ■&&* "%*L 'ah done oa the shortest1 notice . AU work- 1< guaranteed and charges very* moderate: /Dunedin,:Plumber, CopDerS^Ew WJorks,.Moray Place, nearly opposite ,Chnrc^?; ■ --■•■'■; -•■■■ .■•■: .^-- J ,~ i .•/■: ... :.■-!.'. .';m 1.'.'.",...'-:i'.Jßa£_ g< TEAM- ;J;OINERY "WORiB^S^ •^?. '•"'-•'V- "'"..' "'BoN]?' ■Stkbbt, ;DDKEDnr.:>• • •..■'■'.: ■-— *- ; .Having.completed: additions to-Premises aniiMaichinery, rjbeg;lo. announce to' tne Trade and •fr£Sii£ ■: Ornamental and' Plain. Stairs constructed under thi g70.:.;j .;,-■-.-,;-.: -:: iL w i JJAMEfi GORE, *•££: , 'fMUNRCrS'^M QN,U ME N t^'fi : ;, >, ~-Comer of Kins'street anfl Moray Plica-' "'' ". .. -- ---^ - :-:!'! .ptfN: EJ>lN. ■'.--.-■--v-^Hi^y : \pjanafurnlahedahd/executedfor»Ukinds o!Jfoiii iT Jnents, Tombßtones;&c,: in marble, granite, orSaS^: nui;stone.t|Tomb RallinW&c.^any!les^n7-: h^TTi iM BO JP^P^w to snpplv in -any qaanUtyT Jwm his Quarries in Kakomii^ quality.o& Oamarn Stone.' -Importer of ilaVble, Granitl, and A^ Ulr.^ B- arthst<>ne3 --tDesi8n3 fonrsrdfid'to all part* of the Coloay on- appUcatipn! , •"■:- : ■ '■■ THE 'GREATEST SUCCESS EYERS , ,!::^ :o'-,-;: -.KNOWN ;;■:.-: ~\^; i -, :■ NQ.'MOKE POISOSODS DRDGS . ~ 17; C . -.•■' "..> :"For you to.'swallo'iv I"' :.' J '"'."' "'*'.- ---: ';' '• .No more are you-to repeat Bottles >^y \. ,-'"■."" • :il .;; Arid Pills; or other noxious ■' ■""■ '■'"* '^-^ i-<-:_s.2-..--..'.. i,:/.-; be;:;; Nostrums/:: L-.'.:.V:vv:-.::u-!j-; •vNojnore;are ypa required to pay.half-guineas ,torMedical advice!- You : are onlyto apply externally the abpm Balsard; pnee or twice; within twelve Hours,. as directed on each bottle; and you aie relieved. "-' '■" : :■ ■BEWARE-OFCOUJSTERFEITSI-" i' i!iV> ; None genuine unless doubly sealed, en Wrapper Wna?' !*%"¥ V^', J^fe? "^ft/^^f ysi S"4;'niy^najftireh oa.the green label oh tnebpttie.','- • "-': '■ '■■■'- '■''- 1 ;*' "■'-••'■■^J-"^M4E«rABD!:''-,V'■,:,-■*;:;";:■ :;/::5 I ",";;;■'' "WUlT)e'paidT)y;the^^Proprietor, to" . •;' '•" ;:1; . » •■provetpoo'nviciibnagainstany - ':': • !;:^f t -oukwo i\L.i'rperßon?counteHeHiri&.i' ; ■>^r: i 'm\; rSLESmG^R'S.RHEUitATIC'BAIiSAM.'..-.""i J I !X;?';''."":.nV!>'ii vi^^ !'^ o^r^^^^^^V^e?7W«J ''iß76V'r' ' MrSiesmger.-Dear.Sir-Ibegy9U will accept th.~, , my pubUc testimony to tha'efficacy of yourKheumatic Palsam. "During-'my recint l>un-" :ed|n,'l : had'a; apsoof gout, tor wHich I appUed aer; Batewn.:-. The first trial! gavel great relief, and after ski fewiappUcatipns, the.pomplaint altogether vahiahetL-j .Tjinsticgthis may Increase the consumption of yoatinfallible remedy.^3 remain.'youra, fkitbfiilly, 'j,-r, , \ \ ',./,,-,;'„.:.;'" 'L'^-:'.;'''V" ■■': :■".'' S .';Xi'B. seareb:" i '■',iJ''™'•,' '■ : :r 'l': l>«nedin,;November^s,lß7si !r:1 -. .Mr.Slesinger I .y^^v'h i y::^ . ,v: ; :.:- l \-'t ;.;;:.- .Dear Sir—Having suffered for along time froaiseVEra*" pain, in., my chest, .and latterly being more severely, afflicted, so.that i'cpuld not breathe without jnudkJ pain,' I sent for "a bottle1 of your Rheumatic Bilsaial' and after having"' rubbed it in as directed: the painsr ceased at once, and less than tbe bottle entirely' eurofc me.; I have felt quite well ever since.! .vf Vinfli ; I. mayjalsoadd ;that : ,qno: of my grooms, -WSHaai,Greon, Buffered', ifpm \ pain in his. side, hip, etc; H^; was unable •» worjc^Virhen he also" obtained aWttls iet yourßlieumatic'Balsam, and was cured by one or tw». ,'oppaaapng.-;v'.'-!:-'-.: ~^- :;:■■- ■> r ■-•■ ■■ • ■ ■:■ ■ "-'>■ -. :You,axe-as;ilibertytapublish thbforttebenefit '<& oJJier su2erers.of similar pams.—Yonra..very truly; iv? : -~: ';,;; -)■■-■„■ .> ; -ei>wari>brown;.-.-'..•.-.■-^Vf ! '..Manor Place. lyuii'eamjSSrdSeptembeirjiWs.*':"^ MrSleaingei'i-y.S.'i'; .'■■>■■■ -" :"'~---) -. ■: >i" \-\ :Sic— Your/Rheinnatic-Balsam deservea:to be widely- 1 knowm ißeing.lpnir a sufferer;:from rheumatid.pains? inthe^houldergia^idl having used your Balsam,; I, can* a Attain' cure.; r My "wife, also- suffered fronE" rheumatics for the last five years, and lesa than'qieS ;bdttle'offyour-Balsam has completely cured her. l?ahctc for which Bhe most heartily thanks you.—Yours, tegf ' : W:-:-: ■• .;<•:■■-:.■:■.■■•■>•■■'■:■;;.'■■■:'. ;r .JOHN PmSQIiB,1'J T- ; >:;■■ U ..;-••:-■'* : r> •':..•'/?:- Alffl JPMSOIitt/i:? fi 1 .'. ./^.'■f.;,^■.'^'■.^^"';Dußea^n,■ibthFe'b^aaw.iiß7&'■',^ Mr Slesinger; '.-. ".'.'':':■ '".:.,'- ■~:".. r '';:'; : ' Dear Sir-^I have much pleasure to' inform you Mit? .the Rheumatic Balsam I purchased from you has/aftef^ a few applications, entirely removed the pain .ans3 swelling from, my hand; and-1 cordially bear my testimony to the efficacy of your preparation, having trieds Beveral; other articles, but without euccessT—YoursC truly^ .-•'•-■'■■■' >;^-r'- -■■-•■■ ■ ■'■ -..--.-.■ ...•..-;■.'.•-.<*.*•* < ... ... ,- . . ..WILWAM HATMAHjiO"* VV s'%: -, v .' '• "•' : Qneenstown, 7th April, 187&*. Julius Wenkheim, Esq;.*Queonstpwn, :• j ' ; :.1-K ': Dear.Sir—ln.refereuco vo a conversation of to-day^i in which I related to you the very appreciable benefita I received from a small vial of Sleainger's Balsam before: it was advertised for its curative powers; • - - '/ r Irepcat, that three or. four'years'ago the vial "yon^ gave me; proved ,piost. ; emcacious" iu.curing—inTfactl^ eradicating—chronic attacks of lumbago, fromwhicfe* I had suffered. Ihave hardly ever since beon troubled,.* one applicatijn of- the Embrocation being sufficient todispel incipient jittacks:'; I also gave othersisdme o£, t,-and they-were alike benefited by it—Yours truly,- 1- • H. Maotebs, IlH.Ri;"'> !,;; ~ , .-. fcland Terrace, Port Chalmers,' ;.; ! ' ■"■• '" ■-"■.—.•• SeDtember27th, 1576J,,.; To Sfr Slesinger, V.S., '■'■,-'•- .'."*■.•>'" My Dear Sir—As I have been subject to rheuaatic* and lumbago forsome time past, and as the '-'p'resMj^ tiona heretofore accorded me gave me no relief, I was» induced to tiy. your Rheumatic Balsam, aad find oitertwo applications that it has cured me entirely. Er therefore effe'r. you rtia'testimonial asia token of gtati-t tude;'and exemplify to others"who may: bo;i similarly afflicted, tlie efficacy of jyour inestimahlct' Balsam—l remain," ypurs > ~&c,;': ~ , :^:-' ' ■.'i--ivhi ..:■.-•.?}-*-=■■.. --•.;■;; •.■-,•'.-:: ■■■ ' D. Kkrb,'- <A • r-.r -r -i,.'. :-..-, fK'd n -—*■.-'. ■■,■.-■-.•..• ■.' .;■ ■/:-iifA '.'~\ ..: Gooi^estreet,Dunedin,. -....., >?. ".'.'.'. ;•;■■ ;'; 23rdSeptember, 1875.'.,",' Mr:Slesingcr,Y.S;;'::':'.■"'■' : .' . ' '• . ■ "';.'■'.-;" Sir—lhave used your Rheumatic Balsam, and ca&' highly recommond all sufferera to try ifc I sufferecfc'' long from paitis in the- loins, arid in one application F.> felt free'from pain, and St to go about my usual avoM cation,. although. completely .prostrated for, weeksx beforehand.—Teunr,&«., ' :\^~'-l 2ten '■■•• '■ ,' '-■• ; . WnjiUM Carver " :\ II^EAJER^ROS., SALOMON; &rp4g ; -y; v;.HIGH STREET, DONEDIN, :r'--;-^ i-; WE.OLES,A;LE JEWELLJESS, ■ - ;h :J':':!i ';-"' t\;:'- ■■■■■- r :!;Ahd:: ?-: ',''.■■■ -■^'■y^:i.- ---; :/;. .•;/ '■'- '■ :"-.'r.'i. ' : v-" .■■-/■" 7.1-.V -of ■;■/: -•. :-"\.:]\ i^'y ■ WATCHES,. CLOCKS,:JSWELLERY, ELECEKOV ; yl :;;;;, : ■". ;jPlated:waee,.,.-■■;■; •;■,: ~?;f-- !■ Medicines, Perfumery^v'" ;,':■' Tobacooulßts r,WaVe,.Wax Vestas, Musical and ..,,.. is ..-'.'■ Optical' Instruments,' General Assort-.- :'"' r f ''■' rneuV Fancy' Goods, British and "V; '' f'!' . ■::• ..'■ : .■■:■■-■■:• ,-n-Foreign'":■ '"• ' i:'::': /j';;.'''o-*! ■ "" ':'■'■ : TOSiCpO ANT) CIGARS.: i-:J-^\ia: ; Chlka, Glass, Cabinet,! Brash; Basket, and liealbßi? -Ware, Berlin Wcwls,Toys, Baddlery, . ;; ;a '.- .;.; <:■'. '::■ ,'. ;.':■ &C: ' .-- v&C. ■-■-.-. y; i-> ...-/.r BEAVER- BROS., SALOMON^ arid ■QO><

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 4744, 2 May 1877, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4744, 2 May 1877, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4744, 2 May 1877, Page 4


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